Jewellery ecommerce site

by 8 replies
I am considering setting up a Jewellery ecommerce site. Setting up a fully functional ecommerce site is something that is probably better left to a website designer who I would employ. I am considering things like Magento - Home - Open Source eCommerce Evolved

Has anybody had any experience with magentocommerce or would anybody recommend alternatives? I think I would still need a web designer to set it up, but I basically want something that I can add products to through a control panel.

I am based in the UK, and have suppliers in place. One avenue is importing from abroad, and it will be my responsibility to register the Jewellery with the relevant UK organisations which ensure the quality to the consumer. Another is a UK supplier who cans dropship. With that option, it means that I can get a lot of products on my site for no outlay. On the Imports, I will make huge margins.

Another option I have considered as an add on to the ecommerce site is selling Jewellery with classic sales copy. I started working on an example ad the other day, it's only a rough draft and far from complete but take a look - New Page 1

This is my website where I am just uploading my work. The templates and all the graphics were created using photoshop which I only started using recently. I have found that you can usually find a tutorial on the web which gives instructions on anything you want to do.

I am based in the UK, and looking to hook up and maybe work with people with similar interests to mine. My background is in procurement and I am able to source a wide variety of products.

#ecommerce sites, wholesaling & drop shipping #e-commrece #jewellery
  • Oh by the way, I don't lie the headline graphic of my sales page. I think building a headline with a graphics program is perhaps a bad idea. Firstly, It could distract the reader away from the headline, and secondly there is a danger that it might load slowly.

    Simple "Impact" style text headlines just have a punchy call to attention feel about them.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • well never used magneto , however, joomla with ecommerce plugin could do the magic for you and it would be fairly easy to manage...
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • Thank you very much very useful information
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    I am considering setting up a Jewellery ecommerce site. Setting up a fully functional ecommerce site is something that is probably better left to a website designer who I would employ. I am considering things like Magento - Home - Open Source eCommerce Evolved Has anybody had any experience with magentocommerce or would anybody recommend alternatives? I think I would still need a web designer to set it up, but I basically want something that I can add products to through a control panel.