What to look for in a GOOD Copywriter?

10 replies
I've been at this little IM thing a while now. Long enough to know what my strengths and weaknesses are. I know that copywriting for email campaigns and sales letters is definitely a weakness for me. I'm in the dog niche and actually have a good business model, but I need to find a good copywriter. There are literally hundreds though, just on WF.

What criteria should I use to look for one? Should I be asking to see testing results, copy, ect. What else?

Thanks to all the good minds here. And, yes, I know that I need to acquire this skill myself...and I am. But, I'd like to also hire someone that knows what they are doing.
#copywriter #good
  • Profile picture of the author James Clouser
    If I were looking for someone to outsource copy to (which I'm not), this is who I'd look for:

    - Someone who has a portfolio with tested sales/lead gen results
    - Who consistently delivers manuscripts on time (IMPORTANT)
    - Understands their place as a freelancer
    - Is a good fit with you on personality (confident, but not impossible to work with)
    - Captures all the information they need from you up-front, so they're not coming back a million times for more information
    - Has an "oh shit" checklist for the copy to make sure there's nothing missing or incorrect

    Hope this helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author Chriswrighto
    Someone who understands you and the business, with proven statistics.

    Wealthcopywriter.com :)

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  • Profile picture of the author The Copy Warriors


    I could go on a long rant about what makes a good writer and how to identify quality writing. It's true that some writers are new to the game and may be good even if they can't whip out a stack of split test images 8 miles high... But if you're not an experienced copywriter yourself, you should just stick to writers who can send dozens of winning A/B tests your way on request.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    I don't give out samples and I never will.

    All it does is encourage the El Cheapo crowd to try and "do it themselves". And Oh My Gosh. What they put together is a Frankenstein Monster of copy that turns on its creator.

    Results? Fine. Past clients? If you turn out to be a good fit, you can talk to them.

    But what I wrote for them has nothing to do with your business or situation.

    Also, they tend to get "creative" after a few months and add in this or that. Try to graft on something about a new product or service, or stick in some keyword they think is important now. Gross. You can literally see the train going off the rails by comparing before and after. I do not want my prospects seeing the amateur surgery my clients have done to an already-successful project. No Thank You. As soon as they get it, they own it; it's their property and not mine anymore.

    Never been a problem for a prospect who is truly serious about getting results. One or two conversations and we're started.

    The quality of the questions the writer asks you should easily determine the credibility you view them with.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
    Let's flip that question around...

    What does a copywriter look for in a GOOD client?

    In no particular order:

    Someone who has a really good product or service. Not something that's dime-a-dozen.

    Someone who comes to the table with a clear budget for copy, web/graphic design, video production and advertising.

    Someone who understands how to market, like driving incredibly targeted traffic and creating powerful JV's.

    Someone who always strives for transparency and communicates - without any BS.

    Someone who "shows up" during their discovery calls and gives as much as they can - to make absolutely certain the copywriter is armed with everything he or she needs to write effective copy.

    Someone who is readily available - at a moment's notice - to take their copywriter's call.

    Success is a two way street in this business.

    BOTH people (copywriter and client) need to come to the table knowing that.


    Speaking personally...

    If I don't have some sort of connection with you... and actually like you... I'd rather do nothing... than work on your project.

    Connection counts for a lot.

    A strong connection helps me feel your emotion and pour it into the copy.

    In terms of the other stuff, Brian's link is awesome.


    Do you want a 10 figure copywriter and biz owner to Write With You? I'll work with you and your team, on zoom. Discover More

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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Scott
    Something I haven't seen mentioned...

    A guy who sees the big picture of your business.

    It's not just one piece of copy or email...

    It's about taking in your entire business and where you're at... and expanding that vision.

    I know from the few discussions I've had with Mark he's pretty good at that stuff, for example.

    Look for someone who will help you grow as a business person.


    Always looking for badass direct-response copywriters. PM me if we don't know each other and you're looking for work.

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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Hill
    You may find Dan Kennedy's "7 Key Questions That Every Copywriter You Hire Must Be Able to Answer" to be useful. You can send away for it from here: 7 Questions
    Learn more - earn more: Books for Copywriters
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  • The first thing to remember is that copy is the smallest part of the equation.

    But it can of course make a big difference to your sales.

    If you have some good positioning in a hungry niche, even poor copy will sell something.

    The bottom line when you're looking should be results.

    They might talk a good talk and know a lot of stuff but if they can't show you solid proof of sales...then what is the point?

    If you were hiring a nanny to look after your kids tomorrow, would you check her references? would u want to know that she had done this job before and been good at it?
    "Peter Brennan is the real deal, In the first 12 hours we did $80k...and over $125k in the first week...if you want to be successful online, outsource your copywriting to Peter"
    Adam Linkenauger

    For 12 ways to sell more stuff to more people today...go to...www.peterbrennan.net
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