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Unread 2nd Dec 2010, 04:34 AM   #1
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Give The Person Above Your Best 3 Tips
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Share Your Best Advice With The World!

Dear Warriors,

instead of the topics asking for 'copy critiques', 'how is my landing page' and 'what would you do with this site', here's a contest topic. Why keep posting the same advice over and over, while we can put everything into one single topic?

The INPUT: Need help or advice concerning your website, blog, list, SEO, PPC, business building or whatever? Post your question here!

The CHALLENGE: Give the best advice to the person that requests it!

RULES: To make this into a great, readable and searchable topic - label your answers. You can do this the following way:

List Building

Advice here!
The PRIZES: Every month, the person with the best advice wins all my products, plus any contributions from other Warriors. If you wish to contribute, please PM me and I'll update this topic.

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Unread 8th Dec 2010, 06:04 PM   #2
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92 Views six days and nobody wants to play?

Oh, I get it, the OP forgot to start it off with a question that can be answered...

OK, I'll start this off...

What are your best three tips for driving traffic to a Facebook Fan Page?

Thanks in advance,


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Unread 8th Dec 2010, 06:07 PM   #3
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Hi Bill,

you can grab the link to your fanpage go to ezine articles and comment on the mega page view articles with the link back to your page.

You can write an article on one of your topics of interest like say Humor-that will bring a lot of views with your link in the author box for the fanpage

You can make a banner and promote it through a traffic exchange linking to your fanpage

You can add the link to your fanpage in your email signature that is sent out at the bottom of all emails sent much the same as a forum sig

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Unread 9th Dec 2010, 07:19 AM   #4
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Someone please advice me on a specific, detailed plan how to make $10,000 within 3 months without investing more than $100.

Time of thinking is over.
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Unread 10th Dec 2010, 12:01 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by LetsGoViral View Post

Someone please advice me on a specific, detailed plan how to make $10,000 within 3 months without investing more than $100.
Take $10, run a display ad campaign with all sizes and send traffic to a CPA offer.

Filter out the keywords that are not effective, and put the campaign on autopilot.

Take your $10 of your profits, feed it into another display ad campaign with all sizes, and send traffic to a CPA offer.

Filter out the keywords that are not effective, and put the campaign on autopilot.

Rinse and repeat for 3 months..

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Unread 10th Dec 2010, 03:33 PM   #6
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What is the fastest and the most efficient way to start making money online without putting anything down and working 1-2 hours a day?

I am all for investing and reinvesting into your business, but I would like to start from scratch. It is just too easy to get wrapped up with buying products here and there, and I definitely do not want to do this. I've heard that offering services would be a good way to make initial capital. Is it true? If yes, where do I look for customers? I am familiar with niche and keyword research, on site and of site SEO, Adobe Photoshop, Power Point, and other software programs. Can think out of the box (I think) and generate good ideas.

Or should I think about blogging on Hubpages and promoting some affiliate products that way? Seems like a longer way and not efficient in a long run, but maybe O.K. to start.

Anything else?

Thanks in advance.

Send me a PM if you have any questions.

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Unread 11th Dec 2010, 07:56 AM   #7
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Actually I'm on a holiday, however I got notice this topic what put live.

I wanted to point out to Letsgoviral and the last poster that this topic is meant for specific tips and cases. NOT how to make 10k in 30 days.

This is a forum about marketing and business, not yet another get rich quick scheme!

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Unread 11th Dec 2010, 10:44 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Dave Lianelli View Post

I wanted to point out to Letsgoviral and the last poster that this topic is meant for specific tips and cases. NOT how to make 10k in 30 days.

This is a forum about marketing and business, not yet another get rich quick scheme!
Best 3 tips to the person above:

1) Take time to read a post before answering.
2) Be specific and don't judge without evidence.
3) Try to help without putting people down.

Hope it helps. This thread was a good idea, though, and I hope other warriors will be more objective.

Send me a PM if you have any questions.

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Unread 12th Dec 2010, 08:50 AM   #9
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Hey Iva,

first of all, I misread your post and therefore posted a comment that wasn't meant to be the way it came out to be.

Anyhow, back on track now...

The topic is meant to be for specific cases. For example, "here is my article, what do I do to increase CTR" or "what should I do to improve my blogposts", or "how can I get more followers at my twitter account @yourname".

Iva,{tip 1} to answer your question - putting [quote] no money down [unqoute] I would advice you to think about it differently. No highly successful business was made without spending a single dollar. [read: nothing sustainable, not enough to live from]

{tip 2}So at least get yourself a domain, webhosting and perhaps a blog. I've found blogging, while growing your list from an opt-in box and an option to subscribe at the comment section - a very easy way to grow my list.

Send more content to your list with an occasional promotion. The better your content, the more eager your list will be for any recommendations you make.

Tip 3: don't post rehashed PLR crap, autoblog or whatever. No single successful blog or magazine has been created out of the trash of others

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Unread 12th Dec 2010, 11:03 AM   #10
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Here are my favorite tips for compelling copywriting:

1. How to establish credibility with your target prospects:

My favorite way of building authority is by showing the reader that you totally understand their pain. I do this by creating a plausible scenario using a generic person that matches the ideal prospect that I'm selling the product to. Stories go a long way towards convincing your targets that you know exactly what they're going through: everyone loves a well-written story, especially a story with a hero/heroine that's exactly like themselves; when they start nodding and agreeing with the scenario you present, you've got their trust big-time.

And this sense of trust translates into authority ver-ry quickly. So when you start talking about the product and how well it solves the problem, readers are very eager to learn more. Then wham! you wind up your story with your character happily using the product and enjoying life once more.

Couple this technique with testimonials and other forms of proof - and you have a powerful piece of writing.

2. Why you need to use Language that your Target prospects readily understand:

I'm continually amazed at how closely well-written, compelling copy resembles poetry. Each word has to be spot-on so it bypasses the prospect's "It's an ad. Quick - toss it!" mental alarm.

Writing the perfect headline is every bit as challenging as writing a limerick or haiku. Arranging the elements in a homepage is every bit as challenging as deciding the correct order of poetry lines.

This is why so many copywriters get paid big bucks; why a top-quality sales page makes readers exclaim, "I could've written this in my sleep!" and "I read the whole thing - just couldn't put it down."

That's the real secret of compelling copy. It involves knowing your target audience inside-out. It involves the ability to use a Thesaurus to find the best every-day word (not the most impressive five-syllable word) that your target audience would use.

3. How to sell the magic of a Dream - not just nuts and bolts features:

Here's an example: I play a Celtic harp, both in English Country-Dance bands and as solo for various people and places.

Harp music is really soothing, almost mesmerizing.

I used to come home frazzled from work and take my harp out in the back yard to "harp the sun down". All kinds of birds would come around and sing. Often, a rabbit or so would come and sit a distance away for ten or fifteen minutes at a time.

In fact, that's how I got into sales - I sold harps for basement-harp-builders who could construct excellent instruments but not play them.

These builders understood very well the wood-and-strings construction but had no idea how to match the right harp to the right customer.

For example, I recall one mother who wanted to buy her teen-aged daughter a sturdy harp to play for local nursing homes.

Mom headed for the larger, flashier harps. The harp-builder handled Mom; I took the girl and told her, "It's going to be YOUR harp. It'll become part of YOUR soul. YOU need to choose it, not your mother."

So she and I tried out all the harps in that little booth while Mom kept talking to the builder. The girl chose a smaller, less pretentious harp with a big sound - and we both stood firm until Mom gave in.

As they left, I told the daughter, "It's good luck to name your harp." She smiled over her shoulder as they walked away.

"Sell the Magic of A Dream"
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thanks for the great tips you posted. Is there anything YOU want advice on?

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Unread 13th Dec 2010, 08:40 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Dave Lianelli View Post


thanks for the great tips you posted. Is there anything YOU want advice on?

I guess I can use all the advice you have to offer - that's one of the best things about copywriting: there is ALWAYS something new to learn!


PS - Glad you liked the post.

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Unread 13th Dec 2010, 12:14 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Bill Farnham View Post

What are your best three tips for driving traffic to a Facebook Fan Page?
Post regularly engaging and interesting updates to your Fan Page; anecdotes, catchy phrases, cartoons, spicy news items, etc. Also make sure you include in your updates multimedia; pictures, video clips and the like. Only beware not to spam fans with numerous mails to their message boxes. This is something which unnerves most Facebook users and causes them to "unlike" a Fan Page.

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Unread 17th Dec 2010, 07:47 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by flowers4love View Post

Post regularly engaging and interesting updates to your Fan Page; anecdotes, catchy phrases, cartoons, spicy news items, etc. Also make sure you include in your updates multimedia; pictures, video clips and the like. Only beware not to spam fans with numerous mails to their message boxes. This is something which unnerves most Facebook users and causes them to "unlike" a Fan Page.
Thanks for posting your advice!

What do YOU need advice on?

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Unread 18th Dec 2010, 12:57 PM   #15
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When I started doing business with gemstone suppliers from China over eBay, I wasn't familiar with their cultural codes of behavior. Only through interacting with them did I learn some of their cultural codes. For example, every Chinese exporter I dealt with called me by the name "Dear Friend" although I'm a total stranger. At first this surprised me because I wasn't used to this kind of address. But then I realized that this is a standard way people address each other in China.

I'm very familiar with the Muslim culture and there are few important things to consider when dealing with Muslims. First of all in the West it's considered a gesture of friendliness to shake someone's hand. In Muslim culture it is not accepted practice for a male to offer to shake the hand of a female or vice versa. Also Muslims have special dietary laws, therefore when offering a Muslim business partner some refreshments, it would be a good idea to verify what he can eat or not and thereby save embarrassment on both sides. Also "pigs" and "dogs" have very negative connotations in Islam. Therefore when sending a greeting card it's important to make sure not to use a picture of these two animals.

In short, when doing business with someone from a different culture it's important to learn what are the codes of behavior in that culture and what is considered good manners in that culture.
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Unread 18th Dec 2010, 02:38 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Dave Lianelli View Post

Thanks for posting your advice!

What do YOU need advice on?
I have a number of questions concerning the Simple Machines Forum application: How do I filter spammers on a Simple Machines Forum? Are there any special plug-ins? In general where can I find applications or plug-ins for a Simple Machines Forum in general? Is there a chat plug-in for the Simple Machines Forum?

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Unread 20th Dec 2010, 05:14 AM   #17
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Morning Dave Llanelli

Cold here today In Llanelli, Just picked little'un up from school as the snows getting to much for them,

Just a post to say great post as I'm just starting my journey down the internet marketing road, I've posted here a couple of times and got great advice and help Thank you,

After looking around the Warrior forum for a few weeks before I did anything I noticed as you have, That there are lot of fellow Warriors answering the same questions all over site so if there was just ONE thread to look through and search then a lot of time and frustration would be saved,

Just My Thoughts,

Thanks and Best Regards

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Unread 20th Dec 2010, 12:43 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by flowers4love View Post

I have a number of questions concerning the Simple Machines Forum application: How do I filter spammers on a Simple Machines Forum? Are there any special plug-ins? In general where can I find applications or plug-ins for a Simple Machines Forum in general? Is there a chat plug-in for the Simple Machines Forum?
Hey there,

I haven't used Simple Machines ever, however they do have an active community. You might want to check their forum:
Simple Machines Community Forum - Index

They also have a sub-forum for plugins for the script:
Modifications and Packages

Hope that helps.

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Unread 21st Dec 2010, 04:09 PM   #19
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Thanks a lot for your advice and links. I'll check them out. I'm really grateful to you for taking the time and trouble to answer my question.

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Unread 22nd Dec 2010, 03:26 AM   #20
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No problem at all flowers4love. Hope you find useful information at those forums.

If you need anymore help, feel free to ask here.

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Unread 5th Jan 2011, 10:39 PM   #21
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Looking for a Wordpress tip. I use the new default wordpress twenty ten theme and was wondering what is the easiest way to post certain blog entries only under a certain page if multiple pages are set up (and not have it show up in the overall main blog page).

If your structure looks like:
Home About Technology Politics
and you only want a new blog post to show up in the Politics part and not the Home.

Many thanks
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Unread 15th Jan 2011, 08:09 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by mtk76 View Post

Looking for a Wordpress tip. I use the new default wordpress twenty ten theme and was wondering what is the easiest way to post certain blog entries only under a certain page if multiple pages are set up (and not have it show up in the overall main blog page).

If your structure looks like:
Home About Technology Politics
and you only want a new blog post to show up in the Politics part and not the Home.

Many thanks
Tip 1: WordPress › WP Hide Post « WordPress Plugins I've used that in the past it works wonders! Hope that helps.

Tip 2: Be determined and make a to do list!

Tip 3: Have fun! The IM business is so much better than anything else!

(I know 2 and 3 are irrelevant but this is a 3 tips thread)

I need advice on Article Marketing (not finding niches or keywords or how to write, mainly driving traffic and GOOD tools)
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Unread 19th Jan 2011, 05:58 PM   #23
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1. go to freelancer and pay a few bucks for this service on Article Marketing or
2. go to blackseo forums only to see and understand some tehniques but
3. don´t use them and don´t go away from this forum, never ever

forgot to mention: i like AMAZON so... how to be a better afilliate ?

Last edited on 19th Jan 2011 at 06:00 PM. Reason: forgot my advice need
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Unread 19th Jan 2011, 06:03 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by LetsGoViral View Post

Someone please advice me on a specific, detailed plan how to make $10,000 within 3 months without investing more than $100.
mail me the results too
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Unread 22nd Jan 2011, 01:51 PM   #25
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What is the "mega page view articles"?

[QUOTE=WD Mino;2986249]Hi Bill,

you can grab the link to your fanpage go to ezine articles and comment on the mega page view articles with the link back to your page.

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backlinks backlinks backlinks
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Unread 11th May 2011, 08:59 PM   #27
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Unread 14th May 2011, 01:20 PM   #28
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I'm brand-new to internet marketing and I would like to know what the fastest way is to make your first product?

And NOT with PLR.

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Unread 17th May 2011, 04:46 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by chargingforward View Post


I'm brand-new to internet marketing and I would like to know what the fastest way is to make your first product?

And NOT with PLR.

2 fastest way are to outsource or to create your own products from scratch based on the niche you're good at.

For example, if you're a web designer, create web templates, themes, headers, graphic sets, etc. that you can bundle them up and sell.

Do not try to create something from scratch just because it's profitable and has very low competition, unless you're planning to pass all the tedious work to somebody else (outsource). To me it's not worth the time, always focus on what you're best at.

Coming to outsourcing, perhaps the topic or your first product can be anything as long you've outsourced a capable person to do the job
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Unread 18th May 2011, 01:22 AM   #30
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Hey, I am Steve and I am new on this forum. I have no knowledge about where I post my first post. Just want to say hey to everyone
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Unread 31st May 2011, 07:18 PM   #31
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This is crazy

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Unread 6th Jun 2011, 11:09 AM   #32
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1. Dream It
2. Plan It
3. Do It
4. Pray for it
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Unread 20th Jun 2011, 11:05 PM   #33
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1. Attitude- Yup, that's right. You must believe that you are going to succeed. No, I'm not going to get all mystical on you, but I am going to stress that you need a positive attitude. You absolutely have to visualize where you want to be in one year and make it happen. Set goals for yourself, see yourself achieving them, and then feel the rush of success as if it's already happened.

2. Research - You need to know what sells, or else you won't be able to sell. I'm not saying you need to go out and hire a consultant, but you do need to know what trends are hot. You have to develop the ability to learn what people are buying, and how many potential people there are TO buy it. Secondly, you have to get a good idea of the competition. You need to look at what other marketers are doing, and how many are doing it. If you see a common tactic that many marketers are using, chances are that's because it works, and works well.

3. Patience & Flexibility - OK, so I guess this is technically two tools, but they go hand in hand-sort of. When it comes to any business venture, patience is a must. You must stick with your goals, even if you don't see any progress right away. This is one of the biggest downfalls of internet marketers. They jump ship way too early and move on to the next "miracle" system.
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Unread 20th Jun 2011, 11:06 PM   #34
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Or simply
1. Action & Focus
2. Action & Focus
3. Action & Focus

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Unread 16th Jul 2011, 09:35 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by WD Mino View Post

Hi Bill,

you can grab the link to your fanpage go to ezine articles and comment on the mega page view articles with the link back to your page.

You can write an article on one of your topics of interest like say Humor-that will bring a lot of views with your link in the author box for the fanpage

You can make a banner and promote it through a traffic exchange linking to your fanpage

You can add the link to your fanpage in your email signature that is sent out at the bottom of all emails sent much the same as a forum sig

That's great info. Thanks!

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Unread 16th Jul 2011, 11:28 AM   #36
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Re: Give The Person Above Your Best 3 Tips
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1. Make a to do list every morning. Don't do anything but that list until it is finished.
2. Create your own product.
3. Enjoy what you do, this is supposed to be a passion, not just another job.
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Unread 19th Jul 2011, 05:40 PM   #37
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Information overload. I got confused

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Unread 24th Aug 2011, 12:26 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Joe128139 View Post

1. Make a to do list every morning. Don't do anything but that list until it is finished.
2. Create your own product.
3. Enjoy what you do, this is supposed to be a passion, not just another job.

My first and only suggestion is to keep up a high frequency of writing, I guarantee you will make bank. Naturally talented writers like us are rare so appreciate your gift and make moolah, many people don't have this option.

I am pasting a bit of my work below so no one has to bother downloading anything...


Best Spots in Phoenix Arizona

Are you in the Phoenix area and looking for something to do? Whether you're looking for some great food, a place to relax or just some form of entertainment to break up the monotony of life, Phoenix Arizona has it all. To find the best places, all you need to know is where to look, and that's where we come in. It seems like you're a pretty nice person and just because we like you, we are going to help you out! If you have ever found yourself wondering where all the best spots in Phoenix are located, look no further because we are about to fill you in. Our friendly and useful advice will cover just a few of the best spots to go if you find yourself in the lovely sandbox paradise, known as Phoenix.

Let's start with food, everybody has to eat right? If you are in the mood for Asian cuisine, you absolutely cannot beat Sens restaurant. They are located on the corner of Pierce and 1st Street, which is just north of Van Buren. Enjoy dishes like the dumplings with hot and sour soup or the delicious red tofu curry. Sens dishes will stand up to any other Asian food in Arizona and the entire country.

In the mood for seafood? If so than you have to try "Pappadeaux's" Cajun and Creole restaurant in the northern part of Phoenix. They're right off the Black Canyon Freeway between West Cactus Rd. and Peoria Ave. Their crab fingers come in an insanely delicious secret sauce and if you like fish, their Halibut Picatta is absolutely to die for. They are also known having the fun-nest and friendliest staff in Phoenix.

If you are more of the Mexican food type, the best place in the Phoenix area is definitely Serrano's Mexican Restaurant. No matter what type of Mexican cuisine you crave, you will not be disappointed. Also, if you happen to be in the Chandler, Tempe or Gilbert area, this restaurant is located closer to you on N Val Vista Drive, between Baseline Rd. and N 800 in Gilbert.

That's enough about food for now, we still haven't told you about some of the awesome places for entertainment in Phoenix. Whether you want to race professional go-karts or catch a comedy show, we are about to fill you in on the best places to do just that. That go-kart idea sounded like fun huh? Well if you're interested, you can't beat K1 Speed Go-Kart Racing in Phoenix, located right where I-17 turns into I-10 on 21st St. They offer incredibly fast go-karts that go up to 45 MPH, which may not sound fast in terms of cars, but wait until you do it in a go-kart! The best part is anyone can race, whether you're a novice or an expert.

If you find yourself in the mood for a great show and a good laugh, you definitely want to check out the Phoenix Neutrino Project. They offer a highly unique improv show which gives a group of talented local artists a whole bunch of props from the audience and a camera, they then lets them loose on an un-suspecting Phoenix. The group films hilarious improv skits on film, using only the props, then lets the audience watch it live after an incredibly quick on the spot video editing. This is so they can put the various scenes together, edit, and then add a soundtrack. Anywhere you look this show has 5 stars so you can count on these talented entertainers to make you laugh every time. They perform on the second saturday of every month, and are Located in Space 55 on the corner of 7th and Pierce St. in downtown Phoenix.

We mentioned relaxation in the beginning of this article right? Well, the last awesome place in Phoenix that I am going to mention is the Blu Sol Massage and Spa. This spa offers total body massage, skin care, hair removal and a day spa. It is located on the corner of West McDowell Rd. and 99th Avenue.

Well, that's about it for this expert advice; we hope you feel like you have a slightly better understanding of the best spots in Phoenix (and some places in close-by neighborhoods). We mentioned some of the best restaurants, entertainment and relaxation joints in town and rest-assured, if you do end up trying one of our awesome recommendations, you won't be disappointed.
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Unread 27th Aug 2011, 05:56 PM   #39
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1 - control is everything
2 - business is all about relationships
3 - sell intellectual property, not products
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