by max5ty
37 replies
Strong warning: This contains my personal views. Your views may differ. Please feel free to voice your opinion.

I've spent almost 40 years studying hypnosis. The study took me to places I never imagined.

We call them secret societies. Not really secret because we know about them. What most don't know is the secrets they teach. Virtually all of them teach the secret of life. And the secret of life is reincarnation. All the original texts of ancient writing taught it.

Way back about the time of the pyramids, we have the first documented proof from ancient writings of what we now call a secret society.

Was a ritual that took several years to complete and ended up in the great pyramid with the person enduring 3 1/2 days in total darkness. After the ordeal they were then considered to be immortal because they understood the secret of life.

On top of the pyramid, was an object that was fashioned exactly like the arc of the covenant (it's missing now), same dimensions and everything as the one mentioned in Biblical texts...only the pyramid one came way before.

Light would shine down from the sun through the object and cause what appeared to be a snake. Like the ones used in the medical emblems. Well, when the sun moved in the sky, the snake would seem to move. All the ancient letters, 22 of them, that were used to write the original Torah were taken from the parts. Which by the way are why there's 22 tarot cards, each one representing one of the letters. All the letters also have a harmonic balance. It would take too long to go into though.

Anyways, all this secret society stuff and all these ancient writings had one thing in common...they all pretty much advocated getting in touch with your inner self...and the way to do that was through hypnosis, or as many consider it, meditation, which would awaken the subconscious.

Only one problem. You can't go from beginner meditation to advanced meditation without training. Men and women have gone stark raving mad and even died while trying to learn too much too soon.

So what does all this have to do with copywriting?

Your eyes have cones and rods that allow you to see things.

Video is used so much because people can see images with their eyes because of the cones and rods that make all this possible.

Pineal gland.

A gland in your brain that actually has rods and cones.

Rods and cones are for seeing. Why would a gland in your brain contain them?

Thus we have the ancient writings...and this is what is referred to as a third eye. It sees things that are within your thoughts. Ancient writing says it can see up, down, left and right. Now remember, this was all before science actually identified it.

That's where (some) copywriters shine.

If you (like me) believe this isn't our first go around in life, it's important to focus not only on what the current situation is, but to also focus on what we've been through before.

Our "third eye" can see things we can't. It gives us a signal.

If you're a copywriter that is just trying to throw some stuff together, most can tell...

reason why some stuff sells big while others bomb.

I've seen crappy sales letters make a fortune, while big dollar ones fail.

Once you understand people, and where they've been in the past in relation to what you're selling, you'll hit home runs.

You need to write material that our "third eye" can see.

It takes practice.

I'll go into more detail on how to do it in a future post.
#ancient #stuff
  • Profile picture of the author pewpewpewmonkeys
    I'll go into more detail on how to do it in a future post.
    Oh please do. And don't gloss over the important details.
    Some cause-oriented hackers recently hacked one of my websites. So I researched what they're about and then donated a large sum of money to the entity they hate the most.

    The next time they hack one of my websites I'm going to donate DOUBLE.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9417713].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author perryny
      SWEET! Max5ty's Back! This place was getting too quiet.

      Max5ty, you back for a while, or do we just get those final two posts till you hit that 1000 mark?

      Glad to see you.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9417769].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author max5ty
        Originally Posted by perryny View Post

        SWEET! Max5ty's Back! This place was getting too quiet.

        Max5ty, you back for a while, or do we just get those final two posts till you hit that 1000 mark?

        Glad to see you.
        LOL, thanks.

        Actually I'm almost finished with this book I was writing. Took way too long to finish.

        Stuff that will actually blow most peoples minds. Crazy stuff that doesn't seem real.

        I give a mantra that will cause everything around you to's ancient stuff that was hidden from everyone.

        I'll send you a free copy when it's ready.

        Thanks for your good words.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9417827].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Cool Hand Luke
          Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

          LOL, thanks.

          Actually I'm almost finished with this book I was writing. Took way too long to finish.

          Stuff that will actually blow most peoples minds. Crazy stuff that doesn't seem real.

          I give a mantra that will cause everything around you to's ancient stuff that was hidden from everyone.

          I'll send you a free copy when it's ready.

          Thanks for your good words.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9417868].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author max5ty
            Originally Posted by Cool Hand Luke View Post

            I'm guessing that means you don't like me?
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9417878].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author max5ty

    care to tell us how to do it?

    Like most on this forum, you're broke.

    I'm not.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9417886].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Cool Hand Luke
      Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      I'm guessing that means you don't like me?
      Originally Posted by max5ty View Post


      care to tell us how to do it?

      Like most on this forum, you're broke.

      I'm not.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9417903].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author max5ty
        Originally Posted by Cool Hand Luke View Post

        Guess I'll just appreciate your comments for being you.

        Don't understand them, but thanks for giving your feedback.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9417951].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Romeo Corbes
    thank you for this article.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9417965].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Romeo Corbes View Post

      thank you for this article.

      I'll send you a free copy as soon as my book is released.

      Appreciate your kindness.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9418025].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
    Glad you wrote your book. Looking forward to reading it.

    Do you want a 10 figure copywriter and biz owner to Write With You? I'll work with you and your team, on zoom. Discover More

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9418080].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Cam Connor
    Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

    We call them secret societies. Not really secret because we know about them. What most don't know is the secrets they teach. Virtually all of them teach the secret of life. And the secret of life is reincarnation.


    I'll go into more detail on how to do it in a future post.
    I was wondering what they meant when they chizzled "Solve me, or die", now I get the joke.

    Anyways, looking forward to it...

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9418452].message }}
  • Let me have a think…

    What if we wanted some entertainment, conspiracy theories, mysticism, magic tricks (it's a family thing), unbelievable arrogance (just ignore that stuff), contrarian views, mass displays of wanton wealth (planes included) and some solid gold nuggets of info?

    Who would we call?

    It must be our old pal Max.

    Welcome back.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9418610].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Cam Connor
      Originally Posted by Steve The Copywriter View Post

      Let me have a think…

      What if we wanted some entertainment, conspiracy theories, mysticism, magic tricks (it's a family thing), unbelievable arrogance (just ignore that stuff), contrarian views, mass displays of wanton wealth (planes included) and some solid gold nuggets of info?

      Who would we call?

      It must be our old pal Max.

      Welcome back.

      To be fair, max also contribues a lot of value to this forum.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9418624].message }}
  • True Cam, very true.


    P.S. It's often a fatal flaw when copywriters turn up the "I'm a f****** arrogant so and so - take it or leave it" volume.

    Most clients leave it and spend their cash somewhere often anywhere else.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9418662].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author CaliCopy
    Wow, I have just been researching the 22
    letters myself and would love to learn more.

    They are said to correlate with the 22 trump
    cards of the tarot deck. I'm not into divination
    but the meaning of the cards themselves, I
    find fascinating.

    I've heard that they represent major archetypes.
    As a copy writer, I think it's cool to understand
    the primal symbolism the reoccurs throughout

    It reminds me of the hero's journey and the different
    struggles that a person goes through in transforming
    from loser to hero.

    That kind of story line and symbolism seems to
    attract a lot of people and can be used in writing
    sales materials.

    Can't wait to see more of your findings!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9418679].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Memetics
      Originally Posted by CaliCopy View Post

      I've heard that they represent major archetypes.
      As a copy writer, I think it's cool to understand
      the primal symbolism the reoccurs throughout

      It reminds me of the hero's journey and the different
      struggles that a person goes through in transforming
      from loser to hero. -CaliCopy
      Have you looked at Jungian Archetypes before? They're a sort of "Memory" that you're born with that the human brain has evolved to give you a framework to build beliefs upon.

      If you're using a story narrative in your copy then incorporating some archetypes within disables the prospects critical factor even more.

      First we believe.....then we consider.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9423508].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author CaliCopy
        I've looked into his idea of the
        archetypes recently. It comes up
        when trying to figure out these
        Hebrew letter meanings.

        I'm starting to think I should pay
        more attention to archetypes when
        writing copy now. There are so many
        ways to write..

        When you mentioned the critical factor,
        is that the same concept used in
        hypnosis? Where the hypnotist bypasses
        the critical factor to give suggestions
        to the unconscious?

        Just typing this out is giving me some
        great ideas for my next copy project!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9423900].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Cam Connor
        Originally Posted by Memetics View Post

        Have you looked at Jungian Archetypes before? They're a sort of "Memory" that you're born with that the human brain has evolved to give you a framework to build beliefs upon.

        If you're using a story narrative in your copy then incorporating some archetypes within disables the prospects critical factor even more.
        That sounds interesting, could you post more information?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9424004].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author max5ty
        Originally Posted by Memetics View Post

        Have you looked at Jungian Archetypes before? They're a sort of "Memory" that you're born with that the human brain has evolved to give you a framework to build beliefs upon.

        If you're using a story narrative in your copy then incorporating some archetypes within disables the prospects critical factor even more.
        Yes, that's interesting stuff.

        I really shouldn't fault someone when they consider some of this stuff quackery. There's a lot of it out there. A lot of theories. But there's some good stuff also.

        I've always studied the great men and women in the world that have achieved great things. One of the common themes I kept seeing time after time was their study of this stuff. They didn't write a lot about it, but it's out there if you look for it. So I consider myself in good company.

        Tesla and Einstein come to mind immediately with their study of ancient things that they claimed helped in their success.

        There's just so much, and it goes so deep that a post just can't begin to cover the magnitude of things you can learn.

        Anyone that's selling something always wants to understand people. You can't understand others until you understand yourself. We're all connected.

        We've all seen the sales letters that try and sell, but we should all know it's easier to sell when you simply allow someone to buy. A reader that is allowed to sell themselves is the easiest sale. If you've got a good headline and someone lands on your page, chances are pretty good they're looking to get what you have. Problem is most of the time you end up chasing them away. If all you're studying is how to pair words or phrases, you're spinning your wheels. It's always the human factor that's a game changer.

        Sometimes we do a video or sales page and think it's great if we make 50 thousand. The big guys are making millions and millions and millions off their products...and as I posted before, they're hiring top scientists, etc. to help them.

        If what I posted sparks something in you and sounds interesting, look into it. There's free stuff on google you can study if your resources are limited.

        If it's not something that sounds worth your while, hopefully you find other topics to study that will help you continue to learn.

        Thanks for all the comments.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9426410].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author CaliCopy
          Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

          Yes, that's interesting stuff.

          I really shouldn't fault someone when they consider some of this stuff quackery. There's a lot of it out there. A lot of theories. But there's some good stuff also.

          I've always studied the great men and women in the world that have achieved great things. One of the common themes I kept seeing time after time was their study of this stuff. They didn't write a lot about it, but it's out there if you look for it. So I consider myself in good company.

          Tesla and Einstein come to mind immediately with their study of ancient things that they claimed helped in their success.

          There's just so much, and it goes so deep that a post just can't begin to cover the magnitude of things you can learn.

          Anyone that's selling something always wants to understand people. You can't understand others until you understand yourself. We're all connected.

          We've all seen the sales letters that try and sell, but we should all know it's easier to sell when you simply allow someone to buy. A reader that is allowed to sell themselves is the easiest sale. If you've got a good headline and someone lands on your page, chances are pretty good they're looking to get what you have. Problem is most of the time you end up chasing them away. If all you're studying is how to pair words or phrases, you're spinning your wheels. It's always the human factor that's a game changer.

          Sometimes we do a video or sales page and think it's great if we make 50 thousand. The big guys are making millions and millions and millions off their products...and as I posted before, they're hiring top scientists, etc. to help them.

          If what I posted sparks something in you and sounds interesting, look into it. There's free stuff on google you can study if your resources are limited.

          If it's not something that sounds worth your while, hopefully you find other topics to study that will help you continue to learn.

          Thanks for all the comments.

          Have you looked into the tree of
          life and the corresponding Hebrew
          letters? I've been trying to figure
          out the archetypal meanings behind
          it for a while.

          I've heard that when you learn
          the tree it becomes some sort of filing system
          that you can use to enhance your
          understanding of archetypes and how
          they interact with one another.

          What are your thoughts?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9426567].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author max5ty
            Originally Posted by CaliCopy View Post

            Have you looked into the tree of
            life and the corresponding Hebrew
            letters? I've been trying to figure
            out the archetypal meanings behind
            it for a while.

            I've heard that when you learn
            the tree it becomes some sort of filing system
            that you can use to enhance your
            understanding of archetypes and how
            they interact with one another.

            What are your thoughts?
            I have CaliCopy but I don't want to get too far off topic for this forum.

            But real quick, you can google flower of life and study it and you'll find what you mentioned is contained in it as well as a lot of other interesting things.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9426619].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JamesDLayton
    Does this have any connection to Twin Flames and the number 11?

    "We are what we think about
    all day long." - Earl Nightingale
    One of the easiest transformations I ever undertook as a copywriter was reading that quote every day.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9423083].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JamesDLayton
    Or the work of Joseph Campbell? I studied him during my BBC days.

    "We are what we think about
    all day long." - Earl Nightingale
    One of the easiest transformations I ever undertook as a copywriter was reading that quote every day.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9423089].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jdchis2
    This is some very interesting stuff, and provides a unique way to think about copywriting. It'd be great to think about how we all as copywriters could use this to analyze what makes great copy as good as it is on a different level.

    Appreciate the post, and look forward to reading the book when it comes out!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9423943].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
    Ancient Knowledge was (and is) often presented via Cryptic ways; pictograms, symbols, hieroglyphic, codes...etc.

    Because of two reasons.

    1. They killed the enlightened ones. Hung them on crosses, made them drink poison, tortured, beheaded, imprisoned and generally THEY hated them. The THEY being the power of the day who jealously guarded his power like a copywriter guards his/her secrets (up until they spill their guts to make a dime or two...HA!)...

    2. Pearls before swine. Pigs will eat anything, they don't know you have to wear them around your neck. Sometimes, this forum seems...oh never mind that.

    But probably the most surprising thing about my time spent with Joe Karbo, and I doubt if too many of you will argue about Joe's copywriting skills, eh?...

    was we spent most of our time talking about boats, ships and the Navy and about Metaphysics.

    His great ad about Lazy Man's Way to Riches made Joe a multi-millionaire. and the subject of Mail Order and ads was a BIG thing in the 70's.

    The book had two parts, the first about the mail order biz and the second was on Dyna-Psych, Joe's The Secret.

    He had a favorite book by Robert Collier, NOT the letters book, which he had...but the Collier book, Secret of the Ages.

    My point is, max50ty is not as "far out" there in the universe as one might be first inclined to think. But many of the great copywriters, and millionaires I have worked with have studied ancient secrets and rarely discuss it in public.

    UNDERSTANDING human behavior and motivation is a foundation to build on but...

    taking this KNOWLEDGE to the real world and applying it, well...

    it is USING what you know, and adapting and adjusting what you know in the great general universe ...and applying it to the individual world your would be customer lives in...inside their own little bubble of preoccupation not even knowing or caring how great you are at persuading them...

    AND, if done right, they never will...all the while drawing their own conclusion they were very smart indeed, to have invested in your offers...

    So, would be copywriters, use all your powers, even those ancient, hidden and if need be, the CRYPTIC ones to help your target get what they want.

    Thanks Max, now back to my rice and papyrus scrolls.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9427868].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Cam Connor
      Great post gjabiz. Wish I could thank it more than once.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9428566].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Cam Connor
      Originally Posted by gjabiz View Post

      So, would be copywriters, use all your powers, even those ancient, hidden and if need be, the CRYPTIC ones to help your target get what they want.
      Btw, I think there needs to be a product about this: Ancient knowledge as applied to Copywriting. Are there any out there like this?

      I heard of Robert Collier long before I heard of the Letter Book btw, I was surprised he did a book on Copywriting at that point. lulz
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9428576].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author max5ty
        Originally Posted by Cam Connor View Post

        Btw, I think there needs to be a product about this: Ancient knowledge as applied to Copywriting. Are there any out there like this?
        There ya go Cam, you've got a spark of an idea.

        Don't know if there's any books out there that are exclusive to copywriting. Wouldn't matter if there was really. There's lots of books written on the same subject. There's lots of grocery stores that sell the same stuff. Lots of gas stations, some all on opposite corners. Lots of books on dieting...lots and lots and lots of books on dieting.

        It's all in the marketing. The one that's best at marketing wins.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9428712].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Cam Connor
          Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

          There ya go Cam, you've got a spark of an idea.

          Don't know if there's any books out there that are exclusive to copywriting. Wouldn't matter if there was really. There's lots of books written on the same subject. There's lots of grocery stores that sell the same stuff. Lots of gas stations, some all on opposite corners. Lots of books on dieting...lots and lots and lots of books on dieting.

          It's all in the marketing. The one that's best at marketing wins.
          Yea, it would be mostly for entertainment purposes.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9428787].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
        Originally Posted by Cam Connor View Post

        Btw, I think there needs to be a product about this: Ancient knowledge as applied to Copywriting. Are there any out there like this?

        I heard of Robert Collier long before I heard of the Letter Book btw, I was surprised he did a book on Copywriting at that point. lulz
        One of the best "superficial" in-depths look at the subject as regards persuasion (and copywriting) is...

        The Blair Warren tome; Forbidden Keys to Persuasion. It is (in my opinion) a highly encrypted work, great for the content it delivers, but, the between the lines information, really should be forbidden.

        Besides creating vocabulary, some super REframing of some ancient knowledge, it is very practical and useful info for the newcomer too.

        Not as "insane" as some of the Wallace Ward (Frank Wallace) nor the early works of L. Ron Hubbard...but, it is gold for the persuader student.

        Zon Power, like so many neo thoughts have risen out of the Ayn Rand works, which Dan Kennedy is a huge proponent of...

        My opinion is, such a work as you suggest would have to be superficial in nature, because most just don't have the depth of knowledge or training (in thinking) to make it practical. But, if it were along the lines of Forbidden Keys, it would receive a warm reception.


        PS. I think Blair Warren knows more than he will ever tell, and if you can get your hands on a copy of Forbidden Keys, email me, we'll discuss the hidden messages.

        OH, there have been (and still are) people in Gov't who have been for over 70 years studying the work of Nazi propagandists and their "research doctors" ( including the Russians). Men not only stared at goats, they did astral travel...OK, call it Remote Viewing and make thousands of dollars teaching the principles you found in a 95 cent paperback in the 60's.

        Speaking of Kennedy, he did acquire the rights to the Maxwell Maltz work, Psycho-Cybernetics. The general premise is, the difference between an imagined experience and a real one to the brain.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9429007].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Cam Connor
          Originally Posted by gjabiz View Post

          One of the best "superficial" in-depths look at the subject as regards persuasion (and copywriting) is...

          The Blair Warren tome; Forbidden Keys to Persuasion. It is (in my opinion) a highly encrypted work, great for the content it delivers, but, the between the lines information, really should be forbidden.

          Besides creating vocabulary, some super REframing of some ancient knowledge, it is very practical and useful info for the newcomer too.

          Not as "insane" as some of the Wallace Ward (Frank Wallace) nor the early works of L. Ron Hubbard...but, it is gold for the persuader student.

          Zon Power, like so many neo thoughts have risen out of the Ayn Rand works, which Dan Kennedy is a huge proponent of...

          My opinion is, such a work as you suggest would have to be superficial in nature, because most just don't have the depth of knowledge or training (in thinking) to make it practical. But, if it were along the lines of Forbidden Keys, it would receive a warm reception.


          PS. I think Blair Warren knows more than he will ever tell, and if you can get your hands on a copy of Forbidden Keys, email me, we'll discuss the hidden messages.

          OH, there have people in Gov't for over 70 years studying the work of Nazi propagandists (and including the Russians). Men not only stared at goats, they did astral travel...OK, call it Remote Viewing and make thousands of dollars teaching the principles you found in a 95 cent paperback in the 60's.
          Wow, that sounds insane, I'll have to check that out. I'm a HUGE fan of Ayn Rand's (just see my profile).

          And yea, I agree it would be mostly for entertainment purposes. Just fun to read stuff like the Flower of Life books Max mentioned (though those have some practical stuff in them as well I believe).
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9429023].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by gjabiz View Post

      Thanks Max, now back to my rice and papyrus scrolls.
      Hey, I think you let me see one of those!

      I'm guessing if you and Joe talked a lot about ships and all, you probably talked about the Philadelphia Experiment. I think it's still debated whether or not it really happened?

      It's amazing how those like you and your friend Joe Karbo sold 10s of thousands of books...all before the internet. It was almost entirely from ads that cost real money...and usually big money. Many sold during some rough times. Times when money was tight and every nickel was important. Guys willing to put their money where their mouth is so to speak. Guys that would be beside themselves with excitement if they had the internet like we have now.

      Nowadays you can throw up a website, pay 10 bucks for a name, and you're in business...and yet there's many that can't give away a free report.

      In Napoleon Hills book, "Think And Grow Rich", his last chapter is an interesting one. It's where he talks about his meditative meetings with great people who lived before him..some of the stuff I was getting at. I think his book has sold over 70 million copies to date.

      Studying new things not only helps your creativity, but also sparks your imagination. Imagination is important.

      A few months ago I noticed every time I watched a certain commercial I was hearing what seemed like my cell phone alerting me to a new text message, even though the commercial wasn't about cell phones.

      I started looking into the whole concept behind sound effects and the music that's used for background in commercials. There actually is a science behind it. It was a whole world I hadn't ever considered. Figured it could be the missing link in video sales letters. I read a couple posts where someone mentioned using music in their sales letters, but they hadn't the slightest clue what worked and why...and how to use it. Good stuff. But once again, it's being willing to learn things beyond the usual rehashed stuff that gets sold.

      Oh well, sorry to ramble on.

      Thanks for your post, they're always interesting.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
    The metaphysical creates the physical.

    Everything that's seen is first invisible.

    "Open your eyes... and look within."

    If you want to observe people, beyond psychology and superficial emotion... you've gotta understand where they are on their spiritual journey.


    Do you want a 10 figure copywriter and biz owner to Write With You? I'll work with you and your team, on zoom. Discover More

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9428684].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Mark Pescetti View Post

      The metaphysical creates the physical.

      Everything that's seen is first invisible.

      "Open your eyes... and look within."

      If you want to observe people, beyond psychology and superficial emotion... you've gotta understand where they are on their spiritual journey.

      What kind of nonsense is this?

      Lol, just kidding Mark. I agree.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9428716].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Well, gee, Max - seems like people in this forum know you. I don't. Hello. Interesting subject you have here. I hold the Egyptian attitude of "becoming" very closely.

    Does your book cover how our pineal gland is becoming calcified and how to dissolve that problem? Not much is going to help people who have a calcified "third eye" and pineal gland calcification is a major problem in our toxic chemical laced world - especially where they dump sodium fluoride in the water.

    Anyhow - your subject is extremely interesting to me on levels that have nothing to do with "secret societies" or "conspiracy theory".

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9429378].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JamesDLayton
    Coming from a film makers perspective. Has anyone noticed the same emotional arc in the basic 12 step sales letter template and a GOOD screenplay? The Golden Bough, The Heroes Journey etc. Creepily similar how the hero story (which EVERY movie is based on to a degree) is almost identical to the emotional arc of the sales letter. It's almost as if YOU the writer is taking THEM the prospect on that hero's journey. Indeed when one makes a purchase of any kind we all feel a little triumphant. That we are bettering ourselves. Maybe the pure essence of sales copy is to unlock the hero feeling in every prospect.

    Just a thought.

    "We are what we think about
    all day long." - Earl Nightingale
    One of the easiest transformations I ever undertook as a copywriter was reading that quote every day.
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