Quick question for everyone
How do y'all handle increasing ad spend but seeing lower ROI? Is it a seasonal thing or a bigger issue? Asking cuz I'm quite new to actually spending $$ on ... [read more]
How do y'all handle increasing ad spend but seeing lower ROI? Is it a seasonal thing or a bigger issue? Asking cuz I'm quite new to actually spending $$ on ... [read more]
So today I get an online/emailed autopay bill notification from Xfinity. My normal payment of 75 bucks for one gig per second had gone up to 121.00? So I get ... [read more]
Having a vast collection of ancient copywriting scrolls, I wondered what the "newer books" might offer. So I bought - Very Good Copy - Eddie Shleyner A Self Help Guide ... [read more]
I like goals. Targets, something to aim for. The start of a new year is always a good time to think about your goals, or whether or not you even ... [read more]
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