Ancient Stuff...
I've spent almost 40 years studying hypnosis. The study took me to places I never imagined.
We call them secret societies. Not really secret because we know about them. What most don't know is the secrets they teach. Virtually all of them teach the secret of life. And the secret of life is reincarnation. All the original texts of ancient writing taught it.
Way back about the time of the pyramids, we have the first documented proof from ancient writings of what we now call a secret society.
Was a ritual that took several years to complete and ended up in the great pyramid with the person enduring 3 1/2 days in total darkness. After the ordeal they were then considered to be immortal because they understood the secret of life.
On top of the pyramid, was an object that was fashioned exactly like the arc of the covenant (it's missing now), same dimensions and everything as the one mentioned in Biblical texts...only the pyramid one came way before.
Light would shine down from the sun through the object and cause what appeared to be a snake. Like the ones used in the medical emblems. Well, when the sun moved in the sky, the snake would seem to move. All the ancient letters, 22 of them, that were used to write the original Torah were taken from the parts. Which by the way are why there's 22 tarot cards, each one representing one of the letters. All the letters also have a harmonic balance. It would take too long to go into though.
Anyways, all this secret society stuff and all these ancient writings had one thing in common...they all pretty much advocated getting in touch with your inner self...and the way to do that was through hypnosis, or as many consider it, meditation, which would awaken the subconscious.
Only one problem. You can't go from beginner meditation to advanced meditation without training. Men and women have gone stark raving mad and even died while trying to learn too much too soon.
So what does all this have to do with copywriting?
Your eyes have cones and rods that allow you to see things.
Video is used so much because people can see images with their eyes because of the cones and rods that make all this possible.
Pineal gland.
A gland in your brain that actually has rods and cones.
Rods and cones are for seeing. Why would a gland in your brain contain them?
Thus we have the ancient writings...and this is what is referred to as a third eye. It sees things that are within your thoughts. Ancient writing says it can see up, down, left and right. Now remember, this was all before science actually identified it.
That's where (some) copywriters shine.
If you (like me) believe this isn't our first go around in life, it's important to focus not only on what the current situation is, but to also focus on what we've been through before.
Our "third eye" can see things we can't. It gives us a signal.
If you're a copywriter that is just trying to throw some stuff together, most can tell...
reason why some stuff sells big while others bomb.
I've seen crappy sales letters make a fortune, while big dollar ones fail.
Once you understand people, and where they've been in the past in relation to what you're selling, you'll hit home runs.
You need to write material that our "third eye" can see.
It takes practice.
I'll go into more detail on how to do it in a future post.
The next time they hack one of my websites I'm going to donate DOUBLE.
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First we believe.....then we consider.
all day long." - Earl Nightingale
all day long." - Earl Nightingale
Do you want a 10 figure copywriter and biz owner to Write With You? I'll work with you and your team, on zoom. Discover More
When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
Beyond the Path
all day long." - Earl Nightingale