Resellers Heaven by Sean Clark

52 replies
Resellers Heaven by Sean Clark is the most recent product that has caught my attention.

If anyone has tried it, can you please let us know if it was worth the money to you and if you recommend it or not.

Just asking for a small real review, because all I'm finding online are the fake reviews from affiliates.

#clark #heaven #resellers #sean
  • Profile picture of the author theimdude
    Tried it and no good for me as most of the stuff offered comes from the another site I am a member.

    He offers a 5 day free trial so signup and find out for yourself.
    Do you want 30 back-links in my PRIVATE BLOG network for ONLY $20 ???

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  • Profile picture of the author TrafficGuy Claude
    I personally don't have that product, but I have made a lot of money with reseller rights products in the past, and I still do currently. The reseller rights business is a sound one, but if you want to make the big bucks you're going to have to do more than copy and paste the same template that everyone else is using. Let me spill the beans on how I do it.


    Get you one of those big fat Gigabyte packages of product, like the one he is selling at that site or similar. Choose a niche then get all of that niche's content into a folder on your desktop.

    The best thing to do is to take a few similar products and create new packages from them. Write or get written some good salescopy and make or get made some new graphics for the package, rebrand it, and then drive traffic like mad.

    Make an initial squeeze page and give away one of the products for free to get people on your list.

    Once they are on there, take another product and break it up into little chunks and send it to them bit by bit for free via autoresponder. This brands you as expert and builds a relationship with your list. Also periodically in the emails upsell your main package to the list.

    After they buy, give them a One Time Offer of more reseller products that have been rebranded, and make them opt-in to get the download, that way you have a list of buyers and a list of prospects.

    Continue mailing both lists with more offers and free content at a rate of 80% content/ 20% offers.

    Many products come with sales pages already written. The best way to write a great sales letter for your new bundle is to take the main selling points from each product and merge them all into one long sales letter.

    Once your buyer's list is in the multiples of hundreds, go out and seek out JVs in your niche and offer to do reciprocal mailings, solo ads, etc.

    After you've been at it a while, send your list of buyers a survey asking them what they want to know about more in the niche. Take the answers and create your own product from it.

    Go back to your JV partners, and tell them you have a new product launching and ask would they like to help you promote, and most likely they will because by this point you've all earned together and probably chat on Skype from time to time.

    Start building hype to your new product, and launch and be prepared for a big pay day. After your vacation to Tahiti, do it all over again in a different niche!

    You will sell massive amounts of product this way, period. All you have to do is drive tons of traffic to your squeeze page, and test, test, and then test some more.

    The beauty of this method is that nobody hears about your products until you've given them a ton of free stuff, and your conversions will be through the roof, even with lackluster copy. Also, the other beauty of this method is that you can go into pretty much any market with it, because most of the content is already made you can focus on marketing.

    I hope this is encouraging, and by all means go for it!

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  • Profile picture of the author Dax Brathwaite
    Yes, thanks so much Claude, but come on guys, let's stick with the original question asked or start your own thread. If you want to ask Claude a personal question, that has nothing to do with this thread, PM him.
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  • Profile picture of the author loadedbeachbum
    I use it and I love it. Started out slow but it's starting to crank out now. I like the idea of adding a squeeze page opt in with a free product - going to do that next. Also, you can add your own products to the store too. The difference is you'll have to send it to them directly vs. having Sean's system send them the preloaded products. No biggie though. It's really easy to customize pricing/offers/specials - the backend is amazing. I know that he's pushed out the official launch to sometime in December and plans on selling it for hundreds. Right now, you get the store for free if you get in - you just pay for a year of hosting up front and if you want to have the auto synch of new products each month, that's a nominal charge (and he's offering 12 months for the price of 6 on the first year of synch service). Commission payouts are high for selling the store systems. Hope that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author garwil200
    I am a Beta Tester of Resellers' Heaven by Sean Clark. I think the greatest value of this store, is the large number of digital products available. It is now up to 392 products. It is a godsend for people who want to have free products to give away as bonuses for their own product launches. For Newbies with no products, they can get Resellers Rights and PLR products to rebrand. I like TrafficGuy Claude's idea of bundling and rebranding several related products. by the way Claude, I too live in Atlanta, so maybe I could rebrand myself as TrafficGuy Jerry.
    - You may only link to your own websites. Affiliate links are not allowed. Self-promotion is only allowed in your signature, not in posts.
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  • Profile picture of the author lewisrl205
    I too am a beta tester, but I really havent had time to do much w/ it. but thanks TrafficGuy Claude I'll be all over it now. Its everything that garwil200 and loadedbeachbum and sean clark claims it to be. also great support comes with it too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sumaryan85
    I have purchase it, no good. Most the products are old.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr.Mentor
    As far as I can tell Sean CLark has disappeared off the face of the earth. I have had no updates since July 2009 despite having paid for the yearly service, no response from support tickets lodged and despite major concerns expressed to support staff prior to July 2009 there was no way at all I could get in touch with Sean Clark directly no matter how hard I tried.

    Caveat Emptor !!!!
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    • Profile picture of the author Hit-U-Full
      Thanks...some time ago I had the same problem with this GURU S.....
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      • Profile picture of the author Baselstm
        Tried it and also bought the plr site and so far had no income waisted $97 plus hosting and got zilch!
        The PLR directory that lets you subscribe for $27 on silver membership is only worth it for one month so what you do is just download all the Valuable PLR stuff and then cancel it before your next rebilling.I lost all my saved PLR i downloaded as my hard drive crashed so i am going to have to join for a month and then cancel it before my next rebilling simply because they do not add enough new stuff for you to download in a month.

        I will also be cancelling my PLR site as its not a money spinner.

        Hope you find my review useful

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        • Profile picture of the author Tigerpaw
          It's really interesting that the 'beta-testers' are being requested over a year after an earlier beta test.

          I just received an offer(?) to be a beta-tester for what appears to be exactly what was offered.

          This is an amazing opportunity that you do not want to pass up! I'm giving 20 Beta Testers A FREE & EXCLUSIVE Automated Digital Empire Store...

          Oooops. I better hurry - only 2 left
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          • Profile picture of the author sallycev
            Originally Posted by Tigerpaw View Post

            It's really interesting that the 'beta-testers' are being requested over a year after an earlier beta test.

            I just received an offer(?) to be a beta-tester for what appears to be exactly what was offered.

            This is an amazing opportunity that you do not want to pass up! I'm giving 20 Beta Testers A FREE & EXCLUSIVE Automated Digital Empire Store...

            Oooops. I better hurry - only 2 left
            Yea, it's over a year later and there are still "only 2 left!"

            You have to wonder about it too when the video on the sales page is over 4 years old!!

            Can you say major RED FLAG everyone?
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            • Profile picture of the author lsamarketer
              Originally Posted by sallycev View Post

              Yea, it's over a year later and there are still "only 2 left!"

              You have to wonder about it too when the video on the sales page is over 4 years old!!

              Can you say major RED FLAG everyone?
              It must not be selling, because I just got an email promoting it, and there are STILL only 2 left!

              Better hurry! If you wait another 4 years, there might only be 1 left.
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              • Profile picture of the author xemxie
                Sadly I bought in to this some months back... (mid 2012)

                As everyone else says:

                ..problems with the site
                .."beta" testers still required
                ..none of the "bugs" the "beta testers" report are getting fixed
                ..never going "live"???

                That is the last time I buy ANYTHING without checking in the Warrior Forum
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                • Profile picture of the author showman
                  Originally Posted by xemxie View Post

                  Sadly I bought in to this some months back... (mid 2012)

                  As everyone else says:

                  ..problems with the site
                  .."beta" testers still required
                  ..none of the "bugs" the "beta testers" report are getting fixed
                  ..never going "live"???

                  That is the last time I buy ANYTHING without checking in the Warrior Forum

                  Always remember

                  Mistakes are painful when they happen,But years later a collection of mistakes called Experience Which leads us to success...
                  someone who has never failed is someone who never tried
                  Please Send a voice message via Google
                  I would love to hear from you!
                  record your message.!
                  Please connect with me on FB Dudley Bowers
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7689990].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author genegem
            Obviously still doing the rounds. I'm inclined
            to think the only one making $$$ is the promoter.

            Date: Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 6:06 PM
            Subject: Don't Miss This Moneymaker-FREE!

            Finally...a truly automated directory of goods
            and turn-key operation!

            Utilize 6 streams of income, all on autopilot!

            ~> Direct Product Sales
            ~> Affiliate Sales
            ~> Pay Dot Com Ad Commissions
            ~> Google Adsense Revenue
            ~> Banner Ad Rotator
            ~> Built In Referral System

            Click this link to Download Now ==>

            ==> afflink

            I have personally spoken with 3 people using
            this system and they love it! It is FREE to
            sign up as a Beta Tester so go for it!

            ==> afflink

            To your success,
            TJ M

            Originally Posted by Tigerpaw View Post

            It's really interesting that the 'beta-testers' are being requested over a year after an earlier beta test.

            I just received an offer(?) to be a beta-tester for what appears to be exactly what was offered.

            This is an amazing opportunity that you do not want to pass up! I'm giving 20 Beta Testers A FREE & EXCLUSIVE Automated Digital Empire Store...

            Oooops. I better hurry - only 2 left
            Webmaster Tools and Low Cost Software to save you time and money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ludovic
    I have not joined the site and do not plan too. However, if I did , I can see it be profitable by advertising it on google adwords for quick profits
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    • Profile picture of the author StoneColdHomer
      I joined in May 09. The site was created within a week, which is all good.

      I followed all the advice given regarding traffic - bookmarking, PPC with google, yahoo, etc.

      To date, not one sale.

      I even signed up myself as a customer of my own site to see the process and I found something that just didn't sit right.

      The store has a sales function where you can create sales, such as 20% off selected products or the entire catelogue, for a period of time. The change in proce is reflected with your store. However, when you click the link for the product it takes you to a mini site which has the original price and not the new sales price.

      Now if I were a real customer and sale the disparity in the sales prices I would be out of there quick, thinking that if they can't even get the prices to agree, then what is the quality of the product like.

      I have even had a few emails from other so called beta testers who have had the exactly the same experience.

      I for one am going to let this thing die a natural death and will not be paying any more money.
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  • Profile picture of the author neodarth
    I've signed as a beta tester last month (paid $97 plus $89 for annual updates from the products).
    The website they provide I have it set up and running, they has a wide variety of products to sell. I've decliend the "coaching program" because I haven't credit at that time, so I focused on free traffic and avoid PPC and ezine ads and everything that demands for me to take my credit card out of my dusty pocket.
    Some times Organic trafic requieres time to sink in, so I'll give them 3 months to test.
    The backoffice looks pretty good, and the support has a really quick response.
    They constantly calls me by phone to check on me, on how I doing with the system and (of course) to re offers me the coaching program (you have to spend money to earn money they say).
    Perhaps if I see that the page works well I'll consider to have a coach.

    But, so far so good.
    ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

    ==> Internet Marketing Newbie Created for IM virgins
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    • Profile picture of the author empoweredlady
      I have just bought this package, I hope to use all the information you guys have given here. The video's and resources available are quite good. I will update you if it works well for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author magic46
    Hi Guys
    I bought the product a year ago and as a newbie then found that I got all the help that I needed to get started.Their response is very reasonalbe..It took a while to start getting traffic other than ppc but I am starting to earn some money.I find the products are very good quality and the service I am providing to my fellow internet marketer is very good as you do not have to buy a package of ebooks just what you want when you want.You can also set up sales and free items when ever you what.The back office is great.In a nut shell,not a bad opportunity.
    If you want to check out an example go to ==> digitalsupplyhouse
    It has free items,2 dollar items and 75 % off items
    I hope this helps.Good Luck
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  • Profile picture of the author tony8370
    I had a store for 4 months. Dispite heavy solicitation, I had no sales at all.
    II talked to 5 owners with the same result - minimal (2) or no sales. One reason is probably that there are a LOT of stores like ours. (I estimate at least 1,000.) I concluded this after a whois on my domain name. Sean Clark owned 1351 other sites on our host. In addition, I yahooed the phrase "powered by Resellers Heaven" and got over 132,000 hits. Of course, there are several records for each store, but that's a lot of hits.

    The other promotion I have done is to purchase 2 44,000 name double opt-in lists from ADBlastTheWorld (another Sean company). Despite the double opt-in, I was blacklisted for Spam and only 225 messages were delivered, and 38 were opened. About 50 people unsubscribed. The list was obviously not double opt-in.

    Most of the owners were highly dissatisfied with support. "The support sucks" was a typical comment. The consensus among the owners was Sean was using this business as a cash cow, and wasn't the least bit interested in how we were doing.

    I would not recommend any of Sean Clark's products
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  • Profile picture of the author Gregster
    Hi Sir Click,
    This thread has been open for some time. It looks like a few posts have been very helpful, especially the last one.
    In answer to your question, I have bought it, about 2 months ago, but was surprised when I discovered I had to pay another $89 to buy the " product list", if I wanted it updated monthly, or a "one-time list" for $27. I did enquire about this and was 'shown' that this had been stated, although I never recalled having seen it; otherwise why would I have asked them about it? So I am not sure that it was there in the first place and I just did not see it, or whether it was 'obscured'; not clearly stated as it were. Fro reading the posts here, I am inclined to the latter: although I am biassed.
    I did put in a request for refund, but I was over the 30 days, so I will attempt to get something out of it, even if it is just a learning experience; BUT if it looks like taking up too much time without generating results, then I will leave it and move on.
    Had I seen these reviews before, I would not have bought, as I probably also would not have, had I understood about having to buy "product lists".
    So, long after your OP, I hope this has helped.
    P.S I tried to post a comment on your blog re MSS, but I am an unregistered blogger - not licensed to post - and I wanted to ask you something about that.

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    • Profile picture of the author Dax Brathwaite
      Thanks for all the reviews guys. I love honest reviews that cuts through all the hype and exposes these products for what they really are.

      Gregster, there is a way to contact me in the ClickSpit website. I'll be glad to answer any questions you have.

      Thanks again.
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    • Profile picture of the author kazresale
      Originally Posted by Gregster View Post

      Hi Sir Click,
      This thread has been open for some time. It looks like a few posts have been very helpful, especially the last one.
      In answer to your question, I have bought it, about 2 months ago, but was surprised when I discovered I had to pay another $89 to buy the " product list", if I wanted it updated monthly, or a "one-time list" for $27. I did enquire about this and was 'shown' that this had been stated, although I never recalled having seen it; otherwise why would I have asked them about it? So I am not sure that it was there in the first place and I just did not see it, or whether it was 'obscured'; not clearly stated as it were. Fro reading the posts here, I am inclined to the latter: although I am biassed.
      I did put in a request for refund, but I was over the 30 days, so I will attempt to get something out of it, even if it is just a learning experience; BUT if it looks like taking up too much time without generating results, then I will leave it and move on.
      Had I seen these reviews before, I would not have bought, as I probably also would not have, had I understood about having to buy "product lists".
      So, long after your OP, I hope this has helped.
      P.S I tried to post a comment on your blog re MSS, but I am an unregistered blogger - not licensed to post - and I wanted to ask you something about that.

      Hi Gregster,

      If you look directly below the very first order button it reads the following:

      "There will be an optional $14.99 Monthly Sync Service fee (recommended), which will automatically add new products to your ADE Store, as we add them to our directory. If you are not interested in the monthly sync option, you will be required to pay the one time activation fee of only $27.97. This option will only add past and present digital products from our directory to your ADE store."

      The annual sync of $89.94 allows you the benefit of the monthly sync, though at half the cost spread over year.

      Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author imbaby
    Hi All, I am a super newbie to IM so I signed up as a beta tester recently to this resellers heaven thing for quick setup as I do not know alot of things, paid 97 plus 89 for sync 1 year offer and was offered rush website up within 48 hours with a fee of 47 additional else it will take up to 2 weeks, I declined the later, I was surprise my site was ready within the next 48 hours, I read the quick start guide, the ade manual, watch 2 video tutorials, want to continue watching the rest of the tutorials today but was unable to access ANY of the resellers-heaven websites, so I search goggle Sean Clark I could not open any of his related websites either even their support, then I found this forum, click some of your links related to resellers-heaven still down, HELP!!! What should I do? I cannot even access my site with them, are there beta testers around who experience the same?
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  • Profile picture of the author imbaby
    Their sites are still down, what am I to do? This is the first time I'm into Internet Marketing and have I got scammed, is it too early to conclude? Will their servers get up again? I cannot even access their support.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dax Brathwaite
      Are they still down? If so, we can try to assist you.
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      • Profile picture of the author imbaby
        It was up last nite very down again...I'm from Singapore my time zone is its about 5.30pm ....why do they shut down everyday during my working hours.
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        • Profile picture of the author kazresale
          Originally Posted by imbaby View Post

          It was up last nite very down again...I'm from Singapore my time zone is its about 5.30pm ....why do they shut down everyday during my working hours.
          Hi imbaby,

          We were alerted to your issue today.

          We were told that you have been unable to access our site and your ADE Store. I can assure you that our servers are not down and they have not been down for quite some time now.

          There could be an issue with your IP address connecting to our server. Could you please send me a private message and enclose your IP address and domain name, so that we can forward the details onto our web hosting company. We hope to resolve the issue for you as quickly as possible.

          Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author autoparts003
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    • Profile picture of the author kazresale
      Originally Posted by autoparts003 View Post

      Hi Guest,
      What is the best part of this online empire store that you will own, is that you need not be a computer wizard to run it. Everything is automated and works with precision. The items available in the store are mostly hot products which are in demand so you are bound to have good sales.
      Excellently put autoparts003. Top dollar is paid to for these quality products, that are added to the directory; which members can then import into their store with the click of 2 buttons. If you go to the website, and click the directory link, you will be able to view freely, all of the products offered.
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  • Profile picture of the author kazresale
    We would like it to be known, (tony8370) that we offer exceptional quality support. Then again, I am biased . We do not offer email support, though we offer Ticket Support. You can contact us at anytime by selecting the "contact" link on our website, at the footer of every page. We usually respond within 24 hours, Mon-Fri. Depending on demand, it can take up to 48 hours.

    If you provide us with your full name/email address we will be able to search our ticket support database/records, to determine your issue with the support. I would recommend you add our email address to your safelist to ensure you receive our alerts, notifying you that your ticket has been answered.

    Last time I checked, this thread was about Resellers-Heaven...and not AdBlastTheWorld. Unfortunately I cannot provide much expertize in this area, though I can assure you that we have many satisfied clients that are using AdBlastTheWorld "the right way" to achieve their desired results. Co - Registration leads can be a tricky thing and I believe there is a thread for this site on WarriorForum already.

    I can assure you we are very much interested in how all of our members are performing; hence why we have dispatched several surveys to obtain feedback over the year, in addition to the feedback we receive daily via our ticket support system. We are aiming to relaunch an updated version of this store, so I can assure you feedback is a key element (we already have close to 100 new feature ideas, with plans for a 7th income stream to be added).

    In addition, we reguraly update our members, informing them of newly added resale products and with our updates and status reports. If you are a member, you are automatically subscribed to this newsletter. If you wish for me to double check your newsletter subscription status, please do IM me your email address.

    Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that everyone will be successful with our system. However, if follow the training provided (quick start guide, 5+ hours video tutorials, real-time knowledge base, training guide, advertising guide) we can assure you've a fighting chance

    The most common mistake our members make, is not reducing the price of the resale books. There are 1,000's in not hundreds of 1'000 of people reselling digital products online. It is a competitive market, so you need to offer competitive prices (usually between $2-$5). Another mistake our members tend to make, it driving any traffic to their store (free traffic, safe lists etc). Your store requires "targeted" traffic, and as we knw quality targeted traffic equals higger conversions. I personally recommend PPC, article writing, blogs, social media, and other forms of paid advertising.

    Sean is a stand-up guy and if you're a member it is obvious that a lot of work and effort has went into this system. I hope this information helps everyone and I can assure you, no cash cows have been hurt in the making moooooooo.

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  • Profile picture of the author Archimedes
    I purchased the Resellers-Heaven package with the sync feature almost a year ago. To date, not a single sale even though the discount on all products is a steep 85% - 95%. My site ranks on page 1 or 2 of Google under several keywords and I have had 41,000+ visitors in recent months. No sales. I wonder why? I also found that those who signed on to my newsletter received SPAM within 24 - 48 hours hours of signing up at the site. But even worse is that Resellers-Heaven has not relinquished control of the domain to me, as they were supposed to. I have even requested the registeration and account info, so that I can acquire control over the domain and redirects, but no response on that yet, except that they will automatically renew the domain when the Resellers-Heaven package is renewed (sounds like a ploy to keep the domain under their control to keep customers from changing registerars). Fortunately, the domain is registered in my name as I discovered through a contact update request from ICANN, but Resellers-Heaven has control over it, so I cannot transfer the domain to another registerar or modify it in anyway, including updating my contact info. Oh, and Resellers-Heaven is an affiliate of where my domain is registered, by the way.

    I find some of these issues questionable, if not shady. Frankly, I do not plan on renewing this program.

    I spoke with their telemarketers regarding the "coaching" program they tried to sell. I have learned from the telemarketer I spoke with at length that they sell several hundred "Beta-Tester" packages every week, even though it is advertised as 20 Beta-Testers Only. Feels to me like one BIG scam.

    The goodside: their support desk seems to respond within 48 hours each time, which is a plus.
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  • Profile picture of the author builder70
    I wish I had seen this thread before getting RH. Could have saved a bunch of money. 500+ keyword combinations at Adwords generated lots of traffic, but no sales.
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    • Profile picture of the author Adam X
      Resellers Heaven has got to be one of the worst programs out there. You have no control over your site including the domain which is registered in Sean Clark's name. It would cost you alot of money to promote such a domain which is similar to hundreds of others and in the end, Sean Clark gets all the benefits of your time and investment. The items are outdated, and over priced to begin with.

      Bottom Line: Stay away
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  • Profile picture of the author chinchinlar
    Hey guys, I bought Reseller-Heaven store on May this year. I had already setup everything and hoping for traffic to come in. And do you know what happen ??!! I cann't access my store back-office just now. It states....

    [select * from project_version WHERE project_version_key = 'Zen-Cart Database' ]
    If you were entering information, press the BACK button in your browser and re-check the information you had entered to be sure you left no blank fields.

    And when I tried to access my store site. It shows...

    There seems to be a problem connecting to our database. Please give us a few minutes to remedy the problem. Thank you.

    To verify the site status ... Click here

    This is the first time I encounter this situation. Does it happen to you guys ???
    This is unfortunate. Having paid up so much money, not even a single cents back. Yet now, there is something wrong with the store.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nile Vincent
    Hey gals and guys,

    I have checked out this Resellers-Heaven from top to bottom...
    And have spent hrs investigating...inch-by-inch...

    Now understand that I have been educating myself, getting an understanding
    and implementing many, many phases of IM for over eight years...

    Thru trial and error, many ups and downs...countless hrs of burning the midnight oil...

    And still am told to check out this "great" moneymaker...from a marketer whose list I'm on...(won't be in a minute)...

    So perusals over!...and so decide to punch in here and see any threads...

    And not really surprised with all the posts...both pro and con!

    Gals and guys, all I can say is I've invested over $10 grand...over the years...

    And I'll venture to say $9 of it was wasted on these type of ventures...

    The frustrating attempts I have tried over the years to make $$$ is probably
    all too familiar with some of you...

    These types of sites only focus on one thing...appealing to 'quick money' mania
    and our own gullibility.

    These are shrewdly marketed and sold by mass volume...and your individuality is
    smothered by the restrictions placed on you...

    If you want a site like one of have to set it up yourself from scratch and build it step-by-step...a labor of love, if you will.

    You can hand-pick all your own products, rebrand and restructure and develop your real-estate to your hearts content...


    Bottom line, and I do mean it literally (your bottom line)...

    Stay away from these type of sites...roll up your sleeves and start building an
    IM empire you've always dreamed of...the right way.

    Hope this helps someone out there...maybe save you a few dollars and a hell of a lot of frustration...

    PS...anyone wants a little help in the right direction...just pm me.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5376689].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author showman
      Originally Posted by Nile Vincent View Post

      Hey gals and guys,

      I have checked out this Resellers-Heaven from top to bottom...
      And have spent hrs investigating...inch-by-inch...

      Now understand that I have been educating myself, getting an understanding
      and implementing many, many phases of IM for over eight years...

      Thru trial and error, many ups and downs...countless hrs of burning the midnight oil...

      And still am told to check out this "great" moneymaker...from a marketer whose list I'm on...(won't be in a minute)...

      So perusals over!...and so decide to punch in here and see any threads...

      And not really surprised with all the posts...both pro and con!

      Gals and guys, all I can say is I've invested over $10 grand...over the years...

      And I'll venture to say $9 of it was wasted on these type of ventures...

      The frustrating attempts I have tried over the years to make $$$ is probably
      all too familiar with some of you...

      These types of sites only focus on one thing...appealing to 'quick money' mania
      and our own gullibility.

      These are shrewdly marketed and sold by mass volume...and your individuality is
      smothered by the restrictions placed on you...

      If you want a site like one of have to set it up yourself from scratch and build it step-by-step...a labor of love, if you will.

      You can hand-pick all your own products, rebrand and restructure and develop your real-estate to your hearts content...


      Bottom line, and I do mean it literally (your bottom line)...

      Stay away from these type of sites...roll up your sleeves and start building an
      IM empire you've always dreamed of...the right way.

      Hope this helps someone out there...maybe save you a few dollars and a hell of a lot of frustration...

      PS...anyone wants a little help in the right direction...just pm me.
      ================================================== ===
      Well Said Nile
      I Dont Know About Resellers-Heaven This Sounds More Like Resellers HELL lol
      someone who has never failed is someone who never tried
      Please Send a voice message via Google
      I would love to hear from you!
      record your message.!
      Please connect with me on FB Dudley Bowers
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  • Profile picture of the author coluden
    I have to add my 2 cents to this thread, even though it is quite late.

    I cannot claim that Sean Clark scammed me in any way after I purchased
    his beta tester reseller website. However, I do find that there are things about
    his program that did not sit well with me, and therefore I would not recommend
    his program to anyone.

    1. The domain name was never given to me, which I find to be less-than honest.
    2. After spending about 4 months tweaking the site for SEO purposes, and promoting
    the site, I got a few people signing up as members but no sale; not even one!
    3. The updates came in, but each time I updated the products, it duplicated every product on my home page. That was very annoying.

    4. I believe that my money was wasted on this product. $170.

    Of course, once I cancelled all the subscriptions via Paypal, I got a few calls from
    a support person offering to help me get things going. I hate to think I am being played, and as this was about 4 months after I purchased, I was not in the mood to return these calls or even 'chat' with anyone. By this time, Sean had already lost my respect and support as a customer.

    I think that part of the problem we have with this program is the fact that every customer who wants to purchase a product has to join the site first! Looking at this
    as a potential customer, I would have a problem with that too. Why the heck should
    I become a member of your site in order to get the "privilege" of buying from you?

    I see a flaw with that approach, and frankly I can understand a potential customer's reluctance to buy under those conditions.

    I consider the whole experience a waste of my time and money, and honestly, I cannot recommend this product, Resellers-heaven.

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    • Profile picture of the author notimetoulouse
      As a heads up to fellow warriors, I've just been hit on by Patric Chan trying to sell me this - and it must be my lucky day, because..... nearly two years after the first post here on the WF - there are only two left again!
      A quick search of the first four pages of gurgle has the usual alerts - much the same as mentioned thoughout the thread.

      The good thing is, getting this sort of 'offer' from an affiliate marketer sure helps me decide which lists to unsubscribe from.
      Sorry Patric, one email too many my friend, I'm out.
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  • Profile picture of the author Wolfster
    One of the people I work with invested us in this about a year ago.

    As far as he could tell, his customers had no email addresses. Or at least he did not seem to have access to them. Further, the site is hosted on their server -- always a danger sign in my opinion.

    Take the time and effort and build your own business, not someone else's, and be sure you own it, i.e., at least the domains, at least the hosting account, the servers themselves if possible, etc., etc.

    All I can say about this "opportunity" is: Don't go there.

    Check it out. Take the leap.

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  • Profile picture of the author Chronic IM
    Originally Posted by diggdug View Post

    Resellers Heaven by Sean Clark is the most recent product that has caught my attention.

    If anyone has tried it, can you please let us know if it was worth the money to you and if you recommend it or not.

    Just asking for a small real review, because all I'm finding online are the fake reviews from affiliates.

    Resellers Heaven... this is the product that Sean Clark was using.... He said that he generated 6-figure income per year by manually reselling digital products online... I don't know anything in this product though...I've just saw it here....
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  • Profile picture of the author Shantijoy
    Hey Warriors,

    Thanks for all the information. I was skeptical when I saw the sales page today (clicked to it from a Facebook Ad), but I somehow wanted it to be a good deal . .

    Since my skepticism has increased, I shall pass on it.

    Thanks again!
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  • Profile picture of the author Katih
    Hello, I have just joined and this is my first post!

    This product was offered through an (apparently?) well known internet marketer - Beta Testers Needed! Limited Places Available! Hurry Now... - and thought I will check the reviews. Decided definitely not to buy after reading this thread. Thanks!
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    • Profile picture of the author EvaT
      Hi guys thanks for this forum here finally i can read other people's opinions before i spend my money and my time .
      Just got the email today to buy RH but will not do it .
      Must say your honest opinions are very helpful
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  • Profile picture of the author Glenda from OZ
    Version 2.o is out. Don't do it. They are asking for Beta Testes Makes it sound as if everything you need is included, after you pay your $47 per year, they hit you up for sync service 6 mo for price of 12. After that - they hit you up for high ticket coaching program so you can succeed in the product you just purchased. I am seeking refund.
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    • Profile picture of the author webmind
      Is the "Beta Tester" scam growing old yet? Still offering special "Beta Tester" deals 4 years after release of the product. And no positive reviews of the product in 4 years?

      I think the evidence here shows a marketing scam?
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  • Profile picture of the author makprofits
    I am embarrassed to say that I purchased this package on 9/30/12. Because of my Mother's passing, I had not been able to follow through with setting up the store. I decided to look at it tonite; When I logged in to the site; I was offered a social plugin; however, that came with the coaching series; which is a video series (where Sean is going to hold you by your hand???) for another $67 a month for 6 months or one time fee of $297.

    I should have ran when the sales copy stated that "I am an internet millionaire";
    I find bragging disgusting; "I will be selling this plugin for $247 very soon" . I have several different social viral plugins and I did not pay anywhere near that amount.

    My disclaimer is that I have not invested anymore into the site; I have not purchased a domain name ; I do not have an ADE store (I saw the sample tonite and realized it was a sad looking site for sure).

    There are about 30 likes on facebook for a product that has been out for 4 years?

    I lost several hundred dollars on this venture; I urge others to look for something else; read the above posts and take heed.

    I lost enough to this marketer and I am not going to lose more.

    Oh ; and it is still in beta testing ! That is a gimmick to make us feel special; like we are one of the first; and I fell for it 8 months ago, I have learned from my mistakes; but it cost me several hundred dollars.! The buck stops here; there is no more money going into this product !

    Moving on
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    • Profile picture of the author ITByTheSea
      Just got this message from Eric Louviere:

      He's considered to be an underground
      genius... I don't know why exactly but
      it's probably because he makes over
      $100,000 p/mo...

      Simply by...

      Reselling digital products that OTHER
      people made. He barely even has to
      lift a finger!

      And NOW...

      He's giving you the opportunity to own
      and beta test his exact same unique
      automated platform, for FREE, which
      generates 6 streams of income for him
      on complete auto-pilot!
      Affiliate link
      I've just got you pre-approved to be
      his Beta Tester...

      So grab this system today and you too
      could earn a six figure income just like
      him (hurry before it's too late!!)

      And if anything, watch the free video
      that shows you how he does it:
      Affiliate link"

      Went to see the sales page (I love sales pages ) and guess what, there were 4 spot left. I guess that accounts for the two of you who said in this thread you dropped

      So... I immediately clicked on... unsubscribe from Eric Louviere LOL

      BTW, if you still want to buy (can't see why you would but hey, stranger things have happened), start by closing the page then click on Stay on this page in the popup, you'll get $10 off. LOL those half a## marketers are so predictable it's not even funny LOL
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  • Profile picture of the author writetale
    wow. in looking up another "billionaire" internet marketer who was mentioned in this thread, i've now gotten an eyeful. not too pretty....

    bottom line: not only will i stay away from the subject of this thread (who should probably change his name), but also ANYONE WHO PROMOTES HIM.

    caveat to internet marketers: check out products before you promote them--including the marketers reputation. with email marketing becoming tougher and tougher, you might eliminate "second generation" unsubscribes, ie. not only the original marketer but the one who referred you to them.....
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  • Profile picture of the author stabilus
    Different take - different problem:

    I jumped on this a year ago (Aug 12) more for the deal of getting access to these plr products than for the prospect of selling through the site. Indeed, no sale, no sign-up (but I also didn't promote it), but that was not the point. I did think that some of the products were worth while, they were certainly well prepared (including sales letter etc.) and entering the beta test meant free access to all those products.

    The bullet bites at a different place however: After a year's worth of service the domain has expired! No answer from support, no ticket answered and Sean nowhere to be found. I tried to pay the registrar directly, but they won't accept my money!

    So after having spent most of last month preparing a rather well thought out campaign involving these plrs and the site, I am looking at a dead domain.

    Clearly not having had control over the domain to begin with was not smart but the risk seemed to be acceptable since the setting up of the site and the entire process went pretty smooth.

    I am now trying to force the registrar to write the domain over to me, but have no idea whether that will lead anywhere.

    The lesson from all of this: Don't expect a IM product to be maintained forever. A year is already a long time and marketers move on to other projects. Keep control over your essential assets, and if that is not possible, consider walking from the deal.
    If getting unlimited targeted leads (like: you don't know what to do with them all) sounds good, find out more about the leads angle of RepWarn.PW:

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  • Profile picture of the author sunny45
    My results of support with resellers-Heaven and Sean Clark -

    This has been charged to my paypal account for Two Years - first time was a result of my inquiry and wants - Second charge was because being a YEARLY charge, it escaped my notice until too late.

    I tried about 6 times to ask for my login info and to get my store set up within the past year. Their reply registration pg went to a 404 pg. After trying to find any email within my gmail account under sean clark, resellers-heaven, or any mention of ade store, nothing was found within that two years time frame. The support tickets I received during this time only re-iterrated the old non-helpful canned support statements.

    Coming up on my renewal this year, May 10, 2014, I again asked for info to login and see what this was all about and told them I had received NOTHING for two years and 4 charges of about $89 each. That's a LOT of money for nothing. Anyway, I asked for this year free as it would cost them nothing and
    had been paid for two years. I wanted to work this out and still use the store.

    Their reply was "Go ahead and Quit - no can comp anything , so sorry, bye..." About what I expected - So just know, Sean Clark and Resellers-Heaven and anything else that comes from this group will be forever avoided by myself and anyone else that wants value for their money.

    P.S. A site asking for Beta Testers for over two and half years - maybe this tells something as well - I signed up May, 2011!!
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