can any tell me wear else to sell besides ebay etc..

by 40 replies
hey i was wondering wear else can i sell my items besides ebay amazon etc.... anything else out there let me know thank you
#ecommerce sites, wholesaling & drop shipping #ebay #sell #wear
  • etsy, asos,
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • thanks!!! if any more i will be grateful thanks again
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    • Have you tried, SellSimple (the itunes app), ecrater,, Craigslist?
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  • Gotta say the best bet is your own website. Even after paying for traffic (PPC etc) you will make more money plain and simple.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Yes, making your own website is the best option. It does require a lot more effort to get started out though because you have to handle all the marketing yourself. But once you get it going you don't have to worry about a company charging you fees for essentially acting as a middle man.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Agreed that having your own site is the best. Build something that lasts.
  • there are many e-commerce sites that have emerged in the time and are gaining more and more popularity with the passage of time, Bye the way for what product are you searching sites ??
  • - Your own website would be best
    - Etsy
    - Storenvy
    - Classified ads websites (Craigslist, USFreeAds, Kijiji, etc)
    - Have a garage sale or set up a booth at a local swap meet
    - Create a Facebook/Twitter/Instagram and advertise your stuff, have interested people pay you through PayPal
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Gumtree is a great site too.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I've never tried it myself but I heard of an importer who sold his stock via Groupon (I think he had imported a couple of thousand handbags or such). I thought it was quite a clever idea.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • craigslist / backpage
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • ioffer/facebook/cragislist
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Another suggestion: If you set up a store using Shopify, they will list your products in a marketplace that people can browse and visit your store through. Great way to get free traffic to your site.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • have you tried wikalo? It has an ad network, so classifieds get distributed across other websites too, based either on the matching category.

    what about craigslist and backpage?
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Great list of suggestions guys. I always look for local publications like Treasure Hunt that accept free classifieds but are sold in stores. They always seem to have a high readership and are taken seriously, for whatever reason.

    I guess the biggest positive is that some of these sites allow for importing of eBay items and feedback. What better way to double or triple your chances of a sale?
  • eBid is a great alternative to ebay, it's getting more popular and they've got support for over 20 countries and if yours is not listed, you can select the region of the world you're in.

    EDIT: Someone above me bumped this thread from around a month old.
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  • clickbank .... friend of my friend got $10000 ... that's seem profitable.
    or you can try ... adsense, but adsense is PPC and need more traffic to be profitable.
    at least 1000 hits to get advantage from PPC. the fastest way to make money from PPC is by using adsense. but if you r beginner you better "play" PPS. amazon/ebay/clickbank
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • All of the alternative suggested are interesting, but I would really like to have some first-hand testimony from someone who is really making sales from one of these so-called alternative selling markets on a regular basis.

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • i feel like you have to sell over 1000-20000 items to make a nice profit of these sites not to mention the funds :/
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    • I'm making a killing exporting stuff to China and selling on TaoBao.

      If eBay isnt your thing, try Amazon and Bonanza. If either of those aren't working out for you then I recommend either giving up selling items online or starting your own site.
  • Bonanza is great, I agree with Silas - just remember to log into your account once a day.

    For some reason, to their algorithm, they DO rank your items based on how active you are with your account.

    Meaning, if you don't log on, you don't rank.

    Weird, I know, but smart by them.
    • [2] replies
    • Hi ADE,

      I know you are very expert at eBay marketing because I have read your stuff. but I had never heard of Bonanza.

      Obviously you know all the tricks - like "log into your account once a day."
    • WOW!

      I didn't even know this, thanks for this information. I have over a 100 items up in there, I do sell about 30 a month, but I don't log in as often as I should.
  • yes ive trying all these new portals now that ebay froze my account
  • Building your own store is a great way to go. Once you get it converting it can be your own little cash machine!

    Plus you'll be saving the Amazon / Ebay fees

    You should look into it
  • Banned
  • Im assuming you mean ONLINE sales only so with that in mind try freecycle,gumtree,recycler,usfreeads,kijiji,backpa ge,joomla,etsy,pintrest and facebook.They are all dot coms too.Yes I said facebook too lol.All you have to do is type online flea markets or garage sales/yard sales in the search bar and you will find many groups that buy and sell on FB.That FB market is mostly women,but they are buying for their kids and husbands so everything sells.Plus it resembles a Craigslist transaction because you meet up in a mutual spot.Good Luck!!
  • What are you selling?
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  • What are you selling?
  • This is quit interesting cos I have never heard of many of the sites mentioned here.
    And I agree running your own website is best may take a lot more effort but when it starts paying it pays u long time andf without those outrageous charges.
    I need to ask something though. I that's someone mentioned ioffer. Well I have seen and read many negative reviews about sellers not honoring sales and very poor communication. And there facebook page doesn't answer issues being raised by buyers eho didn't get items they paid for.I was going to but from there but chaged my mind.
    Anyone had any experience with ioffer?
  • That only depends on where you are from.
    There are other websites in other countries. If you are in the states then there are so many sites where you can sell.
  • Lots of great information in this thread.

    In addition to eBay there are some other great marketplaces on which you can sell. Sites like Amazon,,, Overstock, and others are good for selling your inventory on a third-party marketplace.

    You can also start your own store, like a lot of people in the thread are recommending. Something like Shopify, Bigcommerce, or 3dcart will be a good out-of-the-box solution to help you get all set up and started.

    When you're selling on more than one channel, it can also be important to make sure you've got a tool to keep track of everything. Inventory management and other operational demands can get pretty tough when you're selling on a lot of channels. Solid Commerce can help with that. Take a look: Multi Vendor eCommerce | Multi Vendor eCommerce Platform Solid Commerce

    Hope this helps! You're more than welcome to send me a PM if you have any more questions.

    _ Sean

  • Tiana with ecomdash
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    • One potential sales avenue that has been overlooked in this thread is offline sales. There is a great thread Postcard Marketing Works!! I Ran a local EDDM postcard campaign, here are my results!

      You will find it together with many other threads dealing with offline in the Offline Marketing Discussions sub-forum.

      An example of a highly successful offline venture came to me in an email from a very happy student of mine, who told me that he got into wholesaling without ever intending to do so.

      He was doing well buying from importers and selling at flea markets, but decided that he should see if he could improve his profits by direct importing himself.

      After locating some genuine manufacturers he imported a small range of unique items to sell at his stall. Other stall holders began asking if they could buy from him.

      To cut the story short, he gave up selling at the markets and now wholesales to stallholders across the country. His sales method is to carry samples with him and visit flea markets personally, because he enjoys traveling.

      He tells me he has barely scratched the surface. His success lies in three areas mainly:
      • He knows the market from personal experience.
      • He imports unique items.
      • He buys at such amazingly low prices that he can sell wholesale and still make a better % profit than when he was retailing.
  • yes, you can also build up your own retailing store.
  • There are quite a few great third-party marketplaces out there!

    - (formerly
    - Overstock
    - Sears
    - Newegg (they're not just only for consumer electronics, anymore)

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