New to Joint Ventures... is this realistic?

3 replies
Hey y'all, FillyCheez here.

I got into list building/email marketing a few month ago, and I'm finally starting to see some progress. Revenue is growing!

A large part of this was the advice here on the Warrior Forum, so first off I'd like to say THANK YOU!

I have been thinking of ways to accelerate my learning and results, and came across the idea of Joint Ventures as a possibility.

I had the idea of partnering with someone more experienced in email marketing to write emails to my list in exchange for 50% of revenue.

With such a partner, I would learn more about what offers to promote and how to promote them.

Is this a realistic idea?

Has anyone used a strategy like this? Any recommendations for mailers in the women's weight loss space who would be good partners?

Am I missing anything?

Thanks for the advice y'all!

#joint #realistic #ventures
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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Sumod
    Hi, FillyCheez, congratulations in gaining the momentum... go ahead and success is yours.
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  • It sounds like you are looking for a job running campaigns for a company. Now this is a great way to add to your income, given you are able to negotiate you price as a freelancer.

    However, if you are getting better at email marketing maybe you could extend to affiliate marketing (which I'm assuming you are doing already). By extend I mean start promoting high ticket products.
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  • Profile picture of the author ProducerK
    Someone who is experienced in email marketing is only going to do a JV with you if you pay them directly.
    There is no other real value that you can bring to the table that an experienced person can do, or have a person being paid $3 cannot do for them, and keep their income much larger.
    Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I simply believe this is the reality of the situation.
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