How do you handle all your emails?

by tbk125
7 replies
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Just curious how people are handling all their customer service emails.. Right now I have a Bigcommerce site and my email is linked to my gmail.. it's driving me crazy answering all of them.

I'm thinking about just putting my website email in outlook by itself and saving some drafts for different questions.

How do you handle your customer service emails?
#emails #handle
  • Profile picture of the author WilliamVillagran
    The best thing i do is everyday i put aside an hour to go into all the emails from customer instead of just emailing everyone as the day goes on. I suggest this because it will free up a lot of your time
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  • Originally Posted by tbk125 View Post

    Just curious how people are handling all their customer service emails.. Right now I have a Bigcommerce site and my email is linked to my gmail.. it's driving me crazy answering all of them.

    I'm thinking about just putting my website email in outlook by itself and saving some drafts for different questions.

    How do you handle your customer service emails?

    Can I suggest you that we can reply all your customer's emails daily. This will free you lots of time which you can use to expand your business. We have been doing similar jobs for several eCommerce sites since past 6 years.

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    • Profile picture of the author wmrwl
      When I had my e-commerce business we setup a CRM with "canned" responses and just selected them from the drop down menu, modified them as necessary and fired them out. You'll notice that most of the emails and questions all fall into a pattern. You might have maybe 5 or 10 different topics that everyone seems to ask and of course the occasional email that doesn't fall into those canned responses would need to be custom written from scratch.

      We also had a customer service person employed part time who answered our dedicated customer service line, responded to emails, and manned the live chat function on the customer service side.
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      • Profile picture of the author rajshah5

        I would suggest to set up one CRM and create different email templates. So you just have to check them and accordingly just send them reply from that templates.

        You can also set up FAQ section in your site so that couple of questions may get resolved from there directly.

        Hope this helps!

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  • Profile picture of the author tbk125
    Very cool and good ideas.. any CRM suggestions?
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    • Profile picture of the author wmrwl
      Originally Posted by tbk125 View Post

      Very cool and good ideas.. any CRM suggestions?
      Good question, ours was home grown and programmed by us, but if you want something off the shelf you should look into what would plug into your existing shopping cart (or manage to figure out a way of automatically exporting and importing csv or xml files of your customer data into your CRM).

      SugarCRM is a good option, it's open source and has a free version so you can play around with it. They call their canned responses "templates" and are fairly easy to setup.
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      • Profile picture of the author LABEShops
        You can also set up draft emails in outlook and just pick and choose from them, edit them as needed, and send. easy peasy.

        Owner of & 20+ Niche Online Stores as well as and other sites. Recommended Host: Evolve

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