advise about gearbubble

by neoo28
1 replies
Hi, I am looking for a good print on demand company.
I was thinking to use gearbubble or printful.
Gearbubble has better profit margins but I looked the reviews and they are very bad . For example sitejabber gives 1.5 I was ready to start with them but now I have doubts.

If you are using gearbubble can you please give me a review about quality and time of shipment.

Thank you.
#advise #gearbubble
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  • Profile picture of the author DripRevenue
    I have used GearBubble in the past. Regarding their shipping time, they will only ship out your products when you have sold a certain amount. They mass produce the products. So whoever is first in purchasing, they are more than likely going to have to wait a while for their product to arrive.
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