Problem with editing templates

2 replies
Hi everyone

I've just begun a new role in which I'll be using MailChimp to distribute marketing emails. I've used it in a role before but I'm willing to admit that I'm a bit rusty.

The previous incumbent in the role has left a lot of templates. I can edit the To, From and Subject of a message but when I click Edit Design, I can't edit the actual design. The right-hand side of the page says Design and Comments on the top bar, and Monkey Rewards underneath it. That's all there is. Can some please point me in the direction of how I can edit the content of the message?

#editing #problem #templates
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  • I don't use mailchimp James, so I guess someone else will eventually chime in with an answer for you.

    When you say "design" do you mean like all the fancy stuff that turns people off and makes them feel like they are being marketed to?

    If so, why don't you NOT use a design?

    You wouldn't send a designed template to any of your friends and family if you were to send them a personal email. Can you not just send a simple "text" email?

    Much more personal.

    Just as thought.
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    I would think that mailchimp support would be a good place to start


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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