Is Amazon a threat to your eCommerce website? What are you doing to protect yourself?

by 6 replies
Starting and maintaining an online store takes an enormous amount of time, money, and work. What are you doing to ensure Amazon doesn't put you out of business someday?

Are you selling products that Amazon will probably never sell?

Are you selling personalized products that Amazon can't really compete with?

Do you have the "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" philosophy? i.e., you ALSO sell your products on Amazon?
#ecommerce sites, wholesaling & drop shipping #amazon #ecommerce #protect #threat #website
  • In our large ticket eCommerce training course, seeing what is available on Amazon and at what price is a critical part of niche selection. You never want to pick a niche where Amazon is going to have the same or better prices than you.

    Fortunately, Amazon does not always have great prices on brand name products these days - especially ones with MAP pricing. People have to mark them up too much in order to pay the exorbitant Amazon commissions.

    The other thing we tell people to look at is the diversity of what Amazon offers. With most product niches, they only have a few models from a small number of brands - many of which are obscure brands.

    Bottom Line: If you can beat Amazon prices for the same exact products OR if you can offer a more diverse product selection, Amazon poses very little threat.

    Oh ... and if you are selling your own private label products and have a healthy markup of 50% or more, by all means, "join 'em".
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
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    • ^ Gold Nuggets ^
    • We do essentially the same at three of our local flea markets. Example: when we sell high-ticket lawn mowers. Instead of only one brand we sell four different brands and all four consist of a minimal of two different lawn mowers to include a loss leader.
    • Thanks for your detailed response. I'm curious though, where do you find products to sell that are cheaper than what is offered on Amazon?
      • [1] reply
    • Fantastic insight. Thank you.

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