How long does it take to build a list of 6000 subscribers?

by 35 replies
How long does it take to build a list of 6000 subscribers?
#email marketing #build #list #long #subscribers
  • Anywhere between 6 minutes and 6 years. All depends on your method.

    -Ray Edwards
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    • How long is a piece of string?

      You're asking a question that no one can answer with any certainty. It all depends upon you and how you set things up, how targeted your audience might be, how bad they want what you're offering and how willing you are to invest in paid advertising.

      Good luck to you,

    • haha that is the best reply ever!!

      I agree, there is no specific time for an answer here. It all depends on a lot of factors. The quality of the traffic, the capture page you use, the lead magnet, the conversions, etc.

      It could take you 6 days or 6 months.

    • Banned
      Yeah, I agree. Sometimes it takes time. But we need massive effort to do this.
  • Banned
    Nonsense. As with so many of your posts in this forum, about which so many people are rightly complaining, you give the impression of having very little idea of what you're talking about. Why 2-4 months? Why not 2-4 weeks? Why not 2-4 years? You've completely missed the point. Your responses help nobody at all.

    It doesn't matter.

    What matters is whether they're responsive, targeted, monetizable subscribers.

    It isn't about subscriber numbers: it's about income.

    Quantitative approaches and outlooks to list-building will lead you astray, and are leading you astray.

    There are people with lists of 6,000 subscribers - and even more - earning very, very little from them, and there are people with lists of 2,000 subscribers earning a full-time living from them. It pays to understand this before you start list-building.

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    • [DELETED]
    • I'm with Alexa on this one. Your focus shouldn't be on list size,it's really just a vanity stat like how many "likes" your fan page has,email open rates,click-through rates,etc.. When I had a list of under 100 people I was making money. Focus on bulding a list of people that know,like and trust you. Just my 2 cents.

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  • Depends how much money you have to spend on building a list. Free methods take a while in most cases.
    • [1] reply
    • Depends on the context of your list and your intended audience.

      How many people are in your target niche? What percentage will be interested in the opt-in?

      For example:
      We handled two main stream news events and built lists of 500k within just a few days, but it was only 2% of the audience.

      We have seen very small niche lists contain 80% of an audience as well.

      As stated earlier - it is like asking how long is a string
  • There is no guaranteed period for getting that many number of subscribers, you just need to keep on promoting or buy subscribers.
  • You can do it in the next 15 minutes if you have the budget and knowledge to drive quality paid traffic - that's 100% on you.
  • My results with very small, very targeted lists of less than 50 to under 100 repeat buyers, offering higher ticket recurring programs far far outperform much larger lists.

    As said above, list size is completely the wrong focus.
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • i'll tell you how long it takes to get 6,000 subscribers if you can tell me how long a piece of string is
  • Depending on many factors what also others tell you. You need to give more informations to give you correct answer. It also depending on the traffic, method, time you have and investment. But if you are new in this word approximately 2 months. My last 2 students build their list with 6000 subscriners in 2 months.
  • It completely depends on how much you promote it and how well your opt in page converts.
  • The way things are going for me I'd say 2 months, I'm alraedy at 500 in 10 days, along with my other lists. Just depends on what type of list you want.
  • All depends on a lot of factors:
    - niche
    - target
    - strategy
    - budget
    and a lot of other elements
  • Thats a very broad question that cant be answer without knowing a number of factors such as budget to spend, time to put in, traffic methods using etc.
  • There's too much to vary your result well your squeeze pages convert and how much traffic and you drive in a limit of time and also do you just want a 6000 list or a list that could make you money it's two different things
  • what's your source of traffic,

    whats your budget your working with?

    You can easily build a list of 6,000 subs if you had a budget and good converting landing pages..

    however you need to focus on building a buyers list, not just building a list of 6K subs..

    Build products and put them out there on Jv zoo and W+ for ppl to sell for you so you can get a buyers list.

    Best Of Luck to you

    Matt Montgomery

    Internet Marketing T.V
  • Getting to 6.000 subscribers depends on the traffic you get and how you convert it to subscribers. You can get organic or paid traffic. Afterwards, you need to convert it.

    If you want to grow your email list really fast, you have to follow this formula:

    Great content (to build visitor confidence) + Traffic to such content + Compelling reason to subscribe+ Crystal clear calls-to-action + A good form/pop up to capture subscribers = Massive email list

    Here are some articles that go into more detail:

    How to grow your email list really fast
  • LOTS OF VARIABLES! Are you going to be using free or paid traffic? JV's? Facebook? Adwords? Solo Ads? YouTube? etc. etc.

    Like Raydal said at the start of this thread, it can happen by tomorrow night, or by next year. It really depends.
  • Is that subscribers to a blog or to any kind of websites?
  • First you should focus on getting quality subscriber, that are a good match for your business versus just increasing your subscriber number with dead-weight non-interested email addresses.
    some good ways i think are offering them incentives, subscribe via comment box that reduces the number of steps between the visitor and your desired action.
  • With paid traffic & good converting squeeze page, you can make it in 3/5 days
  • If you are looking for fast results use some tool that will "force" visitors to subscribe once they are on your website.
  • Wow, this one is actually impossible to answer. The question is, what are you doing, exactly, to build your list? Do you have a budget to spend on building your list? Also, why 6,000? Why not aim higher?
  • Buy 15000 cliks from solo ads vendor and you need few days.
  • If you are building it on your own it could take years. But if you do have someone guiding you through it, it could take just a few months.
  • Well you could go out right now and get 6,000 clicks if you had the traffic budget for it. Now 6,000 optins/subscribers that's a whole different story. There are so many factors involved including:

    -How well your lead capture page is designed for conversions (visitor-to-lead)
    -What you're optin bribe is
    -Type of traffic
    -Quantity of traffic (that's a given,can't get 6,000 optins if you bought 1,000 clicks from a solo ad vendor
    • [1] reply
    • Like what many people have already said, the length of time needed to build such a massive list depends on a number of factors. Depending on what you do to get the target number, it may not take long or take way too long.

      Is there a reason you are specifically aiming for that number? You should focus on quality, not quantity. It would be much better to have a few subscribers that help your business than have a lot that doesn't contribute to your bottom line.
  • I add about that in a day using paid traffic.
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    • As you've probably gleamed from all the comments by now, you can build a list of 6,000 subscribers in anything from a day to a year.
      I, personally, didn't start making a good consistent income until I focused on just a sub-niche, allowing me to deliver quality products (ebooks. reports etc.) and build a buyers list.
  • Why do you need a 6k list?
    I know people who make full time income from a list with less then 1k subscribers.
    Don't work hard work smart my friend.
    Just my 2 cents.
  • How much money do you have to put toward building the list? That is the question. I can build you a list of 100k in a day if you had the money to do it and a great niche.
  • just because you have a list,does not mean you will make money

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