Found a Baby Supplier

4 replies
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hi all,

I've been wondering through the forums, the eye catching stories lure me in. I found this baby clothing company with tons of overstock, I have about 12k in capital to work with. i was wondering seeing that I sold electronics before, but no clothing, if the margins were good in the clothing retail on eBay.

During my calculations it seems as if all clothing value is determined on fashion, and even with baby fashion, the margins seem well. This is however, expensive brands, and I will get someone to built me a store, but I really do not know how to approach this whole new industry.

Thanks all for your help.
#baby #baby clothing #found #supplier
  • Well, you're actually getting into 2 niches that tend to have high competition.

    Baby AND fashion.

    In addition, those industries tend to have difficult research capabilities because it's hard to compare an apple to an apple - in predicting the exact sale price to the eBay market worth minus the deductions.

    I'm not saying that's not what you did, but I'd be intrigued to see if you researched the products - not just the niche - because if you researched just the niche, then your data is insufficient and unreliable.

    You don't want to compare and 'apple to an apple' on eBay.

    You want to compare the 'Granny Smith apple' to the 'Granny Smith apple'. Especially when it comes to the eBay market worth.
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  • Profile picture of the author DavidAllenNeron
    For a second there I thought you were getting married jk

    My best advice for you is to find someone (not a major company or brand) who is already doing it very well and study what they're doing that works very well, how they position themselves so they make a decent profit, etc...
    There are some good paid and free services that will assist you in sizing up your competition and "spying" on them to get the inside edge, unfortunately I can't think of any off the top of my head but I'm sure a search around here could net you some great places to examine the pros in that particular market.

    Also study the major companies and brands and how they advertise.
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  • Profile picture of the author ReferralCandy

    I think baby clothes are a pretty good market to get into, there are always parents looking to pamper their children. There seem to be baby clothes and pet supplies all over the internet.

    I think the challenge for you will be to figure out a nice story for people to buy into. Without that, your customers will be primarily bargain hunters looking to get a good price. But you might find that good enough, and profitable still.

    Good luck.

    Measure, manage and incentivize customer referrals with ReferralCandy.

    PS: Looking to get more repeat customers for a physical store? Check out CandyBar's digital loyalty cards!

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    • Profile picture of the author bjloper

      The tittle was just for the humor :p

      But yeah, I do agree some parents seek to pampered their little ones, and I think this should be something on a side, as babies clothing and in fashion, both jump into something I could sell, because I am already into another niche of business.

      Thanks everyone!
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