Mailchimp suspends my account, Please help

Pradeep Bhagwat
Profile picture of Pradeep Bhagwat
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
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I had tried to build list with Getresponse and Awaber but failed as I can't get subscribers as expected. These two services becomes unaffordable for me. So, I tried to build list at Mailchimp. I work hard to learn Mailchimp and creat email campaigns. Mailchimp offers Free service till we get 2000 subscribers and it is good for me. I slowly started building email list, but suddenly Mailchimp suspends my account! I am totally dissapointed. I had written back to Mailchimp but after week I had not got message from Mailchimp. If I can't promote affiliate products to my subscribers then what is the use of autoresoponder? Please check my email to Mailchip so anyone can understand my problem. Read below:

I am getting message in my account like : Your account has one or more issues that need to be resolved. But I am not able to understand the reason of violation. I had created email sequence promoting affiliate products. For that I have used email swipe provided by affiliate product creator. Is that the reason? I think building email list, nourish subscriber and promote affiliate products for proffit is the main reason behind creating email list. If I can't do that then what is the use of creating email list? I am new in creating email list and want to create huge list. Please remove restriction to achieve my goal. If I had made mistake please guide me so I can proceed further. Thanks for support.
- Pradeep Bhagwat

Please guide me in this issue. I am on verge to living internet marketing.

- Pradeep Bhagwat
#account #autoreseponder #mailchimp #suspends
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