How do I effectively build and nurture an email list for affiliate marketing purposes?

3 replies
Hi all! I'm eager to learn more about building and nurturing an email list specifically for affiliate marketing. What are some proven strategies for growing an engaged email subscriber base? And once you have subscribers, how do you effectively nurture those relationships while promoting affiliate products without coming off as too salesy
#affiliate #build #effectively #email #list #marketing #nurture #purposes
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  • Profile picture of the author emilia1234
    You can find more emails for affiliate marketing by using many tools or extensions easily.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    I would survey my list to get feed back and then use the feed back as a launch pad to deliver solutions and products that they want and need .

    The feed back thet give you is basically data,. Find out about their income levels and occupations so that you can structure your prices and,services correctly .

    It safe to say that you would be filtering them out and vetting them to see who is an ideal client as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zoheb M
    Study the concept of 'pre-selling' should leave the hard selling to the product owners.

    designing $100 landing pages, and talking business philosophy...

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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    well i dont know to much about email marketing as i am a beginner also
    I build my list by using the content strategy in my niche and for this i create useful content on youtube ,blog ,forums ,social media like facebook ,twitter,tiktok etc .and in my content i have a landing page where i colect emails ,i put in my bio in social media etc

    Now regarding email list you also need to build a relationship in here
    many people believe that they just need to build email list and send promotional emails each day ,thats totaly wrong
    You need to build a relationship with your list to treat them like real people ,you need to send them emails that help them and bring them value and from time to time to send a promotional email

    For example you can make more with a list of 500 people who like you and trust you than with 10k list where you only spam to them
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