How can I increase sales?

17 replies
Dear All,

I have my own 50+ websites,

I got some achievements

1: Done good sites and complete one year

2: DA 30+

but still not earn and single $, only investment ....

now i join this forum to try to start selling blog posts / links,

So, any suggestion for me, how can i increase it.

#blog post #increase #sale #wtb #wts
  • Profile picture of the author ZafarYaqoob
    promote your product on social networking sites.
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    • Profile picture of the author emmadev
      Originally Posted by ZafarYaqoob View Post

      promote your product on social networking sites.
      for example ?
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  • Profile picture of the author ProducerK
    I dont really thing this is a post for the email section.
    But anyway, you should be focuses your efforts on creating more content, seo, and building a social media following.
    LeadsPlusData.Com | PM For Skype, Telegram, Signal, WhatsApp, And More....
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  • Profile picture of the author depotgang
    You can have all the sites in the world and not make money. SEO and "free" traffic is the most frustrating thing in the world. You can build a product offer affiliate commissions and maybe someone will send you traffic. Or you can build a site with an opin form capture leads and drive all the traffic you want to any product you want.

    At one time I owned over 2000 was crazy and I did not make any money, but boy I sure paid for domain renewal and hosting. Now I just have a lead gen form....and autoreponder and I drive traffic to products via a email sequence.

    Maybe you want to build websites... I DID...and went broke. List Building is honestly where your time and money is best spent.

    Learn how to start your own Solo Ad Business without an autoresponder or build a list. It's Fast Fun and Profitable.

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  • Profile picture of the author VincentREpota
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    • Profile picture of the author emmadev
      Originally Posted by VincentREpota View Post

      You should improve CR on your website
      safe method ?
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  • Profile picture of the author CenTex Hosting
    The real question what kind of traffic do you have going to the site. Is it organic? If so how many visitors a day. What is the data on those customers telling you.

    or you just mass mailing, Paid ads and so on
    CenTex Hosting The Next Generation of Hosting
    Managed VPS | Reseller Hosting | OpenVZ HDD !
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesvince
    Want to make more sales for your small business in 2017? There are many different paths you can take to increase your business's sales. Do market research on your competitors to determine the right price. If you have a high-priced product, be prepared to over-deliver quality to your customers. Price can be determined by "perceived value" of your product. If you can make your product seem superior to your competitors, you can charge a higher price.

    1. Set up a sales incentive program.
    2. Encourage your sales staff to upsell.
    3. Give your customers the inside scoop.
    4. Tier your customers.
    5. Set up a customer rewards program.
    6. Distribute free samples to customers.
    9. Simplify Your Content Strategy
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  • Profile picture of the author 10key thinmgs
    I think you must work on Digital marketing. First work on your website seo then work on social networking sites and use email marketing to communicate with customer.
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  • Profile picture of the author rusilja
    How much traffic does each site get.
    Is your traffic targeted? Meaning, are they even slightly interested in buying some products or services? Do you offer any of these?
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  • Profile picture of the author Isaiah Jackson
    You ever think of selling the sites?

    You can sell them on Flippa without traffic as a starter site.

    And if they have traffic you can even sell them as an establish site.

    Send Emails, Get Paid - My business summarized in four words. For the how-to go here
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    How many traffic you have daily ? if you have traffic you have money also .You can promote affiliate offers ,cpa offers etc
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  • Promote it on social media, guest post, online ads etc. You can also use automation in all your marketing tasks like marketing automation, social media automation, online ads automation, content marketing automation, website and landing pages automation etc. So that you can save time in marketing activities by automating the repetitive tasks. If you have budget try facebook ads you will definitely going to get good results from that.
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  • Profile picture of the author markhimeb
    Emma, here are a couple of questions that would help me show you different ways to make an income out of your websites:
    1. Do you get any traffic?
    2. Have you tried to monetize them? If yes, in what ways? If you are only adding new posts consistently, then you are not getting anywhere. You need a lot more, to start making some profit.
    3. Can you PM me a couple of these websites, so that I check them?

    Originally Posted by emmadev View Post

    Dear All,

    I have my own 50+ websites,

    I got some achievements

    1: Done good sites and complete one year

    2: DA 30+

    but still not earn and single $, only investment ....

    now i join this forum to try to start selling blog posts / links,

    So, any suggestion for me, how can i increase it.

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  • Profile picture of the author sachin5120
    Focus on conversion rate optimization.. to improve your site conversions
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  • Profile picture of the author RichardThessen
    People don't buy products, they buy the results that product will give. Start your process of identifying your ideal customer by making a list of all of the benefits that your customer will enjoy by using your product or service.
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  • Promot your site on social media and marketing your product or website goodly. I think it's a simple and easy way. And say some special of your website on people.
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  • If you want to do sales by using your website, then first you should optimize maximum of 2-3 websites on regular basis, so that it will help to get some revenue.

    As you told you are optimizing 50+ sites that not the proper way for getting revenue because you can't focus on none. So as per me just focus on 2-3 sites, optimize those sites properly, take the benefits of social medias and do paid advertising as well for better results.

    Hope these things will help you!
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