How does GetResponse compares to other autoresponders?

by ncloud
30 replies
Anybody know how GetResponse compares to other autoresponders?

Aweber cost $19/month for up to 500 subscribers. But, I don't see on their site anywhere how much it cost for more than 500 subscribers, so that seems kind of shady to me.

Fluttermail cost $17/month, which is still cheaper than Aweber in the long run with their first month free.

MailChimp seems to be free until you go over a certain amount, but in the long run it appears that GetResponse might be a better choice. $50/month for 5,000 subscribers at Mailchimp, $45/month for 5,000 subscribers at GetResponse.

GetResponse seems to have the best deal in the long run, $15/month for 1,000 subscribers, and if you pay annually it will go down to $12.30. It's the only one I see that gives a discount if you pay annually.

So as far as price goes, I'm leaning toward GetResponse, but is there any reason why they wouldn't be a good choice? Are they lacking in anyway? I would hate to find that out later and have to switch - that could be a lot of work.
#autoresponders #compares #getresponse
  • Profile picture of the author TheHusnain
    Personally I'm using sendlane and I think it's great. It also allows you to easily create and host landing pages for no extra fee.

    They have a great website with a really good web design and tools (autoresponder, real-time analytics, list manager, campaign creator,...). In my opinion you should go with sendlane if you are serious about email marketing. It is a website developed by email marketers for email marketers.

    P.S If you are interested in making serious money online using email marketing, just let me know.
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    • Profile picture of the author heavysm
      Originally Posted by TheHusnain View Post

      Personally I'm using sendlane and I think it's great. It also allows you to easily create and host landing pages for no extra fee.

      They have a great website with a really good web design and tools (autoresponder, real-time analytics, list manager, campaign creator,...). In my opinion you should go with sendlane if you are serious about email marketing. It is a website developed by email marketers for email marketers.

      P.S If you are interested in making serious money online using email marketing, just let me know.
      I'm curious if you're using sendlane as part of Anik Singal's Profit Academy?

      He cut a deal with them to have 90 days free for 10,000 subs, then $69 monthly thereafter for his students.

      Originally Posted by ncloud View Post

      Anybody know how GetResponse compares to other autoresponders?
      I don't really like GR due to problems with inboxing and deliverability in the personal development industry.

      Aweber seems to be the most used by marketers. Mailchimp is often used by business owners who have their own product, or those with free newsletters.

      I say it really depends on what markets you're in. If MMO and IM then just use Aweber and GR.

      Aweber feels the most well rounded since they can accommodate lists of all sizes.

      If you aren't in MMO and IM i also recommend ActiveCampaign and GetDrip, as they work well for many of my friends who aren't in those industries.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikfoxx
    Haven't using autoresponder yet. Maybe I should try by now. Thanks TheHusnain, gotta explore about sendlane. Sounds interesting!
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  • Profile picture of the author KellyJoHill
    I personally use both but tend to lean more towards GetResponse simply due to it's easy to create beautiful emails, I can integrate with JVZoo and other platforms, and I also use them for landing pages. Saves me money vs having multiple providers for each separate thing, you know??
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    • Profile picture of the author ncloud
      I've never heard of Sendlane, ActiveCampaign, or GetDrip, so that alone makes me unlikely to choose one of them. I mean surely if they were in the same league as Aweber or GetResponse I would have heard of them right?

      I would like to know how Aweber's prices compare to GetResponse's when you go over 500 subscribers, but Aweber doesn't tell you that on their website. I guess they like to keep potential costumers in the dark about their prices. That really turns me off about Aweber - I don't like surprises. Anyone using Aweber care to share how much you're paying monthly for however many subscribers you have?

      Is it a lot of work to change autoresponders later if you realize there's a better one for you needs?
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  • Profile picture of the author ara67
    getresponse is good I use it and so far no problems with delivery or support
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  • Hy ncloud

    GR is the first as reliability and has the best value for money, I would say that your choice is ok!

    Moderators Note: Affiliate links are not allowed as signatures.

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  • Profile picture of the author jamesleng96
    All of them expensive and they don't suit our needs for sending millions of emails per day.

    Originally Posted by ncloud View Post

    Anybody know how GetResponse compares to other autoresponders?

    Aweber cost $19/month for up to 500 subscribers. But, I don't see on their site anywhere how much it cost for more than 500 subscribers, so that seems kind of shady to me.

    Fluttermail cost $17/month, which is still cheaper than Aweber in the long run with their first month free.

    MailChimp seems to be free until you go over a certain amount, but in the long run it appears that GetResponse might be a better choice. $50/month for 5,000 subscribers at Mailchimp, $45/month for 5,000 subscribers at GetResponse.

    GetResponse seems to have the best deal in the long run, $15/month for 1,000 subscribers, and if you pay annually it will go down to $12.30. It's the only one I see that gives a discount if you pay annually.

    So as far as price goes, I'm leaning toward GetResponse, but is there any reason why they wouldn't be a good choice? Are they lacking in anyway? I would hate to find that out later and have to switch - that could be a lot of work.
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    • Profile picture of the author NyNyDanDan
      I currently use Aweber - I find their interface intuitive and their customer service is terrific. I just recently started using Sendlane - they give a 90 day free trial so why not try them out? It's not at all uncommon for an IMer to use more than one service...
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      • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
        How dores NY style pizza compare to Chicago deep-dish pizza? Everyone's needs vary slightly and so do the services you are attempting to compare. Most have a free trial or level.

        Try them out and make up your own mind based on your own needs and personal experience after evaluating them for yourself.

        Cheers. - Frank

        P.S. Chicago deep-dish pizza sucks and should not be able to be billed as pizza, but you might like it. Won't know until you try it, will you. :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert999
    Originally Posted by ncloud View Post

    Anybody know how GetResponse compares to other autoresponders?

    Aweber cost $19/month for up to 500 subscribers. But, I don't see on their site anywhere how much it cost for more than 500 subscribers, so that seems kind of shady to me.

    Fluttermail cost $17/month, which is still cheaper than Aweber in the long run with their first month free.

    MailChimp seems to be free until you go over a certain amount, but in the long run it appears that GetResponse might be a better choice. $50/month for 5,000 subscribers at Mailchimp, $45/month for 5,000 subscribers at GetResponse.

    GetResponse seems to have the best deal in the long run, $15/month for 1,000 subscribers, and if you pay annually it will go down to $12.30. It's the only one I see that gives a discount if you pay annually.

    So as far as price goes, I'm leaning toward GetResponse, but is there any reason why they wouldn't be a good choice? Are they lacking in anyway? I would hate to find that out later and have to switch - that could be a lot of work.
    Yes I am also using Getresponse. They are good and easy to use. Their prices are reasonable too.
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeTX
    I've been with getresponse from the beginning (they have first month free of charge) and I wouldn't turn to other provider. One pain is list moving and optin confirmation, but I am really satifsfied with GR.
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  • Profile picture of the author camohit
    I don't believe people will select an autoresponder service based on 500 or 1000 subscriber list. An Internet Marketing business is a long term business (or any business for that matter). The probability of earning more money increases with the increased subscribers in your list. Hence you will earn more if your list has 10000 as compared to 1000 (for example). However, as your list increases so is your cost.

    For me its TrafficWave is best because
    1- One Flat rate no matter how many subscribers
    2- Unlimited campaigns
    3- Better reputation with major ISPs like Google, Yahoo etc hence, better delivery rate
    4- Double opt-in so no or negligible spam complaints
    5- A very lucrative affiliate programme and with just 3 sales, my service becomes Free
    6- Other features like Unlimited Ad Trackers (tracking day wise, IP address details etc)
    7- Default Capture Forms

    So, these and specially lucrative earnings possibility is my reason of selecting TW.
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    • Profile picture of the author ncloud
      Good point. One flat rate does sound good. I had pretty much made up my mind to go with GetResponse but now I'm unsure again. Once you get to more than 2500 subscribers it would be cheaper to go with TrafficWave. The only problem is, I don't know much about TrafficWave so I don't know if they're lacking in any way or if they measure up to the competition.
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  • Profile picture of the author theendof925job
    I don't use either of those autoresponders I use magic responder $25/month with 20K subscribers
    -unlimited broadcast
    -Lead management
    -text market
    -Unlimited campaigns
    -Capture page templates
    -Custom capture page
    -Email tracking
    -Ability to import your list

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  • Profile picture of the author sogeshirts
    I've used Aweber and GetResponse. I prefer GetResponse. Easier navigation, and the prices are pretty fair. As others have said above search around, might be some other good sites besides the big two.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rob82
      Originally Posted by sogeshirts View Post

      I've used Aweber and GetResponse. I prefer GetResponse. Easier navigation, and the prices are pretty fair. As others have said above search around, might be some other good sites besides the big two.
      I agree with you! Most autoresponders prices based on the numbers of emails that you send for a month. GetResponse- according to amount of subscribers you have.

      I don't sympathize
      If for kindness
      You substitute blindness
      Please open your eyes

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  • Profile picture of the author Paul-PMKe
    ncloud, if you are still looking for Aweber prices go to, select 'Pricing' from the Tabs, along the top, then scroll halfway down the resulting page for a table of prices.

    You may have missed the scrolling down part if you have already visited that page.
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    • Profile picture of the author ncloud
      Yeah but the table doesn't show how much it cost when you have over 500 subscribers. The pricing page has a link that you can click that says "pricing for over 500 subscribers", but when you click the link it only shows you how much it costs you if you pay monthly, quarterly, or yearly. And it appears to still be for the up to 500 subscribers range since it's still $19/month.

      To me it seems like it's either a bad link not going to the right chart or they're being shady and don't want to reveal how much they're going to increase their charges when you get more subscribers.

      Affordable Email Marketing - Price Your AWeber Account
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      • Profile picture of the author Paul-PMKe
        Try the following:
        That should take you straight to the table on the page.

        If that fails, the monthly pricing I found there is:

        0 - 500 $19
        501 - 2,500 $29
        2,501 - 5,000 $49
        5,001 - 10,000 $69
        10,001 - 25,00 $149

        Hope that helps, any problems try the link in a different browser.
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        • Profile picture of the author Adrian Jock
          Originally Posted by Paul-PMKe View Post

          If that fails, the monthly pricing I found there is:

          0 - 500 $19
          501 - 2,500 $29
          2,501 - 5,000 $49
          5,001 - 10,000 $69
          10,001 - 25,00 $149
          To whom it may concern (and doesn't know these old issues):

          While the figures are exactly as presented by AWeber, the number of subscribers mentioned on AWeber's site doesn't refer to the number of subscribers!

          It refers to the number of contacts stored by Aweber (subscribers + unsubscribed addresses not deleted from their database) + duplicate addresses (see below).

          If you segment your list and have duplicate addresses (addresses added to more than one sub-list), then each duplicate address is counted as a different subscriber
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          • Profile picture of the author CapnWillard
            Originally Posted by Adrian Jock View Post

            To whom it may concern (and doesn't know these old issues):

            While the figures are exactly as presented by AWeber, the number of subscribers mentioned on AWeber's site doesn't refer to the number of subscribers!

            It refers to the number of contacts stored by Aweber (subscribers + unsubscribed addresses not deleted from their database) + duplicate addresses (see below).

            If you segment your list and have duplicate addresses (addresses added to more than one sub-list), then each duplicate address is counted as a different subscriber
            Great point Adrian, and reinforces what I came here to say in the first place - trim your list as often as possible, particularly if you need to stay lean / and are living in that 0-500 arena!!
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  • Profile picture of the author ncloud
    Thanks. That is weird, it doesn't show the chart at all with firefox, but it does with IE.
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  • Profile picture of the author maxweb
    I was an aweber user, then I knew GetResponse and all I can say is: Far better than the former. Strongly recommended!
    Find out how to earn money online !!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jarodd W
    Only in my humble opinion -

    I've used both Aweber and Get Response....and while they are both great providers. I simply just prefer Aweber. I've had phenomenal customer service and support and that alone is worth an A+ in my book. I've had great interactions with Get Response as well....just better with Aweber.
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  • Profile picture of the author pabrigowar
    My quick experience is that... I use Mailchimp for interface and good UI, although they tend to suspend your account when you get around 2 abuses on your campaign. A few unsubscription also doesn't help either.. we had to send them an email and eventually we were warned... so you have to be careful with "cold' list to send campaign to...

    GetResponse did the same thing after about 7 abuses reports and about 10 unsubscribed out of 2000+ (cold list) subscribers... but I just had to wait a couple days and they reinstated with no questions...

    So in my experience, Mailchimp is a bit stricter than GetResponse .. GetResponse seems to be online marketers friendly... I still use both and recommend to my clients
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  • Profile picture of the author stoqn
    I have been using many autoresponers, but Getresponse has the highest delivery rate, so far
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    • Profile picture of the author Rob82
      same here- GetResponse is the best one

      I don't sympathize
      If for kindness
      You substitute blindness
      Please open your eyes

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  • Profile picture of the author Javisito
    I'm using both Getresponse and Aweber and like many other said, both are excellent!
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  • Profile picture of the author RahimaMal
    Many of the top internet marketers recommend either Aweber or Getresponse. Its what they are using, and honestly, it does the job well. I wouldn't use a cheaper alternative for my business. Email Marketing is serious stuff.
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