Outsource Method - Any Feedback/Experiences So Far?

Profile picture of Dexx
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
1 replies
Hey All,

Has anyone purchased the Outsource Method? ( Outsource Method - Get The Same Job Done Better, Cheaper & Faster )

How did you find the quality of the product vs cost? Anything new or is it pretty standard that you can probably get in a WSO with more fluff?

Anyone able to talk about being able to become more efficient/effective thanks to the training?
#feedback or experiences #method #outsource
  • Profile picture of the author Ryce
    Profile picture of Ryce
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Got a New email from those guys today....
    Circle the 7th of October 2009 at 5pm EST
    in your diary, you won't want to miss this.

    We've giving you just 8 days to get Outsource
    Method for a $1 trial for 10 days at the
    current price.

    On the 15th of October 2009 at exactly 5pm
    EST, the price will increase from $295.00 to

    The feedback on the course has been
    absolutely amazing, I love seeing people just
    like you make massive leaps and strides in their
    business by the implementation of hiring key
    people through outsourcing.

    Even though there were quite a lot of people
    who run large businesses go through the
    course, a lot of the satisfaction came from guys
    (and girls) like Mark from Phoenix Arizona:

    " I'll say it again. This training is fantastic...very
    well done. I posted my first project up on
    RentACoder for a Joomla project, and it was a
    killer feeling when it was done 2 days later for
    $20, and I only spent 30 minutes posting my job
    rather than hours of my time and hundreds of
    dollars it would have cost me doing it the hard
    way. It's not often that I write such a glowing
    recommendation, but this is DEFINITELY worth
    it. The information in this course will open your
    eyes and jumpstart your business"

    Those that were on the fence and didn't know
    whether they should "take the plunge" but went
    ahead anyway and are now moving ahead in
    leaps and bounds...

    And here's the thing, I haven't yet met a successful
    internet marketer who doesn't outsource in some
    way... doesn't that tell you something?

    If all other successful internet marketers outsource,
    what then should you do if you want to be a
    successful internet marketer?

    Outsourcing is definitely a key strategy.

    We're currently running a "$1,000,000 Napkin"
    competition... surely you've heard of these?

    They are the napkins that entrepreneurs draw on
    in restaruants in a fit of excitement that then become
    the basis for a million dollar business.

    I'd like to help you build one.

    Go to http://www.outsourcemethod.com and
    watch the video, don't worry about signing up
    just go directly to:


    To read about what you need to do.

    It's really simple and will take you less than a few
    minutes to do, but just tell me:

    "Why do you want a million dollar napkin?"

    See you soon!

    Daniel Turner & Marc Lindsay

    p.s. no it isn't really a "napkin" but you'll understand
    what I mean when you read the blog post


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