$7 Tsunami: Shocking Review

by 6 replies
From time to time, I'll purchase a cheap come-on product to see if there's anything to be learned from it. There usually is something, and I store these little gems in my Library for future reference, and/or I'll give them a test drive to see if the original product and its upsells will be good for IM customers.

Today I bought The $7 Tsunami and was SHOCKED. No, I mean really, my jaw dropped all the way to the keyboard.

There is nothing wrong with the course: it's about charging a small price ($7) for your monthly newsletter.

Mark Barrett walks you through the set up and does a damn fine job, other than the fact that his Ozzie accent is hard to follow. Sometimes he speaks too quickly, and sometimes he mumbles.

Michael Harris, whose videos are presented in a well-spoken soothing voice, and who is one of the IM'ers I follow, explains how to find content for the newsletters.


In the 3 short setup videos, Mike Barrett casually goes to Google Images to find his graphics, without regard for copyrighted material.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - using copyrighted images can be ruinous, carrying fines in the $1,000's of dollars. Been there, done that. DO NOT MUCK AROUND WITH RANDOMLY GRABBING IMAGES OFF THE 'NET.

1. Use TinEye Reverse Image Search to verify the source of a desired image. It's FREE

2. Find image sources like Pixabay (FREE) which allows their images to be used for commercial purposes.

3. If you can afford it, and good images are worth the price, join iStockPhoto or one of the other excellent images sources, like Getty, one of the the world's oldest and the world's largest repository of stock photos.

- Annie McGuire
#internet marketing product reviews & ratings #review #shocking #tsunami
  • I'd like to add a favorite stock photo site of mine, Depositphotos.com

    They're quite affordable and they have a decent selection.

    Good heads up for the newbies, Annie!

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Thanks for the referral, Daniel! I just bookmarked it into my Tools folder.

      - Annie
  • I like Adobe stock photos as they have a large selection and reasonable pricing plans.
  • I think it would be really difficult to get someone to pay $7 a month for a newsletter. Am I wrong?
    • [1] reply
    • Tony Sheppard charges 10.00 a month for his newsletter, so why not 7.00?
    • [DELETED]
  • If you're a well known guru, people might pay. If you don't have a reputation, I think it would be difficult but that's just an opinion.

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    From time to time, I'll purchase a cheap come-on product to see if there's anything to be learned from it. There usually is something, and I store these little gems in my Library for future reference, and/or I'll give them a test drive to see if the original product and its upsells will be good for IM customers. Today I bought The $7 Tsunami and was SHOCKED. No, I mean really, my jaw dropped all the way to the keyboard.