Anyone here using Elementio?

6 replies
Ok, so I've heard some buzz about this Elementio product that recently came out.

I'm all about good tools that help you automate your business.

Just wondering if there are any fellow Warriors here that picked it up
and think it's worth it?

How are you using it for your business?

I'd love any input on this.

Thanks guys!

  • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
    Originally Posted by chooseyourself View Post

    Ok, so I've heard some buzz about this Elementio product that recently came out.

    I'm all about good tools that help you automate your business.

    Just wondering if there are any fellow Warriors here that picked it up
    and think it's worth it?

    How are you using it for your business?

    I'd love any input on this.

    Thanks guys!

    A quick observation.

    It is relatively easy to attract traffic whether paid or otherwise but is that traffic going to convert?

    It isn't as much about the attraction as putting the right offer in front of the right audience.

    If you don't get the above right no tool will help.

    Best regards,

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10885328].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author chooseyourself
      Originally Posted by Oziboomer View Post

      A quick observation.

      It is relatively easy to attract traffic whether paid or otherwise but is that traffic going to convert?

      It isn't as much about the attraction as putting the right offer in front of the right audience.

      If you don't get the above right no tool will help.

      Best regards,

      Hey thanks for the insight Oziboomer.

      I agree with you.

      I'm just curious if anyone has bought this and has found a useful
      (converting) way to use it is all.

      I think that would help anyone that picked up this tool and maybe
      I'll pick it up if I see some good tips you know?

      Thanks man.

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    • Profile picture of the author TrafficFlow
      I bought it and it does have some creative ways of posting an ad on virtually any website including an animated character. It does take some more time to create each ad than the Sinfiltrator software I already have and I have not yet seen any evidence that the ads covert better than that software but I have not yet fully tested it.
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      • Profile picture of the author chooseyourself
        Hey thanks for the input TrafficFlow.

        I've been wondering about this type of marketing.

        Seen similar software with Brett Rutecky's Jack Jacker.

        I get hung up on the weather it seems "schemey" or not.

        Basically, whether it seems too much like just "click bait" you know?

        I mean I have a bit of a following and some subscribers and whatnot,
        but I'm looking to see if this type o' marketing (using other people's
        content to sell my own offers) is really effective and I'm wondering
        about the whole "ethical aspect as well you know?


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  • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
    I bought it, but I haven't had a chance to play with it. Please update this thread with your findings, before I waste a lot of time. :-)


    P.S. I see that I also paid another $97 for the 'Elite' version. Oh, well. Must put this on my list to check out. lol
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  • Profile picture of the author TrafficFlow
    Does anyone know if it comes with a chrome extension?
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