New site with help from Warrior Forum

3 replies

I've been busy creating a new site over the last few days, and finally it's up and running.

I'd like to thank every one on this forum, because you give so many ideas and help.

Special thanks to scheda (aka Chris Ramsey) as he basically wrote the headline.

Anyway, the site is www(dot)liberatinglife4u(dot)com. If you've got the time, I'd really appreciate your comments.

Thank you all.
#forum #site #warrior
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Ramsey
    Hey Lee,

    Thanks for the kind words!

    The biggest thing that I can recommend is to emphasize a few points you'd like to make with bolding, especially the bullets.

    The bullets you created a really good and the visitors will love them. So make sure that their eyes are drawn to them after they read the first couple lines.

    I think this'll really help you out.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
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      • Profile picture of the author lharding
        Thank you for your feedback and kind words! I will certainly make those changes, in fact I'll do it right now!

        I'd just like to mention a BIG THANK YOU also to Neil Morgan for helping me out with the Autoresponder!

        What a great bunch of people frequent this forum.
        Thanks again, Lee.
        Lee Harding
        The Architect
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