Good way to start e-mail marketing
Step #1 : start by building your e-mail list
Make sure the e-mail you will be collecting are interested by the type of offer you will be sharing with them.
But how to get e-mail you will ask ?
Start by installing a Mail Catcher on your website.
Your Mail Catcher should be simple and efficient, but also enticing to some degree. Use this as your main opportunity to communicate all the benefits that come by subscribing to your website.
After they provide the e-mail. Make sure to make them confirm their e-mail adress. At this stage. You are sure to have valid e-mails in your list.
When you start having a good list, segment it by Geos. Then why you have something specific for let say USA country, it will all be set and ready. If an e-mail reach someone and the offer doesn't fit. They might get frustrated and unsubscribe from your list.
Step #2 Write your first e-mail
An e-mail is worth nothing if he's not opened. Make sure the subject is not too catchy / contain a spam trigger.
You can either Ask a question Ex: Would you be interested by : xxxx ?
Have a sense of urgency Ex : ONLY 3 DAYS BEFORE ....
Make a list : Here is a top 5 methods on how to ....
Attention grabber : Please make sure to read this....
Then you will need a good preheader. This is the preview text.
A good preheader is short by direct and it reinforce your subject. It gives a good indice of what will be the content of your e-mail but not too much.
When the user open your e-mail. Your job is far from being done. You need them to convert into something. You want them to read something / buy something / get them to sign up for something.
Here are a few rules you should always remember while writing your mail :
Write short sentences
One idea per sentence
Personalize your mail to your brand
In your message, keep only one message you want the user to remember / convert t
Design a good template
here are few tips
Pick a neutral color
Chose between single and multi-columns layouts depending your end goal
Make sure the Call-To-Action is visible
Make sur your template is well built with HTML bases
Make sure your template is responsive to both mobile and desktop
Keep the design of your template similar to your landing page
Here is a few tips that worked for me
for VOD ( adult paysites, mostly PPS) a video player and and a button right under will increase the chance of getting the click
for Dating offers ( PPL / PPS ) Try to keep it personal, simple. Maybe with a picture and a small description then place your button at the end of your message.
BUT WAIT, it's not over yet. You want to make sure your e-mail will reach the mailbox and not the spam.
First you want to make sure your e-mail is compatible with the major provider such as Gmail, Outlook, hotmail, Yahoo etc.
Second, even if you checked your spam words, you want to validate your campaign using services such as Mail Poet / Postmark
Step #3 Make sure your IP is clean. Your IP can be blacklisted if you send too many e-mails. To make sure your IP is ok. You can use services such as SenderScore. It will allow you to check the reputation of your IP.
When you send adult content like I do. It can get tricky very fast. Sometimes even tho I think everything could be working. It end up in the spam folder. You want to remind your people to check their spam box too so they don't miss any of your e-mails.
Now you need to learn.
Check the open rate and see what worked / did not
You want to check the CTR and see what you can improve next time
Unsubscribe rate
This method work if you have your own traffic / domain but you can also buy lists. Good lists are expensive but can bring a very good income if you do things right !
Now good luck with e-mail marketing and I hope this post will help some of you.
20+ Years Exp . . . . . .