Solo ads to drive traffic and to build the list of subscribers

6 replies

I am considering using solo ads for driving traffic and building the subscriber database.

I am also going to use other free traffic methods as well.

What do other members think of solo ads to drive traffic and to build the list?.


#ads #build #drive #list #solo #subscribers #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author Ledux
    Have a sales funnel in place to recoup some of the solo ad cost. Other than that solo ads are a great way to build a list.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnruso
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    • Profile picture of the author Emir Hayric
      I have also heard they can be a very effective way to add e-mail addresses fast. The pool of solo ad vendors is huge though and you could easily burn through hundreds of dollars and get very few subs if the list sucks or your funnel isn't tight.
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  • Profile picture of the author JensSteyaert
    yes make sure you have a good funnel in place or you could lose a lot of money fast. Second make sure to test a lot of solo ad sellers to see which one's give you the best results. Start small and scale if you find some good sellers.

    These are some basic tips but they can really make a difference. Testing is key and if you do that solo ads are a really great way to build a list fast.

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author tones
    My rule when it comes to buying solo ads always test them first. Order no more then 100 clicks. You also need to track your results so you basically you need a tracking device.

    You would want the Tier 1 Traffic be above 70% and make sure they have testimonials.

    For your squeeze page you want it enticing that relates to your niche. Plus the niche the list of the Solo Ad vendor promotes is related to your niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author Franck Silvestre
    Here's what I think:

    Building your list with solo ads is the fastest and easiest way to build your list. But as Jens said above, you need to know where you can find reliable solo ad providers.

    Note that most of the Solodex on the Internet are one year old or outdated. You do want to do your homework, and start small. Don't buy more than 100-150 clicks when you buy from any solo ad vendor.

    Here's a tip: always contact the vendor BEFORE you place your order.

    Plus you need to make sure that your sales funnel converts. You will need a Front End product, an OTO, and if you can, add another OTO. Plus some high priced stuff in your autoresponder sequence/ broadcasts. Pay per lead offers are also a great way to make more money from freebie seekers in your list.

    Former Body Guard, Now REAL Traffic & List Building Coach
    >> HOT WSO: Six Figure Solo Sellers <<

    Winson Yeung said: "...Definitively A++ recommended WSO"
    Kevin Riley said: "Franck, glad to see you bringing out MORE and MORE GREAT stuff"
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