100K Factory Students - How Did It Go?

1 replies
Hey, just wondering what experiences people had with the 100K Factory course, which ran earlier this year. From Steve Clayton and Aidan Booth. The course taught how to set up niche blogs with Facebook pages that promoted them, drive traffic with Facebook ads, and monetize with Adsense and other methods.

I took the course, have had somewhat mediocre results (not blaming the system or content), and am continuing to work the system. Just looking for feedback from other 100K Factory students as to your success making money with the system. All comments, positive and negative, are welcome. Just trying to get a grip on the success rate overall for this course and the method it teaches.
#100k #100k factory #aidan booth #factory #steve clayton #students
  • Profile picture of the author keilo
    Hi Eldon,
    Very similar results to your own. Couple of profitable posts but nothing like the success rate claimed by Steve and Aidon.


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