is there some other techniques of Seo for a travel company?

by 3 replies
hello members,

If any of our member have experience of handling a travel website, then please share your experience with us so that i could get some tips from that.
thanks in advance.
#growth hacking #company #seo #techniques #travel
  • First thing that comes to mind is create posts that mention local businesses in the travel destinations you specialize in.

    After you publish reach out to these businesses on social media. Many of them will share your post and a few might link to you.

    That should be a good start.
  • Profile picture of the author Nitesh Pundhir
  • for traveling website you must have blog in your site and you must have always discounted price for your customer.
  • Look at influencers in your industry. What are they talking about? How is the audience reacting? What do they give backlinks to and share with their audience?

    Create content worthy of being shared and linked back to by these influencers. Find topics and angles they are passionate about- create content on it, and pitch it to them. This is one way to get credible, high-quality backlinks.

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