I'm a native Chinese supplier. I can answer your questions regarding sourcing from China

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Hi, my name is Vincent Qin. I'm a native Chinese. I have a family-owned gemstone factory in China. I have been in the import & export business for more than 10 years. I'm also a practice Chinese lawyer. I'm experienced in doing international business, sourcing & selling products, marketing and so on.

I can answer any questions you may have regarding sourcing from China, import & export and marketing etc., to the extent of my knowledge and experience.

Three or four years ago I found this forum by chance and became a member. I sold physical products. I remember that Warrior Forum had no place like this one to discuss eCommerce & physical products when I became a member back in 2011. It was pitty that due to my heavier and heavier workload, I haven't logged in for the past two years.

With the expansion of my business and the helps from more and more freelancers, I was able to get some free time to do something that interest me most. I visited Warrior Forum again, and I was so surprised to find that Warrior Forum already had a place to discuss physical products, wholesales and dropshipping. What a great progress! What interests me most is that when I was just about to import more (due to the appreciation of the Chinese currency, RMB), I found that almost everyone here are talking about drop shipping and importing from China, which happens to be my expertise.

I'm willing to help other warriors in this forum, just like what others had done to me when I was only a newbie (I'm so thankful to Warrior Forum about this). I also hope to get a chance to expand my export business through helping others, and to get the chance of working with a bunch of amazing talents/gurus together to do something big. Hope this will come true
#dropship #gemstone #sourcing #supplier #wholesale
  • Profile picture of the author xembergg
    Profile picture of xembergg
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    How will dropshipping work from china to other countries, i am planning to do a similar one anytime soon.
    • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
      Profile picture of vincentqin
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      Originally Posted by xembergg View Post

      How will dropshipping work from china to other countries, i am planning to do a similar one anytime soon.
      It's a big question. There are so many topics to discuss for the drop shipping in China. We are not able to cover all aspects without one or more E-books.

      Basically, like drop shipping of other countries, after receiving your order, the Chinese drop shippers will:
      • Source the product (if the drop shipper is a manufacturer of that product himself, this step will be skipped);
      • Attach the Private Label to the product as per your request;
      • Notify the forwarder to ship the product to the address designated by you.

      The above is a general response to your question since I don't know what your specific concerns are. I suggest that you can put your major focus on issues like the following, and do more researches:
      • Where can I find one or more good Chinese drop shippers?
      • How will Chinese drop shippers handle my orders?
      • How can I ensure the drop shippers to meet the requirements on quality?
      • How will they ship my shipments? How do I know they can deliver on time?
      • Profile picture of the author JDSalinger
        Profile picture of JDSalinger
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi Vincent,

        How much customization can one expect from Chinese manufacturers without incurring the extra costs of getting a new mold or other larger manufacturing costs? For example, if they see a product on Alibaba and want to make some changes to it to make it a bigger product? What are the types of things that a Chinese manufacturer can do for small costs? What are the types of things they are unwilling to do? Also, what type of MOQ (minimum order quantities) would Chinese manufacturers require with these kinds of customizations?
        Finally, which sites do you recommend that Westerners use to reach Chinese manufacturers?
        • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
          Profile picture of vincentqin
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          Hi JDSalinger

          It mainly depends on what product you are sourcing. Basically, customization of products which are made by auto machines in large quantity usually involve molding cost or other large manufacturing costs, and a larger MOQ; and hand-made products, on the other hand, will usually cause no molding fee or other large manufacturing costs, and lower MOQ.

          For example, I export plastic hangers and other plastic products to super markets etc.. For plastic products, even a small change of the existing product (1cm shorter in length for example) will incur an extra molding cost, because the only way we can change the product is to change the mold and produce the new product through the new mold. I supply custom cut gemstones (shapes, sizes and colors designated by customer) too. For this product, there won't be a mold cost, since the custom cut gemstones are usually hand-cut, without incurring large extra molding cost. Another example is a custom designed jewelry.

          As to what types of customization a Chinese manufacturer is willing or unwilling to do - in general, money talks - the manufacturer is always trying to satisfy you, as long as you have the budget 

          And yes, there are still circumstances that the manufacturer is not willing to customize the product for you, such as: hard to source the raw material required by you; hard to meet your quality requirements; too small margin left to the manufacturer comparing to the time & effort he'll have to cost, etc.

          As to the sites for westerners to reach Chinese manufacturers:

          - For large buyers requiring quality delivery, globalsources.com and made-in-china.com may be better choices comparing to other candidates.
          - Small buyers can check "wholesale" products on sites like ebay, aliexpress and dhgate etc. for low cost products in small quantities.

          I found that all buyers are talking about how to find the manufacturer and get the best price. In my opinion, the best price does not guarantee the best result of your whole business. If you are not a large firm, or you are just running online business with limited budget, the most important factors to consider shall not include the product cost - although it's absolutely an important factor.

          I source many things myself - no one can produce all products that the customers want. I use sourcing agents in many cases. Many multinational companies hire local person to act as their sourcing agents too. A manufacturer is not a guarantee of the best delivery; sourcing agents with good communication & bargaining skills, insights in the industry and professional ethics might be able to bring you the best result. I myself is thinking over this too and planning to do something in the future.

          Originally Posted by JDSalinger View Post

          Hi Vincent,

          How much customization can one expect from Chinese manufacturers without incurring the extra costs of getting a new mold or other larger manufacturing costs? For example, if they see a product on Alibaba and want to make some changes to it to make it a bigger product? What are the types of things that a Chinese manufacturer can do for small costs? What are the types of things they are unwilling to do? Also, what type of MOQ (minimum order quantities) would Chinese manufacturers require with these kinds of customizations?
          Finally, which sites do you recommend that Westerners use to reach Chinese manufacturers?
          • Profile picture of the author JDSalinger
            Profile picture of JDSalinger
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            Thank you for your response above Vincent. I have a few followup questions if you have the time.

            1. What type of materials would then require molds and which ones would not? I understand that metal and plastic products would require a mold. I am guessing rubber may? What would be some others? Also, I am then assuming that something that is made out of fabric like say a backpack or wood like say a piece of furniture would then fall into the customized category as it would not require a mold? What other types of products would not require a mold? Also, how does it normally cost to get a mold done? What factors impact the price?

            2. I would be a smaller buyer looking to have about 200 to 300 pieces created to start that I would then want to have 1,500 to 5,000 pieces made on reorders. On most of the training material I have read, they suggest using Alibaba and TTNet instead of the sites you have listed. Do you think these sites are the best ones to target under these circumstances, if not which one would you suggest?

            3. You mention sourcing agents. I think that is a great idea if they can be affordable. How much does it cost to get a good sourcing agent and where would one go to find one? How could a new, smaller buyer like myself take advantage of this aspect? For example, could you find such help on a part time basis?
            • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
              Profile picture of vincentqin
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              Hi JDsalinger,

              1. That's a big question, requiring expertise in all product lines. The best person to answer this question is the one you are buying that specific product from. As far as I know, besides all those you mentioned, glass products usually require molds. But I think you are not getting this in the right direction. For example, a toy car is a combination of many parts (metal parts, plastic parts, etc.) and if you want to change the shapes of all those parts, that will require tens or hundreds of molds. No one will do that. Usually we only change the profile/appearance of that toy car. Also, the mold cost will vary from tens of dollars to thousands of dollars.

              I think your concerns should not focus on what kind of products will require a mold. In fact, a "mold fee" does not necessarily mean the "fee for a mold" of a product requiring a mold. I'm not a native English speaker but I guess "minimum fee" may be more appropriate to describe the "mold fee" in some cases. It's hard to explain it in details without a long article. But you can get the picture: let's use your example of wood furniture since I export wood furniture and doors too. That's correct that no mold will be needed for the wood furniture. But imagine if the manufacturer can produce 1000 pcs of a regular wood furniture (a jewelry box for example) and sell it at $1 per piece, he can get an income of $1000 a day. Now you ask him to make a custom box for which he will have to spend half of the day to change the settings of the machines and 1/4 of the day to reorganize the production process. It comes out that he can only produce 250 piece of the custom box for that day. In this case and to cover his loss, he may charge you $4 per pc for the 250pcs; or he may charge you a "mold fee" of $750 and then sell the 250 custom box to you at $1. Of course, if your order for the custom product is 100,000pcs, the impact to the price will be very limited - the time wasted remains 3/4 day and for the rest 99 days he can still produce 1000pcs of the custom box as usual. We can be flexible regarding the "mold fee" and I always use different strategies in negotiation to help myself and my clients to get a good deal.

              2. Without knowing your specific products, I'm not able to help on this question. 200 to 300 pieces may be a big order for certain products, but a very small order for other products. You can PM me the products if you need more info from me.

              The reason I mention globalsources.com and made-in-china.com is that for big and serious orders, you may get better chance to find a good manufacturer on such plat forms comparing to Alibaba. Alibaba advertise too much in China and too many suppliers go there without enough preparation for international business. I have no idea of TTnet. You may also choose to start your business by sourcing from ebay, Dhgate, aliexpress, and JD at higher prices and with less margin - this can help you to get experience in a simple way, although there may be not much margin.

              It seems that you have not used those platforms whether mentioned by me or by other material to find suppliers? Trust me, the best way to find your suppliers is to do it, to try to communicate with them. You can tell the good from the bad after you get enough experiences. But at present, you have to earn those experiences.

              3. Sourcing agent:

              I know there are many people insist in finding a "real" manufacturer. It's also a good choice if you have the ability to ensure that you can always get a better price from the manufacturer and your communication with the manufacturer is always good and the orders are always carried out smoothly and you always have the time to ensure the above - provided that the "manufacturer" that you deal with is a "real manufacturer". You spend the time to get better price, right? But there are still many people who are willing to pay to buy other people's time, to buy other people's service.

              Here's how I realize the importance of a sourcing agent: my family work shop manufacture gemstones and sell them. But we can never satisfy our clients because they always have huge demands to many other things that we don't manufacture, such as the metal mounting to set the gemstones, a necklace for the pendant, etc.. They usually don't source those things by themselves, but asking us to do that for them, because 1) they don't want to spend the time; 2) they don't know where to source; 3) they trust us and the communication between them and us is always good; 4) we can deliver good results; etc. Sometimes we source for them on a commission basis, sometimes for a one lump sum payment, and sometimes I do it as a trader (I buy from the supplier and sell to my customer). And later I expanded my agent mode outside the gemstone line to many products.

              I think the best way for you is to communicate with some potential suppliers first, try their communication skills, and ask them questions to check their insights in their own industry. Buy some samples and then get some experience first. Then you can try to ask some sourcing agents/traders (including me) to quote so that you can check if you have got the best price. But remember, as I always say, the lowest price does not guarantee the best result for you - communicating well with the supplier, carrying out the orders with satisfying quality and delivering in a timely manner, which contributes to your fully automated and time saving business.

              PM me if you need any more help on your specific product.

              By the way, could anyone tell me how to raise the quota of 10 of the private message boxes?

              Originally Posted by JDSalinger View Post

              Thank you for your response above Vincent. I have a few followup questions if you have the time.

              1. What type of materials would then require molds and which ones would not? I understand that metal and plastic products would require a mold. I am guessing rubber may? What would be some others? Also, I am then assuming that something that is made out of fabric like say a backpack or wood like say a piece of furniture would then fall into the customized category as it would not require a mold? What other types of products would not require a mold? Also, how does it normally cost to get a mold done? What factors impact the price?

              2. I would be a smaller buyer looking to have about 200 to 300 pieces created to start that I would then want to have 1,500 to 5,000 pieces made on reorders. On most of the training material I have read, they suggest using Alibaba and TTNet instead of the sites you have listed. Do you think these sites are the best ones to target under these circumstances, if not which one would you suggest?

              3. You mention sourcing agents. I think that is a great idea if they can be affordable. How much does it cost to get a good sourcing agent and where would one go to find one? How could a new, smaller buyer like myself take advantage of this aspect? For example, could you find such help on a part time basis?
              • Profile picture of the author mark*mennell
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                Originally Posted by vincentqin View Post

                Hi JDsalinger,
                By the way, could anyone tell me how to raise the quota of 10 of the private message boxes?
                Hi Vincent, Great post and I have started importing goods from China and find your info a great help.

                you increase your quoter by making more post

                Keep up the post you have my full attention
                • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
                  Profile picture of vincentqin
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                  Thank you. I will keep up the post as long as I have time. Good luck with your importation. I'm here if you need any assistance

                  Originally Posted by mark*mennell View Post

                  Hi Vincent, Great post and I have started importing goods from China and find your info a great help.

                  you increase your quoter by making more post

                  Keep up the post you have my full attention
            • Profile picture of the author Importexport
              Profile picture of Importexport
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              Originally Posted by JDSalinger View Post

              Thank you for your response above Vincent. I have a few followup questions if you have the time.

              1. What type of materials would then require molds and which ones would not? I understand that metal and plastic products would require a mold. I am guessing rubber may? What would be some others? Also, I am then assuming that something that is made out of fabric like say a backpack or wood like say a piece of furniture would then fall into the customized category as it would not require a mold? What other types of products would not require a mold? Also, how does it normally cost to get a mold done? What factors impact the price?

              2. I would be a smaller buyer looking to have about 200 to 300 pieces created to start that I would then want to have 1,500 to 5,000 pieces made on reorders. On most of the training material I have read, they suggest using Alibaba and TTNet instead of the sites you have listed. Do you think these sites are the best ones to target under these circumstances, if not which one would you suggest?

              3. You mention sourcing agents. I think that is a great idea if they can be affordable. How much does it cost to get a good sourcing agent and where would one go to find one? How could a new, smaller buyer like myself take advantage of this aspect? For example, could you find such help on a part time basis?
              Hi JD,

              1. As one who has previously been a supplier to industries that use molds, I know that the subject is huge, and Vincent's post is very helpful. I would like to add that molds can range in cost from $50 to $50,000.

              Sometimes a product can be modified or labeled without a mold or with a very low cost one, even though the original mold might have cost thousands.

              There are also other manufacturing processes that can cost a lot in set up fees, very similar to mold costs. In the fabric and clothing industry for example, those costs can range from $40 to $1,000.

              In the furniture industry, a lot of production is automated, sometimes using CNC and other times, for less complicated processes, simply using jigs.

              I suggest you should consider finding generic products that you can private label. You need to think outside the box in relation to labels. They can even be made of metal.

              2. The great majority of sourcing sites are risky for newbies to use. The training material you refer to that recommends sites such as Alibaba and TTNet are written by people with very limited experience in sourcing and importing. Just look up those sites on ripoffreport.com

              3. I am one of those that Vincent refers to who insist on finding a "real" manufacturer. Once you know the tricks of the trade it is much easier than sourcing agents will suggest. I have taught hundreds how to do it, and what I teach is a result of my experience as an importer since 1987.

              Traders, wholesalers and sourcing agents all inevitably add to your cost. Once you learn how to find those real manufacturers, how to negotiate orders for quantities much less than the huge MOQs usually quoted and how to be sure you are getting the best price, you will be on the road to confidently importing with the best possible profit margins.
              Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see https://provenglobalsourcing.com
  • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
    Profile picture of vincentqin
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    Thanks for the additional information, ImportExport.

    Although I don't recommend Alibaba, especially when it faces potential class action of lawsuit these days, I won't discourage newbies to use Alibaba. Due to the large quantity of suppliers on Alibaba, the numbers of scam on Alibaba will be large too. The numerical outcome of the same percentage calculated by a larger base number will be larger comparing to that calculated by a smaller base number. I even find a complaint easily on ripoffreport.com against Amazon (Ripoff Report | Amazon.com Complaint Review Internet: 1208935), but no one will refuse to use Amazon just because of that complaint, right?

    I'm not saying that Alibaba is comparable to Amazon, not even close. But I won't discourage adventures. We stumble before we walk. We tell good things from bad things only after we have seen both enough. After you get enough experience, you can handle things easily like a veteran as ImportExport. Yep, veteran had his newbie time too. I bet there's little chance for veteran like ImportExport who imported from China since 1987 to realize that back in the 80's and 90's of last century, there are hardly any "real" Chinese manufacturer who dealt directly with him - there's no Internet, no HKTDC or Alabama, back in those old days, rights to import and export for Chinese companies are government-granted monopoly, most of which were exclusively granted to State Owned Enterprises, many of who owned nothing other than an office but can easily make great fortune by simply "selling" such exclusive rights. That may also be the cause of ImportExport's prejudice that using an import/export company or agent will raise the cost in a ridiculous way - that's old stories. In this transparent world, you can easily get hundreds of quotes for the same item if you want. How high can the extra cost be? Based on various quotations, you can easily pass those with too high prices.

    I know a good and diligent agent who earns hundreds of thousands dollars per year by earning a mere 5% commission - he helped his customers to expand business 10 or even hundred times comparing to his customer's initial scale, by supplying quality products in a steady and timely manner, and strategy consultation from time to time. If you sell at double, triple prices or even more on Amazon or anywhere else, how big deal is a 5% commission? Not to mention the time and efforts you can save. After all, you are not Walmart - there's a joke here that Walmart will never allow a more than 5% profit to its Chinese suppliers (different to most of our cases, huge companies have obsessions with cost control)

    The case often mentioned by ImportExport is one of his students who was cheated by someone from the online B2B plat form. But that was a scam. Scammers are all over the world, and agents do not equal scammers or raising your cost in a ridiculous way. What you need to do is to raise your skills to identify scams, instead of rejecting traders/agents.

    I'm not here to advocate for agents. What I advocate is that you should open your eyes for more adventures, for more options and more contacts with potential suppliers, no matter he is a manufacturer, a trader or an agent. Sooner or later, you will find your way to make a fortune: whether it's ImportExport's do-everything-by-oneself style or Tim Ferriss' four-hour-work-week style.

    To all Startups and Entrepreneurs!
  • Profile picture of the author Gshop
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  • Profile picture of the author htsashok
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    Hello Vincent.. I am glad to meet your right here, Basically i owned a website which is based on eCommerce Solutions for online shopping cart.
    I would like to get in touch with you..

    Best ecommerce script for your B2B needs.

    • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
      Profile picture of vincentqin
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      Hi htsashok, PM me please.
      • Profile picture of the author SoaringServices
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        Do you have any thoughts on some good niches? I have low capital and am just starting out. I'd like to hear some of your thoughts.
        • Profile picture of the author verial
          Profile picture of verial
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          What's "low capital?"

          I've been doing business with Chinese factories for years now. Here are my recommendations:

          1. Make sure your product is light. Shipping from China to your country will be one of the largest costs. Then you have to ship again, to your customers from your storage facility.

          2. Make sure your product is cheap enough to buy wholesale but with a profit margin big enough to get you at least 2x. I personally aim for 5x. E.g., buy at $6 per unity and sell at $30.

          3. Always get on the phone with your factory's representative. Many pretend to be westerners online but are actually incapable of understanding what you want. Of course, visiting the factory is your best bet, but could be expensive. As I'm positioned in Japan, it's cheap for me to do so, and I've helped many US clients check out the factories to confirm quality/customer service, etc.
          • Profile picture of the author Importexport
            Profile picture of Importexport
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            Originally Posted by verial View Post

            What's "low capital?"

            I've been doing business with Chinese factories for years now. Here are my recommendations:

            1. Make sure your product is light. Shipping from China to your country will be one of the largest costs. Then you have to ship again, to your customers from your storage facility.

            2. Make sure your product is cheap enough to buy wholesale but with a profit margin big enough to get you at least 2x. I personally aim for 5x. E.g., buy at $6 per unity and sell at $30.

            3. Always get on the phone with your factory's representative. Many pretend to be westerners online but are actually incapable of understanding what you want. Of course, visiting the factory is your best bet, but could be expensive. As I'm positioned in Japan, it's cheap for me to do so, and I've helped many US clients check out the factories to confirm quality/customer service, etc.
            "Low Capital" is a term that means different things to different people, but I have had students using my methods start their importing business with as little as $300.

            Here is what one wrote to me recently in an email:
            "Ok. From extremely skeptical to successful completion. Credit given where credit is due. I followed the book instructions you laid out. Took my time to double check everything and was able to successfully import an order from China. Not only that but it was also a "sample order" for less than 300.00. A 300% mark up has allowed to get initial investment back and I have 70% of my inventory left. Stop promoting your book. Your encouraging competition for me Many thanks."

            Regarding the points you made @verial

            1. Very true, but I would like to add that the products need to be small as well as light, because large lightweight items are extremely expensive to freight.
            2. You say "buy wholesale" but I say don't buy from wholesalers. For the best prices you need to buy direct from the manufacturers.
            3. Very few can afford to go to China, and as I wrote in my post #10 above, "Traders, wholesalers and sourcing agents all inevitably add to your cost," so you need to buy direct if you want maximum profits. See proof in the quote in blue. That shows that it can be done by a newbie, working from home with "low capital".
            Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see https://provenglobalsourcing.com
            • Profile picture of the author Dee12345
              Profile picture of Dee12345
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              Originally Posted by Importexport View Post

              "Low Capital" is a term that means different things to different people, but I have had students using my methods start their importing business with as little as $300.

              Here is what one wrote to me recently in an email:
              "Ok. From extremely skeptical to successful completion. Credit given where credit is due. I followed the book instructions you laid out. Took my time to double check everything and was able to successfully import an order from China. Not only that but it was also a "sample order" for less than 300.00. A 300% mark up has allowed to get initial investment back and I have 70% of my inventory left. Stop promoting your book. Your encouraging competition for me Many thanks."

              Regarding the points you made @verial

              1. Very true, but I would like to add that the products need to be small as well as light, because large lightweight items are extremely expensive to freight.
              2. You say "buy wholesale" but I say don't buy from wholesalers. For the best prices you need to buy direct from the manufacturers.
              3. Very few can afford to go to China, and as I wrote in my post #10 above, "Traders, wholesalers and sourcing agents all inevitably add to your cost," so you need to buy direct if you want maximum profits. See proof in the quote in blue. That shows that it can be done by a newbie, working from home with "low capital".

              When you say starting a import business as low as $300 ..what are you including in that?
              • Profile picture of the author Importexport
                Profile picture of Importexport
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                Originally Posted by Dee12345 View Post

                When you say starting a import business as low as $300 ..what are you including in that?
                Well the person who wrote that email was a newbie, so he bought my book ($97) and used the $300 to buy inventory, That amount included freight to his door.

                I have other book users who have done as well or better on very low budgets. See the thread Walter Hay / Buy Direct From China anyone have the book? where several of them have posted comments about my book. One by shellg says that she is selling her imported products on eBay for nearly 5 times her cost.

                I know some have started with as little as $150 for inventory, but that would be a slow way to get started. But if that is all someone can spend, they can still make money and build the business up by reinvesting the profits in more inventory. IMPORTANT: You must first have chosen a product that you know you can sell, you know how much you can sell it for, and you know all your costs including freight to your door including, eBay, Amazon, PayPal, postage etc cost.
                Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see https://provenglobalsourcing.com
                • Profile picture of the author Dee12345
                  Profile picture of Dee12345
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                  Originally Posted by Importexport View Post

                  Well the person who wrote that email was a newbie, so he bought my book ($97) and used the $300 to buy inventory, That amount included freight to his door.

                  I have other book users who have done as well or better on very low budgets. See the thread Walter Hay / Buy Direct From China anyone have the book? where several of them have posted comments about my book. One by shellg says that she is selling her imported products on eBay for nearly 5 times her cost.

                  I know some have started with as little as $150 for inventory, but that would be a slow way to get started. But if that is all someone can spend, they can still make money and build the business up by reinvesting the profits in more inventory. IMPORTANT: You must first have chosen a product that you know you can sell, you know how much you can sell it for, and you know all your costs including freight to your door including, eBay, Amazon, PayPal, postage etc cost.
                  ok thanks i will check that out.
                  Does your book also include some insight on doing such prospecting on finding a profitable product for this type business model?
                  • Profile picture of the author Importexport
                    Profile picture of Importexport
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                    Originally Posted by Dee12345 View Post

                    ok thanks i will check that out.
                    Does your book also include some insight on doing such prospecting on finding a profitable product for this type business model?
                    No, my book does not teach how to choose a product or how to sell products.

                    My specialty is safe sourcing and easy importing. Once you know what product you want to buy and sell, that is where my book can help you.
                    Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see https://provenglobalsourcing.com
                  • Profile picture of the author JonnyA
                    Profile picture of JonnyA
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                    Thanks a lot for all your detailed answers, really appreciate it.

                    I had a simple, specific question that I can't seem to find the answer to.

                    I'm going to white label a product from China, but I want the poorly written manual/user guide that they included with my sample to be switched out for a custom one that I'm designing. What would be the process to get that printed and included in the box before it gets sent out?

                    Thanks again.
                    • Profile picture of the author Importexport
                      Profile picture of Importexport
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                      Originally Posted by JonnyA View Post

                      Thanks a lot for all your detailed answers, really appreciate it.

                      I had a simple, specific question that I can't seem to find the answer to.

                      I'm going to white label a product from China, but I want the poorly written manual/user guide that they included with my sample to be switched out for a custom one that I'm designing. What would be the process to get that printed and included in the box before it gets sent out?

                      Thanks again.
                      @JonnyA, the OP has not been around for nearly a month, so I will help you out.

                      The first thing to do is to ask the manufacturer if they will replace their version with yours. Tell them you will provide it in PDF format ready for printing. Ask them to quote you for printing.

                      Next, if they agree, write a good manual/user guide or get someone to write it for you. Make sure it is proof read, not just spell checked. Include any illustrations necessary and finish it as a PDF in the exact format you want it printed.

                      Specify exact colors. Don't use terms like "Ruby Red", "British Racing Green", or "Burgundy". If colors are important, quote Pantone color chart colors. If you don't have one, ask to see one at a print shop. They are also known as PMS colors. They can be seen online, but remember that screen colors are never quite the same as print colors.

                      Important: Tell them that they must not print any until you have proof read a copy prepared by them. If they have had to to reset it, there are likely to be errors.

                      You will probably have to pay extra to have yours printed, but you should not have to pay extra to have your version inserted. You will need to do random checks to make sure they are there.

                      Maybe print a few of your own for use in cases where you or a customer find them missing.
                      Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see https://provenglobalsourcing.com
  • Profile picture of the author float18
    Profile picture of float18
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    What's the tax limit for importing into China before you're hit with custom duties?

    Thanks again!
    • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
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      Originally Posted by float18 View Post

      What's the tax limit for importing into China before you're hit with custom duties?

      Thanks again!
      As I'm not an importing agent, I don't know this exactly. But it happened to me a couple of times - some clients sent me samples, which are jewelry parts. As long as the invoice totaling above $100, I were charged about 1/3 of the value as the duty...

      You may consult with an importing forwarder/agent regarding this issue.
  • Profile picture of the author James Mos
    James Mos
    Profile picture of James Mos
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    Hello Vincent Qin, I have sold some costume jewelry online and checked Alibaba for pricing and it was similar prices that I can purchase the products wholesale here in the US. I would like to purchase directly from the manufacturer. Where in China can I buy from the factory?
    • Profile picture of the author SoaringServices
      Profile picture of SoaringServices
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I did mean about $300 to start with. I was hoping to do dropshipping, but I understand that keeping products on hand in my country will really speed delivery time. If I pre-order products, I am thinking that I will really have to go with a niche with relatively inexpensive products. Do you have any thoughts about a good niche with relatively inexpensive products? Feel free to PM me also.
      • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
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        Originally Posted by SoaringServices View Post

        I did mean about $300 to start with. I was hoping to do dropshipping, but I understand that keeping products on hand in my country will really speed delivery time. If I pre-order products, I am thinking that I will really have to go with a niche with relatively inexpensive products. Do you have any thoughts about a good niche with relatively inexpensive products? Feel free to PM me also.
        If there's a niche with relatively inexpensive products, how come somebody will share with you to increase competition? Except his target buyers happen to be someone like you

        I research for niche sometimes by myself, sometimes by paying others to do so.

        By the way, anyone have any idea of the margin of custom designed T-shirts (T-shirts with custom designed images printed on them)? I think it's a big market with big margin. I will appreciate it if someone would give me more info about this niche. Thanks in advance.
    • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
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      Originally Posted by James Mos View Post

      Hello Vincent Qin, I have sold some costume jewelry online and checked Alibaba for pricing and it was similar prices that I can purchase the products wholesale here in the US. I would like to purchase directly from the manufacturer. Where in China can I buy from the factory?
      Do you mean you would like to visit China personally to look for a factory? If so, you may visit Guangzhou for costume jewelry with higher quality, and visit Yiwu for costume jewelry with lower quality. There are markets in those cities, you may find some good sources there, although the venues of the factories may turn out to be in another city.
    • Profile picture of the author Importexport
      Profile picture of Importexport
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      Originally Posted by James Mos View Post

      Hello Vincent Qin, I have sold some costume jewelry online and checked Alibaba for pricing and it was similar prices that I can purchase the products wholesale here in the US. I would like to purchase directly from the manufacturer. Where in China can I buy from the factory?
      Hi James,

      Alibaba is definitely not the place to look when sourcing products especially if you want to buy direct from manufacturers. A huge number of wholesalers and traders listed on Alibaba are masquerading as manufacturers, but they can't give you the best prices like genuine manufacturers can.

      There are many smaller jewelry manufacturers in Hong Kong and Taipei. Don't even consider traveling until you have done your homework and have a number of potential suppliers lined up.
      Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see https://provenglobalsourcing.com
  • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
    Profile picture of vincentqin
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    Shipping cost will not be an issue if you are not in urgent need of the goods - using sea shipment or registered air mail. You can see the different experience between post #14 and post #19.

    Even for courier shipping, if you use a forwarder service who will transship from HongKong, the shipping cost will be much lower.
  • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
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    I would like to raise this point. There's few chance for you to find the lowest price, provided the lowest price exists. Employing talents who can communicate with westerners smoothly is a cost itself. Don't expect the manufacturers that you are dealing with to offer the "lowest price" in that industry, as different manufacturers are good at different things.

    The one you are looking for should be a reliable supplier, who can supply you with products with profitable margin in a steady way.
  • Profile picture of the author alvinguy
    Profile picture of alvinguy
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    Hi Vincent,

    I do have a question and unfortunately, it is not the best of circumstances. I have had a supplier from China in the past, specifically, I ordered a product in bulk. I was naive and did not ask for a sample before placing my initial order (I know, it was stupid).

    Long story short, the supplier eventually shipped me two boxes of literally pieces of wood. I lost about 3k.

    Do I have any recourse to fraudulent suppliers in China if I am from America? What would you do if you were in my situation?

    Thanks in advance.

    • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
      Profile picture of vincentqin
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      Originally Posted by alvinguy View Post

      Hi Vincent,

      I do have a question and unfortunately, it is not the best of circumstances. I have had a supplier from China in the past, specifically, I ordered a product in bulk. I was naive and did not ask for a sample before placing my initial order (I know, it was stupid).

      Long story short, the supplier eventually shipped me two boxes of literally pieces of wood. I lost about 3k.

      Do I have any recourse to fraudulent suppliers in China if I am from America? What would you do if you were in my situation?

      Thanks in advance.
      Hi alvinguy, PM sent.
    • Profile picture of the author Importexport
      Profile picture of Importexport
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      Originally Posted by alvinguy View Post

      Hi Vincent,

      I do have a question and unfortunately, it is not the best of circumstances. I have had a supplier from China in the past, specifically, I ordered a product in bulk. I was naive and did not ask for a sample before placing my initial order (I know, it was stupid).

      Long story short, the supplier eventually shipped me two boxes of literally pieces of wood. I lost about 3k.

      Do I have any recourse to fraudulent suppliers in China if I am from America? What would you do if you were in my situation?

      Thanks in advance.
      For the benefit of others, I would like to point out that this is a common scam. Often it involves only small orders, and buyers think they can make a claim if they have payed through PayPal, but that is often not successful.

      If such a scam hits you and you paid through PayPal, lodge a dispute with them, but do not say that the goods are not as described, otherwise PayPal will reject your dispute. Tell them that this is a fraud and you signed for an empty package or for a package of bricks/sawdust, paper etc. Depending on which country you are in, contact any government fraud watch body and report this fraud, asking them to contact PayPal and the B2B site owners on your behalf. This method has worked for others.

      In future, ask the courier to wait while you open the package. If he/she is a reasonable person they will allow this and you can then refuse to sign for it if it contains paper or other filling instead of the product. I have known people to receive stones, and in one case a brick.

      Also for the benefit of other readers, I add that you should save a screen shot of the page where you found the product listing, as well as keeping copies of all emails, whether through your own email account or your member's email on the B2B site. Do this progressively from the beginning of your earliest negotiations to buy, right through to receiving notice of shipment. Save every email even after that point. A number of people report finding all their member emails deleted and that makes it impossible to pursue a dispute claim.

      Remember that in almost every case you will be required to return the goods in order to have your claim processed. It is common for suppliers to not take delivery of your parcel, and so they can say you did not return it. That will be another loss to add to what you have already paid.

      This all highlights the need to use safe sourcing sites and safe sourcing methods. Out of hundreds of my students I have only ever had one of them scammed and that was because he broke 3 of the most important rules in my book. It is possible to safely source if you know what to look for and how to proceed.
      Use emotions and perceptions to build a great brand. Ask me about my book LabelsThatExploit. For safe sourcing and easy importing from 41 countries globally, see https://provenglobalsourcing.com
  • Profile picture of the author mrmax
    Profile picture of mrmax
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    Hi vincentqin thanks for this nice information offer

    I am brand new to ecommerce. IM thinking of getting into jewelry. My questions are:
    1. Is there a good market for men's jewelry (Necklaces, bracelets, earrings etc). Or is it mostly for women?
    Is it like 85% women, 15% men?

    2. Is there any advice you have for people starting out in jewelry? Something I should avoid? Or something I should know?

    thank you
    • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
      Profile picture of vincentqin
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      Originally Posted by mrmax View Post

      Hi vincentqin thanks for this nice information offer

      I am brand new to ecommerce. IM thinking of getting into jewelry. My questions are:
      1. Is there a good market for men's jewelry (Necklaces, bracelets, earrings etc). Or is it mostly for women?
      Is it like 85% women, 15% men?

      2. Is there any advice you have for people starting out in jewelry? Something I should avoid? Or something I should know?

      thank you
      1. As far as I know, men's jewelry has a big market; and men make purchasing decision much faster than women.

      2. My advice is always to start with market research if this is a new niche for you - know the market better and know what the market needs, then look for the sources to satisfy the market.
  • Profile picture of the author anvacorp
    Profile picture of anvacorp
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    Hi There,
    I am planning to import a few products from China.
    What service you can offer to me.
    Thanks and regards,
    • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
      Profile picture of vincentqin
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      Originally Posted by anvacorp View Post

      Hi There,
      I am planning to import a few products from China.
      What service you can offer to me.
      Thanks and regards,
      Hi Anwar,

      Without knowing what the products are, I don't know how I can help. Maybe you want to PM me.


      • Profile picture of the author Duxx
        Profile picture of Duxx
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        Hi Vincent, im planning to start a shop with shopify, I'm outside of the Us (Latinamerica) my question is : Is there any kind of restriction or fees or requirements, etc to ship to Latinamerica from China As far as i know if you are outside the Us and you want to sell products there you need an EIn number and other requirements And what advices can you give me if i want to start a dropshipping business. Thanks!!
        • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
          Profile picture of vincentqin
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          Originally Posted by Duxx View Post

          Hi Vincent, im planning to start a shop with shopify, I'm outside of the Us (Latinamerica) my question is : Is there any kind of restriction or fees or requirements, etc to ship to Latinamerica from China As far as i know if you are outside the Us and you want to sell products there you need an EIn number and other requirements And what advices can you give me if i want to start a dropshipping business. Thanks!!
          Hi Duxx,

          Thanks for your trust. However, I'm afraid that the sample raised in your post is an issue out of my knowledge. I know something about the EIN number when I once applied to be an affiliate of cj.com etc. But I don't have a comprehensive knowledge of the detailed requirements of other countries regarding doing business in those countries other than China.

          The point is, I'm only a practice attorney of China, technically speaking, I'm not qualified to give legal advice on other country's policies, although I may have some related knowledge. I don't want to be misleading when I'm not 100% sure about that.

          Maybe you want to try asking for advice from a lawyer from the destination country on freelancer.com or odesk.com etc. Most of them are rated at $10 to $30 per hour. Since your questions are general, I assume it will take less than one hour for those professions to give you a good answer.

          As for the drop shipping, my general suggestion to general questions like yours is always to find a profitable niche first, then find a drop shipper who is reliable, willing to cooperate & communicate, who is able to fulfill your drop ship order smoothly. In practice, you need to begin with small orders, test, test and test.
  • Profile picture of the author Dunhill
    Profile picture of Dunhill
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    I currently own a offline fashion accessories store and have created ecommerce this month. I import from Korea and they are quiet expensive. Chose Korea only because of the quality and I didn't really care about the cost unless I made 2x profit.
    What I hear these days is that China also provides same quality with cheaper price and can find them either in Yiwu or Qingdao. Planning on visiting both cities as well as upcoming show in Hong Kong in end of April. Was wondering if you knew any accessories supplier in either Yiwu or Qingdao and any other cities that have accessories manufacturer that speaks English?

    • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
      Profile picture of vincentqin
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      Originally Posted by Dunhill View Post

      I currently own a offline fashion accessories store and have created ecommerce this month. I import from Korea and they are quiet expensive. Chose Korea only because of the quality and I didn't really care about the cost unless I made 2x profit.
      What I hear these days is that China also provides same quality with cheaper price and can find them either in Yiwu or Qingdao. Planning on visiting both cities as well as upcoming show in Hong Kong in end of April. Was wondering if you knew any accessories supplier in either Yiwu or Qingdao and any other cities that have accessories manufacturer that speaks English?

      If you attach importance to quality, I don't recommend Yiwu, as most of Yiwu's accessories are cheap with low quality. I'm not familiar with the quality of the accessories from Qingdao but I know that Qingdao suppliers sell a lot to Japan and Korea so I assume the quality of Qingdao will be good. As an alternative, you may consider Guangzhou or Shenzhen in the Guangdong province, which are traditional & famous accessory manufacturing cities.

      I live near by Guangzhou and I may help if you would like to visit Guangzhou/Shenzhen.

      For visiting Qingdao or Yiwu, you may consider hiring a Chinese interpreter from odesk.com or freelancer.com, they will help to pick you up, and accompany you to the market. But first, do your homework and find out where the market is.

      If you need any more details, PM me.
  • Profile picture of the author Merlyn
    Profile picture of Merlyn
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    I've asked Vincent details regarding chinese market in order to start a fashion business for China mainland. I can fully recommend VincentQin because of deep understanding of international business and clear communication. His vision is very different than other asian business people.
  • Profile picture of the author jinmingteo
    Profile picture of jinmingteo
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    I would like to thank Vincent for his experience in shipping items from China. He is really nice, insightful and straight to the point. I would not mind working with him. Once I have finalized what product I really want to sell, maybe he can give me more insightful ideas on where to get it...

    Do consult him for some advice!
  • Profile picture of the author enwereuzo
    Profile picture of enwereuzo
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    Hi Vincent,
    Please i want to import the following products from China. Can you please give me a detailed advice on how to go about it ; from the particular city to get the best quality with low cost to how to ship the products to my country..
    The products are as follows
    1. Building Materials
    2. Toys
    3. Stainless steel,
    • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
      Profile picture of vincentqin
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      Originally Posted by enwereuzo View Post

      Hi Vincent,
      Please i want to import the following products from China. Can you please give me a detailed advice on how to go about it ; from the particular city to get the best quality with low cost to how to ship the products to my country..
      The products are as follows
      1. Building Materials
      2. Toys
      3. Stainless steel,
      Hi Enwereuzo,

      Regarding to a detailed advice, I'm afraid I don't have the time to do that unless I'm hired by you. But your question does inspire me that maybe I should write an E-book

      My rough suggestion:

      1. Building Materials - cannot locate a particular city without knowing what kind of building materials you are after;
      2. Toys - Chenghai City
      3. Stainless steel - Foshan City

      Shipping to your country: I'm sorry but you didn't mention your country. But in general, all the goods you mentioned are usually shipped in container via ocean shipments - I assume that you are talking about real big and regular orders. If for small orders, shipping via courier or post service is always the solution.

      Please PM me if you need any more particular information.
  • Profile picture of the author TeKn1qu3z
    Profile picture of TeKn1qu3z
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    Hi Vincent
    Can yo tell me how to import electronic products and let me know more about custom taxes please tell me more details.

    I had a friend in India and wants to ship the products to his home.
    • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
      Profile picture of vincentqin
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      Originally Posted by TeKn1qu3z View Post

      Hi Vincent
      Can yo tell me how to import electronic products and let me know more about custom taxes please tell me more details.

      I had a friend in India and wants to ship the products to his home.
      Hi TeKn1qu3z,

      As your question is too general and broad, I'm not able to provide more information other than as far as I know, the export duty charged by the Chinese government of most consumer electronic products from China are 0%.

      PM me if you need more any other information particularly.

  • Profile picture of the author Nym
    Profile picture of Nym
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    What about Europe?
    How sourcing from China and drop ship works in therm of Taxes and paper works?

    Something free for your visibility in Internet:
    http://directory.host-for.me and http://iosonoqui.me
    Just remember that I like a beer from time to time! ;-)

    • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
      Profile picture of vincentqin
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      Originally Posted by Nym View Post

      What about Europe?
      How sourcing from China and drop ship works in therm of Taxes and paper works?
      Hi Nym,

      The taxes:
      - if you mean the tax to be levied on you as an Europe individual or company such as income tax, you many want to consult a local account.

      - if you mean the import and export duties, that depends on the terms that you agrees with the seller. In practice, most deals are done using EXW or FOB/CPT or CIF/CIP, in this cases, the seller will bear the export duties levied by the country of the exportation and the buyer will bear the import duties levied by the country of the importation.

      The rate of the import and export duties varies a lot depending on the products.

      Paper works: under the terms mentioned above, the major documents for the Chinese exporter to provide include commercial invoice & packing list, and in some cases, statement of country of origin, insurance policy and/or inspection & quarantine certificates may be required.

      For documents for the importation in your country, you may want to consult a forwarder/shipping agent.

      Hope this helps.
      • Profile picture of the author Nym
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        Originally Posted by vincentqin View Post

        Hi Nym,

        The taxes:
        - if you mean the tax to be levied on you as an Europe individual or company such as income tax, you many want to consult a local account.

        - if you mean the import and export duties, that depends on the terms that you agrees with the seller. In practice, most deals are done using EXW or FOB/CPT or CIF/CIP, in this cases, the seller will bear the export duties levied by the country of the exportation and the buyer will bear the import duties levied by the country of the importation.

        The rate of the import and export duties varies a lot depending on the products.

        Paper works: under the terms mentioned above, the major documents for the Chinese exporter to provide include commercial invoice & packing list, and in some cases, statement of country of origin, insurance policy and/or inspection & quarantine certificates may be required.

        For documents for the importation in your country, you may want to consult a forwarder/shipping agent.

        Hope this helps.
        Hi Vincent,
        thx for the quick answer and let me dig into this. Let's assume a normal import and drop shipping situation where the retail shop and the final buyer are both in the same european country.

        - Seller and retail shop must agree on who is going to pay the import duties.
        - The retail shop will have to pay the VAT taxes for the final value of the item according with the regulation of the particular european country.

        let me clarify this with an example:
        - an Italian retail shop buy from a Chinese supplier a phone at 200 EUR
        - Shipping costs are 15 EUR
        - Smartphone and Tablet do not pay import taxes
        - fix costs for the procedure are 11 EUR
        - VAT in Italy is 22%

        the import taxes that should be payed are:

        (200+15)*22% + 11 = 47.3+11=58.3 EUR

        if the retail shop sell the product to an italian customer at 300 EUR it will have to deal with the italian government for the taxes.

        What if the retail shop sell in drop shipping?

        Something free for your visibility in Internet:
        http://directory.host-for.me and http://iosonoqui.me
        Just remember that I like a beer from time to time! ;-)

        • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
          Profile picture of vincentqin
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          Originally Posted by Nym View Post

          Hi Vincent,
          thx for the quick answer and let me dig into this. Let's assume a normal import and drop shipping situation where the retail shop and the final buyer are both in the same european country.

          - Seller and retail shop must agree on who is going to pay the import duties.
          - The retail shop will have to pay the VAT taxes for the final value of the item according with the regulation of the particular european country.

          let me clarify this with an example:
          - an Italian retail shop buy from a Chinese supplier a phone at 200 EUR
          - Shipping costs are 15 EUR
          - Smartphone and Tablet do not pay import taxes
          - fix costs for the procedure are 11 EUR
          - VAT in Italy is 22%

          the import taxes that should be payed are:

          (200+15)*22% + 11 = 47.3+11=58.3 EUR

          if the retail shop sell the product to an italian customer at 300 EUR it will have to deal with the italian government for the taxes.

          What if the retail shop sell in drop shipping?
          In your case, if we do it by drop shipping, I guess it will be carried out by the following:

          - an Italian retail shop buy from a Chinese supplier a phone at 200 EUR
          - Shipping costs are 15 EUR (the retail shop prepays the shipping cost to the Chinese supplier)
          - Smartphone and Tablet do not pay export (China) & import (Italy, as mentioned by you) taxes
          - fix costs for the procedure are 11 EUR (if you mean this is charged by the courier for customs clearance)
          - VAT in Italy is 22%

          the import charges that should be paid are:

          (200+15)*22% + 11 = 47.3+11=58.3 EUR, but in this case, the 58.3 EUR will be paid by the end buyer since he is the recipient. So in this case, to keep the same margin, the retail shop can simply claim the selling price to be 241.7 EUR, you get a much happier buyer
          • Profile picture of the author Nym
            Profile picture of Nym
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            well .. the retail shop will have to act as intermediary and will be able to pay you with the money of the buyer. The retail shop make is money as difference between the Chinese supplier and the final price... (minus amazon/ebay/google shopping commission)

            What about refunds? According with EU regulation you have to take back all the products if the buyer will decide to not been interested in the coming 15-een days.

            Something free for your visibility in Internet:
            http://directory.host-for.me and http://iosonoqui.me
            Just remember that I like a beer from time to time! ;-)

            • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
              Profile picture of vincentqin
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              Originally Posted by Nym View Post

              well .. the retail shop will have to act as intermediary and will be able to pay you with the money of the buyer. The retail shop make is money as difference between the Chinese supplier and the final price... (minus amazon/ebay/google shopping commission).
              Well the retail shop is the intermediary anyway in both cases

              The retail shop can require the Chinese supplier to label and pack the product as its requirements so that the buyer will not find out this is from another supplier.

              As an alternative, if the retail store is selling products in various brands, it will be OK to let the customer know the original brand and the products will be shipped from China.

              In practice, if the supplier uses a forwarder who will use register air post service to deliver, the forwarder may indicate the product as "free gift" so that the recipient may avoid the import duties. Use this at your own risk.

              Originally Posted by Nym View Post

              What about refunds? According with EU regulation you have to take back all the products if the buyer will decide to not been interested in the coming 15-een days.
              I think that will depend on your return policy/agreement with the Chinese supplier. Generally speaking, if the product is custom made and advance samples have been checked, the supplier may be reluctant to accept return & refund, discounts on the product will be a better and faster resolution, if the supplier did do something wrong in this process.

              For oversea shipments, returning to the original country will be costly and the supplier maybe levied import duties again, so in most cases to ask the supplier to accept discount to off-set your next order and then ask the customer to return it to you (you may have to reimburse the import duties to the customer) and then liquidate it is a better choice.

              You may also use escrow payment method offered by a third party so that the supplier will not be able to receive the payment until your customer receives the product and pass the 15 days.
        • Profile picture of the author oladosuabass
          Profile picture of oladosuabass
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi supplier,
          I appreciate your contributions so far.
          I want to ask some questions about the drop-shipping business in China.
          I am about to enter the so-called drop-shipping business.
          I have an online store where I can showcase suppliers/distributors product. And I know before I display any single product on my store, I must make sure there is a reliable drop-shipper to partner with me to ship the ordered product from my customers to there address.
          This business sound good and too easy but I know that there is more to it(which I do not know) and I want your advise as a Chinese supplier what should be my first move to drop-shipping biz for me to be successful in this business.
          My questions are as follows;
          - how easy is it to partner(make a deal) with wholesaler, distributor or supplier and what method should I use to make a business proposal to suppliers, I mean 'what kind of proposal method do suppliers really want from retailer(like me) to make them want to partner with me as a retailer?
          - what are the chances that a supplier/wholesaler will want to partner with me(as a drop-shipper)despite the suppliers only or usually sell in large quantities whereas my customers only order in small quantity and at the same time at wholesale price?
          - even if a supplier accept to partner with me and we agree to each other terms of partnership, how do I know if a supplier is a reliable one? What should I request from them to make sure they are a reliable suppliers?
          - what are some factors, that (usually) affect the retailer-supplier business partnership?
          I will be glad if my questions are answered with detailing explanation based on experiences.
          • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
            Profile picture of vincentqin
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            Originally Posted by oladosuabass View Post

            - how easy is it to partner(make a deal) with wholesaler, distributor or supplier and what method should I use to make a business proposal to suppliers, I mean 'what kind of proposal method do suppliers really want from retailer(like me) to make them want to partner with me as a retailer?
            It's not easy to deal with them if you don't have orders on hand already. And in this case, your proposal has to be convincing to them that you have a high potential bringing them orders on a regular basis. Show them your websites, potential buyers etc.

            Originally Posted by oladosuabass View Post

            - what are the chances that a supplier/wholesaler will want to partner with me(as a drop-shipper)despite the suppliers only or usually sell in large quantities whereas my customers only order in small quantity and at the same time at wholesale price?
            If the wholesaler/supplier is already a good drop shipper, who provides detailed info about product images, specifications even csv files for you to import into your website, they are very easy to work with. But in this case, the prices are usually higher than the wholesaler/supplier who focus on large quantity orders only. It's hard to work with the latter in your cases - they may be cooperative for the first several orders, but less helpful if you cannot bring them continuous orders.

            Originally Posted by oladosuabass View Post

            - even if a supplier accept to partner with me and we agree to each other terms of partnership, how do I know if a supplier is a reliable one? What should I request from them to make sure they are a reliable suppliers?
            To some extent, checking their certifications like business registration will help. You can also ask them to provide pictures of their facilities, if that's OK with them. But nothing can give you 100% certainty...the most important is to ,during your communication and negotiation with them, feel if they are good at what they do and willing to help.

            Originally Posted by oladosuabass View Post

            - what are some factors, that (usually) affect the retailer-supplier business partnership?
            I will be glad if my questions are answered with detailing explanation based on experiences.
            Professionalism of the supplier, order quantities, communication, etc.
            • Profile picture of the author oladosuabass
              Profile picture of oladosuabass
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              Originally Posted by vincentqin View Post


              It's not easy to deal with them if you don't have orders on hand already. And in this case, your proposal has to be convincing to them that you have a high potential bringing them orders on a regular basis. Show them your websites, potential buyers etc.

              If the wholesaler/supplier is already a good drop shipper, who provides detailed info about product images, specifications even csv files for you to import into your website, they are very easy to work with. But in this case, the prices are usually higher than the wholesaler/supplier who focus on large quantity orders only. It's hard to work with the latter in your cases - they may be cooperative for the first several orders, but less helpful if you cannot bring them continuous orders.

              To some extent, checking their certifications like business registration will help. You can also ask them to provide pictures of their facilities, if that's OK with them. But nothing can give you 100% certainty...the most important is to ,during your communication and negotiation with them, feel if they are good at what they do and willing to help.

              Professionalism of the supplier, order quantities, communication, etc.
              Hi vicent,
              Thanks for your explanations.
  • Profile picture of the author enwereuzo
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    Sent you a PM
  • Profile picture of the author Shellg
    Profile picture of Shellg
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    It look like dropshipping from China would be too complicated for me. I am only new to selling online and I need something simple.
  • Profile picture of the author tonyhood
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    • Profile picture of the author AzzamS
      Profile picture of AzzamS
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Vincent,

      Amazing that you are here, just reading your posts provide confidence in an area that I have low confidence due to my ignorance.

      Many people in the tech startup go to China with an idea or a prototype design, which area do they go to for these electronic manufacturing (think Pebbles Watch or wireless controls for the house)?

      You mention areas that you can buy Jewellery that is of good quality, is that jewellery that has been pre-made or you can manufacture in these areas/factories?

      Also, are there manufacturers that can 'stitch' clothing based on the designs you provide. I am thinking of the same quality you would find with designer brands, a family member is exploring this option?
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      • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
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        Originally Posted by AzzamS View Post

        Hi Vincent,

        Amazing that you are here, just reading your posts provide confidence in an area that I have low confidence due to my ignorance.

        Many people in the tech startup go to China with an idea or a prototype design, which area do they go to for these electronic manufacturing (think Pebbles Watch or wireless controls for the house)?
        You can go to Shenzhen to take a look.

        Originally Posted by AzzamS View Post

        You mention areas that you can buy Jewellery that is of good quality, is that jewellery that has been pre-made or you can manufacture in these areas/factories?
        Both. You are find many pre-made jewelry in various designs, you can also place custom orders under which the manufacturers can make the jewelry according to your designs/requirements.

        Originally Posted by AzzamS View Post

        Also, are there manufacturers that can 'stitch' clothing based on the designs you provide. I am thinking of the same quality you would find with designer brands, a family member is exploring this option?
        Yes, but in most cases, you need to provide physical samples.
  • Profile picture of the author RySpencer
    Profile picture of RySpencer
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    HI Vincent,

    I have a significant amount of experience branding and marketing digital products, but now I am looking to do the same in the physical product niche. I have come up with an idea that I see exists in the children's clothing niche, but it not marketed very well.

    I see that there are Chinese manufacturers that make a very similar product (children's clothing). Without having a whole lot of experience in garment design, what does it take to convey my ideas to the manufacturer? I am looking for similar but slightly different ideas and designs to their current line of products that will make them look unique.

    Thanks for creating this thread.
    • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
      Profile picture of vincentqin
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      Originally Posted by RySpencer View Post

      HI Vincent,

      I have a significant amount of experience branding and marketing digital products, but now I am looking to do the same in the physical product niche. I have come up with an idea that I see exists in the children's clothing niche, but it not marketed very well.

      I see that there are Chinese manufacturers that make a very similar product (children's clothing). Without having a whole lot of experience in garment design, what does it take to convey my ideas to the manufacturer? I am looking for similar but slightly different ideas and designs to their current line of products that will make them look unique.

      Thanks for creating this thread.
      Hi RySpencer,

      I'm sorry but I'm a little confused. I think you can express your idea to them directly, using simple language, pictures and physical samples etc. If they don't speak English, find some one who can speak or write in both English and Chinese to help you.

      Please PM me with more details if you are not satisfied with this general reply
  • Profile picture of the author oladosuabass
    Profile picture of oladosuabass
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    My name is Abass. I am from Nigeria.
    I appreciate your suport here in this forum.
    Aliexpress is one of the most visited website in my country when it comes to buying product online especially those fancy and yet cheap product. Thanks to alibaba.
    I know there will be a way for me to benefit from this. What I mean is this: people from my country buy products from a chinese store in big and rapid demand, I as an affilialiate marketer direct buyers to aliexpress to buy a product for me to gain a commission on the sold product.
    So my question is this, what service or any niche ecommerce related service can I introduce to buyer to make them buy through my website since aliexpress.com is popular so that buyers just type the aliexpress.com on the address bar and buy from the site directly.
    I believe if my website provide good and standard service, I could get some buyers to buy through my site.
    I need you to give me some idea(s) on how I can drive buyers to my site before the go to their favourite store.
    • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
      Profile picture of vincentqin
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by oladosuabass View Post

      My name is Abass. I am from Nigeria.
      I appreciate your suport here in this forum.
      Aliexpress is one of the most visited website in my country when it comes to buying product online especially those fancy and yet cheap product. Thanks to alibaba.
      I know there will be a way for me to benefit from this. What I mean is this: people from my country buy products from a chinese store in big and rapid demand, I as an affilialiate marketer direct buyers to aliexpress to buy a product for me to gain a commission on the sold product.
      So my question is this, what service or any niche ecommerce related service can I introduce to buyer to make them buy through my website since aliexpress.com is popular so that buyers just type the aliexpress.com on the address bar and buy from the site directly.
      I believe if my website provide good and standard service, I could get some buyers to buy through my site.
      I need you to give me some idea(s) on how I can drive buyers to my site before the go to their favourite store.
      Hi Abass,

      Create a site, claiming that the buyer will get 5%(or any number you would like to offer, as long as it's lower than the % commission to be earned by you from Aliexpress.com) paid back in cash if they visit aliexpress.com through the site.

      Instruct the buyers to clear their cookies before visit aliexpress.com through your site. Use a tracking/recording system to track what the buyer buys and once you get the specific commission from aliexpress.com, the corresponding cash back should be paid to the buyer. Keep the buyers royal and make them spread words for you by paying back to them on time.

      That's my idea, for your reference only.
  • Profile picture of the author Gaurav151
    Profile picture of Gaurav151
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    Do Chinese people use dropshipping for their country ecommerce website or they can import-export from another countries also?
    • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
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      Originally Posted by Gaurav151 View Post

      Do Chinese people use dropshipping for their country ecommerce website or they can import-export from another countries also?
      Average Chinese people can import from other countries, the shipping company will help them with customs formalities, so there's no barriers for them to import. But whether the site of another country selling the goods would like to ship to China is another question. For example, there are many U.S. E-commerce sites which do not offer shipping to outside U.S., in this case, a forwarder service will be required to ship the goods to China.
  • Profile picture of the author FrontLineMentor
    Profile picture of FrontLineMentor
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    Nice Vincent !

    Do you have any website about your gemstone business? What kind of gemstones do you have in your factory?
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    • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
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      Originally Posted by FrontLineMentor View Post

      Nice Vincent !

      Do you have any website about your gemstone business? What kind of gemstones do you have in your factory?
      Hi FrontLineMentor,

      We cut synthetic gemstones, mainly cubic zirconia stones, and other lab created stones. We also manufacture crystal beads in the shapes of bicones, rounds, rondelles, teardrop etc. in tens of colors. We have been the supplier of one of the biggest gems and beads wholesalers in the U.S. for more than 7 years up to now.

      We don't have an official factory website since we mainly do OEM for existing clients, collect payments by T/T other than Paypal. But in 2014 I did create a website (Wholesale Loose Cubic Zirconia Gemstones | loose CZ stones) in order to earn more income online via Paypal for small orders. The website targets small buyers such as individual jewelers and small gemstone wholesalers (but not average consumers). There are only CZ products on the site at this stage. Other synthetic gemstones will be added in the future (if the outcome of this site turns out to be good, we will go forward with another site for crystal beads.). The prices on this site are higher than those we offer to large buyers but are still very competitive in the market. Compare my site with pehnec.com and syntheticgems.org, both of which rank very high in search engines, you will know I'm telling the truth (remember to take my discount policies, coupons, free shipping policies and close-out deals into consideration during the comparison).

      I'm also creating an affiliate system in my site, which is under testing right now. If interested, you may contact me to join it.

      Oh, speaking of marketing, is there anyone who is interested in writing a detialed article to compare my site with the other two sites mentioned above in details, in all aspects including the prices, the policies, the services etc., so that customers can make the right choice on where to buy loose CZ stones? I will appreciate it if anyone can do a good job of this for me and, more importantly, I will consider him as a strong candidate for my JV partner of my next project (not about gems and beads, since that will require some industry expertise).
  • Profile picture of the author Hackbridge
    Profile picture of Hackbridge
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    Hello Vincent, I am sure I read a testimonial that mentioned you had written a book? Is that correct.

    I'm interested in being able to sell on EBay without holding stock, and using other people's money to match supply and demand.

    Kind regards

    • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
      Profile picture of vincentqin
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      Originally Posted by Hackbridge View Post

      Hello Vincent, I am sure I read a testimonial that mentioned you had written a book? Is that correct.

      I'm interested in being able to sell on EBay without holding stock, and using other people's money to match supply and demand.

      Kind regards

      Hi Brian,

      That's not me; it might be a another "Vincent". But I do have a plan to write an E-book - it seems that many guys here are interested in the topic and my PM gets full every day.

      However it's sad that some of them don't even say a word after obtaining my help - for example some guy gave me a simple picture saying that he's searching for that product but cannot find it anywhere and asked for my help. I did locate that product and gave him the link. Then he just disappeared even without a "thank you" after that.

      Well I think I should, just like others, charge a little for my advice so that I can make sure the guy who's asking for help needs that in deed and is not simply making use of others.

      Everybody, please tell me what you want to know in the topics of import & export, sourcing, fulfillment, marketing etc.. I can write about that in the E-book.
  • Profile picture of the author Hackbridge
    Profile picture of Hackbridge
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    thank you for your help Vincent, time doesn't allow me to say much more than that but i am interested in being able to buy and sell on ebay with little cash flow, so drop shipping is my desire when it comes to information. Thanks again. Brian
    • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
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      Originally Posted by Hackbridge View Post

      thank you for your help Vincent, time doesn't allow me to say much more than that but i am interested in being able to buy and sell on ebay with little cash flow, so drop shipping is my desire when it comes to information. Thanks again. Brian
      Thanks Hackbridge. I will let you know when I get the E-book.
      • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
        Profile picture of vincentqin
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        Hi guys,

        Please don't initiate PMs to me. I have to clear my inbox every day. Please raise your questions here. If it's something confidential, please at least describe it here and request me to PM you.

        Thank you for your cooperation
        • Profile picture of the author fourkicks
          Profile picture of fourkicks
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Vincent,

          I've been considering designing, manufacturing and importing baby clothes from China to Australia.

          Having looked extensively at products available in shops in Australia I can see some high quality brands source from China, so I know it's possible to find high quality suppliers... but I lack the ability to distinguish them.

          Is this something you might be able to assist with?

          • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
            Profile picture of vincentqin
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by fourkicks View Post

            Hi Vincent,

            I've been considering designing, manufacturing and importing baby clothes from China to Australia.

            Having looked extensively at products available in shops in Australia I can see some high quality brands source from China, so I know it's possible to find high quality suppliers... but I lack the ability to distinguish them.

            Is this something you might be able to assist with?

            Hi Mike,

            Try to find several suppliers by yourself first. Then ask them to send you samples to evaluate in advance. In this case, you might be asked to bear the shipping cost; and I suggest you should at least have some skills to identify clothes of different fabrics and qualities first.

            As I said, a good supplier does not necessarily mean the cheapest one, you need to comprehensively evaluate his ability of communication, fulfillment, response speed, and of course, product quality and price.

            If you really want to locate a factory providing very competitive prices, I suggest you visit China - China is the traditional largest exporter of fabric products, there are many small size cloth manufacturers run by local people, who speak Chinese only and have no idea of globalization, just being told that their products will be sold to abroad. Of course, to do this, you need someone in China to communicate for you, and for the fulfillment in the future.

            • Profile picture of the author fourkicks
              Profile picture of fourkicks
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Hi Vincent,

              Thanks for the info.

              Is there anywhere you can recommend for finding these suppliers online? I have attempted looking through wholesaler lists and places like Alibaba but it's impossible to tell the good from the bad. I agree it's not all about price - I'm looking for good quality products and a smooth experience to start with.

              My wife is very knowledgeable in fabric & garment quality so she'll be handling that side.
              • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
                Profile picture of vincentqin
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                Originally Posted by fourkicks View Post

                Hi Vincent,

                Thanks for the info.

                Is there anywhere you can recommend for finding these suppliers online? I have attempted looking through wholesaler lists and places like Alibaba but it's impossible to tell the good from the bad. I agree it's not all about price - I'm looking for good quality products and a smooth experience to start with.

                My wife is very knowledgeable in fabric & garment quality so she'll be handling that side.

                Hi Fourkicks,

                I will write a post regarding this topic soon. I sent you a PM too.


            • Profile picture of the author michellemay
              Profile picture of michellemay
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Hi Vincent,

              Thanks so much for giving such helpful and genuine advice.

              I opened an women's fashion dropshipping store in Feb. A challenge has been to find good quality suppliers with cute products and are the actually manufacturer that can offer low prices.

              We are currently using aliexpress and large ecommerce stores that sell their own product and have wholesale and dropship programs. I have a feeling they aren't the actual manufacturer.

              I was planning to go to China (Shenzen and Guangzhou) in May but then I am unsure if going so early in my startup phase is wise? Will the manufacturers respond well to recently opened dropshippers? Or do they usually only want to work with companies who buy in bulk?

              Is it too soon in my startup stages to take a trip to China from the US? Should I be focusing more on gaining traffic rather than spending the money to visit china and find a really good manufacturer?

              I would very much appreciate your help in this matter.

              Thank you,

              • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
                Profile picture of vincentqin
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                Originally Posted by michellemay View Post

                We are currently using aliexpress and large ecommerce stores that sell their own product and have wholesale and dropship programs. I have a feeling they aren't the actual manufacturer.
                No, most of them are not manufacturers.

                Originally Posted by michellemay View Post

                I was planning to go to China (Shenzen and Guangzhou) in May but then I am unsure if going so early in my startup phase is wise? Will the manufacturers respond well to recently opened dropshippers? Or do they usually only want to work with companies who buy in bulk?
                They usually only want to work with companies who buy in bulk.

                Originally Posted by michellemay View Post

                Is it too soon in my startup stages to take a trip to China from the US? Should I be focusing more on gaining traffic rather than spending the money to visit china and find a really good manufacturer?
                It depends on your strategies and budget. Finding a good supplier is never too early for a business. I suggest at this early stage, you can look for wholesalers instead of manufacturers, as wholesalers offers more styles with lower MOQ.

                I sent you a PM too.
          • Profile picture of the author Boris_yo
            Profile picture of Boris_yo
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            Originally Posted by fourkicks View Post

            Hi Vincent,

            I've been considering designing, manufacturing and importing baby clothes from China to Australia.

            Having looked extensively at products available in shops in Australia I can see some high quality brands source from China, so I know it's possible to find high quality suppliers... but I lack the ability to distinguish them.

            Is this something you might be able to assist with?

            Hi Mike, I think you will find this discussion on Reddit useful: Guess how much a $300 down coat costs to produce. : Entrepreneur

            @Vincent Qin You have shared good information.
            I have question for you. Please PM.
  • Profile picture of the author Lipipaliwal
    Profile picture of Lipipaliwal
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    Hey Vincent, Nice to see your all comments. I like your comments very much. These comments are really informative and appreciable. I will, definitely get back to you, If I do start any business such as import and export in China. Thanks once again
  • Profile picture of the author pjlucas
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    PM Sent
  • Profile picture of the author pjlucas
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    I am looking for legal help. I want to establish a trading company is shenzhen. Can you PM me ?
  • Profile picture of the author pjlucas
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    Vincent thanks a ton! You are extremely helpful
  • Profile picture of the author sellonlinee
    Profile picture of sellonlinee
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    Glad that this thread became alive again
  • Profile picture of the author oladosuabass
    Profile picture of oladosuabass
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    Hi vincent,
    I appreciate your contributions so far.
    I am in the room of confusion about alibaba seller(supplier). I hope you help me out.

    I received over 5 quotations from alibaba wholesalers when I request for a latest price of Apple Ipad Air on alibaba store.
    All these manufacturers/suppliers claim to be genuine(by providing their biz registration no, address, warehouse pictures e.t.c) and also claiming that their products are original.
    I was amazed when I saw a apple Ipad air price between $58 to $95 inside the quotation of the sellers.
    Firstly, I ask my self: How come? How possible?
    When I visit aliexpress.com, the price is between $490-$520(which looks reasonably) and at the same time.
    According to reviews I found online, the Ipad air price is $429 from at&t.
    What do you think about alibaba's seller deadly cheap price? Are they selling fakes? Or what?
    It is not only Apple Ipad air I received quotation on, I received quotation on other tablet pcs such as Yoga, microsoft surface pro e.t.c (at deadly pprice)
    Thanks in advance.
  • Profile picture of the author oladosuabass
    Profile picture of oladosuabass
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi vincent,
    I appreciate your contributions so far.
    I am in a room of confusion about alibaba seller(supplier). I hope you help me out.

    I received over 5 quotations from alibaba wholesalers when I request for a latest price of Apple Ipad Air on alibaba store.
    All these manufacturers/suppliers claim to be genuine(by providing their biz registration no, address, warehouse pictures e.t.c) and also claiming that their products are original.
    I was amazed when I saw a apple Ipad air price between $58 to $95 inside the quotation of the sellers.
    Firstly, I ask my self: How come? How possible?
    When I visit aliexpress.com, the price is between $490-$520(which looks reasonable.
    According to reviews I found online, the Ipad air price is $429 from at&t.
    What do you think about alibaba's seller deadly cheap price? Are they selling fakes? Or what?
    It is not only Apple Ipad air I received quotation on, I received quotation on other tablet pcs such as Yoga, microsoft surface pro e.t.c (at deadly pprice)
    Thanks in advance.
    • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
      Profile picture of vincentqin
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      They are too good to be true.

      Are you asking for quotations for second-handed or brand-new Ipad Air? It's possible if they are second-handed or stolen stuff. Fake is also possible, but it's easy to tell the fakes so few people spend time to fake apple - the cost will be too high if they try to make a good fake which looks like the real one

      Originally Posted by oladosuabass View Post

      Hi vincent,
      I appreciate your contributions so far.
      I am in a room of confusion about alibaba seller(supplier). I hope you help me out.

      I received over 5 quotations from alibaba wholesalers when I request for a latest price of Apple Ipad Air on alibaba store.
      All these manufacturers/suppliers claim to be genuine(by providing their biz registration no, address, warehouse pictures e.t.c) and also claiming that their products are original.
      I was amazed when I saw a apple Ipad air price between $58 to $95 inside the quotation of the sellers.
      Firstly, I ask my self: How come? How possible?
      When I visit aliexpress.com, the price is between $490-$520(which looks reasonable.
      According to reviews I found online, the Ipad air price is $429 from at&t.
      What do you think about alibaba's seller deadly cheap price? Are they selling fakes? Or what?
      It is not only Apple Ipad air I received quotation on, I received quotation on other tablet pcs such as Yoga, microsoft surface pro e.t.c (at deadly pprice)
      Thanks in advance.
      • Profile picture of the author oladosuabass
        Profile picture of oladosuabass
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Hi vincent,
        I did not asked for fake, second-handed or stolen products from the sellers. All of the quotation I received from various sellers from different manufacturers, they all claims their product to be Original and also includes 3-5 years guaranty.
        My thought is that those manufacturers produces fake version of popular brand name such as Apple, Blackberry e.t.c.
        I will pm you with one of the quotation I received showing various product type and price in pdf format.
        I need you to help me review this price and product, by doing that, I think you will be able to tell if the products are fake based on the price of the products.
        So vincent, I will like to have your permission to send you the pdf quotation.
        • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
          Profile picture of vincentqin
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

          Another possibility is to use the cases of those branded products only and cheap stuff inside. Yes, you can PM me.

          Originally Posted by oladosuabass View Post

          Hi vincent,
          I did not asked for fake, second-handed or stolen products from the sellers. All of the quotation I received from various sellers from different manufacturers, they all claims their product to be Original and also includes 3-5 years guaranty.
          My thought is that those manufacturers produces fake version of popular brand name such as Apple, Blackberry e.t.c.
          I will pm you with one of the quotation I received showing various product type and price in pdf format.
          I need you to help me review this price and product, by doing that, I think you will be able to tell if the products are fake based on the price of the products.
          So vincent, I will like to have your permission to send you the pdf quotation.
  • Profile picture of the author oladosuabass
    Profile picture of oladosuabass
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi vincent,
    I sent you pm
  • Profile picture of the author iwhiz
    Profile picture of iwhiz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    @op is there any local Chinese wholesale and manufacturing website where i can get products at cheaper prices.
    • Profile picture of the author jmwang
      Profile picture of jmwang
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Following are the B2B websites where you can find the Chinese suppliers for your desire products.
  • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
    Profile picture of vincentqin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi all,

    Sorry for being absent for a while. I'm back now
  • Profile picture of the author rihsam
    Profile picture of rihsam
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    We are looking for a travel agent. Can you help
    • Profile picture of the author vincentqin
      Profile picture of vincentqin
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I'm sorry there's not enough information.

      If you are just looking for a travel agent to arrange your trip to China, Google may help.

      Originally Posted by rihsam View Post

      We are looking for a travel agent. Can you help

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