Email marketing advice

19 replies
Hi Everyone,

I am designing a email maketing autoresponder campaign. This course goes for 32 days where the opt-in will receive an email each day. There is 7 promotional emails in there that will be intending to promote a affiliate link. My question is, should my promotion product email be attempting to promote the same product as I've heard the saying that most people will not buy on the first try, hence having 7 promotional emails. Perhaps somewhere along the way, it will get purchased. Or should I mix it up and promote a few different products?

Email 01

Email 02

Email 03

Email 04

Email 05 - Promotional Product
Email 06

Email 07 -
Email 08

Email 09 - Promotional Product
Email 10

Email 11

Email 12
Email 13

Email 14 - Promotional Product
Email 15

Email 16
Email 17

Email 18
Email 19
Email 20 - Promotional Product
Email 21
Email 22

Email 23

Email 24 - Promotional Product
Email 25

Email 26

Email 27
Email 28 - Promotional Product
Email 29
Email 30

Email 31
Email 32 - Promotional Product
#advice #email #marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    I think you should create a lead capture page that entices people to opt in. In other words lead with some value (solution) to make it worthwhile signing up for your course.

    Be mindful not to send too many promotional emails to your list because then it would loom like you are spamming .

    The money is in the list they say so make sure that you feed your list with curtailed emails designed for their needs .

    Put your myself I the shoes of prospects and or the consumer .What do they get or how do they benefit by giving you their email ? Something has to be in it for then.

    Lastly you have to test to figure out the best days and times to send emails .Your going to have to survey your list to get a better understanding of their time schedules and routines so that when you do send emails they will respond.
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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Ditfort
      Hi, thanks for your advice.

      Originally Posted by Jamell View Post

      I think you should create a lead capture page that entices people to opt in. In other words lead with some value (solution) to make it worthwhile signing up for your course.

      Be mindful not to send too many promotional emails to your list because then it would loom like you are spamming .

      The money is in the list they say so make sure that you feed your list with curtailed emails designed for their needs .

      Put your myself I the shoes of prospects and or the consumer .What do they get or how do they benefit by giving you their email ? Something has to be in it for then.

      Lastly you have to test to figure out the best days and times to send emails .Your going to have to survey your list to get a better understanding of their time schedules and routines so that when you do send emails they will respond.
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  • Profile picture of the author Diego Aguirre
    From the subscriber point of view, I am most persuaded when one marketer is promoting the same product in different occasions and maybe using different hooks/benefits in each email.
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  • Your strategy is good. Just make sure you provide value in every of the emails that you're sending.

    Also, promote the same affiliate product and not different products.
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  • Profile picture of the author Diego Aguirre
    promote the same affiliate product and not different products.
    Yes, I agree. I am more persuaded when shown the same offer many times than different ones once
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    I would probably have more promotional emails in your autoresponder


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    I would send the offer in every e-mail.
    Just don't be in their face about it. One
    link somewhere within the body of the
    email, where appropriate, or at the very
    end is fine.

    The reason for this is that you have no
    way of knowing if they are even going to
    open and read each of your emails, so
    you don't want to miss any opportunity
    for the offer to be seen.
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    • Profile picture of the author Diego Aguirre
      I would send the offer in every e-mail.
      Just don't be in their face about it.
      Yes, that's what I've heard from most of the big names in email marketing... They say that infotainment material is what is needed in these types of emails. Mostly stories.
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      • Profile picture of the author JPs copy
        Plus, you never really know what emails your list is going to open. You could spend an hour writing what you think is the best email, and no one clicks on it, or you can write something in 15 minutes that you think is okay, and it catches fire

        Plus, you can't offer too many things in one single email. I've seen emails where senders have multiple links for different things like ebooks and coaching opportunities. Just stay in one lane already lol
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  • Profile picture of the author amuniverse
    Good luck with your campaign. I agree with those who suggest promoting just one offer. Less distracting to the subscriber plus a reminder to them to get on with making the purchase.

    Independent contractor teaching online, graphic designer, online marketer

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  • Profile picture of the author hamzamarketing
    I advise to focus on ONE SINGLE SOLUTION for ONE SINGLE PROBLEM.

    That means you should promote only one offer in your funnel.

    The first emails you should send MUST pre-sell the offer you're promoting while delivering huge value to your audience.

    Let's say you're trying to promote a product about "Losing weight", the first emails that you send should be "Life-changing tips for losing weight very quickly". And make sure that these tips are relevant to those in the product you're promoting. (I advise you to publish that free content on your blog and add an affiliate link at the end)

    Now, if someone checks your affiliate product, you wanna get them into another email sequence, which is more focused on selling rather than educating.

    This requires you to set up a simple automation rule that gets people into a "Pitch sequence" when they click on the affiliate url. Because actually, when someone clicks your affiliate url and check out your offer, it means that they are somehow interested in buying, so it's not a good idea to educate more about the subject, you rather need to talk more about the product and how it's going to help them.

    The lesson here is to treat your audience differently, depending on the stage of the buying process they are actually in.

    Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Ditfort
    Thank you so much for all your advice. I have kept it all in mind while designing my email course in aweber. I am enjoying the visual builder. Below is an example picture of one of my emails. Please give feedback and let me know if you think it is effective. As you can see I try to offer as much value as possible while sneaking in the affiliate link. All emails in my series follow this similar structure of paragraph, image, paragraph, affiliate link, paragraph.

    I would like to point out in the below. It will say Hi [name] of person, not just Hi. And in the bottom I will work on a professional picture to add to the signature not just the logo. This is still much fine tuning to do.

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    • Take this whatever way you find it.

      What I'm reading is so basic that I bet not a single person reading it doesn't already know what you're telling them. That is not value. It's basic, generic information you can find anywhere without needing to give up your contact details.

      If you're going to deliver generic information, then at least frame it in a unique way. Add in a story, or an analogy and don't be afraid to show some personality.

      Now, it's possible because this is the first email, that later on in the sequence you will get more specific. My question is, what are you waiting for? The drop off starts happening AFTER the first email.

      Give me something unique, or at least deliver the content in a unique way. Unless you are marketing to a new species who haven't got to grips with our food, there's not a human alive that doesn't already know that sugar and fried foods cause weight gain.

      You're wasting my time if I gave you my details for this generic information.

      It's all in how you frame things. If you don't have a unique way to deliver generic information I can find anywhere online for free, then you are wasting my time.

      Just think about it.

      This may not be what you want to hear. But you need to hear it.

      Your sequence is 32 emails. Judging by this first email, I'd assume you could get it down to at least a 16 day sequence that has less fluff and more bite. Don't drag it out just for the sake of delivering more content. It's IMPACT you should be aiming for.

      Quality over quantity.

      Originally Posted by Chris Ditfort View Post

      Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
      for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
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      • Profile picture of the author Chris Ditfort
        Thanks mate. Honestly most of the content is from a combination of PLR products. I understand what your saying right. The way it is at the moment is basic and boring. I should aim to make it more interesting / so readers want to read it. I will dedicate some time this week reforming and making it more interesting.

        Originally Posted by Declan O Flaherty View Post

        Take this whatever way you find it.

        What I'm reading is so basic that I bet not a single person reading it doesn't already know what you're telling them. That is not value. It's basic, generic information you can find anywhere without needing to give up your contact details.

        If you're going to deliver generic information, then at least frame it in a unique way. Add in a story, or an analogy and don't be afraid to show some personality.

        Now, it's possible because this is the first email, that later on in the sequence you will get more specific. My question is, what are you waiting for? The drop off starts happening AFTER the first email.

        Give me something unique, or at least deliver the content in a unique way. Unless you are marketing to a new species who haven't got to grips with our food, there's not a human alive that doesn't already know that sugar and fried foods cause weight gain.

        You're wasting my time if I gave you my details for this generic information.

        It's all in how you frame things. If you don't have a unique way to deliver generic information I can find anywhere online for free, then you are wasting my time.

        Just think about it.

        This may not be what you want to hear. But you need to hear it.

        Your sequence is 32 emails. Judging by this first email, I'd assume you could get it down to at least a 16 day sequence that has less fluff and more bite. Don't drag it out just for the sake of delivering more content. It's IMPACT you should be aiming for.

        Quality over quantity.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Ditfort
    I am going to revise my series to make it short and sweet. 14 days, with the course aiming for the participants to feel better and see results in only 7 days. I have revised the welcome email based on the advise I have received here and will focus on providing value and improving my writing for the remaining 14 emails. Please provide feedback and let me know if the welcome email needs improving or if you think it looks well.

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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Personally, I would get rid of the line "Sponsored by Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic" The link by itself is probably fine but you might want to test the call to action.

    Click Here to...
    Learn More about....
    See for Yourself all about

    Test, Test, Test


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author DarrenKTruong
    Your sponsorship competes with your offer and doesn't seem worth it. You should think long-term about how these sponsorships annoy your reader. And how it gets them to browse competing products and services.
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  • Profile picture of the author Leadnetwork
    Your promotion strategy looks good, but I would choose 2-3 offers and try them out then choose the best one. And also, I think that everyday emails with promotion can tired your audience, it can be look like spam, so maybe you should send them 3-4 times a week.
    One more point, make your emails more personal
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  • Profile picture of the author MartinPlatt
    My question is why the promotional emails are so spaced out.

    I think unless you smacking the reader with some great content, they will lose interest before they get to the promotional ones.

    I wouldn't be afraid to pitch a solution straight away, so long as you explain why it is helpful to their problem.

    As others have said, unless you're providing value, the subscriber will ge bored.

    Personally I think it would be better to compress the content into stuff that blows your readers minds. Longer isn't better, if you can educate and entertain them, and get to the promotional stuff quicker.

    Then you could create another follow up sequence that promotes something else that can help them.

    The biggest thing is that you need to test things with your subs - that will confirm or otherwise what we have been saying here. We can't really tell what your subs will do, depends a lot on the temperature and stage of the traffic, and how cashed up they are.



    Martin Platt

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