How to Build Trust in Email Marketing

68 replies
When it comes to email marketing, one of the things that is going to sink or swim your campaign is whether you can build trust.

Building trust is important when it comes to email marketing because people are going to be more willing to read what you have to say, and more importantly, they will convert more often when you pitch them on the product or service that you are promoting.

But how do you build this trust?

There are a few strategies that you can use listed below.

Care about Their Wellbeing

One of the first things that you can do before you even sit down to write your first email is to make sure that you actually care about the wellbeing of your readers.

If you are promoting products that will help them grow their online business, then you need to actually care that they make a success of that business. If you don't care about your readers, it is going to come across in your emails.

Add Value in Every Email

You also need to add value to every email that you send. There should never be an email sent out that will not help out your readers in some way.

Even if you are pitching a product or service in later emails, the ones that come before that should offer tips and advice that will help them in some way.

Be Honest with People

Finally, make sure that you are honest with your readers. They already know that you are going to sell them a product or service at some point, and they know that you are going to make money from it.

There is no reason to try to hide this fact, and they will appreciate your honestly about it.
#affiliate marketing #build #email #email marketing #list building #marketing #trust
  • Profile picture of the author YuriiLP
    And make sure you always ad an unsubscribe link to your emails.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brian Bozarth
    Very good!

    An email reader will immediately know if you are trying to add value to their life. If not, they will see right through you!
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  • Profile picture of the author DURABLEOILCOM
    Originally Posted by Matthew Trujillo View Post

    When it comes to email marketing, one of the things that is going to sink or swim your campaign is whether you can build trust.

    Building trust is important when it comes to email marketing because people are going to be more willing to read what you have to say, and more importantly, they will convert more often when you pitch them on the product or service that you are promoting.

    But how do you build this trust?

    There are a few strategies that you can use listed below.

    Care about Their Wellbeing

    One of the first things that you can do before you even sit down to write your first email is to make sure that you actually care about the wellbeing of your readers.

    If you are promoting products that will help them grow their online business, then you need to actually care that they make a success of that business. If you don't care about your readers, it is going to come across in your emails.

    Add Value in Every Email

    You also need to add value to every email that you send. There should never be an email sent out that will not help out your readers in some way.

    Even if you are pitching a product or service in later emails, the ones that come before that should offer tips and advice that will help them in some way.

    Be Honest with People

    Finally, make sure that you are honest with your readers. They already know that you are going to sell them a product or service at some point, and they know that you are going to make money from it.

    There is no reason to try to hide this fact, and they will appreciate your honestly about it.
    This is great advice but the main question I have about email marketing is how many times a week or month you should be sending emails out and what days and times are optimal to use without being an annoying spammer ?
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    • Profile picture of the author webhosting
      Originally Posted by DURABLEOILCOM View Post

      This is great advice but the main question I have about email marketing is how many times a week or month you should be sending emails out and what days and times are optimal to use without being an annoying spammer ?
      I have created an internet marketing course and asked the same question. I read various articles, checked out comments and forums... As the answer always was "it depends", I decided for an elegant solution:

      By default, I send one lesson every day. It is nothing long, it can be read in 2 - 3 minutes. In the bottom of every newsletter the subscribers can change the mailing frequency by one click. So everybody should be satisfied.
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      • Profile picture of the author Mouhamadou Diouf
        What's your email provider? I use get response and this is not possible for subscribers to choose the frequency
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    • Profile picture of the author codemefy
      There are many ways to find out. First, some ESPs offer STO (send time optimisation) - which sends the same email at different times. At times when you clients open these emails. Secondly, you can run A/B tests. Test different days. Different frequencies. Different send hours. Bit by bit your results will show you what your audience wants and likes. Remember, every audience is different, so you need to find what suits yours.
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    • Profile picture of the author shami
      First of all, if you are providing real value to your list they will never complain

      Regarding your question how many times you should be emailing them, I tested different scenario's that I learn from one of the big guys of email marketing is this:

      - Email Monday to Friday (make sure write good contents)
      - no more than 1 link in the emails
      - 9 am est, 1 pm, est 5 pm est, 7 pm est (you could always test your own version and timings and see what time gets you better open and click-through rates)

      and one final thing I would say is: be different than anyone else who is simply promoting to their list.

      you should be writing a story in your emails and gently transition from story to promotion.


      Originally Posted by DURABLEOILCOM View Post

      This is great advice but the main question I have about email marketing is how many times a week or month you should be sending emails out and what days and times are optimal to use without being an annoying spammer ?
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      • Profile picture of the author Matthew Trujillo
        Originally Posted by chuckholmes View Post

        Tips to build trust in email marketing.

        1. Be open and transparent
        2. Write like you talk
        3. When you make a mistake, admit it
        4. Put your viewer's needs first
        5. Provide value in EVERY email

        Do those five things and you can't go wrong. Just my two cents.
        I like this one. The more authentic you are with your list the more they will trust that you are making a recommendation that will be helpful to them. Putting the needs of your subscribers should always come first.

        Originally Posted by shami View Post

        First of all, if you are providing real value to your list they will never complain

        Regarding your question how many times you should be emailing them, I tested different scenario's that I learn from one of the big guys of email marketing is this:

        - Email Monday to Friday (make sure write good contents)
        - no more than 1 link in the emails
        - 9 am est, 1 pm, est 5 pm est, 7 pm est (you could always test your own version and timings and see what time gets you better open and click-through rates)

        and one final thing I would say is: be different than anyone else who is simply promoting to their list.

        you should be writing a story in your emails and gently transition from story to promotion.


        Great tips! Another tip would be to just let your list know when they should be expecting an email from you that way proper expectations are set.

        Lastly a great tip is to tell your subscribers to whitelist your email. Whitelisting means they will add you to a list of preferred contacts that way your email will always show up in your subscribers inboxes.

        Providing as much value as possible and only recommending things you believe in will take you a long way in life and especially internet marketing. Always lead with value!
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  • Profile picture of the author cearionmarie
    Trust will always be the foundation of a good business. Great tips! Thanks for sharing.

    Cearion Uy - Marketing Advisor

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  • Profile picture of the author rajgawdi
    be real to make trust on email marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author radu
    Thanks for sharing these tips..

    If the people like and trust you it doesn't matter how many times you email them..they will know that you provide value in each of your emails so they will be happy to open them and eventually buy from you or your jv friends..
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  • best thing is provide real information in template and send it email
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  • Profile picture of the author bangthuy003
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  • Profile picture of the author Alishba Malik
    Thanks for this giving out...
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  • Profile picture of the author Nottyqueen
    Great Tips absolutely, Thanks for Sharing this valuable information.
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  • Profile picture of the author tyronne78
    -Email daily
    -Be a man of your word
    -Be omnipresent
    -Provide value
    -Care for your subscribers
    -Do video
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    • Profile picture of the author codemefy
      I would disagree with daily sends. Personally, I from hundreds of emails I get a week, I only open a handful. This means that many "daily" emails would be unopened, and eventually the email service provider (gmail in my case) will filter them out to spam do to lack of interest (or lack of time to read them) with these emails.
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  • Profile picture of the author ClaudiaBrunson
    When the people like and hope you it isn't important how frequently you email them..they is going to learn that you supply value in every one of your mails so they'll be pleased to start them and eventually purchase from you along with your jv buddies. .
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  • Profile picture of the author helisell
    Want to build trust?

    Don't send cr@p!


    Making Calls To Sell Something? What are you actually saying?
    Is there any room for improvement? Want to find out?

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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Hunt
    Awesome advise.

    Also, make sure that you are open and honest, show your list that there is an actual human behind the email.

    The following strategy has helped me build trust and rapport with my list on a subconscoius level..

    Tel your story:
    I start my list with three emails about my personal story/stories of failure, suffering and ultimately how I overcame these obstacles. You will find that many a time, your audience/list is struggling with very similar challenges you faced when you started with whatever your niche/passion and solution is, that you are selling.

    Also ensure that you keep your audience engaged, don't be dull and boring..

    Let me give you an example:
    Lets say that your niche is "how to reconnect with your wife and ignite the dying fire in your marriage...

    My first email will most probably start of something like:
    I could see it..
    She didn't look at me the same way she used to..
    It was as if I was disgusting. What made it hurt even more..
    I saw how she looked at John, her coleage from IT.. etc....

    The idea is to identify the pain points you experienced and what your list can most probably relate to. Then show or tell them about your journey to discovering the "secret" that made it all better.

    You want to create the belief that if it worked for you, it will definately work for them.

    And this is why I love Matthew's advice, you have to really care about their well being, make sure it is something that really works, that you truly believe in.

    Hope it helps
    And keep crushing it...
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  • Profile picture of the author Jackie935
    which of the two has the best Templates?
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  • Profile picture of the author MarkDely
    Good post, The key is to provide value, the reader needs to be able to gather something useful to his/her needs. If you can provide value in the form of fixing a problem, giving useful advice or providing clear direction then you will see an increase in your open rates and trust will follow. Ad value and you will be able to make sales without ever having to hard sell anything.
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  • Profile picture of the author garry baker
    Good post, the best thing to do with email marketing is to just be real and communicate...

    The person that gave you that email address is looking for information yes, but also you need to work to build a relationship...

    A great way to do this is by just telling your story, be real as I said earlier, tell a story...

    Do this every day and you will build a connection with your audience, the people that read your emails want to know your story and understand why it is you are sending them emails...

    No matter the niche, connect on a personal level, ask them what they want from you get them to reply, start a real conversation...

    You will build your tribe...

    Email every day, and the people that unsubscribe are the people that are not part of your tribe, move on from them, look for new people to connect with...

    Stop trying to find the best tactic or technique or a "template" or email schedule...

    They have invited you into their email inbox, tell them who you are and what you have to offer them, that is how you help them...
    Time is your most valuable resource ... do not waste it...
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  • Profile picture of the author andrew kisilu
    Very helpful information.Always lead with value.
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  • Profile picture of the author RobertBrown121
    -Build trust by personalizing your content.
    -Add your contact details at the footer.
    -Also take a look at your competitors, see how many emails they send in a week/month. That might help you decide. According to me, once a week would do well.
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  • Profile picture of the author pregyrick
    Yes, totally agree that you need to be honest and be transparent to people. Business is not all about chasing the money, but it's something that you don't show others - YOUR INTEGRITY!
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  • Profile picture of the author itstrisha
    First of all, I would say this is indeed a million dollar question you have raised. No doubt email marketing is an outstanding tool but if you don't build trust within your subscribers then your mails will eventually land in the spam folder. Thus all your efforts will go in vain. So to avoid such kind of scenarios you need to build trust. Now the question is how to build trust within them? In some simple ways you can build the trust and attract more subscribers like -

    1) Welcome Message - A welcome message is something which is sent at the time of sign up. This ensures the security of your future open rates.

    2) Regularity - Maintain the regularity of email. Keep shooting the emails with good quality informational stuff.

    3) Segmentation - Segment all your subscribers according to their past purchase, behavior and the way they reply.

    You can build trust in lot many ways but I have mentioned only few ways to make it short.
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  • Profile picture of the author Risktaker89
    Just to add on a few more things.

    Always ask them to reply to you and actually reply to them.

    Share personal things about your life.

    This will make them realise that they are receiving emails from a person rather than a bot
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  • Profile picture of the author andrew kisilu
    Yah nice always lead with quality value.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alishba Malik
    Good statement.......Nice sharing....
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  • Profile picture of the author sana11
    great tips!!! thanks for sharing!!! to me being your true self + providing value and solutions to your subscribers is the very best combination for successful email marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author chellie
    Excellent Information for a newbie like me....Thank you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Katie Watters
    Thanks for sharing, Matthew.
    Adding value is a crucial aspect of any email campaign, whether sending to warm opted-in contacts or cold contacts.
    Segmenting your email list will help your email campaigns provide relevant, valuable content to each contact.
    B2B lead generation solutions for accelerated sales or marketing growth.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    I built trust seamlessly - when I did the list thing - by focusing on service with selling. I felt good sharing free content then followed up with my eBook or course, helpful premium content. I trusted me so my audience aka subscribers reflected that trust back to me. Def lead with value and feel good about it; trust occurs easily from that energy.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author sean1776
    Thanks for sharing,
    The last tip blows my mind.
    I wonder the comparison data between revealing the info and not revealing.
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  • Profile picture of the author crackhouse
    Stay in regular contact with your email list, send follow-up emails after the completion of a business transaction. You build most of your trust outside the email inbox - with the service you provide and the extra lengths you are willing to go to build customer satisfaction

    In your emails, ensure you present a consistent brand and speak to them directly, using personalised email. Depending on the list, offer tips, and techniques and present yourself as an authority on the topic with a large social media following.
    I sell backlinks on some of the most lucrative editorial websites in the world.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ayushi Choudhary
    To build trust in e-mail marketing you need to avoid the promotional content.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
      Originally Posted by Ayushi Choudhary View Post

      To build trust in e-mail marketing you need to avoid the promotional content.
      If you are going to never send promotional content, what is the purpose of doing email marketing?

      It's called email marketing which implies that something is going to be promoted, sold, etc.

      Now, you can say don't send too much promotional content and I would agree. But, if you say never send it or avoid it, that's hard to understand.

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  • Profile picture of the author electricguitar
    Thank you so much for sharing these tips. This will be so useful for me. I always wanted to know this, Building trust in email marking is one of the important thing to do.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Trujillo
    Wow I love these responses from everybody, and I appreciate the love!

    Trust is KEY to a successful online business, when your prospects KNOW, LIKE , and TRUST you..

    That's when you get results! Think of your subscribers as people who you can actually HELP.

    In the end you feel good you helped someone out and they trust they can buy from you :-)
    Originally Posted by DURABLEOILCOM View Post

    This is great advice but the main question I have about email marketing is how many times a week or month you should be sending emails out and what days and times are optimal to use without being an annoying spammer ?
    The key here is to be upfront with your subscribers, let them know they should be expecting x emails per day.

    Be upfront and honest as possible that way your subscribers know what to expect by being on your list.
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  • Profile picture of the author BacklinkzTopper
    Just be true to them. Main thing is they should trust you and everything else is secondary thing
    But your post is really informative. Thanks for sharing it.
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  • Having a character people can connect with and like normally helps and generally not shit sending and giving them value does the trick
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Trujillo
    Having character is a great response and being someone people can count on is a great response. Showing people you are a REAL LIFE person be authentic as much as possible. Let people know about you and your experiences struggles and how you overcame them. You will be the hero to them. You will feel proud you actually helped someone and you created a win win situation for everybody that's how it works, you are to provide them solutions that they will happily buy because they trust you and know you are on there side. Be different.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    That was my mistake i tried to get email after email and just to send a promotional email everyday but with no succes at all .Now i rethink my strategy and i try to add as much value as i can

    Admin note: Affiliate links are not allowed in paid user sigs

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  • Profile picture of the author shermancox
    1) be you even when it contradicts conventional wisdom...I don't need an email that is simply a ditto of what I could hear anywhere else...

    2) be consistent....If you don't email me often then I will forget you...

    3) Make it so I look forward to your email...whether it is due to your stories...or how you explain things...or whatever....I need to look forward to your email....

    4) show me you know what you talking about...your stuff should "ring true"

    If you show me that you know what you talking bout...and you entertain me...and you tell me the truth even when it contradicts conventional wisdom in the niche (especially when it contradicts)...then Imma stay on your email list....and purchase something from you...

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  • Profile picture of the author Renatas Budrys
    The problem is that people send stupid and agressive product pitches right after a person joins their email list and then expect to shovel money in 2 hours.
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  • Profile picture of the author amuro
    Thank you for sharing.

    This will be helpful to me and others wanting to start or have been doing email marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author acnescars
    This was really a great information which is very useful to proceed further with email marketing process.
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  • Profile picture of the author andrew kisilu
    Great share,definitely learnt a lot from this and just to drop my 2 cents in here doing videos also helps a lot ,provide value upfront and actually just simply respect and love your subscribers .Enjoy helping them out and they will notice it.
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  • Profile picture of the author sftslab
    Thanks for sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author acopson
    Originally Posted by Matthew Trujillo View Post

    When it comes to email marketing, one of the things that is going to sink or swim your campaign is whether you can build trust.

    Building trust is important when it comes to email marketing because people are going to be more willing to read what you have to say, and more importantly, they will convert more often when you pitch them on the product or service that you are promoting.

    But how do you build this trust?

    There are a few strategies that you can use listed below.

    Care about Their Wellbeing

    One of the first things that you can do before you even sit down to write your first email is to make sure that you actually care about the wellbeing of your readers.

    If you are promoting products that will help them grow their online business, then you need to actually care that they make a success of that business. If you don't care about your readers, it is going to come across in your emails.

    Add Value in Every Email

    You also need to add value to every email that you send. There should never be an email sent out that will not help out your readers in some way.

    Even if you are pitching a product or service in later emails, the ones that come before that should offer tips and advice that will help them in some way.

    Be Honest with People

    Finally, make sure that you are honest with your readers. They already know that you are going to sell them a product or service at some point, and they know that you are going to make money from it.

    There is no reason to try to hide this fact, and they will appreciate your honestly about it.
    Really solid advice and great tips, many thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author Patriciamillikin
    Email marketing is the best method according to me, when you compared to all other marketing methods.
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  • Profile picture of the author kawsar91221
    target active email.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Trujillo
    Lots of great participation on this post. One thing is for sure, if you can build a strong relationship with your subscribers and your audience you will only be doing yourself a favor in the long run ;-)
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  • Profile picture of the author roberthull99
    I think it makes a big difference when you come across as being in your reader's mail box to help THEM, rather than to just help yourself by pitching your shit.

    I pitch in every email I send, but every email I send has value in it for the reader.
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  • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
    Tips to build trust in email marketing.

    1. Be open and transparent
    2. Write like you talk
    3. When you make a mistake, admit it
    4. Put your viewer's needs first
    5. Provide value in EVERY email

    Do those five things and you can't go wrong. Just my two cents.
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  • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
    Awesome read. Also, an email with good, polished content goes long ways between either sending your email to junk or having a new customer.

    Originally Posted by Matthew Trujillo View Post

    When it comes to email marketing, one of the things that is going to sink or swim your campaign is whether you can build trust.

    Building trust is important when it comes to email marketing because people are going to be more willing to read what you have to say, and more importantly, they will convert more often when you pitch them on the product or service that you are promoting.

    But how do you build this trust?

    There are a few strategies that you can use listed below.

    Care about Their Wellbeing

    One of the first things that you can do before you even sit down to write your first email is to make sure that you actually care about the wellbeing of your readers.

    If you are promoting products that will help them grow their online business, then you need to actually care that they make a success of that business. If you don't care about your readers, it is going to come across in your emails.

    Add Value in Every Email

    You also need to add value to every email that you send. There should never be an email sent out that will not help out your readers in some way.

    Even if you are pitching a product or service in later emails, the ones that come before that should offer tips and advice that will help them in some way.

    Be Honest with People

    Finally, make sure that you are honest with your readers. They already know that you are going to sell them a product or service at some point, and they know that you are going to make money from it.

    There is no reason to try to hide this fact, and they will appreciate your honestly about it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Medon
    I love reading this thread. It is good advice to anyone wanting to succeed in email marketing. I like it when you say that you need to be honest with the reader. After all, they know that you want to sell them something. So hiding the fact will only make you fail. Anyone with good phrases that can let the target know that you are interested in them buying the product?
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  • Profile picture of the author Sophia Martinez
    Be genuine, provide value and always go for personalized emails rather than automated ones!
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  • Profile picture of the author JUnderwood
    Thank you for the advice. They will help me a lot in my work.
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  • Profile picture of the author webbusineses
    Ensure compliance as much as you can, apart from just strict rules, all the spam laws/regulations are also created after a detailed study of subscriber behavior. Respect opt-out, always treat engaged recipients differently than the non-engaged ones and don't try to keep them selling all the time.
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  • Profile picture of the author monica geller
    1. Get permission before sending
    2. Make it clear who your messages are from
    3. Let recipients know what they will receive from you
    4. Ensure every message you send respects the customer
    5. Ensure personalization and contextualization techniques
    6. Use newsletters for relationship-building
    7. Don't overhype your content with misleading subject lines/headlines
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  • Profile picture of the author tejaspitt
    Adding personalization in terms of subject line and sender name adds a personal touch to the mail and creates a bond with your subscriber.
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  • Profile picture of the author ToddGordon
    > Get permission before sending
    > Make it clear who your messages are from
    > Let recipients know what they will receive from you - and follow through
    > Ensure every message you send respects the customer
    > Leverage personalization and contextualization techniques
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Dean
    Try and make your emails as targeted and personal as possible. Use first names, try and include company name and details if possible. Another tip is to offer something for free before you ask users to take action. The more value you add to users, the more likely they are to trust you and engage with your product.
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  • Profile picture of the author timbo202
    give lots of free content and material to get people to notice you
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  • Profile picture of the author ANJANBD
    Email marketing is one of the best way to Promote small business and affiliate offers.
    Great tips. Thanks for sharing.
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