11 replies
-$5000 spent on e-commerce education part-time over the last 3 years.
-The past four months full-time learning how to code using html.
-Massive amounts of reference resources.
-The Time to execute.
Maybe I should move first, You know to a more suitable environment that better suits my needs:/
or I think I need a new computer; one that processes faster cause I deserve it.
Perhaps I need to sort my love life out then I could really focus?
Im on the edge of breaking through. I know what I should be doing and how to do it... I simply have not decided what to do.

I need a push...

My Question: What is pushing you? What pushed you to commit until you found success?
What resources did you use? What is your Why?

I want my customers to achieve success for free? That if, they are willing to put the work in and work smart: with an internet connection and a blog could find (financial)freedom. #hope
#check #gut #time
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by rockerjaw View Post

    -$5000 spent on e-commerce education part-time over the last 3 years.
    -The past four months full-time learning how to code using html.
    -Massive amounts of reference resources.
    -The Time to execute.
    Maybe I should move first, You know to a more suitable environment that better suits my needs:/
    or I think I need a new computer; one that processes faster cause I deserve it.
    Perhaps I need to sort my love life out then I could really focus?
    Im on the edge of breaking through. I know what I should be doing and how to do it... I simply have not decided what to do.

    I need a push...

    My Question: What is pushing you? What pushed you to commit until you found success?
    What resources did you use? What is your Why?

    I want my customers to achieve success for free? That if, they are willing to put the work in and work smart: with an internet connection and a blog could find (financial)freedom. #hope
    You want to offer financial freedom dreams to people who simply need to work hard and not invest any money? Is this accurate or do I misunderstand?

    So, a confused, indecisive, sputtering person wants to tell other people how to "achieve success"?

    You are off to a dazzling start. You don't even know what YOU want.

    This will be fun to watch over the next year, more entertainment.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11325968].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author rockerjaw
      You seem to have taken my question personally. And have also failed to answer the question fully.
      Your right in that I dont wont want my customers to have to spend any more than absolutely necessary.

      Thanks for the push. p.s Whats pushing you? What drives you?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11327506].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
        Originally Posted by rockerjaw View Post

        You seem to have taken my question personally. And have also failed to answer the question fully.
        Your right in that I dont wont want my customers to have to spend any more than absolutely necessary.

        Thanks for the push. p.s Whats pushing you? What drives you?
        My push is to remain free. Long, long ago, I came to the conclusion I was either running my life or I had surrendered it to someone else who could tell me where I had to be and what I had to do.

        NOT wanting that, but, wanting the freedom to do as I pleased and either enjoy or take my lumps on the consequences, was enough motivation to try things and get something to work.

        I'm driven by how much time is truly mine, and if freedom of choice, freedom of bosses, freedom of time isn't enough motivation, then one has to look a little deeper and determine for oneself what he wants.

        You appear a bit thin skinned, truthfully, it is hard to understand your question, what pushes me, or someone else or what drives US, really has nothing to do with you, does it?

        You have ideas. You've posted quite a bit of planning. By your own admission, you are stuck in place, looking for a push.

        Hope you find one, but if it is to be long lasting, it better come from inside you. Or at least that is my opinion.

        Good luck getting pushed.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11327524].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author rockerjaw
          Practically brought a tear to my eye. Thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Sounds like you are thinking about getting ready to get ready to think about doing something...later.

    Had to chuckle, though, as I've known people who approach 'working online' in about the same way. I always wonder if that's the way they approach life - 'getting ready to live well' and never getting around to enjoying life day by day.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11325981].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author rockerjaw
      Thanks For the reply Kay...sounds like your enjoying life. Thanks for the push... I didn't realise I was coming across sounding like that. Makes me want to remove the post. I'm feeling a little stuck. The idea
      I need to push through and do what I need to do. Thanks again.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11326134].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author YourGoToWriter
    First of, you should get yourself together. Be decided. You want to do something as big as "wanting your customers to achieve success," but you haven't been "successful" in answering your series of questions first. Know your purpose first: "What is pushing you? What pushed you to commit until you found success? What resources did you use? What is your Why?"

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11327094].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author FiveStarFiverr
    Originally Posted by rockerjaw View Post

    -$5000 spent on e-commerce education part-time over the last 3 years.
    -The past four months full-time learning how to code using html.
    -Massive amounts of reference resources.
    -The Time to execute.
    Maybe I should move first, You know to a more suitable environment that better suits my needs:/
    or I think I need a new computer; one that processes faster cause I deserve it.
    Perhaps I need to sort my love life out then I could really focus?
    Im on the edge of breaking through. I know what I should be doing and how to do it... I simply have not decided what to do.

    I need a push...

    My Question: What is pushing you? What pushed you to commit until you found success?
    What resources did you use? What is your Why?

    I want my customers to achieve success for free? That if, they are willing to put the work in and work smart: with an internet connection and a blog could find (financial)freedom. #hope
    Nothing is truly free when money is the goal. There's always a trade off. You already put that in your post. You already asked if you should worry about a few other things instead of what is right in front of you.

    What pushes me is the freedom I gain every day from working from home instead of working for someone else in an office after a ridiculous commute.

    What pushes me is the freedom to work from anywhere with an internet connection and I do.

    What pushes me has very little to do with money and everything to do with freedom. I know I cannot truly be free when money is a part of the equation, but I can certainly have more freedom working from home than working for someone else in a location of their choosing.
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  • Profile picture of the author rockerjaw
    Hi Warriors. Not one of you has answered my question in its entirety . Yes i'm asking for a push. However im also asking, what pushes you? Why are you pushing though. whats driving you.
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  • Profile picture of the author PBScott
    My hatred of being an "employee" is what pushes me. That is why I started making an online business a decade ago, and why I still do it.

    If you don't look at this => Really Funny Shirts <= you missed something in life

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    • Profile picture of the author rockerjaw
      Thanks for the reply. I don't mind being an employee however I do hate it when my boss is being a power tripper.
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