If I don't read an email but mark it as read....

by 3 replies
This is something I've wondered for a long time. If a recipient simply marks messages as read, without actually opening them, how does that affect tracking? Does marking it read send the same stats back to the tracker as if the message was actually opened?
#email marketing #email #mark #read
  • Joel,

    I doubt it. Let's say for example you're using GetResponse or Aweber. The tracking would be set within the html or the email copy. Some emails are not even logged unless people enable images. It depends on the format of the email.

    If you mark an email as read on Gmail. That's only going to have an effect on Gmail and nothing back to the auto-responder itself.
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • I believe it will the stats like as if the mail was read.
  • Joel,

    I am fairly certain that does not count towards your open rate. Reason being is that open rates are tracked by a tracking pixel firing - an invisible embedded image within the email 1x1 pixels in size. So if you simply mark the email as read, and it was never opened, that tracking pixel never fired.

    What can count towards your open rate is when an email client contains a preview pane, and your email loads for the reader automatically.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks

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