5 reasons why Fiver is the DARKEST DUMP online

by austria Banned
42 replies
5 reasons why Fiver is the DARKEST DUMP online

1. Sellers / providers earn 3.60 $ per transaction, while Fiverr commission fees greedily amount to 1.90 $ per transaction: that is OVER 50.00 % commission fees

2. Your Fiver account , either buyer or seller, can and will be wiped out at any time,
without any reason, and all the earnings are confiscated by Fiver, without any reason,
without any explanation.

3. The search function gives almost only results that have no connection with the terms
that you are searching for. Probably the worst search results or maybe their search function is always broken and they are unable to fix it.

4. Very many gigs are simply free services from the internet, for which some indians,
pakistanese or bangladeshians thought to charge money for,
because people do not know that those services are in fact free.

5. Always there will be a lot of indians and bangladeshians who will be working
harder and much more hours, to get the illusion of those 3.60 $.
#darkest #dump #fiver #online #reasons
  • Profile picture of the author CyberAlien
    I do agree that Fiverr generally sucks, but definitely not for the reasons you mentioned.

    Originally Posted by austria View Post

    1. Sellers / providers earn 3.60 $ per transaction, while Fiverr commission fees greedily amount to 1.90 $ per transaction: that is OVER 50.00 % commission fees
    With math like that, I really hope that you have an accountant to do your taxes.

    Originally Posted by austria View Post

    2. Your Fiver account , either buyer or seller, can and will be wiped out at any time,
    without any reason, and all the earnings are confiscated by Fiver, without any reason,
    without any explanation.
    Technically that can happen with pretty much any online marketplace according to their TOS, I don't know of any large ones who can't shutdown your account for any reason.

    Originally Posted by austria View Post

    3. The search function gives almost only results that have no connection with the terms
    that you are searching for. Probably the worst search results or maybe their search function is always broken and they are unable to fix it.
    The search function returns related results, they just aren't that good. Kind of like Yahoo

    Originally Posted by austria View Post

    4. Very many gigs are simply free services from the internet, for which some indians,
    pakistanese or bangladeshians thought to charge money for,
    because people do not know that those services are in fact free.
    This has been happening since the beginning of time. There's tons of services you could find for free, or pay someone for them. You can find hosting for free, but that doesn't mean it's as good as when you pay for it.

    Originally Posted by austria View Post

    5. Always there will be a lot of indians and bangladeshians who will be working
    harder and much more hours, to get the illusion of those 3.60 $.
    Duh... the amount people are willing to work for will vary based on their economy and needs. That doesn't even just apply to online services, it also applies to offline services and products. That's just common sense.

    By the way, "Fiver" is actually "Fiverr" and "Bangladeshians" is actually "Bangladeshis"
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  • Profile picture of the author KingServers01
    And the worst thing is that, there are many fake gigs out there.
    Managed & Unmanaged VPS Hosting & Dedicated Servers
    Europe & USA by King-Servers.com
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  • Profile picture of the author AmanD
    I wouldn't want to be a seller on there, but as a buyer it is useful for some things.
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  • Profile picture of the author Custis
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    • Profile picture of the author Seofor5
      Fiverr is all about the up-sale. Without it, Fiverr would be pretty bad unless your product took just a few minutes to finish and deliver.
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    • Profile picture of the author Eliza Marzanna
      Originally Posted by Custis View Post

      Fiverr can generate a decent side income if you know how to upsell the heck out of people!
      And how do you do this?
      I didn't knew about this site until now, and now I read bad things about it, but here you say you can make it work... so which is it?
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      • Profile picture of the author Ron C Farrow
        Originally Posted by Eliza Marzanna View Post

        And how do you do this?
        I didn't knew about this site until now, and now I read bad things about it, but here you say you can make it work... so which is it?
        I make money from it as a BUYER!

        Making it with Online Arbitrage

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        • Profile picture of the author MrFume
          Originally Posted by Ron C Farrow View Post

          I make money from it as a BUYER!
          you mean you use arbitrage, get requests from other buyers not aware of Fiverr and sell them your middleman service for a profit?

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          • Profile picture of the author Ron C Farrow
            Originally Posted by MrFume View Post

            you mean you use arbitrage, get requests from other buyers not aware of Fiverr and sell them your middleman service for a profit?
            It sounds simple but its not, you HAVE to find the quality sellers. In one niche I sell I have a seller who has been working full time in that profession for 10 years. Its gold dust.

            I believe that many of my buyers do know about Fiverr but would never risk buying from them. Its me that takes the risk, after all I have to produce quality on time or I don't get paid.

            If you want to know more about Arbitrage DM me

            Making it with Online Arbitrage

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  • Profile picture of the author JensSteyaert
    Well you can also charge more for additional services, if you do that i can see you make some good money, if you have a good an popular gig that is ofcourse.

    But with all the bad gigs there it shouldn't be too hard to stand out of the crowd.
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  • Profile picture of the author ppceve
    Do you think that fiverr is on its way out in 2015? I've been a buyer before, and it's turned out fine. I agree, being a seller is way tougher... for a smaller payout.

    Work personally with an Internet Marketing Coach and get ALL of your questions answered. ==> Claim Your Spot Now

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  • Profile picture of the author dvduval
    I prefer to tell people what I want and then let them bid for my work. The other way around doesn't work for me and that is why I don't use Fiverr
    It is okay to contact me! I have been developing software since 1999, creating many popular products like phpLD.
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    • Profile picture of the author Isaiah Coe
      Originally Posted by dvduval View Post

      I prefer to tell people what I want and then let them bid for my work. The other way around doesn't work for me and that is why I don't use Fiverr
      ↑↑↑This guy uses Freelancer.com↑↑↑
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  • I agree with the search results, most of the time they are useless.

    It's not all bad though, there are some quality gigs. My sig promotes my gig which, i believe, is of high quality and well worth the $5.

    Upselling is incredibly important and you will see that many of the more technical jobs require gig extras to get the job completed.

    What I do hate are the fees!
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  • Profile picture of the author BernardR
    I have purchased a couple of useful gigs on Fiverr ... but as with all things in life you get what you pay for.

    Is it becoming an online sweat shop for low paid economies?

    It is just a matter of perception .. $5 can go a lot further in Bangaladeshian (lol) and the other very mispelt countries you mention.

    Let me put it this way if it was called Twenty Fiverr I reckong this forum would be quiet as many people from here would be focussing on their gigs.

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    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Originally Posted by BernardR View Post

      Let me put it this way if it was called Twenty Fiverr I reckong this forum would be quiet as many people from here would be focussing on their gigs. Very True Words

      I wonder if any one will take this idea and run with it!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author greenowl123
    As a seller on Fiverr, my way of thinking is to use Fiverr as a way to get leads (and leads who have paypal accounts and actually use them to buy things online) and sell them something I can deliver in less than 5 minutes.

    As a buyer on Fiverr, you really need to know which gigs are worth buying and which are a waste of time and money. This is learned through experience. One tip when buying gigs on Fiverr : just because a gig has had 200 buyers, does not necessarily mean that the gig is fabulous and gets all kinds of results. What you need to look for is how many of those 200 people who bought that particular gig are repeat buyers of that gig. That will give you a much better idea of the value / effectiveness of that gig.
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    • Profile picture of the author seoboyz01
      Originally Posted by greenowl123 View Post

      As a seller on Fiverr, my way of thinking is to use Fiverr as a way to get leads (and leads who have paypal accounts and actually use them to buy things online) and sell them something I can deliver in less than 5 minutes.
      And, how are you collecting contact information? Fiverr is very strict about not allowing sellers to ask buyers for outside details.
      Google DOMINATION SEO service - Take your site 1st page of Google.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9776698].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        I read the title of this thread and my thought is "so????".

        I don't like Fiverr - have never used it for anything. Haven't bought anything from it - haven't sold anything there. The site is irrelevant to me because it doesn't fit into MY plans.

        If you don't like Fiverr - don't use it. There are many happy Fiverr providers and buyers....but it's not for everyone.
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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      • Profile picture of the author greenowl123
        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        I have to agree, Annie.

        When I lived in Nebraska, I had occasion to visit a local museum (they were also a web design client). Among the exhibits on the grounds was a one-room schoolhouse from the pioneer days (circa 1870s). Among the exhibits were essays penned by what would now be elementary grades students.

        Truth be told, I was a bit embarrassed. While I do believe I'm a reasonable speller and have the ability to construct a coherent sentence, these young children exercised both vocabulary and sentence structure that put me to shame. I won't even start on the penmanship...

        Today, you hear some educators seriously discussing "creative spelling" and both adults and teens seemingly too busy or lazy to actually pronounce whole words (whatev, i was on vacay) and it makes you sad for the future...
        1870`s elementary school aged children... Laura Ingalls Wilder comes to mind. Her books became a popular TV series in the 1970`s (Little House on the Prairie - one of my favorites).

        If a time machine existed to go back and bring 10 year old Laura into our present time, she would put 99% of other 10 year olds to shame with her writing ability. Heck, she would put me to shame

        Originally Posted by seoboyz01 View Post

        And, how are you collecting contact information? Fiverr is very strict about not allowing sellers to ask buyers for outside details.
        Easy. Write a free bonus report of about 10 pages and give it to your buyers with the address of your squeeze page in the footer of each page.
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  • Profile picture of the author Afaleye
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    • Profile picture of the author Ron C Farrow
      Personally I use Fiverr most days for my Arbitrage business. Its all about digging through a mountain of rubbish to find the diamonds.

      If Fiverr disappeared overnight there would be plenty more clones pop up in addition to the other similar sites already out there. If anything, Elance and Odesk are getting more like Fiverr at least pricewise.

      As for third world sellers being too cheap, welcome to the worldwide web economy. Get used to it, use it to your advantage or get out the kitchen.

      Another point, some sellers from the Indian Sub Continent and the Far East are well educated and highly talented. Underestimate them at your peril.

      Making it with Online Arbitrage

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      • Profile picture of the author AnniePot
        Originally Posted by Ron C Farrow View Post

        Another point, some sellers from the Indian Sub Continent and the Far East are well educated and highly talented. Underestimate them at your peril.
        Actually, I would go further and say that a substantial number of them are better educated than those currently being schooled in the world's so called "leading countries", where educational standards are falling to abysmal levels.

        I receive emails from American, Canadian, British, Australian, Irish, etc., correspondents who can neither spell nor string together a basic sentence. On the other hand, people from the Indian sub-continent, China, Japan, Thailand, the Philippines, and others have a far better concept of English spelling and grammar.
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        • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
          Originally Posted by AnniePot View Post

          Actually, I would go further and say that a substantial number of them are better educated than those currently being schooled in the world's so called "leading countries", where educational standards are falling to abysmal levels.

          I receive emails from American, Canadian, British, Australian, Irish, etc., correspondents who can neither spell nor string together a basic sentence. On the other hand, people from the Indian sub-continent, China, Japan, Thailand, the Philippines, and others have a far better concept of English spelling and grammar.
          I have to agree, Annie.

          When I lived in Nebraska, I had occasion to visit a local museum (they were also a web design client). Among the exhibits on the grounds was a one-room schoolhouse from the pioneer days (circa 1870s). Among the exhibits were essays penned by what would now be elementary grades students.

          Truth be told, I was a bit embarrassed. While I do believe I'm a reasonable speller and have the ability to construct a coherent sentence, these young children exercised both vocabulary and sentence structure that put me to shame. I won't even start on the penmanship...

          Today, you hear some educators seriously discussing "creative spelling" and both adults and teens seemingly too busy or lazy to actually pronounce whole words (whatev, i was on vacay) and it makes you sad for the future...
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  • Profile picture of the author anfeng
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    • Profile picture of the author reln
      Originally Posted by anfeng View Post

      Hi, what is "gigs"?
      The services that people provide are called "Gigs".
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  • Profile picture of the author TomVa
    I stopped using them over a year ago. I use to make good money as a seller, but towards the end it just was NOT worth the little money I got in return. *shrugs*

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    One seller's trash, is another seller's treasure. I love them for the gig providers. They do awesome work for me for CHEAP. I hope Fiverr never goes out of business.
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  • Profile picture of the author elmo033057
    You have to weigh out the gig and the time involved. If you can knock something decent out in 15 min. or less, then you might want to do it, especially if what you do is fun.

    But as a long term business? NAH......
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Trujillo
    From a business stand point for me it helps a lot with outsourcing it's a good investment. Their are some sellers that make a good living doing what they are doing, some sellers are a waste of money. It's a fair deal for all parties involved, and if they don't like how Fiverr is treating them they are freelancers and they can always pack up their bags and go elsewhere to somewhere like Elance and oDesk and charge more. There are many good talents that would survive with or without Fiverr. Me, as a buyer will continue to use Fiverr until it no longer exists.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Fiverr is the BEST. I've made THOUSANDS of dollars off Fiverr as a seller AND BUYER! It's not perfect and it's not for everybody but given its REACH, nothing comes close!
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    • Profile picture of the author seoboyz01
      Originally Posted by writeaway View Post

      Fiverr is the BEST. I've made THOUSANDS of dollars off Fiverr as a seller AND BUYER! It's not perfect and it's not for everybody but given its REACH, nothing comes close!
      And, what type of services were you offering there on Fiverr?
      Google DOMINATION SEO service - Take your site 1st page of Google.
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  • Profile picture of the author alan01
    Well I have no problems with them and I think your facts are wrong here as long as I know they only charge $1 per gigs from seller so he can still have $4 with them.

    Another thing is it's not limited to 3 countries their are thousands of people over their who are from USA, UK and other developing countries so it all depends on persons rather then mention country name.

    Free things never come with quality which you want so I would say you get what pay.
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  • Profile picture of the author tomerep
    Actually I think that Fiverr is pretty good, we've got a small operation set in fiverr with 5 accounts, virtual assistants that are handling it and other virtual assistants that do the gigs themselves and it's pretty profitable, those $4 transactions can add up, especially when you know how to leverage it and make more with "gig extras".
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  • Profile picture of the author Rembo
    Fiverr does have a few weak points for sure but it also have a few very good points. I like Fiverr (please don't shoot me ;-)

    I use it frequently. Proof reading is a gig I purchase frequently.

    As some others mentioned already, it is a matter of finding the 'good' gigs. Yes, there is a lot of 'junk' but once you found a gig/seller you like you can then repurchase. No more searching.
    Smarter Affiliate Money. Work Smarter, Earn More.
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  • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
    In PPC in some niches you pay $10 plus per click and even more. That is sort of to get a slightly warm prospect to a landing page.

    Fiverr pays you four bucks to get a buyer. That's a deal.

    Anyone who runs a serious offline business know that in many cases the cost of acquisition is over $50 for a lifetime client so getting paid to be allowed to demonstrate your skills is a privilege not a negative.

    How many businesses give out free samples just to get buyers?

    Realising that you have the ability to follow-up, generate a relationship and build a business with effectively no capital.

    I'd stop winging and start building but if you think you can make money just selling on fiverr I'll share with you something that has guided me over the years....

    There is always someone who is either cleverer or more stupid than you who can sell for a cheaper price.
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    • Profile picture of the author austria
      you get a ONE-TIME buyer for which you work very hard, and to which you ARE NOT ALLOWED TO REQUEST his contact details, otherwise ALWAYS YOUR FIVERR ACCOUNT GETS BANNED
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      • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
        Originally Posted by austria View Post

        you get a ONE-TIME buyer for which you work very hard, and to which you ARE NOT ALLOWED TO REQUEST his contact details, otherwise ALWAYS YOUR FIVERR ACCOUNT GETS BANNED
        The way I'd seen it done was to send a report that contained the links that were being built to articles being delivered and there was a bonus link highlighted that took the purchaser to a special deal outside of the network.

        Bonus article that, unless the buyer was dumb, encouraged them to to read and in that article you post a link to something special for the client.

        If you are making a video intro why not add an additional draft that says check out something special I made here.

        I'd be pretty sure there would be ways to showcase extra things if you look outside of the constraints that fiverr puts you in.

        I can't tell you the number of times it is easier to search Google for a gig than Fiverr. Make sure you are putting Youtube videos and other content that showcases your fiverr gig with links to elsewhere as I know they show up.

        Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Immu
    I know what I am shopping and where to order from.
    As long as I am benefiting, I don't care about myths.
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  • Profile picture of the author Karthik Reddy
    Looks like the OP has an agenda against fiverr posting multiple threads , most probably a sour banned guy. Fiverr works period, you just have to filter out the crap and find the gold just like every marketplace.
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  • Profile picture of the author austria
    Probably Karthik Reddy is a fiverr employee, and it is his attempt to shaming any free discussion about the fact that fiverr takes over 50.00% fees and commissions on each transaction, and the other many multiple problems with their service
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  • Profile picture of the author QueenMelanie
    1st, you are wrong about the charges,they take 20% of you initial earnings, and then charge you like 1$ when you cash out.. I know fiverr has gone to shi* , even charging the buyers 0.50$ booking fee, so gigs on fiverr are no longer a fiver

    Not gonna complain too much about it yet though cuz currently earning $500 a month on it.. When that stops I'll be back to complain
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    • Profile picture of the author austria
      Originally Posted by QueenMelanie View Post

      they take 20% of you initial earnings, and then charge you like 1$ when you cash out.. I know fiverr has gone to shi* , even charging the buyers 0.50$ booking fee, so gigs on fiverr are no longer a fiver
      thank you for confirming, 20%, and then another 1$ and then another 0.50$ for just one gig... the total of fees just to get 3.50 $ net as a seller... surpasses 50.00% in total commissions fees... which is a shame that we let them get away with this robbery
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  • Profile picture of the author drschool
    I have used Fiverr a lot in the past for stuff like Virtual Assistants, and for some coding work for plugins and apps. Haven't had any real issues (just a few people who wasted my time). If someone can't do a simple google search before paying $5 , then the person doesn't deserve that $5. A fool and his money are soon parted.
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  • Profile picture of the author garyk1968
    Originally Posted by austria View Post

    2. Your Fiver account , either buyer or seller, can and will be wiped out at any time,
    without any reason, and all the earnings are confiscated by Fiver, without any reason,
    without any explanation.
    You could say that about large and successful website on the planet though.

    If you choose to build your business around a single website then thats the chance you take.
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