Social Engage Review - impossible to even start reviewing

105 replies
Has anyone managed to get to the members page at all? I have been trying for the past 3 hours, and after entering my info they require, I get to a blank page! Sent emails to support and the contact in the Welcome email.

How do they expect people to even consider upgrading if they cannot ensure basic functionality of their own website?
#engage #impossible #review #reviewing #social #social engage #start
  • Profile picture of the author frankwyatt77777
    I have not as well. I purchased the upgrade to. I am thinking maybe I should ask for refund.
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  • Profile picture of the author funprojects
    Thanks, Frank! I was afraid I am a tad trigger-happy but over 4 hours, and nothing fixed. Let's see if there are other people with the same problem.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesdj1
    As much as I'd like to give this a try I'm reluctant because of the creator who seems to not have a good rep on support and keeping products updated and products that do what they say. Chad Nicely I think has a good rep.. but he's NOT the creator.. maybe promoting it or a JV.
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  • Profile picture of the author funprojects
    I don't know who the product creator is; the seller, listed on the JV Zoo Page is Prescious Ngwu, and I have never purchased a product before from him/her.

    Almost 6 hours, and all I get is more offers to buys the OTO; ridiculous.
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  • Profile picture of the author funprojects
    Seen a couple of posts on FB about the same problem. Stats from JVZoo seem to suggest that the server couldn't have been so overwhelmed that it crashed terminally: about 3000 sales. Refunds are at 0.36% so far.
    You can send a message to the product creator from within JVZoo. I have also written to the guy in my upline; I am sorry to say but people promoting products should stand behind their products. The spamcast when something new comes along is debilitating; I keep unsubscribing, and it looks I will unsub from all lists that have survived so far but are still promoting Social Engage.
    P.S. The product creator has replied - hold on, maybe it is not all lost yet!
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  • Profile picture of the author funprojects
    Thank you for the info, Jenny! It's a pity that such information is not available before a launch; it should be possible to vet offers before getting them out on the market. Sheesh...
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    • Profile picture of the author frankwyatt77777
      I did get a response from customer service. They sent me the same link i had and said it should work. Tried and having the same issue. If this software works as demonstrated it is well worth the money. However, I have to get it to try
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      • Profile picture of the author GlenH
        I've watched over the past 3 months so many software products being released that don't work as advertised.....are full of bugs....or there's non-existent customer support.

        Being someone who develops and markets my own software product I find it beyond unbelievable.

        This product is just another one in that boat
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        • Profile picture of the author GlenH
          Is this product a WordPress plugin... a Cloud or server based app. Or What?
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          • Profile picture of the author frankwyatt77777
            Glen H I believe it is supposed to be a WordPress Plugin.
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            • Profile picture of the author GlenH
              Originally Posted by frankwyatt77777 View Post

              Glen H I believe it is supposed to be a WordPress Plugin.

              You won't know it reading the sale page though
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              • Profile picture of the author Humbee360
                Originally Posted by GlenH View Post


                You won't know it reading the sale page though
                You know I have seen a lot of this kind of stuff out there and it bothers me that after reading a sales page, (you don't know what it is that they are selling) is this intentional stupidity? on the part of the product creator? (maybe but it all looks designed to get you excited about the hype and buy) after that I think they don't care much what happens next.
                "Everything goes where attention flows..."
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  • Profile picture of the author GuapoJohn
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  • Profile picture of the author drnet
    Wow sounds like a nightmare on Elm Street lol. There has been a barage of products launched since the turn of the year, this just speaks of a great idea but poor execution. Something needs to change in this arena, it is all about the buck and not about the customer and providing the best solution with excellent support.

    I hope that all of us who are trying to make money and create a new lifestyle can find a way and a system that makes all of us not millions, but just a great additional income that will build into a full time income.

    I have been around a while and actually took a long 5 year break from this all and just getting my feet wet again. As much as things have changed, the more they have stayed the same.

    I have shiny object syndrome and it is always a fight finding what and who to really listen to. I believe I will be unsubscribing from a few list myself after this latest push to take my dollars.

    Thanks for those who have shared their nightmarish experience with this.

    I will stay away and go back to focusing on my core of what I want to do...Help others and build something that is tangible and realistic for all

    DR NET
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  • Profile picture of the author kbrady
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    • Profile picture of the author Andre Slater
      Yeah I am glad I came here to see the review...

      I didn't even realize it was a Prescious Ngwu product... His name is no where to be found on the sales page.

      I know he is a software designer and they are on the churn and burn cycle.

      The make a crap ton of software and when you buy it's promises and then they move to the next product so no updates and the CS sucks.

      I have bought some terrible products from PN in the past and got refunds from JVZOO

      I am not sure about this one, but don't expect to get long term service or updates.
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  • Profile picture of the author funprojects
    Update: I have access to the plugin (much as I hate the adage about the squeaky wheel and the grease, it worked) but haven't tried it yet - I discovered it had arrived when I woke up this morning. The problem had been solved by having an account manually set by the admin. Hope they won't have to do this for all 3000 poor customers!

    I must say I also heard back from my upline with a sympathetic but non-constructive reply which suggested they haven't even seen the plugin before promoting. Maybe I'm naive but shouldn't they buy and test the products (or get review copies and test) before promoting?!

    Frank, KBrady - you're OK, guys? KBrady: still no success with the plugin? I posted a link to your blog on my FB page; will post here how it goes for me.

    Glen, you could make a fortune teaching people how to make WP plugins; serious, too!

    Thanks for everyone's input; next episode later tonight: getting it to work.
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  • Profile picture of the author kbrady
    funprojects...I submitted a support ticket but haven't heard anything yet. Not that I expected to hear back after only 8 hours or so. I also bought another product from Precious awhile back and had continual activation errors which required support tickets that went unanswered for weeks at a time. If I would have known this was a Precious product I would have avoided it.
    *** Check out my Daily WSO Reviews and my own online journey at ***
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    • Profile picture of the author boydstone
      Thanks for the tips, you saved me some money. Is that guy who looks like Ben Affleck one of the developers of this?
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  • Profile picture of the author xlfutur1
    Has anyone tried some campaigns with this and got it to work? Results?
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    • Profile picture of the author Mo Goulet
      Originally Posted by xlfutur1 View Post

      Has anyone tried some campaigns with this and got it to work? Results?
      I have the pro upgrade version and installed it on a few domains. It's pretty easy to design a campaign and then view it, but the only problem it DOES NOT WORK. It only opens a 404 page not found post on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

      I really like the concept behind this plugin so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

      I submitted a support ticket and gave them access to my cpanel yesterday but they have not accessed it yet according to my stats monitor.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesdj1
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  • Profile picture of the author BeechHill
    Ask yourself, do you really need this plugin? My answer was no, especially after buying Precious last plugin, which was pretty bug ridden.

    Anyway, Andrew Hunter of Plugin Results just posted a Youtube video review of this for those wanting to find out where the warts are on this release. Andrew is a pretty square shooter and does a great job of supporting his customers. Which is to say in this case, he is passing along a warning on his affiliate recommendation of the product.

    Since I believe he has a link to SE on the video description, just do a search for "Social Engage WordPress Plugin Review".

    I get the feeling that there is a certain desperation out there right now with these new releases among affiliate marketers to work their lists no matter how good or bad the offer may be.
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  • Profile picture of the author usabids
    Problems after problems the support sucks.
    The plugin will not work correctly on wordpress OMG...
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  • Profile picture of the author SocialEn
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  • Profile picture of the author jasculs
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    • Profile picture of the author frankwyatt77777
      Well I got home to see if anything has changed in regards to this product. I still do not have to Upgrade info i need. However I am being sent emails to purchase the upgrade. Hmm. I already have purchased it. I did get the the basic license and i am disappointed in this launch. It is not working as demonstrated. It is ridiculous of the folks who made this software make excuses. I am going to put in a refund request as well.

      Another thought I had today was, at what point is the site that this software was on going to wake up and realize that there reputation may be compromised. Something to think about.
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      • Profile picture of the author usabids
        I also just got the Email to Go Pro... I'm pro allready too...

        And still i cant use the Plugin what a Joke.
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  • Profile picture of the author jasculs
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    • Profile picture of the author frankwyatt77777
      Just put in refund. I will wait and see how long it takes to get.
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      • Profile picture of the author tlarsen2080
        Purchased Pro...Created campaign, but it wont post...Can access the knowledge base, instruction dont include all we need to set up...if i spend 100 bucks..I want to use the product and get moving...not be an experiment.
        disappointed. Sorry to waste my time when spending so much.
        I too...If I knew it was a Precious product...I would have I had to before with his.

        Triumphant Media
        Special offers today -Obtain 100's of leads in minutes for Free and no Expensive Software

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  • Profile picture of the author Fingerling
    Thanks for the video review @jamesdj1 I have the plugin on two of my websites and it's not working as advertized.

    I have to say I did hesitate to purchase when I saw Prescious Ngwu was involved with this product ( it's really too bad he's made such a bad name for himself) but it looked too good to pass up.

    I would hope they'd come out with an update to fix all of the bugs that they should have fixed before selling it.
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  • Profile picture of the author BrentDotCom
    Ridiculous that people still let software out into the marketplace without being thoroughly tested.
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  • Profile picture of the author BigPoppy
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    • Profile picture of the author rogeruk
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      • Profile picture of the author avi m
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  • Profile picture of the author avi m
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    • Profile picture of the author Fingerling
      There is no video on your first link just two image posts and the second link give a 'This content is currently unavailable' page.

      This kind of worked on my site until it totally locked me out. It showed a white page with the words 'error' in the upper left corner. Couldn't even login, I had to go in though cpanel and rename this plugin so that I could login to my site.

      I wasn't even working with the plugin when this happened, I was editing my site. when I tried to load a page after about 45 minutes of editing, I got the white 'error' page.

      Thank goodness it didn't take long to figure out it was this piece of garbage plugin. I just deleted it.

      Originally Posted by avi m View Post

      I also buoght it (and also affilate of it) and it's working it has a few bugs like you have to click twice to play the video
      the campaign is showing more the one each time I edited it but it works!!!
      I changed the music and edit a bit the Social Engage clip then I entered my affiliate link in the Social Engage dashboard and it's working!!!
      you can check it Here
      direct link click Here
      P.S.wait to the end of the video to see that it works ,you can also pause the video !
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  • Profile picture of the author CRTrainer
    Okay. So, one person was able to mostly get this to work, but when I click on the link to see the post, I get a "content is currently not available" message.

    There are some big name marketers still promoting this. Clearly they haven't used it, which makes me thing twice about their recommendations.
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  • Profile picture of the author avi m
    Hi rogeruk,
    I checked it again it's working,
    can you tell what you get when you click twice on the video,
    my Social Engage post Here
    More Than 250 Call-To-Action Animations and Video Stingers and
    Ads Genius video course Awarded Produt of The Day June 27th 2016 on JVzoo

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  • Profile picture of the author avi m
    You can see my Social Engage post Here

    P.S. It was shared only to friends and I fixed it for public ,so you can see it now!
    More Than 250 Call-To-Action Animations and Video Stingers and
    Ads Genius video course Awarded Produt of The Day June 27th 2016 on JVzoo

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    • Profile picture of the author frankwyatt77777
      I got my refund this morning for both versions. Time to move on and focus and be more aware of what I purchase, I need to avoid the hype in the sales pages.
      My goal is still to do this full-time.
      Thanks all
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  • Profile picture of the author funprojects
    Good luck, Frank! Refund time coming soon for me as well.
    Been trying to install on 3 domains, 2 different host providers, get this error:
    The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini.
    Anyone else had this?
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    • Profile picture of the author kbrady
      Originally Posted by funprojects View Post

      Good luck, Frank! Refund time coming soon for me as well.
      Been trying to install on 3 domains, 2 different host providers, get this error:

      Anyone else had this?
      You need to increase the PHP Memory Limit on your server via the PHP ini file. Or you can upload the plugin directly via FTP. The issue is the size of the upload is too large for the upload feature in Wordpress due to your current PHP Memory Limit.
      *** Check out my Daily WSO Reviews and my own online journey at ***
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      • Profile picture of the author bizadpros
        This is really sad - a good concept but not ready for prime time. I contacted several affiliates who promoted this and some have responded that is works, others have actually stated they contacted Precious directly to get it fixed.

        As anyone noticed that the optin part is giving a security error when you click submit after the name and email input?

        Also, the videos are not full size in the timeline (but, was told that this is a FB issue, especially with pages.

        Anyone get statistics to work (views, subscribers).

        Thanks for providing the screenshot that Precious sent about making $100,000+ sales in 22 hours, and the off the wall comments?

        Support appears to be sending canned responses and sending out an update - but the update is not doing anything.
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  • Profile picture of the author desgreen
    Brought the Social Engage Product yesterday just set it up on my fb timeline and yes it works but the only let down for me is that I can’t share it within groups that I am a member of this is what it says when I try “You must provide a recipient for your shared item” But apart from that it works fine and I’ve got the basic version only. You can check it out in action by clicking here
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    • Profile picture of the author areaman
      In the last 24 hours I have seen several posts from marketers I trust warning their lists NOT to buy this product. Buggy, poor customer support, poor reputation is one of many reasons listed. If you bought this product from who you feel is a trusted marketer, maybe (after you get a refund) ask him what is justification was for recommending this product. Sometimes people forget that if you are on their list and have been for awhile it's because they trust you and believe in you (or you're just too damn lazy to hit the unsubscribe button). If you violate their trust then your list is going to diminish and next thing you know their reputation is going to take a hit.

      For those who bought this product, I hope it gets worked out and you can use it the way you expected it. For those who have not bought this yet, run away.
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    • Profile picture of the author rogeruk
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      • Profile picture of the author funprojects
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  • Profile picture of the author funprojects
    Thank you for sharing, areaman! It's good to know some affiliate marketers do care. I have filed for a refund via their support page. I have also sent an email to the guy who is their contact on PayPal. Not sure what the correct procedure is as this is my first refund through JVZoo (and second in all this time) but if this trend of flooding the market with substandard products continues...

    You know, guys, the people who promote this product without testing it themselves should be held accountable! If we send a clear message that we will not be buying unless they can show proof of having actually tested the product, and we'll be unsubbing from their lists, maybe, just maybe, the spamfest will decrease to a manageable level.
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    • Profile picture of the author AUKev
      Yesterday I unsubscribed to over 20 lists who promoted this junk. Some of the lists I had been on for over 5 years. The only way the big marketers will learn to know what they are promoting is to unsub from the list if they promote questionable products.

      Originally Posted by funprojects View Post

      Thank you for sharing, areaman! It's good to know some affiliate marketers do care. I have filed for a refund via their support page. I have also sent an email to the guy who is their contact on PayPal. Not sure what the correct procedure is as this is my first refund through JVZoo (and second in all this time) but if this trend of flooding the market with substandard products continues...

      You know, guys, the people who promote this product without testing it themselves should be held accountable! If we send a clear message that we will not be buying unless they can show proof of having actually tested the product, and we'll be unsubbing from their lists, maybe, just maybe, the spamfest will decrease to a manageable level.
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  • Profile picture of the author funprojects
    Chewenhua no refund for me yet; they asked for my login to the WP, and will install it; maybe they just don't believe me.

    RogerUK Yes, I can surely install via CPanel/FTP; the problem is, I have yet to see a successful post without the glitches: stalling video and so on. You can imagine how non-socialengage users on FB will react if they click and nothing happens - they will move on, right?

    AUKev Yep, I am wondering if it is worth sending them a message to explain why
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  • Profile picture of the author drnet
    Yes there is a trend that has gone on for some time and many marketers also train you to build your list then jump on all these launches such as social engage and promote it like crazy without Even ever using the product.

    To them it's all about money. There is no integrity in this and that folks is and has been the prevailing trend with in internet marketing.

    It will make you money doing this but beware your reputation is at stake.

    This market needs a house cleaning just like our government here is the US.
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    • Profile picture of the author Skylars1
      Precious is now famous for these type of products. Also, for never updating them.

      One Tweak from FB and good luck - with an update and it ever working again.That it why it is hard to find his name on the product (not a great brand)

      The Thing that scares me is why would reputable JV's promote this junk? It's a shame, because makes them look bad also.

      (I'm proud of myself for not using words like "sucks" in this post:-))
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      • Profile picture of the author albertpr9
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        • Profile picture of the author GlenH
          This whole software app. is an absolute dog...

          Nothing works.

          Avoid it like the plague
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          • Profile picture of the author Switchedonkiwi
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            • Profile picture of the author GlenH
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              • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
                Originally Posted by GlenH View Post

                Can you believe that Social Engage is No. 1 on JVZoo' s 'Top Sellers' list for the past 7 days.
                I can...

                I have been getting pounded by roughly three dozen affiliates multiple times a day on this product. That was the first red flag, the second red flag --> and the deal breaker was it's a Precious product. The man has been banned from here at least three times, and I learned my lesson with he and his products a couple of years ago.


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                • Profile picture of the author Switchedonkiwi
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                  • Profile picture of the author rogeruk
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                    • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
                      Originally Posted by rogeruk View Post

                      Has anyone else tried to view the FB fanpage's of those campaign views shown on the Socialengage sales page, presumably from MagicIM, Devion Home Store and Pagedmarketing? I couldn't find the first two, but I did find a page for a Pagemarketing which appears unused!!... Just my observation...
                      FWIW, the PagedMarketing brand is Precious. Yeah, I see the facebook page is blank, sorta like the service he sometimes provides. I did a really quick search for the others and did not find a thing. Yeah, it would nice to see those pages for *real*.


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                      • Profile picture of the author bizadpros
                        Those pages are fake and were probably "photo-shopped". The product is worthless and does not fully work. The email optin overlay puts out a security dialog box when an email address is submitted.

                        Support is a real joke. They are not answering support requests after requesting a refund.

                        I gave Precious the benefit of the doubt on this one - and have "called-out" several big time marketers that pushed this crap just to make a dollar.
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  • Profile picture of the author ErrolFrancis
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    • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
      It seems buggy, and I have seen a couple of examples that seem to *sorta* work. This guy has three samples and all of them need to be clicked, and then clicked again. I don't know exactly what the deal is, but the first one sometimes shows a blank for me. After clicking the blank the app seems to almost work.

      We don't know for sure if the app is gathering leads properly, or if the guy has it set up correctly. It appears as if it may not be properly redirecting to a another page after entering the email information on those samples that require an email address. I know, *sorta* won't cut it for many!


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    • Profile picture of the author ErrolFrancis
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      • Profile picture of the author Yvetteh
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    • Profile picture of the author desgreen
      This is an email i had today from one of the top markets who were pushing this software.

      This is a really difficult email for me to
      write...because as you will read on, I will
      disagree with some of my friends in this
      industry...who I think - in this instance -
      are wrong!

      This is - obviously - about Social Engage.

      Now there are a couple of videos going
      around on Facebook talking about how
      Social Engage is bad...and the reason
      they cite include: buggy software, unethical
      funnel, bad support and past history.

      Let's start from the last one (I will give
      you my take in each case):

      Past History - It is being claimed that the vendor
      has a bad history - so his current product must be
      bad too. Well, I am not sure what to say here,
      except - really? I am in no position to comment on
      his past, but as you'll see - we tested this thing out
      a LOT before even recommending it.

      Bad Support - Again, I will call it a knee-j_erk
      reaction on the part of my friends. When they
      contacted support for Social Engage, they received
      a response within 5 minutes - that's much better than
      99% in our industry. Now I am not saying their
      support is better than KVSocial's (ours is the best!)
      but some tickets do get missed - especially when
      there's 2,500 people queuing out of the door to
      try out a new product. If you've ever purchased
      something new and have wanted to use it immediately,
      you'd agree.

      Unethical Funnel - In this case, you can either get
      Social Engage upgrade for $69 OR Social Engage upgrade
      minus Commercial (developer) license for $49. Now my
      friends didn't watch the video to see the "minus" part.
      They should have - a simple case of misinformation.
      The developers now know and have included this as
      text on their sales page.

      Buggy Software - To this day, I curse Windows 8 (please
      don't send me Apple vouchers - not a fan of that either).
      Point being - there is NO software that is without any issues
      (doesn't make it any less irritable, I know!). When we got
      Social Engage, we tested it out for 3-full days, even driving
      traffic to these posts...and the results were good. Which is
      why I felt strongly about recommending them to you!

      Yes - it still has a few niggling issues - but when we found a
      couple, we told their developers and they fixed it within an
      hour! So I know they're on top of things.

      Even after all these "issues" - this software is HEAD and
      SHOULDERS above anything you can find in the market.
      I'd challenge anyone to find me a better (or equal) software
      for same or lower price...if you can - I will get you a
      license of Social Engage.

      Neil Napier
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      • Profile picture of the author ErrolFrancis
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        • Profile picture of the author Fingerling
          The so called updated version does the same thing the original version did. It's not an update, it's just the same piece of junk that was sent out to try to appease those that asked for an update. And it obviously worked with this marketer.

          And this Neil Napier from KVSocial (never heard of him) is someone I would never trust if he can't admit that he duped his list in order to make a buck.

          If that's a working plugin to him, it just says he's willing to settle for pure junky garbage.

          Originally Posted by ErrolFrancis View Post

          Ya ..He sent me the same one .. After I showed him my screenshoots of the FB pages that didnt work.. he sent me and update version he got from "Precious" .. I used it on this test

          Like I said . Some people can click on it and get it to play and some click on it and get nothing it's a hit and miss.. not good for paying clients your advertising for.
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  • Profile picture of the author DavidScarpitta
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  • Profile picture of the author funprojects
    So... After resubmitting my refund request I got this sweet polite email yesterday, asking for login details to my WP so they could install the plugin for me. I have a soft spot for giving people a second chance, or third, or nth, if there is a glimmer of hope, so I thought, oh, OK, maybe they are genuinely trying to do something about it. Checked the CPanel logs today, and surprise surprise no attempts have been made to even try and fix things.

    The refund stats are unrealistically low (1.7%) so, I suppose they are pushing the scarcity tactics along with refund freeze until the campaign ends. No way I will go gently along that route lol...

    Speechless about that cheeky email by Neil Napier - is the guy naive??? He hasn't a leg to stand on, defending snake oil.

    Have just sent a copy of the support transcript with a screenshot of the CPanel log to Kevin Byrne (the guy who collected the payments for this product on paypal).
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  • Profile picture of the author Joan Altz
    Yes, the refund rate is low right now because they are not giving refunds right away to everyone who asks. It's a marketing strategy to "ice" the refunders during the launch so that the rate doesn't scare off affiliates or buyers who check these things before promoting or buying.

    If the true figure shown were 10-15% refund rate (for example), a lot of affiliates would jump ship and they don't want that to happen right now obviously.

    So they use tactics for the "icing" like asking to install for you and so on - anything to delay giving you a refund or you filing a PP dispute.

    I worked as a CSR for a big launch one time several years ago that had a huge refund rate (above 58% at the end), but during the launch we were told to do the same things - put refund tickets on low priority, offer to install the plugin, tell them a team is working on it but it will take a few days and just hang on, etc...

    The only time we were to give an immediate refund is if the buyer was very angry and threatening chargeback...only the very insistent ones.

    That whole launch was a nightmare and was the last time I ever agreed to work as a CSR for an Internet Marketer. Thankfully, I started making money online by other means anyhow and dumped the whole CSR gig completely.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9878116].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author rogeruk
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9878160].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author usabids
        Well the Update is Here... and so far working ok...
        But a problem with the url Redirect. Well see if it gets fixed fast.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9878272].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Andre Slater
          If you buy this you may get support until they move to the next launch, which they are already probably doing... Precious is all about money and not Customer Service.

          I have a product sort of like this one but I bought it months ago... I still can't get it to work and put in multiple support tickets NO RESPONSE...
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9878314].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author usabids
    Wow really... what product did you buy?
    The Support got back with me 2 days later lol.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9878319].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author funprojects
    Filed a PayPal dispute, and uploaded the correspondence with support and screenshot of CPanel logins - or lack thereof. Enough is enough!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9878347].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mo Goulet
    I just picked up the new version. I deactivated the old version and deleted it. Cleared my cache and followed the directions activating the new. Created a campaign and still does not work.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9878567].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author rogeruk
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9878814].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author usabids
    There is still a problem with the url Redirect.
    Is anyone else having that problem?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9878853].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author usabids
    Hi that's the error i get when viewing your video. Fatal error: Cannot redeclare getVideoId() (previously declared in /home/u685564767/public_html/socialshare.php:160) in*/home/u685564767/public_html/wp-content/themes/directory_theme-V-3-0/settings/youtube.php*on line*65. Well they still need more updates.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9879007].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author rogeruk
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9880123].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Yvetteh
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9880230].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author usabids
        Still no support answers back from yesterday on the Error i see.
        Well i guess i will do a refund soon if this is not fixed.

        If anyone is interested in going together i will get this plugin working correctly and then we all can have something working.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9880260].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Mo Goulet
          Originally Posted by usabids View Post

          Still no support answers back from yesterday on the Error i see.
          Well i guess i will do a refund soon if this is not fixed.

          If anyone is interested in going together i will get this plugin working correctly and then we all can have something working.
          The concept is the best I've seen in years but if you're looking to get this developed, stay away from India and at the very least, do not pay anything up front. PayPal is putting a choke hold on Indian developers. There have been a ton of fraud charges in the last 6 months. If you are working or have received a proposal from anyone there, send me a PM. I will let you know if the programmer is reputable.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9880692].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GlenH
          Originally Posted by usabids View Post

          Still no support answers back from yesterday on the Error i see.
          Well I guess i will do a refund soon if this is not fixed.

          If anyone is interested in going together i will get this plugin working correctly and then we all can have something working.
          The concept is the best I've seen in years but if you're looking to get this developed, stay away from India and at the very least, do not pay anything up front. PayPal is putting a choke hold on Indian developers. There have been a ton of fraud charges in the last 6 months. If you are working or have received a proposal from anyone there, send me a PM. I will let you know if the programmer is reputable.
          In the 12 years I've been developing software, I've found the best programmers come out of Eastern European countries (Romania, Russia etc')

          And every app. I have developed is a stand alone software, not a WP plugin.

          Its seems every app that is released these days is a plugin, because they're cheap, easy and quick to build (not like a full blown stand alone app.).

          And that's the reason all sorts of problems happen.

          I don't care how much people love WordPress, there are only so many plugins a person can have on their system before it grinds to a halt.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9881007].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
            I loved the fact that the training webinar they held was a pitch for Click Funnels..


            In their defence I managed to get a refund it was a PITA to get but by sticking at it I finally got the FE and OTO refunded .. (obviously it should have been easy!)

            I got no help from the help desk in fact they tried to blow me off..

            "Our 30 day refund guarantee is very straightforward, if you have any sort of issues with Social Engage, we will assist you and do our best to resolve it for you and when we can't, we will give you a full refund."

            I pointed out It's stated on the sales page as....

            If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase within 30 days of buying Social Engage, we will refund 100% of your money, no questions asked. Just contact us and every penny will be gladly refunded to you within the first 30-Days.

            The helpdesk then went silent

            I finally emailed the Paypal account owner and he refunded the FE despite me asking for FE and OTO refunds.. finally after 2 more emails I got the OTO refunded.

            The idea of the software is excellent, the execution and marketing isn't which is a real pity as I would have loved a tool that worked with these features

            If you are serious about online marketing come and Join our free community The Foundation
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9881964].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author funprojects
    They are simply playing for time! I got the same message even though I had already filed for a refund. Do I need to wait for 180 days after submitting the first PayPal claim to escalate?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9879805].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mo Goulet
      Originally Posted by funprojects View Post

      They are simply playing for time! I got the same message even though I had already filed for a refund. Do I need to wait for 180 days after submitting the first PayPal claim to escalate?
      Don't worry about your refund. I contacted 2 friends in Omaha who have assured me this will stop. On Monday, I am going to supply them with the names of affiliates who are still promoting Precious programs. Look for some radical changes with PayPal and affiliates over the next 30 days. I am usually quite laid back but this has angered me.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9880680].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author funprojects
        Originally Posted by Mo Goulet View Post

        Don't worry about your refund. I contacted 2 friends in Omaha who have assured me this will stop. On Monday, I am going to supply them with the names of affiliates who are still promoting Precious programs. Look for some radical changes with PayPal and affiliates over the next 30 days. I am usually quite laid back but this has angered me.
        Not really worried; just majorly annoyed.

        OK, this Kevi guy has some Ireland connection so unless he is, indeed, a resident of Hong Kong (as suggested on a page google came up with with), it easy for authorities to track him down. His gmail contact is registered with 46 domains; there is a phone number, a physical address as well as a skype nick he doesn't seem to be using but nethertheless it is given as a point of contact for Octa Marketing.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9883959].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SmarTheL
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9879901].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author funprojects
      Contact Precious on JVZoo - he will offer to personally install it for you if you give him access to your CPanel and WP.

      Sending a refund request to PagedSupport is only good as support evidence for the PayPal claim, as sooner or later you will have to resort to that.

      P.S. Social Engage has just been marked as Refunded on JVZoo; how long until it is actually refunded in my PayPal? Sorry for the stupid question, guys, but this is the first JVZoo refund I have asked for! The other one was a WSO reefund, at it seemed to work differently.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9880000].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Spencer85
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9882021].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mark Hess
      I really don't get the mentality of people who would praise them for fixing a software that should have never been broken in the first place.

      If you think this will stay updated, dream on.

      Google Precious Ngwu, look up that name on the forum, you can see the track record for yourself. It's not my opinion, it's all there for you to take in. (and for all the affiliates out there claiming they didn't know he was behind it, when you request an affiliate link in JVZoo his name is right there).

      Mark Thompson (the one above) and Veit Schenk are reaping the rewards for their honesty about this product. Half is praise and the other half is Social Engage affiliates giving them crap.

      I pointed out to my subscribers yesterday I didn't mail just in case they were keeping score.

      Also, showed them a screencap of all these guys partying on Facebook and talking about the funnel "sh%$ing out money": View image: shot 20150211 464 jqebfh

      While the funnel was "sh%$ing out money" the people who purchased got sh%$ on.

      "Ohh Chad... u are touching my weak point."

      Got to give it to this guy, he knows how to play the game well, and he got everyone again.

      This should show you the importance of list building, building relationships, and reciprocation.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9882649].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author usabids
    Well i will give it more time to see if the new updates are good.
    We will see.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9882651].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Gladiator
    It's amazing that some still have hope with this guy's track record! The champagne will give you heart burn if the refunds keep coming!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9883195].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Defacto
    Someone should reverse engineer it, get it to work better, and market it under a new name...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9883302].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author funprojects
    KBrady: thanks; I figured it out at some point but it didn't help much. It is actually three providers, totally unrelated to each other and all having the same limit, funny.

    Anyways, refund still hanging, and I escalated the PayPal claim. There must be some missing communication between Precious and KByrne, as Precious marked the LVZoo transaction as refunded a couple of days ago, and when I wrote to say that I will remove the PayPal claim only when I actually get the money back in my PayPal account, he/she/it went off the radar. I wonder if the refund figure in JVZoo stats is as fake as the "refund" I supposedly received.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9883789].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Melody
    The most amazing thing is that 'Precious' keeps finding people to basically front for him and that some very well-known people still keep promoting his stuff. I bought a couple of his original products when he first appeared - never worked - did get a refund on one, but not on the other despite repeated requests.

    Bought 2 others where it was NOT evident until after the purchase that they were products from Precious and neither ever worked, and again - got a refund on one but not the other.

    Personally - I have opted out of all lists now that promote anything that he is involved with.

    Our first "Digital Yard Sale"! A massive PLR Blowout Sale to help a friend pay medical expenses.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9884166].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author funprojects
      Melody, how come you never got the refunds?

      As to fronting his offers, well, two lessons learnt. First off, next time (if I ever buy a JVZoo offer again... but never say never...) I should go and check all available info on the Dashboard; the thing is, though, I had never heard about the Precious guy before I started getting problems with his product. Second lesson: unfortunately, email list owner that I respected cos I like and use their products don't really seem to care about their reputation and are willing to risk it for some bucks. Naming is not allowed on these forums, but it would be nice to have a place to collate our sources.

      I am puzzled I haven
      't been able to find the customer support email at JVZoo; what Precious did is non-compliant with their regulations (flagged the purchase as refunded when it was obviously not).
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9884487].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Melody
        Originally Posted by funprojects View Post

        Melody, how come you never got the refunds?

        As to fronting his offers, well, two lessons learnt. First off, next time (if I ever buy a JVZoo offer again... but never say never...) I should go and check all available info on the Dashboard; the thing is, though, I had never heard about the Precious guy before I started getting problems with his product. Second lesson: unfortunately, email list owner that I respected cos I like and use their products don't really seem to care about their reputation and are willing to risk it for some bucks. Naming is not allowed on these forums, but it would be nice to have a place to collate our sources.

        I am puzzled I haven
        't been able to find the customer support email at JVZoo; what Precious did is non-compliant with their regulations (flagged the purchase as refunded when it was obviously not).
        Never got the refunds because I never had any response from Precious - and PayPal does not refund on digital products except in very rare circumstances.

        As to buying via JVZoo - it's basically just a gateway, and no more responsible for the actions of sellers than PayPal or Visa or MasterCard. 99.99% of my JVZoo purchases are fine - but Precious seems to be very good at finding others to be the 'front' for his launches these days, so JVZoo may not even have known he was involved initially.

        It's a shame really as he seems to come up with some great concepts - just seems that no one can ever get them to work.

        Our first "Digital Yard Sale"! A massive PLR Blowout Sale to help a friend pay medical expenses.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9885137].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author BeechHill
          Originally Posted by Melody View Post

          It's a shame really as he seems to come up with some great concepts - just seems that no one can ever get them to work.

          You know, I've got a lot of great ideas too. Like teleportation, world peace and free beer. Just saying, ideas are cheap, execution is infinitely more difficult. This really is a lesson in evaluation and integrity.

          I've pretty much made up my mind some time ago, not to jump on the band wagon right away. Saving a few dollars is not worth the pound of grief in time you end up paying when things turn out to be less then expected.

          As the old saying goes here in the US; pioneers are the ones with arrows in their backs.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9887157].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author bizadpros
            Looks like PagedSupport is simply not responding to Refund Requests. They keep sending very stupid and possibly canned responses. Thankfully for me, this crap was paid for with a CC as a Paypal guest through the JVZoo payment portal.

            I have filed the dispute with Paypal, and have now gotten my CC company involved.

            What is funny, is on Precious Facebook page, there is a working full-sized, video with the annotation or banner overlay at the end. Look at Feb 12, 3:42am post: Precious Facebook page

            Someone needs to put a stop to marketers like Precious that are just taking money from people and not giving any real support.

            My suggestion, continue to hound Precious and their product support for refund. ..and document everything.

            It Does look like they are purposely not processing the possible thousands of refund requests because they probably already divided up the money from the sales and spent it. and, they are hoping that people will just forget it and move on.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9887653].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author plester
              I think a better solution would be for everyone that is given a problem,excuse,or delay for a refund to file a paypal dispute and i'm pretty sure it wouldn't take paypal too long to shut them down,which would make it a Huge problem for them to continue this abusive behavior.

              I'm about to ask for a refund myself based on all the feedback here and if i get anything But a prompt refund i'll go straight to paypal and file a claim myself.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9888793].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author funprojects
    In that case, JVZoo are breaking all rules as their refund procedure is ineffective: they rely on product creators to play by the rules, they do not protect their customers at least by providing some feedback procedure and crooks can easily play the system.

    The only possibility is to contact affiliates and ask them to put pressure on Precious and Co. to go ahead and refund.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9886788].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Hugh Dixon
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9886963].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author funprojects
      I posted on JVZoos FB wall (and took a screenshot, in case it gets accidentally removed).

      You can also post a message to PreciousNG here, too:

      Submitted all docs and screenshots to JVZoo support - proof that Precious falsely claimed refund has been performed (all the paperwork, incl. support, chat, PayPal messages, screenshots). I guess that's all that can be done, realistically.

      Wow, JVZoo Customer support responded within 4 minutes!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9887038].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author spitfiregsd
    I have asked repeatedly for a refund yet have only gotten one response from them - but no refund yet. Anyone else having this issue?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9888962].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author usabids
    Well i have emailed both emails and have talked to paypal.
    I'll let you all know later.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9889647].message }}
  • Glad to see reviews before buying it. It seems that there are alternatives (I've seen a PLR soft that does the same) but I do not knoe if the function to post optin boxes is allowed by Facebok itself.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9889666].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jasculs
    So from first start this plugin/software didn't work at all. With some of the bug fixes it works better. The full cover opt-in is still not good, but the minimal opt-in is better on both desktop and mobile. I ran a little test after the plugin was updated with bug fixes.

    Here are some of my results:

    - Posted 1 video and promoted it to a target custom audience
    - Ran the promotion for a 24 hour period for a total cost of $28.07
    - During that time 52 leads filled out the form and were plugged into my Ontraport account/sequence.
    - Cost per lead $0.54
    - The post was liked 346 times
    - The post was shared 98 times (not including to 8 people tagged in comments and others tagged through shares)
    - There were 14 comments
    - The add was served 18,825 times (frequency was 1.23)(this is not an uncommon number for any promotion)
    - Total post engagement was 1,344

    Just in case anyone was interested in some quick test results of a working post. Here is the post that I created. NOTE: I will be removing this soon:
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9890053].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kbrady
      I tried looking at this on my ipad and the video doesn't play at all. Desktop works fine.

      Originally Posted by jasculs View Post

      So from first start this plugin/software didn't work at all. With some of the bug fixes it works better. The full cover opt-in is still not good, but the minimal opt-in is better on both desktop and mobile. I ran a little test after the plugin was updated with bug fixes.

      Here are some of my results:

      - Posted 1 video and promoted it to a target custom audience
      - Ran the promotion for a 24 hour period for a total cost of $28.07
      - During that time 52 leads filled out the form and were plugged into my Ontraport account/sequence.
      - Cost per lead $0.54
      - The post was liked 346 times
      - The post was shared 98 times (not including to 8 people tagged in comments and others tagged through shares)
      - There were 14 comments
      - The add was served 18,825 times (frequency was 1.23)(this is not an uncommon number for any promotion)
      - Total post engagement was 1,344

      Just in case anyone was interested in some quick test results of a working post. Here is the post that I created. NOTE: I will be removing this soon:
      *** Check out my Daily WSO Reviews and my own online journey at ***
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9892223].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author jasculs
        Originally Posted by kbrady View Post

        I tried looking at this on my ipad and the video doesn't play at all. Desktop works fine.
        I guess that's another's works good on my ipad as well.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9892231].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author HypnoHugh
    I finally managed to get a refund after asking multiple times by threatening them with this:

    Yes, unlike the USA, PayPal UK protects buyers on digital products and other intangible products.

    My main concern with this product was even if it did start to work properly, for how long would it last?

    I have so many redundant apps and software - especially for Facebook. I have no confidence that Precious would support it long term. In fact he's probably had such a hard time of it that he can't wait to see the back of it which is a shame as it looks quite slick.

    But at that price with the OTO I don't wan to take the risk. Plus it only works with Youtube videos - not facebook and other hosts.

    Any way there is a big lesson here in avoiding shiny objects and only buying software from reputable main stream companies. It may cost more but at least they will stay around and support it.

    I find it very puzzling that even reputable internet marketers seem to churn out software after software. Why not focus on developing and improving a few and building a solid long term business?

    If you need support on this product or want to try your luck at a refund this is the support url: Paged Support: Submit Ticket - LIVE Chat!

    Alternatively you can try these emails:

    PAGEDPRODUCTS @ OUTLOOK.COM - their refund address given on the PayPal dispute page

    kevibyrne @ - the PayPal email address used to take the payments

    Unfortunately if they get too many complaints and their account gets frozen, it may be even harder to get a refund - especially as PayPal USA does not support buyers as well as in the UK.

    Good luck!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9891244].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author funprojects
    Just to say that there is no refund yet; the seller has not responded, and the only thing currentl;y I am counting on is the fact that my PayPal is UK so, hopefully, protected.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9893124].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author HypnoHugh
      Originally Posted by funprojects View Post

      Just to say that there is no refund yet; the seller has not responded, and the only thing currentl;y I am counting on is the fact that my PayPal is UK so, hopefully, protected.
      Write to both the emails threatening a PayPal UK charge back and they should respond promptly.

      If not you are protected on digital purchases as a UK PayPal buyer and so can file a dispute
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9893134].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author funprojects
    Thank you, Hugh! I have done so; in fact I wrote to the support, to Kevin Byrne and to Precious; I have started a dispute, and there is one week to go; I have also complained to JVZoo that they have made a false refund statement, and sent them proof of the PayPal dispute in progress. Short of notifying Interpol, the local police office in Cork, the Pope and Jeremy Kyle, I've done everything I could think of.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9893143].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author plester
      I sent a support ticket asking for a refund and a screenshot of the salespage syaing they have a 30 day no questions asked refund policy and told them if they give me anything but a quick refund i would file a paypal claim against them.

      the next day they replied with

      "Hello Paul,

      Our refund policy doesn't work just that way.

      Our 30 day refund guarantee is very straightforward, if you have any sort of issues with Social Engage, we will assist you and do our best to resolve it for you and when we can't, we will give you a full refund. So please update us with your real concerns so we can start helping you."

      I instantly called paypal and filed a claim and had it escalated and later that evening received my refund.

      Hilariously,i got another email from them today saying the exact same thing,i replied advising exactly how their refund policy works and in case they were confused here is the screenshot to remind you,then told them i received my refund last night,don't bother me again.

      I've hardly ever had a problem getting a refund on a product i wasn't happy with when i file a paypal claim. (only once and that was 2 or 3 years ago)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9893892].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author funprojects
    If the seller doesn't respond to the PayPal dispute tomorrow, I will call PayPal, too. This is beyond weird.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9894042].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author CRTrainer
    They will process your refunds. You just have to apply the right motivation.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9895498].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author funprojects
    Unfortunately, no update from me. The escalated dispute should expire on Feb. 24th.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9898102].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author usabids
      Hello i just wanted to let you all know that i Got my Refund without opening the dispute.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9901599].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author HypnoHugh
        Originally Posted by usabids View Post

        Hello i just wanted to let you all know that i Got my Refund without opening the dispute.
        Great news.

        I think once the initial fuss has died down they won't have many refunds compared to amount they have sold so they should not have a problem refunding - just keep the pressure on.

        I bet that most people buy software and never even get around to using it anyway - I know I have been guilty of that too many times!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9903205].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Samfakroon
    Guys Listen I bought the entire funnel, the OTO are too technical. I have tried to as for refund but they have not refunded. They keep saying they are shooting videos. I dont know how to get the refund the plugins are not worth. Social Engage seems ok but how do you advertise the post for clicks and not just boost it for engagement?

    Thank You
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9903325].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author funprojects
    Just to let you know I finally got the refund, after opening a dispute and escalating it. I will be only too happy to forget all about it!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9903342].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author HawaiianSon
    I purchased the basic SE program and the SE PRO version and would like a refund. Can anyone tell me who to request the refund from? I tried submitting a request on the support page but no one responds and the live chat line never works... support at all.
    1.Blog Daily 2.Tell Others 3.Make $$$
    Earn 100% Commissions !!!

    Attention Warriors:
    FREE Viral List Builder System !!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9921828].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ZaneAbden
    I did purchase social engage and iam going to refund it for following reasons

    1.image thumbnail inside FB fanpage time line wont show with IE explorer browser it show empty blank player

    2.the plugin does not support multi language I tried to use Arabic letter inside banner it show ????? questions marks instead

    3.the player has no html code to embed on other page or sites

    I did send a support ticket with no answer it has been 3 days and no reply

    not recommended at all oh and I forgot the problem with IOS phones the player never show at those phones

    I am selling my BOTH lifetime license for following products, RANKING INSTITUE by Andrew Hansen and Social Secrets by Matt ..please PM me for price

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9925812].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cybercopy
    After filing a support ticket with a request for a refund (three different tickets sent), I got a canned response stating their refund policy doesn't work that way - so I took a snapshot of their 30 day no questions asked refund policy on the sales page and included it in a PayPal dispute. Refund received two days later!

    The product owner has a disturbing history of releasing non functional software and using the initial sales profits to invest back into the product in order for it to live up to the sales copy. Unfortunately, this is now a very common practice nowadays. And a very sneaky tactic when it's NOT disclosed on the sales page. No one wants a half developed plugin.

    There is also a track record of using the money back guarantee in order to drive the sales process, and then not living up to said in stall tactics and "not how the refund policy works" responses to tickets. When you state "no questions asked 30 day money back guarantee" - you had better live up to it. Precious knows very well how these work and the policies at PayPal - but will take the chance knowing the small percentage of those who actually purchase and try to work the software will invariably leave it without asking for a refund when the pile of code does not work!

    I will never open another offer (a fourth pile of code) from this developer - three strikes and you're out!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9927421].message }}

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