Weight Loss Lead Magnet Ideas?

by 5 replies
Hey there,

It is my goal to build a list within the Weight Loss niche, and build a long term relationship with subscribers, but with the long term goal of course to monetise from this. I am having difficulty coming up with a lead magnet that could be enticing enough for people in this market to leave their e-mail. So far I've been using PLR, but I saw in my autoresponder most people didn't even open the first email followup with the eBook attached.

Has anyone got some good ideas for what a successful lead magnet for the weight loss/fitness niche I'm doing could be? The next part of my funnel is a low priced product so I know the magnet has to be good, but I'm difficulty with coming up with something attractive that would generate more conversions.
#email marketing #ideas #lead #loss #magnet #weight
  • The first thing to do is decide on a niche. Weight loss and fitness are not niches - they're markets, and huge markets at that.

    You won't have much success with a generic lead magnet. Once you narrow down your niche, you'll be able to more tightly define your target market and provide them with a compelling offer.

    Take some time to look around the forum - there's plenty of advice about choosing a niche.
  • Weight loss is a category - but not a niche.

    You have started several threads with similar questions about building a list and what to sell, etc - and you are still using PLR? You need to put forth more effort than that. Reading threads in the email and ecommerce sections would be a good start.

    Go back to the drawing board - identify your niche within the weight loss 'arena' - identify what you have to offer that others don't (your 'hook' or Unique Selling Position)...etc. Why did you choose 'weight loss' ?
  • I saw a lead magnet in this niche that really caught my attention recently. Maybe this could help you,

    so it was a free video course with about 10 videos of how to do certain workouts, I'm not sure what the person's opt-in rate was with this, but it was DEFINITELY unique, so I think it would've been a pretty decent opt in rate.

    The video course was definitely PLR, but high quality stuff
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • You can try your luck with fitspiration stories or weight loss testimonials. But before that, try to be more specific in establishing your niche. Choose whether you're going to pursue weight loss or fitness, because these two are not the same. -Micah
  • Make it something easy to consume, less than 10 minutes.

    People online have the attention span of gnats.

    Checklists, cheat sheets and videos work well.

    Find a specific problem your market has and focus on that.

    For example:

    "How to get the Abs You Want in 90 Days or Less!"

    There's a huge market wants 6 pack abs. Your video will show them how they can do this quickly and easily.

    And it's very specific, 90 days or less.

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  • 7

    Hey there, It is my goal to build a list within the Weight Loss niche, and build a long term relationship with subscribers, but with the long term goal of course to monetise from this. I am having difficulty coming up with a lead magnet that could be enticing enough for people in this market to leave their e-mail. So far I've been using PLR, but I saw in my autoresponder most people didn't even open the first email followup with the eBook attached.