Traffic from youtube comments?

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Hi, is it possible to get traffic from youtube if you leave comments under relevant videos?
#comments #traffic #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author RobertCorby
    Originally Posted by petkanov View Post

    Hi, is it possible to get traffic from youtube if you leave comments under relevant videos?
    Yes, but leave a video comment. This will get some viewers to your video. Find a video that is highly viewed and that has a lot of real user comments. Post your video in the comment section.
    Robert Corby
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  • Profile picture of the author petkanov
    So, would it work if I leave a good comment with my squeeze page there? Would that be a good strategy?
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    • Profile picture of the author J Gibson
      Originally Posted by petkanov View Post

      So, would it work if I leave a good comment with my squeeze page there? Would that be a good strategy?
      Your comment would need to add some kind of value or feedback to the original video or comments board. Otherwise you'll just come across as spammy, nobody will click your link and you risk your account getting closed. I suggest listening to the above advice about video responses - they're usually much more noticed and engaging. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author kenzo22
    I also think that making video responses will be the most effective method in your case. Much more people will check it.

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  • Profile picture of the author Andy Fang
    Originally Posted by petkanov View Post

    Hi, is it possible to get traffic from youtube if you leave comments under relevant videos?
    No, not very possible. It's not worth the effort unless it's a popular video and your comment is in the top liked list.
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  • Profile picture of the author melodeas
    i agree with andy i tried the youtube comments thing before no success!
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  • Profile picture of the author petkanov
    SEO is probably better, but I don't want to depend on google and their ever changing algorithms. I want to fire google. I am looking at different ways to bring traffic, and many people on this thread have said that youtube brings targeted visitors. So my plan is to build a list from traffic sources that don't depend on SEO. I will also try article syndication as explained by Alexa Smith.
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    • Profile picture of the author WillR
      Originally Posted by petkanov View Post

      SEO is probably better, but I don't want to depend on google and their ever changing algorithms. I want to fire google. I am looking at different ways to bring traffic, and many people on this thread have said that youtube brings targeted visitors. So my plan is to build a list from traffic sources that don't depend on SEO. I will also try article syndication as explained by Alexa Smith.
      1. Youtube does rely on SEO. A lot of Youtube videos get their viewers straight from the search engines. Remember, Youtube is owned by Google so SEO plays a big part on that site also.

      2. Expecting traffic from Youtube videos is just as dicy as expecting traffic from regular SEO. Both can come and go in an instant. If I were you I wouldn't waste my time with the comments thing. On popular videos your comments are going to be hidden very quickly and on those videos that are not popular, not many people will see your comments anyway.

      Your time would be much better spent creating and ranking your own videos.
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      • Profile picture of the author darkonetoo
        I did some research on exactly this question.
        (In fact, I was thinking of releasing the info I came up with for a WSO. Instead, I decided to give the highlights here.)

        I followed various Tube-commenters around YouTube - the ones who every 45 minutes to an hour of the day re-up their comments with different-but-similar promotions, over and over.

        I finally contacted 21 different commenters who I had followed for 2 solid weeks (believe me, I'll never do it again:rolleyes and after 3 of them realized I wasn't Google or some other form of enemy that would get them kicked off--- they talked to me. I asked them about their process and results. I gave them some good reasons to talk to me, so I have confidence that what they told me is about 99% accurate. Turtle even gave me snaps of his Clickbank account. Since he really had little motive for deception I believe he was telling me the truth.

        (names have been changed for privacy issues)
        Sally B- Had been Tube-commenting for 3 months, and seemed to have her act down. Worked for "total" of about 4 hours a day, but in 15 - 30 minute streaks on her favorite Super videos, the ones that get the most views. Profit: she "said" she averaged 2 - 3 Clickbank sales a day - about $75/day. Not fantastic, but then again - better than watching reruns of Survivor. She said one day she hit the "mother-load" with 9 sales of a $32 commission product only working a couple hours on one celebrity video. She quit her regular part time job after that.... She was a little sorry later when the numbers didn't keep up like that.

        Turtle A- This guy was a Russian guy, fairly good English. He said he was just part of a group of 7 students who started doing the commenting 6 months ago, getting the gig from the previous guys in his dorm. They apparently work out of one Clickbank account, have a keystroke log for each of the participants. They break the bank once a month. He says that 6 months ago they averaged about $16 an hour commenting, but since they've gotten better and have some cool tools (which he told me about and where to get them) they've been making close to $50/hour. But working hard and fast....

        Greg T- An interesting guy, probably in his 40's, commenting for at least a year now-- his links go to a personal website with content and optins for an email list. I asked him why he didn't outsource if this was successful for him. He indicated that he liked the control and believed that he could spot better opportunities than outsourced workers. He estimated that his net gain from his time was over $100 an hour. Hard to believe at first. But then, I looked at the comments he placed on HOT videos and they were high quality and tended to be highly congruent compared to those of others.

        I was amazed that I found out as much as I did.

        I asked about the criteria these guys used for finding videos for commenting. Pretty much the obvious stuff that most of you would think of. High views, commenting enabled, subject of the video possible to suborn for your own comments and links.

        1 1/2 months ago, I gave it a try myself. Spent 10 hours commenting (about 7 of them were efficient because of the inevitable learning curve) with tracking links to a couple of dedicated landing pages for a diet product where I collected 327 email addresses. I was shocked! After two weeks of emailing to the prospects every other day, I lost 59 of them to unsubs -- but made 11 sales of a $26 commission Clickbank product. ($286) I sent some decent plr material for a week and then sent the remaining emails a ($32 commission offer) for a week. So far I've received 3- $32 sales, and 1 more $26 order for the first offer out of the blue (obviously from an old email they saved).

        I kept track of all my time commenting, emailing, writing emails, gathering free plr for content to deliver, etc. from my test. Yes, all of those skills take a bit of time to develop, but by no means impossible for the average person on this forum. I figure it took 13 hours (including coffee breaks) to extract the value from the emails I got from my commenting. The profits: $286+$96+$26 = $408. Approximately $31/hour. And that was with me doing the commenting. Not anymore!

        Another way of looking at it: In less than one month I averaged $1.24/email I harvested with this "free" method.

        I am officially calling this the "Greg Method". (And sorry, Greg, but I decided that outsourcing made more sense.) At the moment I've got 3 retired school teachers doing it for me. I'm using keystroke logs for payment protocols. Got to love those Russians. I don't have all the kinks worked out yet, but I know I'll make at least 2 - 3 times what I'm investing if I keep an eye on it.

        Oh, I just checked and I still have 241 of the "Trial" names still subscribed. I have more offers to send them, and the new list I'm making with my teachers is already over 2000 and sales are coming in a little better than the initial trial. I've already got emails to send them written from the trial, so no additional time is needed except scheduling the email sends.

        Best of wishes. I hope this is of use to you.

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    • Profile picture of the author Danielle Murphyx
      Let's not forget that Youtube is Google too. And why not combine the two? Better results for you
      Originally Posted by petkanov View Post

      SEO is probably better, but I don't want to depend on google and their ever changing algorithms. I want to fire google. I am looking at different ways to bring traffic, and many people on this thread have said that youtube brings targeted visitors. So my plan is to build a list from traffic sources that don't depend on SEO. I will also try article syndication as explained by Alexa Smith.
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  • Profile picture of the author onSubie
    I am seeing many YouTube comments saying things like "Have you heard about Super Cow Cash? It is super easy to make money...blah blah Just Google it".

    Of course they have the EMD so are sitting right at number one for "Super Cow Cash".

    I have seen multiple users doing this for different EMD keyword domains and so far they are all iframed GS 2.0 sales pages.

    The comments are all on IM and MMO videos. And very recent.

    I have no idea if this works for traffic from YouTube.
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    • Profile picture of the author livo
      Lots of comments you see on youtube are spam but not all,some marketers swear they get lots of traffic from commenting.

      Its something i have never had any luck with though!

      There is however a probably a way for it to work,its just finding the right strategy and more importantly the right video.

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  • Profile picture of the author thedanbrown
    SEO is a big part of getting traffic especially on Youtube because it's owned by Google. You can position a youtube video on the 1st page of google for a long tail keyword pretty easily especially if there isn't much competition. Google loves their own sites!
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  • Profile picture of the author MrImperialGold
    Yes. The easiest way to do that is to reply to other comments or put up helpful comments. Make sure not to make it look like spam.
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  • Profile picture of the author ErnieH
    darkonetoo - All i can say is WOW. This is great that you took your time and posted here so everyone can see. I really appreciate this. I, myself have been using YouTube to make around $300.00 every 2 weeks but I am determined to scale it up more.

    - ErnieH
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    • Profile picture of the author darkonetoo
      Originally Posted by ErnieH View Post

      darkonetoo - All i can say is WOW. This is great that you took your time and posted here so everyone can see. I really appreciate this. I, myself have been using YouTube to make around $300.00 every 2 weeks but I am determined to scale it up more.

      - ErnieH

      The biggest thing anyone ever achieves in IM is to find a profitable subsystem; like your YouTube profits or the actual commenting part of the "Greg Method" (way too much w-o-r-k for me). But figuring out a way to maximize the edge you find is THE SYSTEM. Like the 1KaDay guy- Dennis Becker. He started just finding ways of making 5 bucks-a-day and scaled them up. (This is not meant as an ad, even though he is a friend of mine)

      I love it when you find something that converts to a previously under-utilized traffic source.

      (Completely off topic but important in my opinion: I think the Russians in my post above have a good thing going. It helps them keep their collective fingers (no pun intended) on the pulse of what worlds of people are interested in, thereby encouraging thought about what new areas there are to explore in their future marketing. I think it is success like they are currently enjoying in IM, and ultimately other areas too- that is going to completely change the economic thought in the former Soviet Union.)

      Just finding ways to ramp up opportunities is where the REAL money is.

      Best to you, ErnieH.

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  • Profile picture of the author bigjara
    a lot of effort for very little return. Not worth your time.

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  • Profile picture of the author Cassano 10
    This is great information Darkonetoo
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  • Profile picture of the author srmax
    Getting visitors through YouTube is not that much easy. However it requires a pattern of commenting, sharing and activities that reflect you are serious in whatever you do as no one pays attention to the passersby.

    Maintaining a good YouTube channel with useful informative videos and keeping you active by posting regular comments on other videos can be seen as a good and promising strategy. The most important thing is to take YouTube video marketing seriously and devote some time to expect results!
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  • Profile picture of the author HenryLatourrette
    Originally Posted by petkanov View Post

    Hi, is it possible to get traffic from youtube if you leave comments under relevant videos?
    contact the video owner and ask him to put your link in the description. He will probably ask you for some cash you can send him via paypal.

    It's not free but it's worth more than your time spent on commenting
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  • Profile picture of the author LimitlessTraffic
    Whether it works or not. If you have the spare time to do comments on videos.

    You rather spend that time actually producing videos or blogging.

    To me it's not what works or what not, its what is more efficient.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nicheguybob
    I don't think it's worth your time right now
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  • Profile picture of the author Stefan Shields
    You can't post links in the comments to my knowledge so you would have to rely on people visiting your channel to click links from there or whatever.

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