Controversy over the concept of "engagement" and sender reputation

2 replies
Hi Folks

Many assume that the engagement rate includes the open rate, click-through rate, reply rate, and mark the message as non-spam.

For me, I'm skeptical that open rate and click-through rate are among the engagements that ISPs take into consideration when building a sender's reputation.

My evidence for this is what Google indicated in its Sender Best Practices Guide.

Google stated this.

Open rate
Google does not explicitly track open rates.
Google is not able to verify the accuracy of open rates reported by third parties.
Low open rates may not be an accurate indicator of deliverability or spam classification issues

Therefore, I am sure that Google does not take the open rate into account to determine the sender's reputation.

I do not have sufficient experience to determine the accuracy of this. Still, I do not think that the official statement from Google requires expertise to determine whether it is true or false.

I don't know if Hotmail and Yahoo are like Gmail. But it seems that these large companies are similar to each other.

What do you think? Do you think that the open rate is an important element in building reputation and improving deliverability?
#“engagement” #concept #controversy #reputation #sender
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  • Tbh, summonin' intrest from the void has mostly been the excloosive provision of the joociest of cunnyholes.

    Alt version: unseemingly improbable protyoobrbyools.

    *Best ansa I can give to no FLAPS PRISED query than if Gary Halbert showed up at muh door an' offered to manhandle muh boobies.*

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    i think its a good idea to have posts that create engamenet, and not always pitch this would increase deleverability and not come up as spam

    Lets build a online business by giving value and learning how to build a email list

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