Good Wordpress opt-in form plugin ???

Profile picture of lowriderzzz
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
2 replies
Hello guys (and gals) can you suggest me some good WP opt-in form plug in that I can insert before blog posts or on a side widget.

One that I can type some copy on it and if possible insert a picture to it. And of course to be able to modify the design on it.

Thank you.
#form #good #optin #plugin #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author Paul Graham
    Paul Graham
    Profile picture of Paul Graham
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There are quite a few good optin form plugins available. You could try Optin Forms which has some good reviews. I personally have used Thrive Themes on my site and I have tried a few others.

    If you can, I strongly suggest you try the plugin before you buy. I have found that quite a few of these plugins won't work alongside other wordpress plugins.

    I've now gone back to using the forms my autoresponder AWeber provide. You can fully customize these so I don't see the need to pay for anything else.

    I hope that helps.
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    • Profile picture of the author lowriderzzz
      Profile picture of lowriderzzz
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Paul Graham View Post

      There are quite a few good optin form plugins available. You could try Optin Forms which has some good reviews. I personally have used Thrive Themes on my site and I have tried a few others.

      If you can, I strongly suggest you try the plugin before you buy. I have found that quite a few of these plugins won't work alongside other wordpress plugins.

      I've now gone back to using the forms my autoresponder AWeber provide. You can fully customize these so I don't see the need to pay for anything else.

      I hope that helps.
      I've just tried Optin Forms. While it is good one looking it cant be set to start before post, only after the 1st paragraph. And the other one is wayyy to expensive for me for now. So I'm open to other recommendations.

      Thanks anyway.

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