A couple of questions from the new guy

3 replies
Hi folks - I'm new to the forum and generally new to affiliate marketing too. I come from a (relatively) successful online retail background. I took some time off after I wrapped my last online store up to spend time with my new baby which was now about a year and a half ago so its time to get back to work and start earning again. I've got a few questions that I've been unable track down a definitive answer that I hope someone here can answer.

1) I've read a lot of different estimates as to what an email list is financially worth - the figures I seem to see most often are $2 - $4 per email / Month for a well targeted healthy list. Are these the type of numbers you successful guys are seeing? I know no one wants to disclose their earnings and I completely understand that, but (without disclosing the size of your list) is anyone willing to tell me what kind of figures you're seeing in the real work per email / month? - having an idea of list value will help me set goals

2) I started building my list in my chosen niche a week or so ago, I've playing around with different techniques to get opt ins using Facebook and Reddit ads. I seem to be getting opt ins for around 30 - 35 cents each with the few campaigns I've been playing with so far. Does this sound like a reasonable cost per opt in?

Thanks in advance for any insights from you experienced email marketers out there

#couple #guy #question
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    There is no real average that an email list will consistently produce monthly.

    For the average email marketer, $2-$4 is probably a pipe dream.

    30 - 35 cents is dirt cheap.

    The bottom line is what your ROI is.

    If you can turn a decent profit, those numbers are irrelevant and it's all about scaling.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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  • Profile picture of the author HellaLeadz
    You just have to keep trying and experiment with your list. There is no fixed price and you never know if you will see success or not, unless you keep at it.
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  • Profile picture of the author webbie
    That's a key metric I watch. From 2000 to 2008 my EPM (earnings per subscriber per month) was $3-$5 but I had a much bigger list than I do now. In 2008 it dropped to about $2. It's gotten better - on average it's about $5. But I've had some months when it was $10. The variable has to do with the launch of new products. I know some large players with 100k lists that are at .50 EPM. There's an optimal level of subscriber and earning per - you have to experiment. The cost per sub is decent if they convert.
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