Please help me with my online clothing outlet.

by 67 replies
Hello everybody!

A while ago I decided to try something new, as I have always wanted to have my own company.
I came to the conclusion that a online store would be nice, as I could work from home and be my own boss (if everything went well ofc).

I found a dropshipper with discounted branded clothes and made a shopify store.

And now I undestand that I'm up for the real challenge: To get some f*ing sales!
And that seems to be a lot harder than I though it would be.

The thing is that the products I'm selling are from exclusive italian brands like Aramani, Gucci etc.

So even though the clothes are heavily discounted from they're original prices, they're still pretty expensive.

My question to you is then: How do I target relatively wealthy people and make them buy my clothes?

I have already tried some ppc with google ads (1000 sessions on my site), but not one single f*ing sale! (please dont laugh!).

I hope the reason for this is that my keywords/audience must have been off.
Because many people have looked at the store and they think it looks really professional.
At least thats what they are saying, maybe they just want to be kind to me???

Anyway: If anyone out there (with the skillset) reads my outcry and wants to help me out,
that would be super appreciated!

Because I really need to start getting some sales here!

Btw I'm not posting the url here because I dont want people to find this thread when they google my store.

(Also - links would not be permitted nor is contact info)

Thanks in advance and have a wonderful day!
#ecommerce sites, wholesaling & drop shipping #clothing #online #outlet
  • There really is not information here to know what the problem is.

    One thing that crossed my mind, however, is that many people - especially those that can afford high end clothing - may be very skeptical that they are the actual brands' products and not cheap Chinese knockoffs that are extremely prevalent online. You might need to address that skepticism on the site somehow.
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    • Hello
      Yes I have explained that on the "about us" page. But maybe I should have it on all the product pages as well? So they can click a link on the product page if they are sceptical.
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  • Better to do Facebook Ads.
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  • Similar to what Dave said, if you target wealthy people, and they are in fact wealthy, why would they care to take ANY risk of authenticity and buy from your site when they can just get whatever they want directly from the company website?

    Do you offer better shipping rates or delivery times than Amazon or the company itself? Or is it just a cheaper product you're offering and nothing else?

    You can put authenticity claims on every page and I still probably wouldn't take the risk buying from your site.

    However....the people who MIGHT buy more from your site are the not so wealthy folks who want to LOOK like they're wealthy. Those are the ones I would be targeting.

    Put yourself in the customer's shoes...if you're a multi-millionaire, would you buy from your website or would you call your personal sales rep from Gucci and ask them what the new products are for this month?
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I have 3 days delivery time in Europe, and 5 days in the rest of the world.

    What you say about the targeting groups really makes a lot of sense!
    But can you please give me some tips on how to target them properly?

    I suppose facebook ads for people with interest in thoose brands, fashion, etc?
    And also google ads with kewords like "designer outlet" "exclusice brands outlet" ?

    I dont know much about retargeting, but that seems to be very important, right?

    Thanks for the help!
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    • I know 3 and 5 days isn't a long time, but for Amazon and their rabid customers, that's an eternity. You can buy on Amazon and get same day or next day delivery. That is very tough to compete against. Many people will pay extra to have that product delivered faster.

      When you set up ads, you can choose your target demographic. Generally younger people (20-40) have less money than 40+ and those living outside of cities like San Francisco, New York, Miami, Vancouver. The truth is, you won't know for sure what works until you start. I would be starting with younger people who have interests in fashion, design, outlets, shopping, brands and do not live in big, expensive cities. I would also try out the other markets at some point though, but don't start out so broad.
  • Testimonials can help you showcase the authenticity of your products. Plus facebook groups are best to target the right people. Fast service and highly competitive prices can help you gain a good customer base.

    Companies like Amazon, Uber, Ola, swiggy and many big fishes trade in losses just to get a good market share and improve their customer base. If your products are sold at competitive market rates, only then you can expect getting a good conversion rate for the customer visits on your website.

    Good luck!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Okey, I will add testimonials when I have some

      Will try to target trough groups.

      Yes I have competitive prices, and the service will be fast when someone buys

      Thank you for the help and good luck to you too!
  • When a person visit your store, he needs to understand why you are better then others. Maybe you can make a blog where you will talk about fashion etc.
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • I will keep that in mind.
    I will have to need blog posts later when I do SEO anyway, wont I?
  • It's hard to compete with those branded keywords since you're up against those big companies. If people do search these types of clothes online, the brand sites always comes up first in Google or whatever search engine.

    IMO, what you can do is go for long tail keywords related to what you are selling. In addition to your main keyword/s, add keywords like cheap, discounted, and the like.
  • you can grow up your business online through google search and adword. these are the basics which i would like to suggest you use it.
  • Hello Mrnorwegian,

    I have been in the industry of SEO, Web & Mobile App Development for 5+ years now and have delivered ecommerce stores and after going through your post; I am not surprised but it is quite debatable, however I suggest some of the key stesp that may help if implemented well, though it is currect there is a lot to study for exact answer...

    So the simple Ways to Market a New E-commerce Website

    1. Have an SEO Strategy. Search engine optimization is a must, not only for e-commerce sites, but for all websites.

    2. Create a Blog.

    3. Use Promotions to Attract Consumers.

    4. Use Social Media Sites.

    5. Paid Advertising for E-commerce.

    6. Get Your Products Reviewed.

    7. Provide Free Samples.

    8. Write a good Summary.

    Hopefully this will help.

    I would like to see the results for you, in case you follow these suggested points.

    All the best
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • You can ad on Facebook. Because Millions of people use Facebook. And Nowadays, Facebook comes on the second number after Google in ad perspective.
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    • That's true... Facebook has a large Audience Base...
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • FaceBook is cheaper than adwords, you can target pretty well, the ad can have an image.

    To target properly, you need to understand well who buys what you sell.

    You need to figure out who is interested (wants to buy) and can buy and, even more importantly, is willing to buy online.

    Some of your items might appeal to more than one group... each of your ads, however, must be specific to one of the groups... They work better that way.

    Say you sell evening dresses... Who wants evening dresses and why? Mothers of brides for the wedding; high school girls for the prom night, brides maids for the wedding... etc.

    Mothers of the brides, in my part of the world, tend to be 38-60, the younger of them tend to have less money than the older ones.

    High school girls... you have to convince them they want your dress AND convince their parents to pay...

    Brides maids, you usually have to convince the bride and her mother and you're competing with wedding dress stores and other stores.

    The parents, sometimes, means mother, sometimes means father, sometimes means mother and father... depends on culture.

    "I suppose facebook ads for people with interest in thoose brands, fashion, etc?
    And also google ads with kewords like "designer outlet" "exclusice brands outlet" ?"

    Yes, but you might be better off if you figured out other keywords... Ask yourself what else do the people you're targeting are looking for?

    If I want Brand x shoes, I might be looking for 'cool shoes"; if I'm looking to lose weight, I might never google how to lose weight, but I might be checking how many calories a dish/food has or how many calories does walking burn.

    I dont know much about retargeting, but that seems to be very important, right?

    Yes, it is important. Google it.
  • Have you tried using influencers?
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Awesome idea. Does you website flow like any other designer brand site? With weathly people, user flow has to be quite distinct
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  • Better try facebook ads for one or two times and take decision further accordingly..However I am of the opinion that google ads are always better than facebook ads...
  • What kind of clothes? In this niche, branding is key, and of course... It takes time unless you have something truly unique that can spark a quick purchase.
  • use facebook ads
  • See, Google ads won't help you much in long run. Why don't you stop selling those high cost brands but rather to sell private label clothing that will cost you much cheaper.
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    • I do agree with you, dropshipping is more suitable for this low price with private label products.
  • Try to implement buying intent keywords with your product keywords like:
    these supportive keyword's user use for immediate shopping maybe it will help
  • Banned
    Clothing works great on Instagram.
    contact some micro influencers and start sending them samples. Let them post pictures with your clothing.
    It will definitely give you sales.

    Best of luck.
  • It really is hard to help you unless you post a link to your store.
  • Store name? I assume English isn't your first language? That may have some effect.
  • Successfully targeting your best prospects will help get you sales. So who are your beat prospects? Probably affluent people, probably younger trendier people.

    As others have mentioned, people will be skeptical that what you're selling are knockoffs. Getting reviews/testimonials to post on your page will help. As well as getting likes on your Facebook page.

    Right now I think your biggest issue is trust since you're a new fave selling high end clothes.
  • Banned
  • I put up a clothing line about a year ago, had about four or five sales, nothing. Store went dead. Clothing is very difficult and I think most people will fail. 80%. I am devastated and can't even look at the store, stored all the pictures. I had beautiful stuff... social media account, I was watching all the videos how to make 5-10,000 a month, installed all the advanced pixels, I am usually an optimist but I think online clothing is really hard. People go to the major brands or shop in person, I had high hopes and dreams, store went to dust.
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    • Even had extensive coupons on, in hooes that wouod bring traffic. No one found the store, I didn't have money for adwords and SEO.
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  • Who would spend plenty of dollars buying luxurious brands online?
    This is not about the issues of your target prospects, it is all about the business model.
    Do these people on your store trust you? Give me a reason for it.
  • 95% off dropship shopify will fail. If u succeeded. U can open another 20 dropship shopify stores tomorrow.
  • Hello, i understand your problem. Now if you want to have your own clothing company then search for print on demand websites. They pretty much do all the work for you and then you can take the profit margin which you have decided. And as for advertising try using social media like creating an instagram page showing your clothes...
  • I understand your frustration without looking at your site here is some pointers to help you out.

    There are 4 elements when selling online. You need a good product. A fair price. A website that converts. Traffic so you can dial in your website.

    Websites that sell products will convert around 0.5% to 2%. That is a good conversion meaning if you have 1,000 targeted unique visitors hit your site you should get 5 to 20 sales.

    You also want to track are people just hitting your site and leaving right away? Are they clicking and checking out your items?

    Are they adding items to the shopping cart and leaving before they purchase?

    Once you find out where people are leaving you want to. Are some changes it could be the color, not enough text, to much text, not clear on what your site is about, navigating. Make a change and run another 1,000 visitors did it help conversions hurt them or did they stay the same.

    Keep doing this process until you dial your site in.

    As far as customers you want to be where your customers are online find out where your market is and advertise there.
  • Banned
  • I would 100% use Facebook and Instagram. Build brand awareness there first. Its the cheapest, fastest and easiest way.

    Post daily content, use ads to target specific audiences. Send free samples to influencers, try to get someone with a decent size instagram followers to post about your products and URL.

    Meanwhile, put (sales/revshare) affiliate offers out there and try to work on your SEO, get backlinks, optimize your website and blog/write articles. Approach big blogs/website/facebook pages that would fit your audience and ask for an article on their website. Hussle

    When the first sales start coming in, invest the money in adwords campaigns. See what works, try different keywords.

    You've made a nice website. That was the easy part

    Good luck!
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    • I agree and I was going to say the exact same thing, facebook and instagram are probably your best bet. Every time I scroll through my feed on either platform there are ads for clothing and jewelry from overseas manufacturers being sold for premium prices, and most of them are not brand name at all. Good luck with the site!
  • I suggest you do proper keyword research and then compare the trend using suitable online tools. Once you have done it you will have the data that which keyword is most suitable for your products that people search on Google. Moreover, you should also use the location filter while doing keyword research to get a direct audience.
  • This will be a real challenge on your part since the specific audience that you need to target is quite small, but if you are successful in targeting them, things would come your way. Have you ever considered influencer marketing? Working with influencers who are into that kind of things/niche will have the right audience for you.
  • Banned
  • I would work on your social media. I see lots of brands that post content on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook and build a following there and then market to them. I personally have had much better luck with Instagram and am working on growing my facebook, however, I know people are doing well with both. The main thing to focus on is actually delivering real content... as in, don't just be posting promo codes, etc.

    Maybe even try to find a social media influencer and offer them a free product if they post if on their account with a review of your site.
  • Make your site more friendly so that visitors can interact on your site and they can know where to go and where they can find their type of clothes.
  • Building legitimacy is the biggest hurdle stores like your face. Since there are so many fake and knock offs flooding the market, you have to show you offer real products in any way possible.

    Reviews: The more reviews the better but the real key is reviews from searchable real people online.

    When we started our business, we got real reviews in video form. This shows a legit person (hopefully from an influencer) and it adds volumes to reputation and thus increased sales. It is not instant nor overnight, but no legitimate business should be focused solely on short term gains but long term sustainability.
  • use instagram to show what you offer.
    there are many ways to find and interact with your TA using automation.
  • There are two niches that I probably would not mess with, and that is clothing, and jewelry, for the simple fact, it does not fit, not what I expected, the wrong size, and on top of that competition is pretty tough, not only that, clothes can be gotten just about anywhere these days.

    forget about blogging, content marketing, etc. You are going to spend far more on content, and link building (even if it is just your time) then you ever will spend using Facebook/Google Ads.

    Are you a marketing expert? If not, then your facebook/marketing expert will ask that you have a min of $1,000 to blow right off the bat, however, if your marketing expert is honest, then he will ask you why would anyone buy your cheap clothes? and you are going to try to give him some excuse on why someone would buy from your "Shopify" store, and not from Amazon or your competitors..

    If your marketing expert is dishonest, then he will just slowly bleed your money away...

    Marketing experts require a lot of hard data/analytics and lots of traffic. For instance, if you are already making $1000s per month, then your marketing expert could make you more, but if you have no data, and nothing that anyone wants to buy that they can't get from Amazon, then no legit marketing expert will be able to help.

    It takes more skill then most people realize in order to succeed in any type of business. There are tons of factors across the board from your design > analytics > traffic > why are they buying? Why are they not buying? It is just mindblowing that people do not think about such things other than making money.

    I guess it is no surprise why 95% of Shopify stores fail, for instance. You would have a far better chance of selling a brand new life saving super food compared to selling apples which can be picked up in just about any grocery store, and this is just to give you a small hint on how tough it can be to sell something online these days.

    Here is my personal opinion: If you have to put a disclaimer on your site that you are not selling knock-off or counterfeit products, then you probably should find a different niche.Even with a disclaimer, you can't change what people may think about your site, and if they think something is too good to be true, then it is already over, and no one will order from a site if they have a bad feeling that they may get ripped off, and they may not want to take that chance either, and to be honest, do you blame them?

    Good luck...
    Been there, done that...
  • You can Combine with FB and IG ads... but u need to trial error more for target group which is suitable for ur products. and also u need SEO for rank up ur keyword (for cheaper PPC)
  • Hi

    In terms of getting sales, don't fret. There are a lot of factors that you can look into and optimize to squeeze as much sales as you can.

    1. Pricing - when talking about luxury brands, anything more than a 20% discount on the tag price from the store raises red flags. Your target market would be dubious if these are indeed authentic items, regardless of any explanation that you put on the site.

    2. Building trust - you need to show classy testimonials from people who have bought from you, preferably highlighting how it was in perfect condition, and that shopping from your site is convenient. Stay away from saying it's really cheap, that can be interpreted differently.

    3. Trust symbols - make sure you have "as seen on" logos on your landing page to instantly gain trust from cold traffic

    4. Source of traffic - Google might not be your ideal traffic source for this niche. Top of mind purchase source is always the store, so they wouldn't be necessarily searching for "where to buy armani suit" just because. I suggest going for Facebook and Instagram traffic, both sites are geared more towards a visual approach to ads = highlighting what clothes do best, which is to look really good. You can also target better through similar interests and an email list (if you have any)

    5. Warming up your audience - are you sending people directly to your site from the search page? That's like giving a person a 20-page form to fill out to buy a car that they just saw on a car lot. You need a salesperson to do the selling for you, warming up your traffic, making sure they're ready to buy the moment they click on checkout.

    Selling online, the possibilities are endless. You just know what to look for.

    It would really help if we can see what your site looks like and what your customer journey is right now to be able to narrow down the easiest win for you.

    Hope this helps.
  • Just hard to compete with the big established companies I guess, like lordandtaylor etc
  • Firstly i need to examine your site to see it looks but aside that you can try facebook lookalike ads (but with this you need to fetch a particular audience with some tools) and do some media buys. Also what was your ads on google and which type of ads did you purchase on google? I need a comprehensive look at your situation in order to tell what the problem is that you aren't getting sales
  • i personally wouldn't get into selling clothing with high brand loyalty - i'd advice you sell them discounted on IG ... they will sell out in a week...

    But here's what ive done in similar circumstances like you've found your self!

    Find high engaging IG influencers - offer them your authentic clothings in exchange for promoted post or story! This is the best way to sell high brand loyalty inventories!
  • Buy some blogger reviews or a post from mediaperson. It will cost, but your website get more trust. Also you can use Pinterest.
  • People are likely to be suspicious of premium branded products like Gucci etc for sale on some as yet unknown website.. For fear of buying fakes..
    Can you verify the authenticity?
    If you can then you should try to convince your visitors..
  • Banned
    You can try Pinterest and other image sharing websites, these may useful to viral your products images
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  • Many people advice using influencer like grape vine logic but the last time i checked it was very expensive, use youtube instream ads. It works well
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    • It can be expensive if you don't know what you're doing. There are no set rules in influencer marketing. You can get shoutouts for free if you're good at negotiating. Or you could make a commission based deal with them, there are many different ways of doing it.
  • Which keywords you selected for your webshop ? Maybe it's the reason you have not had a sale in 1000 targeted search engine clicks. Do you have any real orders ? Maybe something with the shop itself anyway ? Will it work out the orders really ?
  • You may also try Google Shopping Ads!
  • Hello

    Trying to think what advice I would give you, but really I think you have chosen a wrong product range for online sales, and really havn't put any thought in how you would sell these clothes and who you would sell them to. Some new to the IM game think that having a website and maybe driving a bit of traffic to it is all they need, that's just not the case. Shopify is at fault here in a way, they make it sound so easy, but it's not, I bet most Shopify shops are making very little to no sales but you just don't hear about them. My last thought is how does a guy qualify himself to sell women's clothing?. You likely have very little knowledge on that subject. I'm not putting you down here, I applaud you for getting up and trying to start your own Company, so never give up on your dreams, you can make them come true.

    So, I think I have a few qualifications to make some comments here so I'll cover that first. I should be the ideal target for high end clothing like Gucci, I have a lot of spendable money (my Dad, Anna and I own a multi million $ Marketing Agency as well as other online and offline business's) Anna and I drive Porsche's (leased by our Company) We live and run our business's from a huge 240 year old Manor House on 25 acres of parkland itself worth multi millions. But not a Gucci outfit in sight. The closest we have is that between Anna, my Daughter Sherri and myself, we have three Burberry trench coats and one shoulder bag. Now each of those four items cost a few thousand pound each, but they were presents to us from my Dad. We love them but I doubt any of us would have paid that price for them ourselves. We wear clothes bought in town or from shops in London but not all that expensive. We went out last Friday night and my whole outfit would have been around the £400 mark, my jewellery would have been the only thing that went into the thousands.

    Now for seconds - We actually do sell clothing and make good money from those lines. We still do affiliate marketing (the first IM business we started) but we do it in a very different way to most. We have our free monthly online Magazines, directed to certain niches, for instance an Online Dating Magazine with over 120,000 subscribers and another Magazine for teens/20's women. We run our own affiliate ads in the Magazines.

    Sherri also has both IM and Main Street business's selling clothing. She started her first website when she was 14, selling drop shipped American teen clothing to students at her high school, eventually spreading her promotions to three other schools. Then she started her own Magazine for teen girls and clothing was one of the affiliate lines she promoted. She then trialed selling some clothing that she imported via Alibaba and finding that very successful she has opened two Main Street Boutiques catering to teens and twenties and selling her own labeled clothing/accessories and jewellery. She is killing the other clothing Boutiques in the two towns she is operating in as they can't compete with her range or pricing. The clothes cost her so little that even with an average 300-400% markup she can be selling at half the price that the other Boutiques are charging when they are sourcing from UK wholesalers. Her Boutiques and Label are factors in this too, they have a lot of appeal to her target market.

    Unlike her or us you don't have an captive market, and you are trying to sell what you describe as "still pretty expensive" clothing. As others have pointed out as well, you would also have a problem with credibility, people thinking they might be counterfeit branded items.

    I'll tell you what I would do, and it is out of the box or way different thinking. But a way you might start to sell these items. I would first choose just one item, list it on Pinterest, promote it as preworn (second hand) but cleaned and in as new condition etc. Have the item shipped to yourself and then you resend it to the buyer. The fact that you are from Europe would help in the belief that you may have access to second hand Gucci clothing, and the preworn (second hand) tagging would go to explain why the item is being sold at a greatly reduced price so would eliminate some fears of it being fake merchandise.

    I recommended selling on Pinterest, here are some figures:

    Pinterest user statistics
    • 250 million people use Pinterest every month. ...
    • Pinterest reaches 83 percent of US women aged 25-54. ...
    • 50 percent of new sign-ups in 2018 were men. ...
    • 80 percent of new sign-ups are from outside the US. ...
    • 34 percent of Americans aged 18 to 49 use Pinterest.

    That's how I would try to sell the upmarket clothing. Your listing only one item to start but you can actually make multiple e sales of it.

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Banned
  • I don't think there is a specific way to find rich people who can buy your stuff. As you already tried different method like PPC. I would suggest you to start seo for your website and achieve higher result into search engine organically. It will get your some results.
  • Maybe I have a different way of thinking , but here goes .
    I would list a few items on eBay - in the description Include a link to your store , you will have some traffic . If you do not have an eBay account , find a friend, sibling that already has a decent amount of feedback . You can't start selling high branded items on a new account . You can do this along with FB , Instagram , ect
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  • Banned
  • Most people especially celebrities and wealthy people have twitter accounts. Try advertise there. Just make sure make your advertisement authentic and convincing. Explaining why you and your products are better choice than the others.
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    • Not a bad idea. However, how would this person get a celebrity to follow them on twitter? I feel like maybe a celebrity is a bit of a stretch for a target audience of this drop shipping site
  • You can start advertising on Facebook, there is targeting available for High Income people in Behavior, that will definitely give some sales. Your ad copy should be attractive, if you can try a Video Post that will be great.
  • Banned

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