Would love your opnions

by feedia
3 replies
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We changed our store's template this spring and sales have been less than spectacular this year. I am wondering if it is because of google, our new template, or what?

We get around 5K unique visitors a month, and the majority is from Direct Referrals (about 56%), Social Networks (about 24%), and Search Results (about 16%).

Our sales were close to double what they are this year for the previous two years.

I am open for suggestions as well as any tips you may have.
My website is: goofbag that is a dot com. (not sure if I can link - do want to be flagged for spam....looking for serious input)
#google #love #opnions #suggestions #template
  • Profile picture of the author 2GuysHigh
    Hey feedia,

    Just had a look over your site and I would make the following comments.

    The theme looks to be a little overwhelming. Perhaps it appeals to some, but that's just my initial thoughts.

    Also you don't have any real trust indicators on the site. When I build out eCom stores I use the following to increase trust and conversions...

    1) Instant Chat (depends which platform you use but they are widely available)
    2) Payment symbols
    3) Clear Contact and support information.

    While you seem to have a well stocked site, you really need to consider store setup from a customer point perspective. With so many Scams out there, it's always good practice to build as much trust as possible so customers feel comfortable doing business with you.

    There are a number of good courses on the market that really detail how to build a successful eCom site. I would suggest checking out The Brown Box Formula from Ezra Firestone. His training is pretty comprehensive and covers both traffic and conversions.

    Hope this helps.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10415283].message }}
  • Hey feedia,
    we saw your website,in my options.the promotions sell
    Typographic colors too much ,and we cant see items clearly.it may caused bad users experience.
    Color this page too complex.
    hope it can help u.


    to be a better girl.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10415902].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Enfusia
      When I opened your site I was slapped in the face by too much stuff to focus on.

      Have you ever seen a classified section in color where they sell every size of display ad and then cram them onto a page. That's what it looks like to me.

      It has no structure that's pleasing to the eye. It screams that you're selling junk and so my mind want's out of there asap.

      Everything I just wrote was in the interest of helping, not being critical.

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      Yes, Any Business!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10415953].message }}

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