List building tactics, the good and the bad ones

4 replies
Ok, most of us know that list building and monetization is a crucial part of any successful blog. So, let's dive a little about what works and what will never work, shall we?

a) What works (or it should work)

- Get subs with a Freebie (cool one, like webinar, not just some lame MRR report. Otherwise you'll just wind up with freebie seekers, not actual prospects.)
- Send out 3-4 great autoresponders and make your subs feel about you like their buddy
- Upsell, but very gently and politely (cheap, but great product)
- Again, 3-4 friendly tips from their best friend (now they should have more trust in you)
- Upsell again (a bit more expensive product, even greater than the one before)
- rinse and repeat...

b) What will (probably) never work

- Get subs with BS report, used and over-shared 1000s of times
- Immediately hit your new subs with some lame OTO or BS aff product
- Hit them with BS aff offers on a daily basis
- Never respond to their messages (mostly hateful anyway)
- Say ByeBye to most of your subs.

P.S. To get new subs without lifting a finger, make sure to have some sort of an automated marketing software (Tip: NOT spam software) at your disposal. I have it, but won't tell here, I'm not a spammer....

So, what do you guys think? Share your list building tactics, ok? Thanks
#bad #building #email marketing #good #list #list building #tactics
  • Profile picture of the author Ole Didriksen
    Hi netmaster33 ,

    In my opinion there is no better list building trick... if you can call it a trick,
    than to serve a specific pocket of people having a specific pain or problem
    with value...

    Meaning you get to know them almost better than they know themselves...

    Then... you deliver a solution to their #1 pressing pain by educating them
    via EBM content... ( Educated Based Marketing )

    The cool thing about EMB, is that you never try to sell... people
    will see the need to take action by themselves... provided by the
    helpful content you give them.

    That's my 2 cents

    Originally Posted by netmaster33 View Post

    Ok, most of us know that list building and monetization is a crucial part of any successful blog. So, let's dive a little about what works and what will never work, shall we?

    a) What works (or it should work)

    - Get subs with a Freebie (cool one, like webinar, not just some lame MRR report. Otherwise you'll just wind up with freebie seekers, not actual prospects.)
    - Send out 3-4 great autoresponders and make your subs feel about you like their buddy
    - Upsell, but very gently and politely (cheap, but great product)
    - Again, 3-4 friendly tips from their best friend (now they should have more trust in you)
    - Upsell again (a bit more expensive product, even greater than the one before)
    - rinse and repeat...

    b) What will (probably) never work

    - Get subs with BS report, used and over-shared 1000s of times
    - Immediately hit your new subs with some lame OTO or BS aff product
    - Hit them with BS aff offers on a daily basis
    - Never respond to their messages (mostly hateful anyway)
    - Say ByeBye to most of your subs.

    P.S. To get new subs without lifting a finger, make sure to have some sort of an automated marketing software (Tip: NOT spam software) at your disposal. I have it, but won't tell here, I'm not a spammer....

    So, what do you guys think? Share your list building tactics, ok? Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author kIwOk168
    List building tactics are a dime a dozen out there. What to do afterwards is important but often neglected - building a relationship with your subscribers. I agree with Ole - it's all about educating them and solving their pain points. People don't really care how you are as a buddy at the beginning. They just want their problems solved.
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  • Profile picture of the author EugeneWHZ
    I think that is imporetant to organize your work from the side of subscription model. I mean people need to add themselves in your list. What you need to do is motivate them to do so. That should be something they are really interested in.
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  • Profile picture of the author rritz
    Actually I have built lists in the way you say will never work, with a freebie that is the biggest BS in the world (most of my subs never even downloaded it anyway) and sending out several offers per day from day one, never built a relationship with them, never read let alone answered an email from them and made good income off these lists.

    Upshot: There are people who want these kinds of email
    or why do you think spam still works? (I assume it must work or there wouldn't be that amount of spam going round)

    Long and short of it is: The way you build your list doesn't matter as long as you know what the people on your list want and you cater to that need. And if they want spammy offers, give em to them
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