here's my new squeeze page,i need your advice :)

Profile picture of MikeFareez
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
10 replies
Hello fellow warrior's

So here's my new squeeze page=

Quick info about my campaign:

1)as you can see there i'm using the method
Leadpage--->review website

2)promoting clickbank product as an affiliate
In fitness niche
Product name: no nonsense muscle building

3)I'm not just selling but
I got experience using that product..

that product change my body from
skinny 38kg up to 65.5 kg in almost a year...
I'm skinny asian with height 1.70 meter

And for sure,i'm still using the product by the way


So i need your advice guys,
am i good to go now for sending traffic from ppc ?

#advice #page #squeeze
  • Profile picture of the author Jonwebb
    Profile picture of Jonwebb
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I like personally. The head line is a little weak but you will know know unless you split test.

    Start small like 20 a day for a week then start split testing different things
    • Profile picture of the author MikeFareez
      Profile picture of MikeFareez
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Jonwebb View Post

      I like personally. The head line is a little weak but you will know know unless you split test.

      Start small like 20 a day for a week then start split testing different things

      __________________________________________________ ___________________

      really ? thanks jonwebb

      i'm actually try to make it super simple plain squeeze page actually because i heard

      simple is better about creating squeeze page...

      __________________________________________________ ___________________

      and this dude is my inspiration actually:
      (but he's sending his traffic from leadpage to sales page)

      __________________________________________________ ___________________

      headline is little weak ?

      hurm,what if i'm shortening my headline and become like this:


      how about that ?
  • Profile picture of the author The IM Institute
    The IM Institute
    Profile picture of The IM Institute
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I liked everything but all the CAPS up top. Too much?

    Maybe about half as much.
  • Profile picture of the author GforceSage
    Profile picture of GforceSage
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    All caps is fine in this case since you are not writing much. There should not be a space in the middle of a sentence though. You have two lines, a space which breaks up a sentence and then two more lines. That should be a complete paragraph.

    Also, you said that you had used the product. Why not show a before and after photo along with a brief bit of info on how the product worked for you? This would offer proof and credence to what you are doing.

    Best of luck to you,
  • Profile picture of the author Michael S M
    Michael S M
    Profile picture of Michael S M
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I like the way the page looks. Responsive too, which is more or less crucial these days in age.

    However, I'm not too sure about the headline. You seem to target skinny guys and I'm not really sure if they can relate to it.

    You say that you've been skinny yourself. If you were to visit your squeeze page back when you were the most skinny, would you answer "Yes" to the question "Are you a hard-gainer?". If you were a hard-gainer, would you really need the product you're offering?

    However, this is just me telling you what I think. You can't be sure until you put your landing page through proper testing. Which is something you should always do
  • Profile picture of the author TheHusnain
    Profile picture of TheHusnain
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    • Profile picture of the author TheHusnain
      Profile picture of TheHusnain
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      To be honest, if I was you, I wouldn't make the readers click on the button to open the form as it is the main part of your page. The main rule of a squeeze page is to keep it simple and make it really easy for the reader to opt-in.

      In case you want to keep the button, I would suggest moving it just below the main paragraph (in the blank space) because that's the part of the page that captures the most attention. If you follow my advice, the button will be the first thing that the reader sees when visits your page.

      In case you don't want to follow any of my previous advice, I suggest moving the main paragraph just a bit down so it is vertically aligned with the middle of the picture.

      Lastly, as it has been already said, I think you shouldn't write everything in capitals as it is much harder and incomfortable to read. Alternatively, you could decrease the size of the text and add slightly more content (which is not highly recommended).
  • Profile picture of the author fulfilledlife
    Profile picture of fulfilledlife
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    From looking at your squeeze page I get the feeling you're not really sure about what is your market audience and what they want.

    For example your headline "Are you a hard gainer?".
    What does it really means, are you trying to target nobs to whom it likely says nothing, or to experienced people who actually might be hard gainers, and who already have the routine and already passed the stage of being skinny.

    Additionally, I don't see benefit in your headline.
    Yes sure you have benefit in sub headline, but you're making assumption that people actually have enough attention span to continue read once the main headline fails to attract them.

    Finally, lets talk about the image. Ask yourself how it relates to your market niche, are they want to look and be like that or are they just want to be fit and stop being skinny (which is the crowd you seem to be targeting) and be more healthy.

    P.S: I actually like the idea for name and email. Given that this is the era of a mobile traffic - popups look just horrible on mobile devices.

    P.S.S: Just looked at the page of the other guy, he seem to have a very well defined audience and his message is consistent and authentic.

    Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value - Albert Einstein

    • Profile picture of the author TheHusnain
      Profile picture of TheHusnain
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by fulfilledlife View Post

      From looking at your squeeze page I get the feeling you're not really sure about what is your market audience and what they want.

      For example your headline "Are you a hard gainer?".
      What does it really means, are you trying to target nobs to whom it likely says nothing, or to experienced people who actually might be hard gainers, and who already have the routine and already passed the stage of being skinny.

      Additionally, I don't see benefit in your headline.
      Yes sure you have benefit in sub headline, but you're making assumption that people actually have enough attention span to continue read once the main headline fails to attract them.

      Finally, lets talk about the image. Ask yourself how it relates to your market niche, are they want to look and be like that or are they just want to be fit and stop being skinny (which is the crowd you seem to be targeting) and be more healthy.

      P.S: I actually like the idea for name and email. Given that this is the era of a mobile traffic - popups look just horrible on mobile devices.

      P.S.S: Just looked at the page of the other guy, he seem to have a very well defined audience and his message is consistent and authentic.
      I have to say that you have some really good points there.
  • Profile picture of the author diogoim
    Profile picture of diogoim
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    Awesome domain name and really good squeezepage, it's clear, simple and with a 2 step optin form integrated

    Nice job broo,


    Diogo de Castro

    Originally Posted by MikeFareez View Post

    Hello fellow warrior's

    So here's my new squeeze page=

    Quick info about my campaign:

    1)as you can see there i'm using the method
    Leadpage--->review website

    2)promoting clickbank product as an affiliate
    In fitness niche
    Product name: no nonsense muscle building

    3)I'm not just selling but
    I got experience using that product..

    that product change my body from
    skinny 38kg up to 65.5 kg in almost a year...
    I'm skinny asian with height 1.70 meter

    And for sure,i'm still using the product by the way


    So i need your advice guys,
    am i good to go now for sending traffic from ppc ?


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