Can't get an email list

9 replies
Hey guys I'm new to warrior plus I have links but idk how to sell them over the last 48 hours I got 5 links only 8 hops and not a single dime in my account! I tried using Facebook instagram and twitter but it's not working and bought a program and ain't helping at all can somebody help me to make email list and actually start making money online and thanks!
#email #list
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  • Profile picture of the author Mabu Map
    It's not working - this is not true
    (I think that actually you was not do it right yet)

    8 Hops is nothing for expecting a sale my friend. Be patient and trying to increase traffic more

    You can create a queeze page then try Facebook groups to get free traffic and use Bing Ads for paid traffic to build a list. Solo Ads is fast but if you are a beginner i'm not hightly recommended

    I hop this helps.
    Free Training: How To Earn $123+/D Online
    Even If You're A Complete Beginner - Click Here
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  • Profile picture of the author SantaMax
    You need to work on traffic, increase it.
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  • To build the quality email list Facebook and Bing Ads are the good network.
    If you looking for free traffic work on Facebook groups, YouTube . Blogs.

    More traffic gives good list and sales, work on getting traffic.

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  • Profile picture of the author Doan Chi Tin
    1. You need to get targeted traffic who are willing to take your FREE offer...

    2. You can't make sale with only 8 hops.... I got more than 50 hops per sale my friend

    3. (Important): Don't think too much, you are taking right action. Just do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gustavo Karakey
    You need to spend a little time learning some aspect of your craft. Let's just say it's e-mail marketing for right now.

    Spend the next 14 days learning as much as you can about that topic. Don't buy anything, don't subscribe to anything, just watch a lot of YT videos from folks who know what they are doing.

    Take the time to understand the process, from prospect, to landing page, to pre-frame, to autoresponder, to affiliate sales page, etc.

    If you want a quick primer, Singal's Circle of Profit book covers e-mail pretty well in the first part of his book. Deiss' Invisible Selling Machine is also a good resource.

    If you have $1, sign up for Digitalmarketer's 30 day DM Lab trial and go through their execution plan on e-mail marketing.

    The problem for folks just starting out is having focused knowledge. When there are 3,000 ways to make money online, the temptation is to jump from one to the other looking for the magic tip.

    The magic tip is discipline + time + mastery. But it doesn't have to take years. Just 7, 14 or 30 days of focus will already put you way ahead of the crowd.

    Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bizopboost
    Before start doing things try to learn a strategy that is proven to work. Get the tools you need and take massive action...
    Give it time...and be patient
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    It is 48 hours, 2 have basically done nothing, what do you expect


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author Javisito
    Originally Posted by Cuteboyninja View Post

    Hey guys I'm new to warrior plus I have links but idk how to sell them over the last 48 hours I got 5 links only 8 hops and not a single dime in my account! I tried using Facebook instagram and twitter but it's not working and bought a program and ain't helping at all can somebody help me to make email list and actually start making money online and thanks!
    You need to put way more work into it than that.

    This is the most common mistake I see around, people thinking they can make money with almost no work.

    It's just not like that, It's hard work and you need to put in either time or money to take your business where you want it.
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