How do you test your idea and get the first 100 users?

5 replies

I've got an idea which I think will be useful.. How do I get the first 100 people to use this?

I cant post on forums because most forums do not allow promotion of any sorts.. Cold emails is one option.. Cold calls is another.. Both these are not really scalable and takes time. Are these the best options?

Looking for suggestions from someone who has done this before..

#100 #idea #users
  • Profile picture of the author Maxxx333
    what exactly are we talking about buddy? I mean what are you intending to promote exactly?
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  • Profile picture of the author ecoverartist
    We need to know a bit more. If you have a concept or a service and you'd like to reach people who might want to give it a try, why not try a Facebook ad that's made for reach and awareness? You can specify your audience, but you have to provide a bit more information other than "I have an idea".
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  • Profile picture of the author affmarketer101
    Google ads, Facebook ads, SEO, attending webinars, attending offline events, etc,
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  • Profile picture of the author dylansmith22
    What are you promoting mate?
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  • Profile picture of the author Jessica Ambos
    Advertise. Use social media, google, anything to get the word out about your business. Or better yet hire someone who will advertise for you. There's tons of workers you can find at Onlinejobs for this.
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