Mailing to people interested in MLM / Affiliate program

Karol Tworek
Profile picture of Karol Tworek
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
8 replies
Hi! I am looking for a solution how to get to people who are interested in mlm and affiliate programs i want to promote. I do not have list. I was thinking about to pay for the mailing company who have this kind of targeted mailing list. Can you reccomend me something ?
#affiliate #interested #mailing #mlm #people #program
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Alexa Smith
    Profile picture of Alexa Smith
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    Originally Posted by Karol Tworek View Post

    Can you reccomend me something ?
    Yes ... read this thread slowly and carefully, and it will help you.

  • Profile picture of the author Karol Tworek
    Karol Tworek
    Profile picture of Karol Tworek
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It is not what i am looking for. I have my own list 20k but it is a crap (i build it list on my web not connected with earning money at all). I do not want to buy list. I made mass mailing based on my own list but in lended in spam. I would like to send my web with mlm product to people who gave permission to receive information about new affiliate / mlm products.
  • Profile picture of the author krishparmar
    Profile picture of krishparmar
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    My system can send out million emails per can check the live video at
  • Profile picture of the author Karol Tworek
    Karol Tworek
    Profile picture of Karol Tworek
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    Still it is not my point. I am not going to use this list because those people are not interested in MLM. ;/
    • Profile picture of the author jbonline
      Profile picture of jbonline
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Build a new list!
      it sounds like you have money so i would encourage you to build an
      awesome squeezer page, tracking ALL optins AND non-optins. (can Skype with you an show you this easily) and scale this fast!
      You would be able to focus everything around exactly what you are thinking or promoting.
      capture emails DO NOT send directly to mlm/affiliate offers.
      I would discourage you from buying someones huge list ... too many ppl willing to rip others off.
      Just my 2 cents ..
      Good luck with!
      Monetize Your List Immediately
      "List Building 101"
      $7 to 10k in 30 Days .. Start Now
  • Profile picture of the author Karol Tworek
    Karol Tworek
    Profile picture of Karol Tworek
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Is there any way to check the list you are going to buy before ? ( i guess no but had to ask)

    Do i need to build my own squeeze page ? The program i am involved provides such page. Those mails going to my system account and after all they sending mails for me. i do not need to do anything.
    Is there possibility to intercept them both to the system and to the separate file on server at the same time ?
    I was thinking about positioning the domain. I mean i connect the domain i bought but it will redirect people to the squeeze page provided by the system. Is it worth doing it ?

    I hope you understand what i mean

    • Profile picture of the author SteveSki
      Profile picture of SteveSki
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      You may want to become a professional Network Marketer first. Then you wouldn't have to resort to promoting / spamming MLM links to a list who has never heard of you. Best to make a friend... find out what they want... help them to get it, meet their friends, wash, rinse and repeat...

      In other words... build a network of people who know, like and trust you first.... then market to that network,,,, do not promote... market.... do not buy a list of emails... learn how to build your own list to market to.

      Promoting is telling them about something they didn't ask to hear about. Marketing is learning what they want, then showing them how to get it. Learn the skills that will have people ask you to tell them about your business. (I wish I could just post a link here for you to learn that skill but the Mods would then delete my post for promoting it)

      If you do the above you won't have to spam or promote or buy a list of leads.... because if you make a new friend everyday and meet their friends... you will forever have an endless supply of people who already know, like and trust you and when you learn the right skills... many of them will beg you to teach them the business.

      The problem is most people treat MLM / Network Marketing the same as sales and they try to use Internet Marketing Sales tactics to promote what they are selling when they should focus on building a network and helping people instead of just flogging products.

      But if you insist you want to promote to a list of people interested in MLM... any good list broker can supply you with thousands of them. But instead of spamming them I would snail mail them a postcard... the post cards directs them to call a phone number for a recorded message... and those interested in learning more will record their contact details for you.

      But don't mail postcards provided by your MLM company... don't state on the card what company you are with... if you do... they will just google the company and you will lose them because A. They can read everything about your company on google without you and those who may be interested will now go sponsor shopping to find a professional network marketer who can teach them something other than.... spam, promote and flog products to a list of names they have no relationship with.

      Let me know if you are interested in learning how to use snail mail postcards to grow your MLM organization and I'll show you exactly how to do it.

      Steve Shulenski... The Lifestyle Mentor

      PS... Also make sure the company you choose to work with has good products that are priced right. Many MLM products are overpriced and/or over-hyped.
    • Profile picture of the author Shaolinsteve
      Profile picture of Shaolinsteve
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi Karol,

      Let's break this down...

      Originally Posted by Karol Tworek View Post

      Is there any way to check the list you are going to buy before ? ( i guess no but had to ask)
      Personally don't buy a list at all. If you're going the MLM route, you'll want to think long term. You should really build from scratch and as you build, you'll build authority and leadership.

      Don't be a suck up to what many of these companies tell you to do and send people directly to their offer in order for that commission. This is your earnings and your business.

      Put a system together, a solid sales funnel that will help you to build authority, as you're helping people and opening their eyes to what it takes to build a business, then promote the company and don't just send an email, actually take the time to go through it with them.
      • Make a video
      • Make a webinar
      • Make a call
      Whatever it's going to take to help your subscribers, to get a step closer, will help you. Once you take out the "ME" and solely focus on "THEM" only then, will you start to see things progress and especially on a long term basis.

      Originally Posted by Karol Tworek View Post

      Do i need to build my own squeeze page ? The program i am involved provides such page. Those mails going to my system account and after all they sending mails for me. i do not need to do anything.
      Always use your own. What happens once / if that company shuts down or things don't work out as planned? Where would all the investment and subscribers go? It's left with the company...

      This is your business. So think about it.

      Originally Posted by Karol Tworek View Post

      Is there possibility to intercept them both to the system and to the separate file on server at the same time ?
      I doubt it. I've seen things like this before, but they're just not built like that. Get yourself a custom squeeze page, if you need any advice, feel free to ask and get setup with your own auto-responder such as GetResponse or Aweber.

      Originally Posted by Karol Tworek View Post

      I was thinking about positioning the domain. I mean i connect the domain i bought but it will redirect people to the squeeze page provided by the system. Is it worth doing it ?
      You can do that. But again... I wouldn't redirect it to the systems squeeze page. If lost a ton of money making this mistake early on, so I highly advise you to save time, money and your business... put a custom squeeze page together.

      I hope that's helped in one way or another.

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