Here is something for you list builders to consider...

19 replies
Hey warriors

Lets talk about list building for a minute. I have something for you to consider

Most people here buy solos to build their list right?

I know I do - so let's run some numbers

I generally buy a 100 click solo for around $40

I normally see a 50% conversion so I get 50 subs

Every now and then I make an upsell and then try and break even within 30 days

All of these subs are freebie seekers - which are hard to convert to buyers

I never know how many are real or not

I am guessing this is how most people do it

Now consider this:

I have several low end wsos that sell for a couple of bucks

It costs me $20 to bump one of these to the top

Everytime I do this I get between 80 and 200 visitors or clicks to my sales thread

And I always get 5 - 20 new buyers on my list

I generally break even on the front end and some have oto s as well

Now considering that the industry standard tells me that a buyer is worth ten times what a freebie is worth

Even at the low end of 5 sales (which I always get) I am still gaining the same value with half of the money spent

At 20 sales I am getting the value of 200 new subs

I also know that I have their paypal email addy which is the important one

And I know that these buyers are willing to spend money so that increases my backend and affiliate income majorly

Gives you something to think about hey?

Now obviously these are my results and you need to test this for yourself

But I think that it is definitely worth you giving it a try

What do you think?
#builders #list
  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    I really like your $1 (or $2) per WSO style haha.

    I think I will try that formula soon.

    Good ideas!
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    • Profile picture of the author vickybabe
      Originally Posted by Sarevok View Post

      I really like your $1 (or $2) per WSO style haha.

      I think I will try that formula soon.

      Good ideas!
      Thanks mate

      I have been trying it for a while now and it is at the point where I am really slowing down on solos

      Don't get me wrong solos still work great but this makes more sense to my business
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  • Profile picture of the author MrFume
    Vicky, I think you speak very good sense, I have always been surprised at the sheer volume of freebie seekers out there - it is just astounding that they think they can make any kind of progress without investing a little money in their business project - but anyway yes your idea of the WSO at least assures you that the punters are halfway realistic and understand how real life works!`Solo ad sellers vary a heck of a lot, so you need to shop around a lot to find good ones - using the forum as a source of business makes sense - good stuff.

    Journalism, the profession is undergoing a massive change since the WWW has arrived. I help people to build their personal profile and create a multi-media platform with WordPress, Podcasting, Writing and Video.
    Digital Media for a Noisy World

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  • Profile picture of the author onSubie
    I wonder why you are giving away a freebie with Solo-Ads when you have low priced WSO's to offer.

    Instead of sending solo-ad traffic to a freebie, why not send it to an opt-in then your WSO?
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    • Profile picture of the author vickybabe
      Originally Posted by onSubie View Post

      I wonder why you are giving away a freebie with Solo-Ads when you have low priced WSO's to offer.

      Instead of sending solo-ad traffic to a freebie, why not send it to an opt-in then your WSO?
      Good question

      Obviously I have tested this and for some reason it does not work that well for me

      I just put it down to the freebie seekers not being familiar with the forum

      Not really the point I was making though
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      This is definitely a proven way to build a large and very responsive List.

      There is absolutely no doubt about.

      You can do a Free WSO, but I think if you really want to target and build a quality List charging a buck or so is even better.


      -Robert Andrew
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      • Profile picture of the author vickybabe
        Originally Posted by discrat View Post

        This is definitely a proven way to build a large and very responsive List.

        There is absolutely no doubt about.

        You can do a Free WSO, but I think if you really want to target and build a quality List charging a buck or so is even better.


        -Robert Andrew
        Yeah mate it works great

        I have done it with free wsos as well but you still face the same problems trying to convert them into buyers
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by vickybabe View Post

    All of these subs are freebie seekers - which are hard to convert to buyers. I never know how many are real or not.

    This is a lesson that you have learned through experience (the hard way). I hope others will read this and take a hint.

    It speaks to your audience (the solo mailing list), your offer extended to them, and your marketing funnel.

    My guess is, without knowing your business, that all of these variables are not targeted enough right now.

    Your goal should be:
    1. An audience that has already "raised their hand" or indicated they have a very specific desire;
    2. An offer that satisfies at least some portion of that desire;
    3. A marketing funnel that has something of value to offer
      1. Those ready to make a purchase;
      2. Those sitting on the fence; and
      3. Those not yet ready to buy (but might be in the future)
    Often you don't get #1, #2, or #3 above with solo mailings. The audience does not have a specific, common need or desire. If that's the case, then #2 (your offer) can't be appealing to a large portion of the folks seeing it - their desires are too diverse.

    My suggestion to increase your conversions: (1) market to a more targeted audience, (2) make your offer very compelling to exactly that audience, and (3) develop a funnel that has something valuable and compelling for every outcome (buyers, fence sitters, and not-ready-"yetters."

    Good luck to you,


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author vickybabe
      Originally Posted by Steve B View Post

      This is a lesson that you have learned through experience (the hard way). I hope others will read this and take a hint.

      It speaks to your audience (the solo mailing list), your offer extended to them, and your marketing funnel.

      My guess is, without knowing your business, that all of these variables are not targeted enough right now.

      Your goal should be:
      1. An audience that has already "raised their hand" or indicated they have a very specific desire;
      2. An offer that satisfies at least some portion of that desire;
      3. A marketing funnel that has something of value to offer
        1. Those ready to make a purchase;
        2. Those sitting on the fence; and
        3. Those not yet ready to buy (but might be in the future)
      Often you don't get #1, #2, or #3 above with solo mailings. The audience does not have a specific, common need or desire. If that's the case, then #2 (your offer) can't be appealing to a large portion of the folks seeing it - their desires are too diverse.

      My suggestion to increase your conversions: (1) market to a more targeted audience, (2) make your offer very compelling to exactly that audience, and (3) develop a funnel that has something valuable and compelling for every outcome (buyers, fence sitters, and not-ready-"yetters."

      Good luck to you,

      All very good points steve

      Thanks for your input mate
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  • Profile picture of the author gmarklin
    I agree with Steve B one of the basic premises is to market to target audiences to get the maximum conversions. If you are going to market blindly, you are going to be very hit and miss
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  • Profile picture of the author Newd
    Makes a lot of sense. Thanks for sharing your insight.
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  • Profile picture of the author XponentSYS
    Bump the existing WSO - or create a new one each time?

    That's also worth pondering if using your method. Here's why....

    At least with Wplus (who I use - don't know about the others) every time a new WSO is posted, emails are sent to ANYONE who may have an "alert" set in Wplus for a WSO post that meets the same criteria that yours does.

    This means you get a little extra "juice" for your buck by making a NEW offer each time ..... as opposed to bumbing an existing offer again.

    Since we are using very short and precise "mini products" to get this done, creating new offers each week shouldn't be overly time consuming.
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    • Profile picture of the author vickybabe
      Ah ha now that is another subject all together isn't it

      That is what my case study is all about actually

      Create 2 of these per week and see how well it does for you
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  • Profile picture of the author Javisito
    What you say definitely makes sense.

    The $1-$2 approach attracts a lot of impulsive buyers to start with so definitely worth giving it a shot. I've done something similar on a membership website with a $1 trial, works like charm.
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    • Profile picture of the author vickybabe
      Originally Posted by Javisito View Post

      What you say definitely makes sense.

      The $1-$2 approach attracts a lot of impulsive buyers to start with so definitely worth giving it a shot. I've done something similar on a membership website with a $1 trial, works like charm.
      Yeah that is how I plan on stepping it up with trial membership offers on the backend
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  • Profile picture of the author SDsurfer
    You've got my wheels turning!
    Internet Marketing Professional because I just want to SURF.
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    • Profile picture of the author vickybabe
      Originally Posted by SDsurfer View Post

      You've got my wheels turning!
      Ha ha gives you something to think about hey

      I am not saying replace solos all together but it is something that you should add to your options
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      • Profile picture of the author alix009
        This is very interesting example, and it's just adding to the available creative options to get the list growing.

        Thanks for sharing the method you used.
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        • Profile picture of the author vickybabe
          Originally Posted by alix009 View Post

          This is very interesting example, and it's just adding to the available creative options to get the list growing.

          Thanks for sharing the method you used.
          Yeah it is definitely worth giving it a shot
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