Tai Lopez? Actual self help guru or just a marketing savvy fraud?

Profile picture of ColinB
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Ive been seeing a fair bit of this guy on youtube ads and such. Hes the "Just here in my back yard" guy. I just cant make my mind up about him. Is he a genuine self help guru with something to ad to peoples lives? Or is he just a savvy marketer looking to take peoples cash in exchange for a carrot tied to a stick
#– #actual #fraud #guru #lopez #marketing #savvy #tai
  • Profile picture of the author businesstripp
    Profile picture of businesstripp
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Here is the thing about me and a colleague were debating about Tai Lopez. He lives an impressive lifestyle of cars, mansions, flights, girls, clothes, and shoes. But the lifestyle he is living is a lifestyle of someone making $5 million a year and has a net worth between $25-$100 million+.

    But here is where it gets fishy, because anyone who has a net worth of $25 million+ doesnt just pop up out of the blue and would be on the forbes list. Tai lopez has popped up out of the blue and is not on the forbes list. Also someone who is worth $25 million+ would have a specific talent like an athlete/actor/music artist or leads a company with a product or brand such as bill gates, or mark cuban. Tai lopez answers to none of the above. Tai lopez claims he is a business owner, but what product can you search on google that Tai lopez owns? It surely isnt an Iphone, ps4, or even a spalding basketball. He doesnt even own hotels like donald trump for instance.

    So now it boils down to how Tai lopez gets his money. One theory is that he was granted the money. Another is he was loaned the money. (Hence the rented house, and cars.) The last theory is that he gets the money from his self help program 67 steps and the new social media marketing agency. Now no doubt is Tai lopezes life impressive and requires a lot of money to maintain. But I would say he rented that house in Beverly Hills as a prop and is maintaining it from the success he has seen with 67 steps, and now the social media marketing agency. He is getting rich off his programs, and is using the power of social media to gather a following.

    The last point that me and a colleague noticed is that his snapchat shows him never working. Now any highly successful person doesnt have as much leisure time as he does. If you look at a music artists snapchat they are always flying out for a show. If you look at a business mans snapchat they are always flying out to conduct meeting and business. If you look at an athletes snapchat they are always working out to be better in the game such as gym time. But if you look at tai lopezes snapchat he is in his Dojo, then opens a box of new shoes, lifts for a little, then flys out to a basketball game. Tai lopez never works and that shows he doesnt have a company to tend to, or a profession to get better at.
    • Profile picture of the author ColinB
      Profile picture of ColinB
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by businesstripp View Post

      Here is the thing about me and a colleague were debating about Tai Lopez. He lives an impressive lifestyle of cars, mansions, flights, girls, clothes, and shoes. But the lifestyle he is living is a lifestyle of someone making $5 million a year and has a net worth between $25-$100 million+.

      But here is where it gets fishy, because anyone who has a net worth of $25 million+ doesnt just pop up out of the blue and would be on the forbes list. Tai lopez has popped up out of the blue and is not on the forbes list. Also someone who is worth $25 million+ would have a specific talent like an athlete/actor/music artist or leads a company with a product or brand such as bill gates, or mark cuban. Tai lopez answers to none of the above. Tai lopez claims he is a business owner, but what product can you search on google that Tai lopez owns? It surely isnt an Iphone, ps4, or even a spalding basketball. He doesnt even own hotels like donald trump for instance.

      So now it boils down to how Tai lopez gets his money. One theory is that he was granted the money. Another is he was loaned the money. (Hence the rented house, and cars.) The last theory is that he gets the money from his self help program 67 steps and the new social media marketing agency. Now no doubt is Tai lopezes life impressive and requires a lot of money to maintain. But I would say he rented that house in Beverly Hills as a prop and is maintaining it from the success he has seen with 67 steps, and now the social media marketing agency. He is getting rich off his programs, and is using the power of social media to gather a following.

      The last point that me and a colleague noticed is that his snapchat shows him never working. Now any highly successful person doesnt have as much leisure time as he does. If you look at a music artists snapchat they are always flying out for a show. If you look at a business mans snapchat they are always flying out to conduct meeting and business. If you look at an athletes snapchat they are always working out to be better in the game such as gym time. But if you look at tai lopezes snapchat he is in his Dojo, then opens a box of new shoes, lifts for a little, then flys out to a basketball game. Tai lopez never works and that shows he doesnt have a company to tend to, or a profession to get better at.
      Thanks man, that.s exactly what I was thinking. It seems he is painting himself as something that he not quite is to try and entice people to pay him loads of money so he can help them become whatever it is he is pretending to be. All by completing a simple 67 stop programe to achieve personal success (67 steps!?!?!?!?!). It seems like a weird cross over between scientology and a pyramid scheme to me.
  • Profile picture of the author StevenFerns
    Profile picture of StevenFerns
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    He's actually a pretty smart person. You see him having conversations with people like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Rihana. I learned that if you 'observe and learn' from people who have a better life than you instead of hating on them, you gain much more out of it.
    • Profile picture of the author kingstadvideo
      Profile picture of kingstadvideo
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      In re: "He's actually a pretty smart person. You see him having conversations with people like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Rihana. I learned that if you 'observe and learn' from people who have a better life than you instead of hating on them, you gain much more out of it."

      This interview he did on Lewis Howes's podcast was pretty interesting and he eludes to what you said in that he tries to pick up something new from people everyday if possible.
  • Profile picture of the author ohnoeedidntt
    Profile picture of ohnoeedidntt
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    I've listened to some of his 67 steps, it's not bad. It definitely has value because he consolidates a ton of knowledge and wisdom from great minds and books. He has the mind set down for sure.I don't like gurus who profit from helping people if they're only in it to make themselves rich. i.e Tony Robbins, Eckhart Tolle, Tai Lopez. He's a great marketer and definitely a good example of fake it till you make it.
  • Profile picture of the author hubertkoh
    Profile picture of hubertkoh
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    He does a lot of affiliate marketing and is also a product owner. From there, he probably use the cashflow from there to invest in other businesses and properties.
    Personal Development Solo Ads That Converts
  • Profile picture of the author jonbowsir
    Profile picture of jonbowsir
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    The sheer amount of money he would need to sustain the amount of advertising he needs speaks for itself.

    He has to be inherently successful at some level, maybe not the level he's projecting in order to advertise the way he does.

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  • Profile picture of the author Matt MacPherson
    Matt MacPherson
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    The Hollywood home in his ads was proven to have been rented on airbnb. I assume the cars were rented as well.

  • Profile picture of the author Gary Chapple
    Gary Chapple
    Profile picture of Gary Chapple
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    There's no doubting he's a Youtube genius, and he certainly will not be the first or last to fake it until you make it.
    • Profile picture of the author DGabeNJ
      Profile picture of DGabeNJ
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      Originally Posted by Gary Chapple View Post

      There's no doubting he's a Youtube genius, and he certainly will not be the first or last to fake it until you make it.
      This sums it up nicely. I do know people who have followed his steps and done well for themselves. So there can be value gleaned from his content for sure.
  • Profile picture of the author Tim Baldwin
    Tim Baldwin
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    I bought his 67 steps program and found extremely large amounts of value from it. I no longer follow him on social media because he posts just way too much annoying stuff about bragging about cars & girls rather than business advice. However, his 67 steps is definitely worth the investment imo.
  • Profile picture of the author REIGN FOREVER
    Profile picture of REIGN FOREVER
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    Okay so here is the deal. I myself have personally joined his 67 Steps system a year back and I'm not going to sit here and bash the man,BUT I will say this, I don't want to spend countless hours watching a man tell me his life story when the initial purpose was to "recondition my mind" to be a entrepreneur and learn how to be financially free. I made it to like the 24th step and said forget it because all his videos where about 45 minutes to an hour long! I believe he really just knows how to persuade people. I don't think I even got to a specific system it was about quotes, other celebrities stories, and him visiting the Amish. How did you make it from your moms couch to a millionaire what was your system? He never explained it. Then I watched him go from the humble approach to having a lambo and saying thats not what its about to now he has some ads on Facebook showing "oh I have the new Rolls Royce, Lambo, and Bentley"...never seen any real testimonials from his system either so in all I don't know he's doing something right for himself but I haven't seen results for others.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nathan Isaac
    Nathan Isaac
    Profile picture of Nathan Isaac
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    I laugh at the people who think tai Lopez is a fake.

    He only meets with some of the biggest names in the industry...

    Gary Vaynerchuk
    Mark Cuban
    Lewis Howes
    Larry King
    Tommy Hilfiger

    You could go on all day of you really wanted to....

    But I'll leave the common sense up to you. ��
    ***No Signature***
    • Profile picture of the author Tim Baldwin
      Tim Baldwin
      Profile picture of Tim Baldwin
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      Originally Posted by Nathan Isaac View Post

      I laugh at the people who think tai Lopez is a fake.

      He only meets with some of the biggest names in the industry...

      Gary Vaynerchuk
      Mark Cuban
      Lewis Howes
      Larry King
      Tommy Hilfiger

      You could go on all day of you really wanted to....

      But I'll leave the common sense up to you. ��
      Exactly what he said ^

      It's funny actually, he has a video in 67 steps about how there is two types of people, 1) People that are just skeptical about everything and second guessing things 2) People that look at someone and ask "How can I learn from them?"

      Everyone has knowledge to offer, especially someone meeting with names like that.
  • Profile picture of the author PersiaGrai
    Profile picture of PersiaGrai
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    How much do you guys think he spends on Advertising?

    The dude made his self legitimately Famous from Youtube Ads....thats impressive no matter what. Even if you don't listen to what he says, what he's built for his self is respectable.
  • Profile picture of the author CB Elite
    CB Elite
    Profile picture of CB Elite
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    hes genuinely very successful and a very good marketer
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
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  • Profile picture of the author aduttonater
    Profile picture of aduttonater
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    The thing that seperates all the marketers is.... who has the bigger marketing list. This comes with making the most sales and with being able to pay for top of the line advertisement and brand yourself as a popular person. Tai Lopez has just branded himself as that very guy that you are questioning about. Once you pay him, he shows you how to be like him.... but you can never be him. You can only be you.
  • Profile picture of the author gooroo
    Profile picture of gooroo
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    I don't think it really matters how he got to where he's at right now. The thing is, he's extremely smart, has a good mindset and good values, what does he do with that? He teaches and genuinely helps other people using what he knows, you can't go wrong with trusting him.
  • Profile picture of the author tunydaniel
    Profile picture of tunydaniel
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    He´s a marketing Genius!

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