How often do you mail your list?

45 replies
How often do you send emails to your list? How many non-promotional and how many promotional?
#list #mail
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    There are thousands of threads on this topic. Try the search.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Pagulayan
    Depends on the niche market and the expectation set.

    For the IM market, I mail almost everyday because internet marketers are used to seeing a lot of emails.

    For my parenting market however, I only mail 4 to 5 times a week max because most of them (I tested this) tend to unsubscribe more with daily emails.

    note: for both markets I use HTML emails with my brand or service name on top just in case they forget how they end up subscribing to my list.
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  • Profile picture of the author Horacioplus
    1-2 a day!
    I use to do it once a day but im making more money sending up to 3 emails per day
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  • Profile picture of the author vikash_kumar
    Someone rightly said....It depends upon the quality and method of list building...Many solo vendors use their list to blast mail as many as 5-6....

    So, it depends upon the type of list you have build...
    What...i will suggest is ...Do your own experiment, record & analyse the data for a perfect combination for your list.
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    To those who don't seem to know...
    There is a forum dedicated to email marketing here:
    Email Marketing
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author fated82
    I am trying this out.....

    Once a subscriber opt-in, he will receive a series of relevant content which will be send in an interval of 3 days per emails.

    All the emails in there will sell something (of coz, providing quality content along the way).

    After which, they will be move to my main list where I will send them once every 5 days (or when I have something important to give away or announce.)

    I don't like the churn and burn method. I like to slowly get to know my subscribers and gentlely lead them to buy.
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  • Profile picture of the author kiddoman
    I think different business/categories have different sayings. For a blogger, I think it is necessary to send emails/updates to his or her subscribers as soon as there's an update. I am an online clothing seller, I only send emails to my subscribers when there is/are really some gorgeous new arrival clothes available or there's some discounted or giveaway offers.

    And you should classify your subscribers, some of your subscribers may have an action after you send him or her an email, you should send emails to these subscribers more frequently than those subscribers who never or seldom have an action.

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  • Profile picture of the author karlene
    Hey there,

    I agree with those who say twice a week, but always test and see what your list responds to. If you post 3 times a day and are always giving valuable content then your list will look forward to hearing from you, but if you post information that is not valuable they will just unsubscribe, even if you just post once a day.

    Hope that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author nameless7
    Post only when you have quality content. No one wants to get a garbage
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Hey Josh,
      Currently, with my Main List I am doing every other day Follow Ups for first 30 days and after that 3 days a week FUs. All of it is specific Training material and quality content

      I mix this up with 1 to 2 Broadcasts a week centered around "harder" sales pitches.

      =Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author Andra el
    at least twice a month .. but sometime i get more. i suggest don't email them too often, that's disturbing
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  • Profile picture of the author Christian Grey
    I think that twice a day is the wisest option.
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  • Profile picture of the author adamsanderson1989
    Originally Posted by Josh MacDonald View Post

    How often do you send emails to your list? How many non-promotional and how many promotional?
    once a month so far but I have a pretty small customer base
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  • Profile picture of the author Abe Archer
    E-mail is about relationship building. Don't spam them with offers. Give them value and you will be rewarded.

    Daily at first and slow it down to 2-3 times a week later on is what has worked for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author edvelez502
    I have one list that I contact daily because I really like it, and others that I touch base with once a week. You want to have a sense for the type of relationship that you have with you list. Try to rotate between 3-7 different types of emails to keep things lively.
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  • I email my list 5 times per week.

    Like I was mentioning in another thread, my main reason for doing this is based on training from Ryan Deiss and Digital Marketer.

    They did studies on the "frequency of emails" to your list, and discovered that 5 times per week was the most effective.

    I will admit that it varies but I see good results going for 5 times per week. I also make sure to do a "re-send" to the "un-opens" for each email to catch people in different timezones etc...
    Follow Me On My Blog
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by NickWebTrafficLounge View Post

      They did studies on the "frequency of emails" to your list, and discovered that 5 times per week was the most effective.
      For people who have built poor-quality, low-responsivity lists, via squeeze pages, using mostly search-engine traffic. Possibly.

      Ryan Deiss is - by his own open admission - a guy with an overall open-rate in single figures, as a percentage. Ultimately, we all have to take responsibility for "by whom we choose to be advised".

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      • Profile picture of the author discrat
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        Ryan Deiss is - by his own open admission - a guy with an overall open-rate in single figures, as a percentage. Ultimately, we all have to take responsibility for "by whom we choose to be advised".

        I honestly have to say that is a little disturbing. I mean even if you buy Poor quality traffic you should be able to at least have low double digits if you are writing half way decent material, imo

        - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author ritah
    every 1-2 weeks. about 20% promotional and 80% quality content
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  • Profile picture of the author amcg
    However frequent you mail your list, don't mail the same thing over and over. This is the ultimate way to lose subscribers. It's not easy creating and delivering relevant and personal content but it's far better to try than to send irrelevant stuff repeatedly.
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  • Profile picture of the author miklanderson2
    Whoa...Some of you e-mail your lists 2 times a day? That would be an instant unsubscribe for me, no matter how good the content is. I usually e-mail my list once every 2 to 3 days, depending on how urgent the information I'm sending them is.

    "A bargain is something you don’t need at a price you can’t resist."
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by miklanderson2 View Post

      Whoa...Some of you e-mail your lists 2 times a day?
      Call me naive, but I always suspect, when people say things like this, that they're just repeating stuff they've seen other people saying, rather than actually doing it themselves. So they may not, really.

      It's almost unimaginable that people doing that themselves would actually be recommending it to others, isn't it?

      They couldn't really be naive enough not even to suspect that that's the reason they have an open-rates in single figures?! (Or maybe they just never actually measure their open-rates at all, and assume that people are opening their email? But then they must wonder why they have so little income?? Or maybe they do check, but they think it's "ok" to have such low open-rates???).

      Originally Posted by miklanderson2 View Post

      That would be an instant unsubscribe for me
      For me also.

      And definitely for almost all my subscribers.

      I probably wouldn't have a business at all, if I did that.

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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by miklanderson2 View Post

      Whoa...Some of you e-mail your lists 2 times a day? That would be an instant unsubscribe for me, no matter how good the content is. I usually e-mail my list once every 2 to 3 days, depending on how urgent the information I'm sending them is.
      I can name some top emailers who email me three sometimes 4 times a day. Charlie Page is one.Alex Jeffreys is another. Shawn Casey and Matt Bacak are two others.

      In all due respect, the fact of the matter is just because you will Unsubscribe does not mean others will necessary Unsubscribe.

      And these Marketers carefully observe this and they Capitalize off it, MAJORLY

      - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author Declan O Flaherty
    Originally Posted by Josh MacDonald View Post

    How often do you send emails to your list? How many non-promotional and how many promotional?
    Once, sometimes twice a day. To be honest. I email whenever I feel like it. It's my email list, not my subscribers list. They can leave whenever they feel like it. In fact, I consistently ask them to unsubscribe. Their loss if they do.

    I promote in every email I send. To be fair, I rarely hard sell. Most emails have content that helps.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by Declan O Flaherty View Post

      Once, sometimes twice a day. To be honest. I email whenever I feel like it. It's my email list, not my subscribers list. They can leave whenever they feel like it. In fact, I consistently ask them to unsubscribe. Their loss if they do.

      I promote in every email I send. To be fair, I rarely hard sell. Most emails have content that helps.
      I like it
      Ballsy,and I like it

      What doesn't work for most people does NOT mean it will NOT work for some.

      - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author nooman ahmed
    personally I only mail to them about 3-4 times a week. At most I would say 5.
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  • Profile picture of the author karlene

    I would say definitely daily, you want to keep yourself in front of your subscribers otherwise they will quickly forget you. I would go for 1 promotional mail in three, you don't want your list to feel they are being bombarded with promotions all the time, they will just unsubscribe.

    Have the other emails be content, teaching your list something or offering them something of value, building that relationship.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jic

    It depends on how you cultivate your subscribers, subscribers will used to the frequency of receiving emails from you.

    One email per day works for me well. Always feed your subscribers with content while selling them something of value.
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  • Profile picture of the author Javisito
    I email mine once every day starting day one so I get the right expectations with a good mix och free content and paid offers.
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  • Profile picture of the author cataoq
    2-3 times a week
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  • Profile picture of the author Kingshouse
    Hi Josh

    What's right for my list may not be right for yours...

    Find out what your list wants and go from there. Seriously one size does not fit all. Your subscribers have joined your list because they connect with you somehow. They have certain expectations - what are they? Go find out.

    My personal experience is that frequency of emails depends on why you are building the list in the first place and what exactly you are sending that list.

    If you only have 7 pieces of solid content then maybe sending 1 a day may not be the right answer as you want to keep in regular contact with your list but you also don't want to dry up after the 7 days. Maybe spacing this out to 1 piece each 3 days may be a good way to go.

    That said...

    1. If you are sending time sensitive stuff like say PLR then if I was on your list I would want to get my hands on the PLR as quickly as you can get it to me even if that meant 1 email a day. I would want to be ahead of the game.

    2. On the other hand if you are just sending out one disguised offer after another then I think the novelty of receiving 'buy me' 'buy me' emails would wear off after a while and I would start to feel you are not out to help me achieve my goals online but just chasing a fast buck.

    I hope this helps.

    Will D
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  • Profile picture of the author corra02
    You should send one email a day, five days in a row. Really sell your product through stories, reviews etc
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    • Profile picture of the author alifumari
      3-4 per week
      people like quality content too. so dont send an email only for the promotion

      Best regards,

      Alif Umari
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  • Profile picture of the author Edwin Torres
    Right now I mail out 5 times a week, even though its actually more like 3 times.

    I do what Travis Sago calls the "poor mans daily email" where I send out new emails Monday, Wednesday, Friday and every day in between I resend to any unopens.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kingshouse
    Originally Posted by Josh MacDonald View Post

    How often do you send emails to your list? How many non-promotional and how many promotional?


    One thing that will be worth doing is experimenting with your list if you have one.

    Lists come in different shapes and sizes. No one size fits all.

    Take the info on this thread and see what works best for you.

    Ask people what they want, check the emails that get the most opens, check to see what happens if you send 1 email a day or 2.

    No kidding but you will see very clearly if people are unsubscribing or if they atre even more responsive.

    All the best.

    Will D
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  • Profile picture of the author rongindamix
    Everyday is the best, but if you can at least 3 times a week.

    The point for email marketing is for building trust and familiarity, so when it's time to sell they're ready to go.

    If they love your content, like source wave you can email everyday and have no problem.

    Big guys in the marketing field like Amy Porterfield, Seth Godin, and copywriting guru's like Ray Edwards do it everyday.

    But if you do it at least 3 times a week (a lot of other big guys stick to this), this would be fine as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    I've been emailing my list at least daily for years.

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  • Profile picture of the author couponsgrid
    It mainly depends on the niche your email list is for. if you send too much, your email recipients may unsubscribe you. i shoot emails thrice in a week.
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  • Profile picture of the author AttilaM
    I prefer sending emails no more than 2 times a week
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  • Profile picture of the author Hems G
    Email 5 Days a week. Send always quality content. Do High Ticket offers 4 days a month say like once a week and the rest only quality information. Try it out. It works ..

    Any one need any help please do write me.i would be highly obliged to help any one .. Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    I like to send out an email on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and sometimes even on Sunday.

    Just don't sell and sell to your list all the time. Give them value. Write articles. Share videos with them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Trujillo
    I like to start off mailing them once a day, until they get a hang of who you are. It's always good to send useful tips that can help your subscribers, and not pound your list with offers. Always try and add value somehow, the more you try and sell something, the more you'll look desperate and people won't be interested in your offer.
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