Many additions to cart, few purchases

6 replies
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Hi, I'm testing a new store and launching advertising campaigns on both Facebook and TikTok. I've seen a huge amount of add to cart but very few have purchased. I'm using a broad audience 22-55 years.

I have had over 30 add to cart in one day with just 1 purchase

This is a product that requires customization, so the customer may be undecided or doubtful about the final result. But the relationship between ATC/PUR is really strange

- I use the basic Shopify payment checkout
- Shipping costs $6.99
- You can pay with all credit cards and PayPal.

Do you have any advice?
#additions #cart #purchases
  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by bartwosky View Post

    Hi, I'm testing a new store and launching advertising campaigns on both Facebook and TikTok. I've seen a huge amount of add to cart but very few have purchased. I'm using a broad audience 22-55 years.

    I have had over 30 add to cart in one day with just 1 purchase

    This is a product that requires customization, so the customer may be undecided or doubtful about the final result. But the relationship between ATC/PUR is really strange

    - I use the basic Shopify payment checkout
    - Shipping costs $6.99
    - You can pay with all credit cards and PayPal.

    Do you have any advice?


    It looks like people are interested in your merchandise.

    But they can get customized things from Amazon with free shipping.

    So why would they buy it through a FB or TikTok ad.

    IDK about other people, but I don't purchase from random Shopify sites.

    This was a test and you have your results.

    My advice is to stick with it and try something different.

    Maybe raise the price and offer free shipping.
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Originally Posted by bartwosky View Post

    This is a product that requires customization, so the customer may be undecided or doubtful about the final result. But the relationship between ATC/PUR is really strange
    Can the buyer customize before adding to cart? If not, your customization process needs looking at. Otherwise, it could be the shipping cost that's putting them off. What's $6.99 as a percentage of the product price? And is that domestic or international shipping?

    Also, do you mention projected processing/delivery times before checkout?

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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    Our experience is that you are better off adding $6.99 to the price and offering "free shipping". It is clearly the shipping that is putting them off.

    Better, of course, is if you can eat some of that $6.99 before adding to the price.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Pescetti
    Originally Posted by bartwosky View Post

    Hi, I'm testing a new store and launching advertising campaigns on both Facebook and TikTok. I've seen a huge amount of add to cart but very few have purchased. I'm using a broad audience 22-55 years.

    I have had over 30 add to cart in one day with just 1 purchase

    This is a product that requires customization, so the customer may be undecided or doubtful about the final result. But the relationship between ATC/PUR is really strange

    - I use the basic Shopify payment checkout
    - Shipping costs $6.99
    - You can pay with all credit cards and PayPal.

    Do you have any advice?
    Cart bounces can be confusing.

    Cart page conversions should be 30%+. 40%+ if you really do the work.

    So what's the work?

    It's not JUST the cart page that's the problem.

    It's everything that came before.

    That starts with the ad side.

    Now, I REALLY wouldn't be testing on two different platforms if you don't have a solid control on ONE platform.

    It's a great way to throw away ad spend on something that was never going to convert.

    You didn't say what the offer actually is, so I can't recommend one platform over the other.

    But let's say you're running FB traffic.

    First thing you NEED to acknowledge is, the creative you use is the "prompt" for FB's algorithm to find the eyes for your offer. So your primary copy, headlines, static images and video copy all need to QUICKLY educate the algorithm. In other words, every ad dollar is an investment to train your pixel.

    The 3 things you need to focus on the most?

    Mechanism... i.e. How it works for me.

    New Cause... i.e. Why everything else failed.

    Poisoning... i.e. How and where you're "entering the conversation." Forget the HOOK. Positioning IS the hook.

    Storytelling is also a big part of the equation. Whether it's yours, customer testimonials or UGC done right.

    Rarely are cart bounces ONLY because of the page itself.

    Do you want a 9 figure copywriter and biz owner to Write With You? I'll work with you, on zoom, to help write your copy or client copy... while you learn from one of the few copywriters to legit hit 9 figures in gross sales! Discover More

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    • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
      Originally Posted by Mark Pescetti View Post

      Cart page conversions should be 30%+. 40%+ if you really do the work.
      That's an incredibly bold and generic statement to make without any basis of fact.

      What if what you are selling costs $5,000 or more? Do you really think that 30-40% of people who add that amount to their shopping cart are simply going to check out? If so, you have never sold any high ticket items.

      Very often - especially with high ticket websites - people are adding something to their cart and even hitting the checkout page (but not actually completing their checkout) because they want to see if there are any hidden surprises (shipping/taxes/handling fees etc,). They will then do the same thing with several other websites until they find the best deal with a website they are comfortable buying from.

      With large purchases, there are often other people to consult (like your spouse) and major budgetary decisions involved. People often take weeks or more to make those decisions. Many keep revisiting and wishing they had the money, trying to justify spending it without ever pulling the trigger. Many will visit dozens or even hundreds of times over weeks/months/years and still never pull the trigger.

      Then, of course, a whole lot of your conversion rate depends on where the traffic came from. Are they a repeat customer? Were they referred by a customer? Did they come from an ad? How well was the ad targeted? Or, did the traffic come from organic search and how targeted was that search (e.g. if you are selling bowling balls, was the search simply "bowling ball" or was it "blue and black Brunswick 16 pound bowling ball")?

      Sorry, but your pronouncement may very well be valid for an item that sells for $6.99 and comes from a super targeted Facebook ad, but the greatest, most targeted Facebook ad in the world is not going to have those same conversion rates for something that costs $3,000. Even a $6.99 item will not have stellar conversion rates if the traffic comes from a super generic search.
      Signature - The #1 place to buy & sell websites!
      We help sellers get the MAXIMUM amount for their websites and all buyers know that these sites are 100% vetted.
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  • Profile picture of the author npoint
    Originally Posted by bartwosky View Post

    Hi, I'm testing a new store and launching advertising campaigns on both Facebook and TikTok. I've seen a huge amount of add to cart but very few have purchased. I'm using a broad audience 22-55 years.

    I have had over 30 add to cart in one day with just 1 purchase

    This is a product that requires customization, so the customer may be undecided or doubtful about the final result. But the relationship between ATC/PUR is really strange

    - I use the basic Shopify payment checkout
    - Shipping costs $6.99
    - You can pay with all credit cards and PayPal.

    Do you have any advice?

    There are some tools which can show you the user behaviour, they are recording (video) a users session, absolutely amazing analytic tools. Look for them in Google you will find easily then you will see what the people stops in going forward. I am using such tools every day, behaviour of people can be incredible, many things can distract them or make them confusing, you just have to remove those problems from their path to the checkout. Anyway, install a plugins to recover abandoned carts, once someone leave his email in the form you can use that plugin to send them out automatically reminder with some coupon inside etc. my clients every day recovering thousands of carts that way a lot of money are earned thanks to this method
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