Which is the most secure e-mail service?

11 replies
Hi. I have 2 quick questions.
Which e-mail service is the safest and how can you make your password strong enough so that hackers will fail to log in?
#email #secure #service
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  • Originally Posted by Davey Hogins View Post

    Hi. I have 2 quick questions.
    Which e-mail service is the safest and how can you make your password strong enough so that hackers will fail to log in?
    Why this is in the email marketing forum? You talk about your personal email?
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    • Profile picture of the author Davey Hogins
      A lot of my business relations are discussed via my personal e-mail. I have several emails for different relations. That's why I am asking about it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jessica Ambos
    I'd say Gmail. I still use Yahoo but that's because I still keep my original email address from when I first created one. It's been with me since forever. A strong password would contain a capital letter, small letters, a number and a punctuation mark and usually around 8 or more characters. And more importantly, it should be easily remembered by YOU. You don't want a strong password that you'd forget after you just created it.
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  • Profile picture of the author sean1776
    Thanks for Jessica's tips about creating a strong password,
    In order to maintain your password strength,
    you should change your password from time to time(like every 3 months).
    And a tip for remembering your password is to type it by yourself every time you log in.
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  • Profile picture of the author crackhouse
    I would use a Tor email and only ever access it using a tor network. Add a VPN when accessing the email too, for added security. Use two factor authentication with a device you keep on person, like a cellphone.
    I sell backlinks on some of the most lucrative editorial websites in the world.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ayushi Choudhary
    The best email service security provider is the Gmail after that Zoho mail is the best one.
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  • Profile picture of the author Davey Hogins
    I am using Gmail, however, a friend of mine was hacked recently, so that's why I decided to ask for some alternatives. I will look into Tor and Zoho. What about the VPN guys are you using PureVPN or some other alternative. Also is there a good free option?
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  • Profile picture of the author bargainbed
    Hi Davey Hogins!

    Here i have given the 5 super secure email services for you, they are so secured and the safest among all. You can choose any one from these.
    • ProtonMail
    • CounterMail
    • Hushmail
    • Mailfence
    • ​Tutanota

    And for creating a strong password, you password should contain all the combinations of alphabets, numbers, symbols and upper & lower case. If you create your password in this form then it will be the strongest one. By doing these, no one can hack your mail.
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  • Profile picture of the author massmailer
    well all are safe but you need to make sure your passwords are safe and strong always make a password between 8-16 character+numeric+special characters.
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  • Profile picture of the author electricguitar
    Gmail is the best and secure email among all other email services.
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